
1 Introduction

A swarm of robots is a distributed system of small, autonomous, inexpensive mobile robots designed to work cooperatively to achieve some goal. They can execute some task which is beyond the capability of a single robot. The system is usually a collection of autonomous (without any centralized control), homogeneous (same capabilities), anonymous (without any identity i.e., indistinguishable) robots. They do not have any explicit communication. The implicit communications are achieved via observing the positions of other robots using their endowed sensors. They do not have any global coordinate system. However, each robot has its own local coordinate system. The directions and orientations of the axes and the unit distances of the local coordinate systems may vary from robot to robot. The robots may be oblivious (they do not remember any information from their past computations).

At any point of time, a robot is either active or inactive (idle). An active robot operates in Look-Compute-Move cycles. In the Look phase, it takes a snapshot of its surrounding to capture the locations of other robots. In the Compute phase, it computes a destination point using information collected in the Look phase. Finally, it moves towards the computed destination point in the Move phase. An inactive robot does not perform any action i.e., it is in sleep mode. To solve a variety of problems, robots are endowed with some additional capabilities. Weak multiplicity detection helps a robot to identify multiple occurrences of robots at a single point. Whereas, strong multiplicity detection enables the robots also to count the total number of robots occupying the same location. The robots may have an agreement on a common orientation (clockwise direction) i.e., chirality. They may have some agreement on the directions of their local coordinate axes. In memory model, robots are endowed with externally visible lights, which can assume a constant number of predefined colours, to indicate their states [8, 10].

Depending on the timings of the operations and activation schedules of the robots, three types of models are used. The most general model is the asynchronous (ASYNC or CORDA) model [14]. The activation of the robots are arbitrary and independent of each other. The time spans of the operations are finite but unpredictable. Thus, robots may compute on some obsolete data. In the semi-synchronous (SSYNC or ATOM) [16] model, robots operate in rounds and a subset of robots is activated simultaneously in each round. The operations are instantaneous and hence a robot is not observed while in motion. The unpredictability lies in the activated subset of robots in each round. The most restrictive of these three is the fully synchronous (FSYNC) model in which all robots are activated in all rounds. We assume a fair scheduler which activates each robot infinitely often [9].

A variety of problems can be solved by designing proper coordination strategies. Fundamental geometric problems like gathering, circle formation, arbitrary pattern formation, flocking, scattering etc. have been studied extensively in the literature. The gathering problem is defined as follows: a swarm of robots, in the two dimensional plane, should coordinate their motions in such way that in finite time all of them meet at a single point which is not defined in advanced. The constrained gathering problem asks robots to achieve gathering by minimizing the maximum distance traversed by any robot.

1.1 Earlier Works

Considering different schedulers and different capabilities of the robots, a variety of solutions have been proposed by researchers for the gathering problem. The primary goal of these works has been understanding the minimal set of capabilities of the robots which enables the robots to gather at a point not known in advanced, under different scheduling models.

  • FSYNC Model: In this model the gathering problem is solvable without any extra assumption [10].

  • SSYNC Model: Suzuki and Yamashita [17] proved that gathering of \(n=2\) robots is impossible without any agreement on the local coordinate systems even with strong multiplicity detection. Prencipe [15] studied the problem for \(n>2\) robots and proved that there does not exist any deterministic algorithm for the gathering problem in absence of multiplicity detection and any form of agreement on the local coordinate systems [15]. Bramas and Texeuil [3] presented an algorithm to solve the problem in the presence of arbitrary number of crashed robots, when the robots are endowed only with strong multiplicity detection capability. A study of probabilistic gathering was presented by Défago et al. [9].

  • ASYNC Model: Cieliebak et al. [6] solved the gathering problem for \(n>2\) robots, with weak multiplicity detection capability. Bhagat et al. [2] presented a fault-tolerant distributed algorithm, for \(n\ge 2\) robots with agreement in one direction, which solves the problem in the presence of arbitrary number of crashed robots even if robots are opaque i.e., they obstruct the visibility of the other robots. Flocchini et al. [11] showed that gathering is possible in limited visibility model (the robots can see up to a limited radius around themselves) if robots have agreements in the directions and orientations of both the axes. The gathering problem for robots, represented as unit discs (fat robots), have also been investigated by the researchers [1, 4, 7]. A restricted version of the gathering problem has been studied in [5] where robots are asked to gather at any one of the predefined fixed points (known as meeting points) on the plane. Their solution also satisfies the constraint that the maximum distance traversed by any robot is minimized. To the best of our knowledge, this is the only work which considers the constrained version of the gathering problem, but for a restricted model. This paper considers the general version of the problem.

