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Role of Earthworms in Managing Soil Contamination

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Handbook of Environmental Materials Management


Rapidly growing Indian cities generate huge quantities of solid wastes on a daily basis. On account of enormous environmental implications the management of this organic solid waste has become a major problem. Heavy metal contamination due to dumping of contaminated solid wastes has been reported. Application of vermicomposting on a large scale for urban as well as rural waste disposal has been highlighted by research. This paper discusses the types of earthworms and their role in maintaining soil fertility, vermicomposting, soil erosion control and land reclamation.

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Garg, P., Kaushik, G., Nagar, J.K., Singhal, P. (2018). Role of Earthworms in Managing Soil Contamination. In: Hussain, C. (eds) Handbook of Environmental Materials Management. Springer, Cham.

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