
1 Introduction

How words have been used in discourse over time, have adopted new senses or changed their meaning is studied in the humanities and social sciences (e.g., [1,2,3]) and information sciences (e.g., [4, 6]). We make a case for interlinking structured knowledge bases with the outcomes of Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods for the purpose of tracing language change over time.

Semantic change in words is increasingly modelled using distributional NLP methods (word embeddings) (e.g. [8, 9]). These techniques represent the meaning of a word in terms of its tendency to co-occur with other words in the lexicon, as observed in large text corpora. Since this results in vectors, cosine distances can be used to quantify the correspondence between two such representations. When vectors are assembled for the lexicon in separate time spans, the notion of distance can be applied to find a word’s nearest neighbours within a time frame, or to calculate the degree of change a word underwent from one time interval to the next.

However, word embeddings alone are not sufficient to gain insight into the dynamics of the lexicon and to elicit follow-up questions or hypotheses. They operate on the level of individual terms, often without metadata, making it hard to see patterns and connections. It is thinkable, though, that language change affects not just individual terms but also clusters of (related) terms, that show interaction in their motions of semantic drift. Also, some types of words might change more than others. Structured knowledge sources can help derive such insights. For instance, lexical resources allow to group and connect findings for individual terms by their relation.

Conversely, statistical findings of lexical change could provide a useful addition to structured knowledge bases, as these typically contain only static, contemporary facts. One example application is in annotating historic documents, where the terms might have changed their meaning and are difficult to map onto metadata instances. Khan et al. [7] have introduced a vocabulary, LemonDIA, to express qualitative (linguistic) typifications of lexical shifts. This vocabulary is compatible with, and the knowledge it expresses is complementary to, the data curated in this project.

This paper is a step towards the goal of a structured, interconnected knowledge source of diachronic lexical semantics. It presents an interlinking effort between HistWords, a unique corpus of (open) lexical change data, and WordNet, a lexical database which is part of the Linked Open Data cloud. This combination results in a knowledge graph were concepts, linguistic data elements such as lexemes, and semantic change scores can be queried together. By publishing the data in the Resource Description Framework, we aim to contribute to the (re-)usability of these open corpora.

In the remainder of this paper, we discuss how the HistWords data were linked to lexical entries in WordNet and how the result was represented in an RDF data model. Example queries on this aggregated dataset demonstrate the use as well as the limitations of the approach.

2 Source Data

HistWords. HistWords is a research project of Word embeddings for Historical Text at Stanford University that has produced sets of word embeddings and cross-decade lexical change scores. We used all ready-made lexical change scores for EnglishFootnote 1, i.e., for the 10.000 most frequent (averaged over decades) words from the English Google N-Grams datasetFootnote 2 excluding proper nouns. The entries in this dataset are not lemmatised, disambiguated or part-of-speech tagged, hence each similarity score reflects all senses and grammatical functions in which the word can occur. The linking effort to WordNet, which does distinguish between different parts of speech, does not solve this issue; rather, it makes it more explicit, as one can query for all possible lexical entries of different parts of speech that correspond to a given word, and for all of the word’s senses. The similarity scores are given between discrete decades. They were calculated as the cosine similarity between the vector for a term derived from corpus material in one decade, and the vector for the same term derived from materials from the other decade. The embeddings were obtained by the word2vec skip-gram method with negative sampling [11] for each decade separately, followed by a transformation to project them into a single space; see [5] for details.

Figures are available for every two consecutive decades between 1810 and 2000; i.e., the degree of semantic stability of a lexical term from the 1810s to the 1820s, the 1820s to 1830s, and so on, up to 1980s–1990s. As an example, the word gay seems to have underwent semantic change between the 1980s and 1990s, where the cosine similarity between the two term representations fell to 0.91 (from 0.96 for the 1970s–1980s). In addition, there are figures for every decade vs. the 1990s, i.e., for 1810s vs. 1990s until 1980s vs. 1990s. These can be used to express the overall change of a lexeme in, for instance, the 20th century (1900s–1990s), or over the entire dataset (1810s–1990s). Due to corpus characteristics, some entries have (some) missing values, which were left out.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The basic types of the WordNet RDF model. Prefix wn stands for the WordNet vocabulary.

WordNet. WordNet [12] is a lexical database of English. It is based on the idea of synsets, synonymous terms of a given grammatical category that express the same concept. One term hence can appear in multiple synsets; e.g., gay(adj.) is part of a synset of adjectives to denote homosexual or arousing homosexual desires (alongside homophile and queer) and a synset of adjectives for bright and pleasant; promoting a feeling of cheer (alongside cheery and sunny).

