
1 Introduction

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate speech perturbation features in the context of stress (or emotional) expression authenticity; also to discover whether such features can be used for distinguishing authentic (realistic) expressions from those that are acted. Of course, acted expressions are not necessarily nonauthentic. “Although natural expressions are partly staged, acted expressions are also partly natural.” [1] Actors’ portrayals can be influenced by subjective feelings, especially when produced via techniques based on emotional imagination or memory [2, 3]. It was therefore argued that authentic expressions and play-acted ones are sometimes very difficult to distinguish [3].

Only a few studies compare these two types of expressions [4,5,6,7,8] and most of them concluded that play-acted expressions are more intense, exaggerated or stereotypical [7, 9,10,11,12]. E.g. it was shown in [13] that speech fundamental frequency (\(F_0\)) contour varies more and is generally higher in play-acted expressions than in authentic ones. Additionally, differences between professional and non-professional actors’ expressions were analyzed and compared to the authentic expressions. It was shown that in terms of the acoustic characteristics, vocal expressions delivered by professional actors were not more similar to authentic expressions than the ones by non-actors [14]. Furthermore, the results do not support the view that play-acted expressions are necessarily stereotyped caricatures of authentic expressions. The similar findings were reported in [5, 15, 16], in which authors failed to detect an exaggerating behavior in the case of acting expressions.

The perturbation features (i.e. jitter and shimmer) were included in the authentic vs. play-acted expression analysis in [17] and the results show that there is no statistically significant difference between these two type of expressions for jitter measure, and that there is a significant falling trend from acted to authentic expressions for shimmer measure in the case of vowel “e” (the vowel “a” did not result in any difference). The authors used acted utterances produced by professional actors under four emotional states: ‘fear’, ‘anger’, ‘joy’ and ‘sadness’, and the same emotions were extracted as authentic set from various emotional reportages about situations in the past. The authors expect higher arousal for acted expressions, which is related with the exaggerating behavior, and some of the “arousal features” show such a behavior, and some of them don’t. E.g. shimmer and \(F_0\) contour variability decrease from acted to authentic emotions, which is an indicator of arousal decrease, while several measures like formant bandwidths and peak frequencies indicate that arousal was increased.

There are many vocal components of emotional (arousal) expression. Some of them are under voluntary control and some of them are autonomic [18]. As real arousal is not present, or is minimally present, within the person in the case of acted expressions, we expect that the autonomic vocal features of arousal will have smaller values than in the case of authentic (realistic) expressions. On the other hand, features that are affected by the voluntary control (e.g. \(F_0\) variations, energy/intensity of the utterance, etc.) can have smaller or larger values, depending on the style of the expression (e.g. larger when a person is exaggerating in the expression). As speech perturbations increase as the arousal (and thus emotional stress) increases [19, 20], perturbation features should show the rising trend from acted to real-stress expressions if include only of the autonomic component of perturbations, i.e. if they are not under voluntary control.

The goal of our analysis is to investigate how speech perturbation features behave in acted- and real-stress conditions, compared to neutral state. We also investigate whether the features can be used as a robust measure for the analysis of the expression authenticity. An expanded set of perturbation features compared to [17] is proposed for this purpose, as will be described in the next section. Results presented in [21], indicates that some perturbation features are less affected by the voluntary control and, on the other hand, more related to autonomic disturbances in laryngeal muscle coordination. Such features should therefore not depend on the style of acted expression; they should be relatively good at distinguishing between acted and realistic expressions (show a rising trend) regardless of whether acted expressions are exaggerated or moderate.

2 Speech Perturbation Features

Four groups of speech perturbation features are used for the analyses purpose:

  1. 1.

    peSNS features – speech features of disturbances in laryngeal muscle coordination; 8 features proposed in [21]: var (variance of the perturbation contour), mean abs (mean absolute value of the perturbation contour), max abs (maximal absolute value of the perturbation contour), dur per sec (v) (total duration of the perturbation intervals per second of a voiced speech), dur per sec (total duration of the perturbation intervals per second), mean dur (mean duration of the perturbation intervals), max dur (maximal duration of the perturbation intervals) and quan (perturbation quantity: the product of mean abs and dur per sec (v) features)

  2. 2.

    jitter features – measures of period-to-period fluctuations in glottal-cycle durations; 4 features calculated using the Praat functions [22]: local, local (abs), rap and ppq5

  3. 3.

    shimmer features – measures of the period-to-period variability of the speech amplitude value; 5 features calculated using the Praat functions [22]: local, local (dB), apq3, apq5 and apq11

  4. 4.

    variation features – 2 features: var diff (\(F_0\)) (variance of the first differential of \(F_0\) contour) and std diff (\(F_0\)) (standard deviation of the first differential of \(F_0\) contour)

Jitter, shimmer and variation features are state-of-the-art speech perturbation features for emotion and stress recognition [23]. peSNS features are proposed in [21] by the research group of which the authors of this paper are members, and are derived from F0 contour decomposition described in [24].

