
1 Introduction

With progress in Open Educational Resources (OER) advancing from an emerging field towards an increasingly important learning modality, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have seen dramatically increases in popularity over the last few years within the higher education sector [1]. The highest ranking universities have developed and delivered hundreds of courses, including HarvardX, Khan Academy, and Coursera [1]. MOOCs provide the same quality of learning as the traditional classroom without conventional time and geographical restrictions. As a result, learners are able to understand and learn courseware content at their own pace. Through the MOOC platform, learners are connected with an array of learning resources, including video lectures, regular assessments, and content in the form of pdf documents. Additionally, learners can interact with each other through participation in online discussion forums [2].

One of the distinctive features of MOOCs is their instant accessibility, coupled with the elimination of financial, geographical, and educational obstacles. Consequently, the proportion of participants engaging in such courses could increase quickly [1, 2]. For example, the number of participants has rapidly expanded in Harvard online courses, with 1.3 million unique learners engaged in online courses reported at the end of 2014,a low completion rate is the major issue related to MOOCs [2, 3]. Research investigations reveal on average that out of each one million participants in MOOCs, an overwhelming majority of them withdraw from MOOCs prior to completion [2]. Due to lack of face to face interaction between instructors and learners in such courses, it is understandably difficult for instructor’s to maintain direct awareness of the reasons for individual learner withdrawals [4].

Learning Analytics (LA) is an emerging field of educational technology. LA approaches have demonstrated beneficial insight into the rate of attrition at an early stage. LA analysis, measures and abstracts comprehensive information about the learner from various aspects, including cognitive, social, and psychological facets to help the decision-maker to effectively reason about learner success and failures [5]. LA methods can provide course instructors further information about learner activity in a virtual environment and help them to tailor material to need of participants [5].

Machine learning is a space of techniques at the intersection of computer science, statistics, and mathematics, that has been subsequently adopted by researchers to predict student retention within virtual class environments [3].

Despite the large number of works reported in the literature for modelling student dropout rates, such models do not take into consideration the underlying factors that drive student withdrawals [4]. In this work, LA is therefore employed to analyse and address key factors behind participant dropout events, providing a window of opportunity in which to apply early stage intervention, thereby preventing such cases of withdrawal. It is hypothesised in this work that such withdrawal events are in fact largely preventable through the observation and analysis of learner behaviours over various time periods.

Machine learning (ML) represents a powerful data intensive approach which we apply within our proposed LA framework. ML is appropriate for the detection of potential patterns of learner attrition from course activity data through the examination of learning behaviour features over time [6]. Moreover, machine learning has the potential scope to infer the underlying emotional state of learners by discovering a latent pattern of learner behavior [1].

In this paper, supervised machine learning approaches will be presented to predict learner retention and attrition parameters in MOOCs platform. The performance of classifier models will be compared using a set of appropriate criteria.

2 Literature Review

MOOCs have attracted the attention of many researchers, with an aim to provide an advantage over traditional classroom environments. Much existing work focuses on participant attrition in MOOCs. In this section we will summarise the work of other researchers towards learner attrition in MOOCs.

The author in ref [3] applies supervised machine learning to predict the likelihood of learner dropout from MOOCs. Feature engineering over time was considered in order to obtain more accurate predication rates [3]. Other researchers emphasise forum posts as a prominent recourse of information for dropout analysis in MOOCs. In such works, the author in reference [7] adopts a sentiment analysis approach considering only forum post as the main criteria for analysis. The work considers the daily data of user forum posts and undertakes analysis in order to evaluate participant opinions regarding the quality of teaching, learning material, and peer-assessment. The results show a significant association between learner sentiment and attrition rate.

Although forum posts act as a major factor affecting attrition rates, it has been observed that around 5–10% of registrants participate in the discussion forums themselves [8]. Consequentially, the narrow focus on the forum post data imposes a critical limit on the generality of the approach, since other important factors such as behavioral activities are not accounted for [9].