The RDF conversion of WordNet [10, 14] (henceforth RDF-WordNet) used in this project is based on the Lemon vocabulary of linguistic annotations, completed with some WordNet-specific concepts. The basic resource types in RDF-WordNet are shown in Fig. 1. A lemon:lexicalEntry represents a single lemma of some grammatical type, of which RDF-WordNet counts 158K. The unique base form of each lemma (of type Lemon:Form) is pointed to by lemon:canonicalForm; inflectional variants (lexemes, word forms) are listed (by lemon:otherForm), though only for a minority of terms. The grammatical type is indicated through property wn:part_of_speech. A lemon:LexicalEntry instance connects to one or more senses (wn:Synset) through wn:synset_member. Property wn:gloss relates a wn:Synset instance to its definition. When applicable, synsets are interrelated through semantic relations such as hyponymy, entailment, and meronymy. Additionally, each synset is categorised (using wn:lexical_domain) into one of 45 semantic-grammatical types such as noun.artifact and verb.emotion.

3 Approach

The sourced similarity scores were transformed into change data and connected to WordNet through (stemming and) string matching. The result was represented in RDF and OWL and made available as a Turtle downloadFootnote 3.

Deriving semantic change scores. The scores were converted to distance measures as we care about the degree of change more than the degree of stability of the words’ meaning. This was done with an arc-cosine transformation rather than by the formula \(1 - cosine\_similarity\) to stretch the scale of the change interval and trace more fine-grained differences. The semantic change rate thus lies between 0 and \(\pi /2\) (in our dataset, between 0.09 and 1.48). For instance, between the 1980s and 1990s the change values ranged from 0.11 (pepper) to 1.12 (web). The rates for a larger period are generally higher than those for consecutive decades, e.g. 0.97 for gang between the 1810s and 1990s. The change scores have no clear absolute meaning but can be used contrastively between terms or time frames.

Linking HistWords to WordNet. The words in HistWords were mapped onto lemon:LexicalEntry instances in RDF-WordNet. First, we merged on an exact match between a word in HistWords and the value of the lemon:writtenRep property of the lemon:Form corresponding to the lemon:LexicalEntry instance. Since the HistWord words are not part-of-speech specific, they were mapped onto all lexical matches in WordNet, irrespective of grammatical type. This string matching step resulted in 7.365 matches for the 10.000 source words, mapped onto 10.956 lemon:LexicalEntry instances.

Aimed at representing as much of the source data as possible, unmapped HistWords entries were Porter stemmed and re-matched based on an exact match of the stem and a WordNet entry. We included the matches as new lemon:lexicalEntry instances with their unstemmed form as the canonical form, and connected them to their WordNet lemon:lexicalEntry counterparts through the lemon:lexicalVariant property. This brought the total number of mappings to 8.878 out of 10.000 source entries, connected to 12.469 lemon:LexicalEntry instances. In future work, it is likely that more words can be matched by refining our stem-and-match technique.

Data model. The resulting data, i.e., the tuples {lexical entry, decade1, decade2, change value}, were represented in RDF. Existing vocabularies were used where possible; newly introduced classes and properties are recognisable by the cwi prefix. Figure 2 illustrates how a lemon:LexicalEntry was connected to a node of type cwi:SemanticChange for each data tuple with a value and an onset and offset decade. The latter two were modelled, in accordance with OWL-TimeFootnote 4, as intervals with a start and an end date.

Following OWL-Time ensures interoperability and supports temporal reasoning, but complicates queries for the semantic change of a word between two specified decades. For this reason we introduced a shortcut property for each set of decades, which directly connects a lemon:LexicalEntry instance to the semantic change value. The property URI encodes the decades it contrasts, e.g., cwi:semantic_change_1910s-1920s leads to the change score between the 1910s and the 1920s.

Note that instead of at the lemon:LexicalEntry level, we could have linked the HistWords entries to the lemon:Form level, representing the lexeme. We decided against this since it would greatly complicate the queries that we anticipate at the LexicalEntry or Synset level. This approach would have yielded only 334 mappings to inflectional variants, part of which were among the many mappings made in the second mapping step.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

A model for connecting WordNet entries to cross-decade scores of lexical change. Prefix ot stands for OWL-Time and cwi for the purpose-built vocabulary.

4 Usage Examples

We used the semantic web server ClioPatria [15] to query the RDF dataset of semantic change scores in combination with RDF-WordNet. Below we show example queries that exploit the connection to WordNet as a background source.

Example 1: average change per semantic/linguistic category. We collected the change rate between the decades 1810s and 1990s for all lexical entries as a proxy for their overall change score (alternatively, we could have averaged over all subsequent-decade scores), and related these scores to, first, their part of speech property, and second, the WordNet domain they belong to. Recall that the HistWords index consists of raw word forms; thanks to WordNet, we can annotate these with grammatical and semantic information.