3 Analyses

For the purpose of our analyses, we combined two subsets of the SUSAS database – the Actual Speech Under Stress Domain (Roller-coaster subset) and the Talking Styles Domain [25].

The Roller-coaster subset of the database is defined as actual high level stress and contains utterances of seven speakers (four male and three female) pronouncing 35 keywords like “break”, “change”, “gain”, etc., typical for communication between pilots and air traffic controllers. They were recorded at the ground (neutral samples) as well as during the ride on the roller-coaster (stress samples). A total of 414 stress samples and 701 neutral samples are available from this subset, not equally distributed between people. The Talking Styles Domain is defined as simulated stress. It consists of utterances of nine people (actors), all male, talking in seven different styles (acted samples): slow, fast, angry, question, soft, loud, clear, as well as talking normally thus producing a neutral speech (neutral samples). For each person and each style (plus neutral speech) there are 70 samples, which is in total \(9 \times 8 \times 70 = 5040\) samples. The same 35 words as in the Roller-coaster subset are used.

3.1 \(1^{st}\) Analysis: Neural – Acted – Stress

We first combined the described data sets into one data set with three levels – neutral (composed of both neutral samples from the first and the second domain; t-test show that there is no statistically significant difference between these two sets at \(\alpha \) level of 0.05), acted (a portion of the Talking Styles Domain) and stress (a portion of the stress samples from the Roller-coaster subset). The combined data set was equally sampled over different people and consists of 1242 utterances (414 neutral, 414 acted, 414 stress).

We assume that perturbations are higher in stressful situations than in neutral situations or while acting and not actually experiencing stress (or an emotion). It was shown in [21] that perturbation features (in general) show a rising trend from neutral to real-stress samples. The relative position of acted-stress samples compared to neutral and real-stress samples is the focus of this paper. A separate ‘neutral vs. acted’ and ‘acted vs. stress’ analyses were therefore performed. The aim is also to evaluate speech perturbation features in order to explore which of them are relevant for the authenticity analysis in stress expressions. All features were thus analyzed individually for all samples. The left- and right-tailed t-tests, as well as the support vector machines (SVM) method are used. We have chosen the SVM classifier because it generally outperforms other classifiers in emotional speech recognition tasks.

The trend is calculated separately for ‘neutral’ to ‘acted’ changes in perturbation level and ‘acted’ to ‘stress’ changes. A moderate rising trend (\(\nearrow \)) is declared if left-tailed t-test show statistically significant difference at \(\alpha \) level of 0.05 and a moderate falling trend (\(\searrow \)) is declared if right-tailed t-test show statistically significant difference at \(\alpha \) level of 0.05. Additionally, strong rising (\(\nearrow \nearrow \)) and falling (\(\searrow \searrow \)) trends are defined in cases where p values of left- and right-tailed t-tests, respectively, are smaller than 0.0001. If neither left- nor right-tailed t-tests show statistically significant difference, then no trend (=) is declared.

A two-classFootnote 1 SVM model is trained for each type of comparison (‘neutral vs. acted’; ‘neutral vs. stress’; and ‘acted vs. stress’) and for each feature separately, i.e. with the observation vector consisting of only one feature. LIBSVM implementation of the SVM is used [26]. The following parameters were applied: a 10-fold cross-validation (CV) process (k = 10) was selected; the radial basis function (RBF) was used as a kernel function; \(\gamma \) and C were set to 1; the threshold \(\varepsilon \) was set to 0.001.

The results are presented in Table 1. As the main goal of the analysis is to investigate a feature potential for separating ‘acted’ and ‘stress’ classes, the best features from each perturbation category are marked gray in the table, defined on the basis of ‘acted vs. stress’ SVM accuracy. The best feature from the entire feature set (peSNS: the maximal duration of the perturbation intervals) is marked with a dark gray color in the table. The box plot of the feature is presented in Fig. 1.

Table 1. Neutral-acted-stress analysis (N = neutral, A = acted and S = stress)
Fig. 1.
figure 1

Box plot of peSNS max dur feature distribution per three classes: Ne = neutral, Ac = acted and St = stress

It can be seen in the table that the SVM generally fails to discriminate jitter features. The deviation from the expected 50% is due to several NaN values in the features. Other feature groups are relatively good at separating acted-stress samples from the real-stress samples, while some of them also show significant rising trend from neutral to acted-stress samples. The possible explanation of such trend is that the talking style samples are partly realistic, but the possibility that perturbation features are partly affected by the voluntary control must not be disregarded. E.g. there is a possibility that some perturbations occur in voice when a person shout, even if there is no real anger behind. Results on a synthetic case, presented in [21], show that peSNS features have a potential for isolating autonomic perturbations from the voluntary components in speech, but further research must be done in this field.