The use of externally visible lights was first suggested by Peleg [13]. Das et al. [8] investigated the characterizations of the model, in which robots are endowed with externally visible lights. In memory model, the gathering problem for \(n=2\) robots (also known as rendezvous), was studied under different restrictions. The studies of [18] and [8] proposed solutions to the rendezvous problem, using the lights for both internal memory and communication purpose. Flocchini et al. [12] investigated the possibilities of solving the rendezvous problem in two models: (i) the lights are used only to remember internal states and (ii) light are used for communication purposes.

1.2 Our Contribution

In this paper, we study the constrained gathering problem for a set of autonomous robots. The contribution of this paper is in two parts. While the gathering problem is solvable for \(n>2\) asynchronous robots with weak multiplicity detection only, it is shown that even in the FSYNC model, multiplicity detection capability is not sufficient to solve the constrained gathering problem for oblivious robots. A distributed algorithm is then presented to solve the problem in finite time for a set of \(n\ge 5\) asynchronous, oblivious robots under the assumptions that robots are endowed with only two bits of memory. We do not make any extra assumption like agreements in coordinate systems, unit distance and chirality, rigidity of movements. In spite of these weak assumptions, we have showed that the constrained gathering problem is solvable for asynchronous robots using only four colours. Our solution also provides collision free movements for the robots. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first attempt to study the constrained gathering problem, in general, for asynchronous robots. One may view this constrained version of gathering problem as a solution to energy efficiency.

2 General Model and Definitions

The robots are autonomous, homogeneous, anonymous, asynchronous in nature. They are considered as points in the two dimensional plane and they can move freely on the plane. We consider the ASYNC model (CORDA). Each robot has its own local coordinate system (Cartesian coordinate system) having origin at its current position. The directions and orientations of the axes and unit distances of the local coordinate systems may differ. They do not have any common chirality. All the measurements are done with respect to the local coordinate systems of the robots. We assume that initially all the robots occupy distinct points. The visibility range of the robots is unlimited. The movements of the robots are non-rigid i.e., a robot may stop before reaching its destination point and start a fresh computational cycle. However, there exists a constant \(\delta >0\) such that it moves at least a distance minimum \(\{\delta , d\}\) towards its destination point where d is the distance of its destination point from its current position. It assures finite time reachability of the robots to their respective destinations. The value of \(\delta \) is not known to the robots. Since the timing of operations by the robots are unpredictable, a robot may be observed by other robots in the system while it is in motion and the computation of robot may be done on some obsolete data.

  • Configuration of the Robots: Let \(\mathcal R=\{r_1, r_2,\ldots , r_n\}\) denote the set of n robots. A robot configuration is denoted by the multi set \(\mathcal R(t)=\{r_1(t), \ldots , r_n(t)\}\), where \(r_i(t)\) is the position of the robot \(r_i\) at time t. Let \(\widetilde{\mathcal R}\) denote the set of all such robot configurations. We assume that the initial configuration \(\mathcal R(t_0)\) does not contain any multiplicity point (a point having multiple robots on it).

  • Smallest Enclosing Circle: Let \(SEC(\mathcal R(t))\) denote the smallest enclosing circle of the points in \(\mathcal R(t)\) and \(\mathcal O_t\) denote its centre. Let \(C_{out}(t)\) denote the set of robot positions on the circumference of \(SEC(\mathcal R(t))\) and \(C_{int}(t)\) the set of robot positions lying within \(SEC(\mathcal R(t))\). When there is no ambiguity, we use SEC(t) instead of \(SEC(\mathcal R(t))\).

  • Let \(\overline{ab}\) denote the closed line segment joining two points a and b (including the end points a and b) and (ab) the open line segment joining the points a and b (excluding the two end points a and b). By |ab|, we denote the distance between the points a and b. For two sets A and B, by \(A\backslash B\) we denote the set difference of A and B. The angle between two given line segments is considered as the angle which is less than or equal to \(\pi \).