Figure 3 summarises the results and shows the spread of the change scores grouped by the parts of speech distinguished in WordNet. It shows that the change rates are evenly distributed over the grammatical categories. Looking at the distribution over parts of speech of the word entries themselves (Table 1), though, we see that our dataset contains relatively many verbs and adjectives and few nouns as compared to WordNet.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The spread of the change score of lexical entries between the 1810s and 1990s by part of speech.

Table 1. The distribution over parts of speech of entries with a change score between 1810s and 1990s in our dataset and in RDF-WN.

Table 2 shows examples of semantic domains and the mean change score of their lexical entries. Words in the given dataset that refer to processes, phenomena and events have seen a higher degree of change than words for food, feelings, or the weather. Note that besides by lexical domain, one can group findings by hypernymy relations between synsets. For instance, there is a synset of psychological states, with as its direct children synsets referring to depression, anxiety, irritation, nervousness, and more.

Table 2. Examples of WordNet semantic domains, ordered by the average change between the 1810s and 1990s (Change) of their lexical entries. Also given are the number of lexemes per domain (N) for which change scores are available and a few example words.

Example 2: the relationship between polysemy and semantic change. The synset structure of WordNet provides a simple way to quantify the degree of polysemy of a word. Hamilton et al. [5] find a positive correlation between the degree of change of words and their polysemy. They quantify polysemy using a co-occurrence network derived from a large text corpus, under the assumption that polysemous words tend to co-occur with words that do not tend to mutually co-occur. We were curious if we found the same effect when quantifying polysemy directly based on WordNet, as the number of senses (synsets) related to a word.

We plot the change score for 1810s–1990s of each word form (again, as a proxy for the overall change, as do [5]) against the number of synsets related to that word form (Fig. 4). One complicating factor is that a word form can be related to several lexical entries, for several parts of speech. Therefore, we also plot the change rate of lexical entries (rather than word forms) against their corresponding number of synsets. With neither of these tests, however, were we able to replicate the results of [5]: on our data we found just a very weak positive correlation (Kendall = 0.06 and 0.05 for words and lexical entries, respectively).

Example 3: exploring senses responsible for semantic drift. Upon browsing the dataset, we came across the word yellow. While this term did not display a great degree of change for most decades, we noticed a local peak in change for time period 1910s–1920s, where the score went from 0.25 (for 1900s–1910s) to 0.28 to then fall back to 0.23 (1920s–1930s) and climb up again to 0.25 (1930s–1940s). Clicking through to the senses of the word yellow, as RDF-WordNet allows one to do, we found a sense unknown to us. In addition to the colour, yellow is an adjective meaning easily frightened, with synonyms such as chickenhearted. Maybe the word was used in the two World Wars to refer to not-so-brave soldiers? This would explain the observed peaks. Since the change scores are not part-of-speech-, let alone sense-disambiguated, the answer is not in our dataset. For conclusions we would need to go back to the underlying (open source) text corpus, Google N-Grams, and have a close look at the term’s occurrences. This example illustrates that our dataset is an addition to, not a substitute for, close reading methods.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Number of synsets and overall change rate by term (left) and by lexical entry (right).

5 Discussion and Future Work

This paper demonstrated how statistical findings of lexical semantic change can benefit from a connection to a structured knowledge base. Taking HistWords and WordNet as data sources, we have shown how this connection enables us to aggregate semantic change scores over semantic and linguistic categories.

We see various directions for future research. Firstly, there is the question of what type of change information is most valuable. The example queries on the dataset highlighted that lexical change scores, although useful, are heavily refined. Derived from word vectors, the distance figures no longer carry in them the distributions over vector components, which can be more telling about inter-word contrasts than a mere cosine measure. The word vectors in turn are derived from mentions in a text corpus, which are not included in the dataset itself. To check the findings against the source material, the user will need to query the Google N-Gram corpus. An open question remains what sort of data researchers in the field would like to see curated and integrated to benefit from a single source. A related question, which falls outside the scope of this project, is how to evaluate the change scores and draw reliable conclusions about lexical change.

Secondly, the dataset can be enriched in various ways. From the side of the NLP data curated in this project, nearest neighbour information could be added for words in time periods. Another addition we aspire is a score set based on part-of-speech-tagged words, such that the relation between the scores and the word senses are more clear-cut. From the side of knowledge bases, the change scores can be linked to additional sources. Examples are a cross-lingual dictionary such as BabelNet, to see if other languages display parallels in their lexical patterns of change, and a frame-semantic source like FrameNet as an alternative ground for grouping term-level findings.

Finally, as follow-up work, we plan to include more qualitative approaches to analyse semantic change data. We intend to use WordNet synsets as representing all concepts and meanings a word has ever referred to. By tracking a given word’s similarity time series with each of the words in one synset, we hope to be able to assess whether the word has moved towards or away from the corresponding sense. By doing this for each of the word’s synsets (senses) we hope to be able to automatically explicate the way in which a word has changed.