One more parameter that must be taken into account is the level of stress, which a person tries to express during acting. The best way to compare the perturbations of acted- and real-stress samples is to ensure that the samples of these two data sets consist of the same level of stress expressions (not the real stress level as it is assumed that there is no real stress – or is minimal – in the case of acted expressions). The ‘loud’ talking style samples are thus chosen as acted-stress samples for the next analysis, as this style (according to our opinion) best suits the type and the level of stress within the roller-coaster samples.

3.2 \(2^{nd}\) Analysis: Neural – Loud – Stress

Utterances from the ‘loud’ talking style were used as acted-stress samples for the purpose of this analysis. A total of 414 ‘loud’ utterances were randomly sampled from this subset, which form, together with 414 neutral samples and 414 real-stress (roller-coaster) samples, a new data set for the analysis. The ‘loud’ subset is used because the style and intensity of expression is very similar to the roller-coaster stress expression. It can be seen in Fig. 2 that the root-mean-square energy of a speech signal and a standard deviation of \(F_0\) contour are rather similar for the samples in these two classes when compared with the neutral state.

The same SVM parameters and the same rules for trend calculation were used as for previous analysis. Results are presented in Table 2 and the best features from each feature group are again marked as gray. The ‘acted vs. stress’ SVM accuracy is used as a measure for this. The best feature in this analysis (shimmer: the five-point amplitude perturbation quotient – apq5) is marked with a dark gray color in the table and the box plot is presented in Fig. 3.

It can be seen in the table that jitter features again results with the lowest accuracies of ‘acted vs. stress’ SVM classifies. Shimmer features performed better even with smaller perturbations in the ‘acted’ class compared with the ‘neutral’ class. Most of features show a statistically significant difference between ‘acted’ and ‘stress’ classes with the rising trend between these two classes. Again, the rising trend between the neutral and acted-stress samples (in this case the loud samples) is present and is even stronger in the case of peSNS features. A more detailed analysis per each speaking style is presented in the next section.

Table 2. Neutral-loud-stress analysis (N = neutral, A = acted and S = stress)
Fig. 2.
figure 2

Box plots of feature distributions per three classes: Ne = neutral, Ac = acted and St = stress

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Box plot of shimmer apq5 feature distribution per three classes: Ne = neutral, Ac = acted and St = stress

3.3 \(3^{rd}\) Analysis: Neural – 7 Speaking Styles – Stress

All seven speaking styles are compared with neutral and roller-coaster stress samples within this analysis. A total of 414 randomly chosen samples were selected for each speaking style class, i.e. for ‘angry’, ‘clear’, ‘fast’, ‘loud’, ‘question’, ‘slow’ and ‘soft’ type of stress expression. A data set is thus created with the total of \(9 \times 414 = 3726\) samples.

It can be seen in Fig. 4 how samples are distributed for two best features from the previous analyses. As already mentioned, some perturbations exist in speaking styles and its level differs per styles and per features. The largest peSNS max dur perturbations are present for speaking style ‘angry’, while the largest shimmer apq5 perturbations are in speaking style ‘soft’.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Box plots of feature distributions per nine classes: Ne = neutral, An = angry, Cl = clear, Fa = fast, Lo = loud, Qu = question, Sl = slow, So = soft and St = stress

4 Conclusion

We can conclude that there is a statistically significant difference between various speaking style (acted) stress samples and realistic roller-coaster stress samples for most of perturbation features. The rising trend of perturbations is achieved from acted to realistic samples. Only the jitter features generally failed to discriminate these two classes. When all talking-style samples were included in the same ‘acted’ class and compared with the real-stress samples, the maximal duration of peSNS perturbation intervals turns to be the most discriminative feature resulting with the highest ‘acted vs. stress’ SVM accuracy. The best feature when comparing these two classes (with only ‘loud’ speech samples included in ‘acted’ class) is the shimmer: five-point amplitude perturbation quotient (apq5). The main goal is thus achieved. We can say that peSNS and shimmer perturbation features can be used for distinguishing authentic (realistic) expressions from the acted ones. However, a significant rising trend in perturbation level is observed between neutral and acted samples, which varies per speaking style and per features. Such trend can appear as a result of two potential effects. First, maybe a significant amount of the expression authenticity was present within the speakers when pronouncing speaking style utterances and the perturbation features actually measure the authenticity level – the real stress behind the expressions. Second, a robustness of perturbation features for voluntary components in speech is only initially proved on a synthetic case in [21], so there is still a possibility that the features are partly affected by the voluntary control, i.e. by speaking loudly etc. In order to eliminate the voluntary component completely, a future research must be undertaken to analyze the specific type of perturbations from various neurological sources and also on the isolation of only autonomic, emotionally related, perturbations from peSNS intervals. In this way it will be possible to claim that the perturbation features measure pure authenticity of emotional of stressful expression.