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Overview of Immunology and Allergy

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Allergy and Asthma
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Immunological protection of the individual from infection requires the coordinated involvement of numerous tissues, cell types, and secreted factors collectively referred to as the immune system. This is equally true for the immune response to environmental antigens that is the underlying cause of diseases such as allergic asthma and food allergies. This sequence of events is set in motion by a T cell response defined by the cytokines that it produces and their impact on neighboring B cells to produce antibody that uniquely sensitizes the host to the offending allergen. Granule-laden cells of the innate immune system are the ultimate sources of the powerful inflammatory mediators of the allergic response. To fully understand the factors which contribute to the development of allergies and that are discussed in this book, this chapter provides the reader with an introduction to the cellular and chemical mediators of the immune response, beginning with those of the innate immune system. The chapter then works its way to the mediators of the adaptive immune system, along the way covering important topics such as major histocompatibility complex (MHC), antigen processing and presentation, and lymphocyte development. The chapter concludes with an introduction to hypersensitivity mechanisms, focusing on the allergic response.

The author wishes to acknowledge Suzanne Jones for reviewing and editing this submission.

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Jones, S.C. (2019). Overview of Immunology and Allergy. In: Craig, T., Ledford, D. (eds) Allergy and Asthma. Springer, Cham.

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