    We use the following terms, as defined in [3], to describe our algorithm:

  • View of a Robot: For a robot \(r_i\in \mathcal R\), the view \(\mathcal{V}(r_i(t))\) of \(r_i\) is defined as the set of polar coordinates of the points in \(\mathcal R(t)\) where the polar coordinate system of \(r_i\) is defined as follows: (i) the centre of the coordinate system is \(r_i(t)\) and (ii) the point (1, 0) is \(\mathcal O_t\) if \(r_i(t)\ne \mathcal O_t\), otherwise it is any point \(r_k(t)\ne r_i(t)\in \mathcal R(t)\) that maximizes \(\mathcal{V}(r_k(t))\). The orientation of the polar coordinate system should maximize \(\mathcal{V}(r_i(t))\). The view of each robot is defined uniquely. While comparing the views of two robots, lexicographic sorting is used.

  • Rotational Symmetry: An equivalence relation \(\sim \) is defined on \(\mathcal R(t)\) as follows: \(\forall r_i(t), r_j(t)\in \mathcal R(t)\), \(r_i(t)\sim r_j(t)\) iff \(\mathcal{V}(r_i(t))=\mathcal{V}(r_j(t))\) with same orientation. Let \(sym(\mathcal R(t))\) denote the cardinality of the largest equivalence class defined by \(\sim \). The set \(\mathcal R(t)\) is said to have rotational symmetry if \(sym(\mathcal R(t))>1\).

  • Successor: Given a robot configuration \(\mathcal R(t)\) and a fixed point \(c\in \mathbb R^2\), the clockwise successor of a point \(r_i(t)\in \mathcal R(t)\) around c, denoted by \(S(r_i(t), c)\), is the point \(r_j(t)\in \mathcal R(t)\) defined as follows: if \((c, r_i(t))\) contains at least one point of \(\mathcal R(t)\), then \(r_j(t)\) is the point in \(\mathcal R(t)\cap (c, r_i(t))\) which minimizes \(|r_i(t), r_j(t)|\). Otherwise, \(r_j(t)\) is the point in clockwise direction such that \(\angle {(r_i(t), c, r_j(t))}\) contains no other point of \(\mathcal R(t)\) and \(|c, r_j(t)|\) is maximized. The counter-clockwise successor of \(r_i\) can be defined analogously. The \(k^{th}\) clockwise successor of \(r_i(t)\) around c, denoted by \(S^k(r_i(t), c)\), is defined by the recursive relation: for \(k>1\), \(S^k(r_i(t), c)=S(S^{k-1}(r_i(t), c))\), \(S^1(r_i(t), c)=S(r_i(t),c)\) and \(S^0(r_i(t), c)=r_i(t)\).

  • String of Angles: Let \(SA(r_i(t),c)\) denote the string of angles \(\alpha _1(t), \alpha _2(t),\) \(\ldots ,\alpha _{m}(t)\) where \(m=n-mult(c)\), mult(c) is the number of robots at the point c and \(\alpha _i(t)=\angle {(S^{i-1}(r_i(t)), c, S^i(r_i(t)))}\). The length of \(SA(r_i(t),c)\) is \(|SA(r_i(t),c)|=m\). The string \(SA(r_i(t),c)\) is k-periodic if there exists a constant \(1\le k\le m\) such that \(SA(r_i(t),c)=X^k\), where X is a sub-string of \(SA(r_i(t),c)\). The periodicity of \(SA(r_i(t),c)\), denoted by \(per(SA(r_i(t),c))\), is the largest value of k for which \(SA(r_i(t),c)\) is k-periodic.

  • Regularity: A robot configuration \(\mathcal R(t)\) is said to be regular if \(\exists \) a point \(c\in \mathbb {R}^2\) and an integer m such that \(per(SA(r_i(t),c))=m>1\) and the regularity of \(\mathcal R(t)\) is denoted by \(reg(\mathcal R(t))=m\). The point c is called the centre of regularity.

