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Adverse Childhood Experiences: Past, Present, and Future

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Handbook of Interpersonal Violence and Abuse Across the Lifespan


The introduction of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) with the original ACE Study (Felitti et al., Am J Prev Med 14:245–258, 1998) transformed how people thought and worked across multiple disciplines. After more than 30,000 citations in research publications (CDC, Adverse childhood experiences journal articles by topic area. Retrieved from, 2019), researchers and practitioners have increasingly acknowledged and addressed the importance of children’s early traumatic experiences throughout the lifespan. ACEs have a cumulative, dose-response effect on a wide range of health, mental health, behavioral, cognitive, social, and biomedical outcomes in later childhood and adulthood, increasing as the number of categories of ACEs increases. This chapter summarizes the historical and current understanding of ACEs and the multiple pathways by which they lead to physical, psychological, behavioral, and intergenerational harm. Despite attracting worldwide attention to childhood trauma over the past 22 years, ACE research has yet to be adopted in schools, policing, judicial systems, legislation, human services, and medical practice. Adopting universal trauma screening and primary prevention through work with parents, providers, educators, and other community members on how to effectively interact with and support children is critical in limiting the damage of ACEs and preventing future ACEs from occurring.

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Hamai, T.A., Felitti, V.J. (2020). Adverse Childhood Experiences: Past, Present, and Future. In: Geffner, R., White, J.W., Hamberger, L.K., Rosenbaum, A., Vaughan-Eden, V., Vieth, V.I. (eds) Handbook of Interpersonal Violence and Abuse Across the Lifespan. Springer, Cham.

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