The authors in reference [9] applies Support Vector Machines (SVM) and considers only click stream features. A set of features have been extracted from behavioral log data such as the number of times a student undertakes a particular quiz, the number of visits to the course home page, and length of the session [9].

The attrition phenomenon was described by [10] as a funnel of participation. The term funnel of participation emerges from the equivalent concept in marketing (marketing funnel). The funnel of participation approach attempts to describe learners’ theoretical stages toward dropout from MOOCs according to four main stages. Such stages are defined as Awareness, Registration, Activity, and progress [10]. The author concludes that the fluctuation of learners behavioral activities leads to withdrawal from online courses.

Discussion threads are used to measure the negative behaviors of learners that lead to demotivate engagement within MOOCs platforms. Two kinds of features have been considered, namely click stream events and discussion threads [10]. Survival models have been developed by [2] for measuring the likelihood of attrition events. Survival model can be described as predictive models that apply logistic regression to infer the probability of learners’ survival in the course over time [11] Additionally, feedforward neural networks have been implemented in [11] to predict completion rates in MOOCs, using student sentiments as input. In this case, only the behavioral attributes are used to measure the performance of learners.

3 Methodology

3.1 Data Description

The dataset used in this paper was obtained from Harvard University [12]. Harvard University collaborates with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to deliver high quality MOOCs. The click stream attribute is the main feature of dateset, which represents the number of events that correspond to the user interaction with courseware.

The Nchapters feature represents the number of chapters that participants proceed to read. The Explored feature is a binary discretisation of exploration learners. To become explorer, a participant should click more than half of the course content (chapter) [12]. Nplay_video feature represents specifically the number of events when the learner viewed a particular video. Viewed is also a binary discretised feature, which is encoded as 1 when the participants access the home page of assignments and related videos, or 0 otherwise [12].

The temporal features are an important features used to evaluate how learners activity change over time. The launch Date (course start date) attribute represents the date when course content available online, course wrap date (finish date) represents the date by certificates are issued [13]. There are two set of temporal attribute capture the user interaction activity with course, which are (start_time_DI, last_event_DI) [13]. ndays_act feature represents number of unique days when user interact with course [13]. The dataset also includes the demographic information of learners such as learners’ educational levels, age, grade and sex. The final grade were computed by Course works (50%), 2 mid exam (25%) and final exam (25%). The learner must achieve 50% in final grade to be certified [13]. A brief description of dataset is explained in Table 1.

Table 1. Description features of HarvardX

3.2 Data Pre-processing

The Harvard University and MIT datasets used in this study captured 5 courses, classified into five types: Computer science, Electronic engineering, History, Chemistry, and Health. Due to the large size of date, we randomly sampled 700,000-log file entries representing the completed learners’ activities on MOOCs, where each row represents a single user session. On inspection it was found that the Harvard dataset contains a large number of missing values inclusive of both behavioural and demographic features. To overcome this issue, Multivariate imputation by chained equations (MICE) has been applied [14]. MICE is capable of performing multiple imputations over a set of variables at single step regardless of the type of variables, making it a reasonable choice [14].

Data in the Harvard dataset does not match the normal distribution. Normality of data is a desirable property and may be required in the case of some classes of machine learning models [15]. To handle non normality issue, Box-Cox transformation was used, it is a member of the class of power transform functions, which are used for the efficient conversion of variables to a form of normality, the equalisation of variance, and to enhance the validity of tests for correlated variables [15]. Additionally, we scaled and centered the data through a z-score calculation. Furthermore, imbalanced classes are a notable concern in this dataset. As such, the procedure of Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) has been applied to equalise the class proportions through the generation of additional minority class examples [16]. In particular, SMOTE applies a kNN algorithm to interpolate new instances of each minority class through evaluation of its nearest neighbours according to some distance metric.

3.3 Experiments Introduction

The purpose of this study is to estimate the rate of learner dropout from MOOCs in the future. Five courses are considered in this study, provided by Harvard and MIT through the EDX platform in 2012–2013 [13]. The courses differ in both their structure and length. As such, the course material offered by Harvard was delivered on a weekly basis over 12–14 weeks, with MIT conversely releasing all materials at the launch date for each course [13]. Both HarvardX and MITx define successful certification of learners as the completion of weekly course works, followed by a pass mark for a final exam held at the end of the course [13].