  • Quasi Regularity: A robot configuration \(\mathcal R(t)\) is said to be quasi regular or Q-regular iff \(\exists \) a configuration \(\mathcal B(t)\) and a point \(c\in \mathbb {R}^2\) such that \(reg(\mathcal B(t))>1\), c is the centre of regularity of \(\mathcal B(t)\) and \(p\in \mathcal R(t) \backslash \mathcal B(t)\), \(p=c\). In other words, \(\mathcal B(t)\) can be obtained from \(\mathcal R(t)\) by moving the robot positions located at c, if any, along particular half lines starting at c (including c). If \(\mathcal R(t)\) is Q-regular, then the point c is called as the centre of Q-regularity. By \(c_q\), we denote the centre of Q-regularity. The quasi-regularity of \(\mathcal R(t)\) is denoted \(qreg(\mathcal R(t))= reg(\mathcal B(t))\). If \(\mathcal R(t)\) is not quasi-regular, then \(qreg(\mathcal R(t)) = 1\).

Fact 1

Let \(\mathcal R(t_0)\) be an initial robot configuration. Then the centre \(\mathcal O_{t_0}\) of \(SEC(t_0)\) is the unique point which minimizes the maximum distance from any point in \(\mathcal R(t_0)\) to it.

For a set of points \(\mathcal A\), the Weber point of \(\mathcal A\) is a point c which minimizes the sum of distances of all the points in \(\mathcal A\) to it. It is known that the Weber point is not computable, in general, for a set of more than four points.

Fact 2

Weber point of a non-linear configuration is unique and this point remains invariant under the straight movements of the robots towards it.

Fact 3

If a configuration has multiple lines of symmetry, then it is Q-regular. However, the converse is not true.

Fact 4

The centre of Q-regularity of a non-linear configuration coincides with its unique Weber point and it is computable in finite time.

Fact 5

For a set A of \(n\ge 3\) points, there exists a subset \(B\subseteq A\) such that \(|B|\le 3\) and the smallest enclosing circles of A and B are same.

We state the following theorem without proof:

Theorem 1

The constrained gathering problem for a set of oblivious robots is deterministically unsolvable even with strong multiplicity detection capability under the FSYNC model.

3 Gathering Algorithm with Persistent Memory

By Fact 1, for an initial configuration \(\mathcal R(t_0)\), the centre \(\mathcal O_{t_0}\) of the circle \(SEC(\mathcal R(t_0))\) is the only candidate for the gathering point which satisfies the optimization criteria. But this point does not remain invariant under the movements of the robots. Thus, strategies are designed in such a way that even when configuration is changed, the robots can identify the point \(\mathcal O_{t_0}\). We assume that each robot has two bits of persistent memory. This is implemented by endowing the robots with externally visible lights. These lights can assume a finite number of colours, each colour indicates a different state. The colours do not change automatically and they are persistent. The lights are used in two different ways: one way is to remember the robot’s own state and the other way is to broadcast its current state i.e., for both internal memory and communication purpose [12]. A robot can identify the colours of the lights of all the robots in the system even when multiple robots occupy same position. It may be noted that strong multiplicity detecting follows directly from it; the light model provides some additional powers to the robots also. Except for the colour of its light, robots are oblivious i.e., they do not remember any other information of its previous computational cycles. Our algorithm assumes total four colours i.e., two bits memory.

3.1 States of the Robots

The robots use colours for their external lights to indicate their current states. This set of colours is denoted by \(\mathcal X\). Let \(\mathcal R(t_0)\) be an initial configuration. Following are the list of states and their corresponding colours: yellow indicates that it is an inactive robot or it has not changed its colour yet, red indicates that it has found \(\mathcal R(t_0)\) as a Q-regular configuration in which the centre of \(SEC(\mathcal R(t_0))\) coincides with centre of Q-regularity i.e., \(\mathcal O_{t_0}=c_q\), green indicates that it has found either \(\mathcal R(t_0)\) as not Q-regular or as Q-regular with \(\mathcal O_{t_0}\ne c_q\) and initially the robot was not at \(\mathcal O_{t_0}\) and blue indicates that it has found either \(\mathcal R(t_0)\) as not Q-regular or as Q-regular with \(\mathcal O_{t_0}\ne c_q\) and it is at \(\mathcal O_{t_0}\). Thus, \(\mathcal X=\{yellow, red, green, blue\}\). Let \(s_i(t)\) denote the colour of the light for the robot \(r_i\) at time t.