The objective of this study is to estimate the learners dropout rate from future courses and additionally to identify the main reasons leading to learner withdrawal. A data-driven approach was used to describe patterns of activity drop off. The features considered comprise “ndays_act”, which represents a number of unique days learners interact in the courseware, combined with temporal features. Importantly, there is no imposed limitation of time on learners’ access to courseware content. Learners might enrol late in a given course; in addition, learners might withdraw from courses even prior to the completion date. Attrition was defined in terms of two main categories, namely initial and final attrition. A brief explanation of each category is provided below.

  • Initial (in/out) state: The aim of drive initial (in/out state) feature examines the rate of participant dropout over the first week. Therefore, only learners who participated in the course since the first-week were considered. The date of learner first activity is compared with course start dates to determine learners who engaged since the beginning of course, and to examine if learners dropout from the course over the first week. The date of first activity compares with last activity if both activities happened in same first week and learners did not interact with course material. In this case, the learner state is defined as out (attrition), otherwise in (retention).

  • Final (in/out) state: The aim of drive final (in/out) state feature is to evaluate the learners who enrol late and drop out from a course before the final exam date. In this case, only learners who enrolled after the course start were considered in order to explore if learners drop out of a course before the final exam data. The date of last activity was compared to the course end date. If last activity happened in the same period of course end date, the learner state is defined as out (attrition), otherwise in (retention).

3.4 Exploratory Data Analysis

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) was used as a precursor of modelling phase. The aim of EDA is to understand learners activity inuitively, in particular the percentage of withdrawal participants per individual course over time. To compare learner dropout rates over time, quantitative summaries were produced.

The information indicating the number of participants enrolled in courses since the beginning of each course lists in Table 2. In the “Health in Numbers” course, about 23,000 learner participants were enrolled; follow by “Computer Science” with 20,351 entrants. Furthermore, the table shows around 18,409 users participate in “Ancient Greek Hero”, followed by 12,566 entrants in the “Circuits & Electronics” course [13]. The minority of learners enrolled in “Solid Chemistry”.

Table 2. Numbers of In & Out learners over course first week

The number of participants retained in courses following the actual course start dates list Table 3. The number of learners who register late in “Health in Numbers” course is set at 17,475, while the number of learners doubles in the “Computer Science” course. Registered late learners also remains less in both “Ancient Hero” and “Circuits & Electronics” courses. Figures 1 and 2 compare initial retention and attrition with final retention and attrition. It can be noticed that 30% of participants withdrew from “Health in Numbers”. Of the 23,122 entrants, 70% decided to continue to interact over the first week. Conversely, 92% of participant entrolled on the “Computer Science” course continued beyond the first week. Approximately 14% of learners withdrew from “Ancient Hero” course and 10% from the “Circuits & Electronics” within the first week, with last week drop offs of 3% and 2% respectively. An average of 5% and 3% of learners drop off from “Health in Numbers” course and “Computer Science” respectively over last week. In general, the number participant dropouts during the last week of the course are less than that experienced in the first week.

Table 3. Numbers of In & Out learners over course last week
Fig. 1.
figure 1

Initial In/Out courses

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Final In/Out courses

3.5 Experiments Setup

Two set of experiments are conducted in this study with the aim of predicting learner retention and attrition in MOOCs, over a different period of time. In both sets of experiments, similar the same courses are used to measure learner interaction with course syllabi over time. Only learners who interact with courseware content over the first week are considered in the first experiment. The prediction target is denoted as “Initial”, comprising labels {in, out}, facilitating the prediction the of participant retention and attrition for each learner. In the second experiment, the learners who commence participation after course start dates and subsequently dropout prior to the final exam date were considered. The prediction target in this case is denoted “Final”, again with possible labels values {in, out}.

Various Ensemble machine learning algorithms, including bagging and boosting techniques, are applied to the classification problem. Table 4 illustrates a brief description of the models used in this study. Ten-fold cross validation where five replicates are used to assess the performance of classifier models. Accordingly, 60% of original dataset were allocated to the cross-validation training set. A further 40% of the data was used as an external test dataset to validate generalization error for each model. The purpose of using Ensemble machine learning in our case study is to enhance the stability of the base classifiers, in particular to reduce the variance and decrease bias. Bootstrap aggregating (bagging) of weak classifiers into strong classifiers is achieved by randomly resampling the original training data of size m into a number of bootstrap samples, which retains the same size of the original dataset. New data points are then classified based on a voting procedure. Boosting leverages a multiplicity of weak base classifiers to form a strong classifier through the use of adaptive reweighting of data during training. Specifically, to obtain improved classification performance, a weight is assigned to each data point, which is adjusted during the iterative learning process. The weight of data corresponding to misclassified samples increases while the weight of correctly classified sample decreases.

Table 4. Brief description of ML models

3.6 Result Evaluation and Discussion

A binary classification is performed, where retention is donated as the positive class while attrition is assigned to the negative class. Empirical results over both sets of experiments have been compared in terms of performance metrics comprising accuracy, specificity and sensitivity, precision, recall, and AUC. Tables 5 & 6 show the empirical results obtained for each classifier respectively.

Table 5. Empirical result for classification performance experiment 1
Table 6. Empirical result for classification performance experiment 2

Bagged CART acquired the highest accuracy in experiment 1, with a value of 0.94%, while NN gives the best accuracy in experiment 2 where a value of 0.89% is obtained. There is a noticeable difference in accuracy for the boosting models, where GBM obtained higher accuracy than the Boosted Tree in experiment 1, achieving values of 0.92 and 0.80, respectively, while the Boosting tree classifier obtained better accuracy than GBM in experiment 2, yielding values of 0.85 and 0.71. A comparison of bagging models shows that BagFDA yielded slightly higher accuracy than the avNNet model with an average value of 0.89, whereas BagFDA showed the lowest accuracy in experiment 2, obtaining a value of 0.66%. In both sets of experiments, the linear classifier Amdai obtained the lowest average accuracy with values of 0.70 and 0.76, respectively.

Due to the number of learners who drop off from the course during the last week being much less than that of the first week, the True negative (specificity) results over all classifiers in experiment 1 are seen to be significantly higher than in those of experiment 2. In particular, models Treebag, avNNet, NN, and GBM obtained average values of 94%, 93%, 92%, and 91% respectively. Conversely, such models achieved worse specificity in experiment 2, with values of 79%, 75%, 30%, and 77% respectively. The linear model achieved a slightly higher specificity in experiment 1, with a value of 69%.

Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) and area Under Curve (AUC) were also considered. Figures 3 and 4 show ROC results for both sets of experiments. The curves are shown to converge to roughly the same semblance on the plot, indicating the similarity of performance across models in experiments 1 and 2, resulting in values around 90%, 80%, with the exception of the Amdai classifier where the lowest AUC values of both experiments were obtained, namely 76% and 78% respectively.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Roc curve experiment 1

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Roc curve experiment 2

4 Conclusions

The principal focus of this study was to investigate the factors that affect learner dropout rates in MOOCs. Two sets of experiments have been conducted relating to different points of the course lifecycle. In the first experiment learners who enter into courses at the opening date, then subsequently withdraw during the first week were considered. The second experiment focuses on learners who enter after the commencement of courses, who then drop off prior to the final exam. We undertook EDA as prior step to enhance understanding of attrition correlates, indicating that factors such as exam fees are unlikely to constitute a key reason for withdrawal, since few participants attrited from the course during the last week. Machine learning is shown to be a valuable tool for predication of attrition and retention within MOOCs, Result reveal the ML models achieve high average performance across all metrics with range value 80%–90% in experiment 1 whereas, performance metrics fluctuated in experiment 2.