3.2 Configurations

Let \(\mathcal R_c(t)\) denote the set of all tuples \((r_i(t), s_i(t))\) for all \(r_i(t)\in \mathcal R(t)\) and \(s_i(t)\in \mathcal X\). The set of all such \(\mathcal R_c(t)\) is denoted by \(\widetilde{\mathcal R_c}\) where \(\mathcal R(t)\in \widetilde{\mathcal R}\). We partition \(\widetilde{\mathcal R_c}\) into the following classes:

  • Central \(\varvec{(\mathcal {CL}){:}}\) A robot configuration \(\mathcal R_c(t)\) belongs to this class if it satisfies exactly one of the following: (i) \(\mathcal R_c(t)\) contains a multiplicity point \(p_m\) such that at least one robot at \(p_m\) has red light or (ii) \(\mathcal R_c(t)\) contains a point such that at least one robot at this point has blue light. A configuration in this class is called a central configuration and the multiplicity point or the point with blue robot is called the central point.

  • Q*-regular \(\varvec{(\mathcal {QR}_0){:}}\) A robot configuration \(\mathcal R_c(t)\), containing no multiplicity point, is in this class if (i) \(\mathcal R(t)\) is Q-regular with \(\mathcal O_t = c_q\) and all the robots have yellow light or (ii) contains at least one tuple \((r_i(t), s_i(t))\) such that the value of \(s_i(t)\) is red.

  • Non Q*-regular \(\varvec{(\mathcal {NQ}){:}}\) This class contains all the configurations \(\mathcal R(t)\in \widetilde{\mathcal R_c}\backslash (\mathcal {CL}\cup \mathcal {QR}_0)\). The configurations which are asymmetric or have exactly one line of symmetry belong to this class.

3.3 Algorithm MoveToDestination()

Let \(r_i\) be a robot which has a destination point \(p_x\). The robot \(r_i\) follows following steps to reach the point \(p_x\):

  • If \((r_i(t), p_x)\cap \mathcal R(t)=\emptyset \) i.e., there is no other robot position in between \(r_i(t)\) and \(p_x\) on the line segment \(\overline{r_i(t)p_x}\), the robot \(r_i\) moves directly to \(p_x\) along \(\overline{r_i(t)p_x}\).

  • If \((r_i(t), p_x)\cap \mathcal R(t)\ne \emptyset \) i.e., there is at least one robot position in between \(r_i(t)\) and \(p_x\) on the line segment \(\overline{r_i(t)p_x}\), the robot \(r_i\) waits until it finds a free corridor straight to \(p_x\).

3.4 Algorithm GatheringLight()

We assume that (i) the initial robot configuration \(\mathcal R(t_0)\) does not contain any multiplicity point (ii) all the robots initially have yellow lights and (iii) \(n\!\ge \! 5\). An initial configuration \(\mathcal R_c(t_0)\) belongs to either \(\mathcal {QR}_0\) or \(\mathcal {NQ}\). The basic idea is to convert the initial configuration, within finite time, into a central one i.e., one in \(\mathcal {CL}\) in which \(\mathcal O_{t_0}\) is the central point. During the conversion phase, the movements of the robots are coordinated in such way that the initial \(SEC(t_0)\) does not change until a central configuration is created. Once a central configuration is created, the point \(\mathcal O_{t_0}\) remains recognizable by the robots even if the initial \(SEC(t_0)\) changes. The movements of the robots are designed to satisfy the constraint of the problem. Let \(r_i\) be an arbitrary active robot in \(\mathcal R\), at time t. Robot \(r_i\) takes one of the following actions, depending on the configuration and the position of the robot:

  • Case-1 \(\varvec{\mathcal R(t)\in \mathcal {QR}_0}\) : In this case, all the active robots have \(c_q\) as their destination point. Robot \(r_i\) finds that either all robots have yellow lights or at least one robot has red light. If \(r_i(t)=c_q\), the robot \(r_i\) does not move. Otherwise, it does one of the following: (i) if there is a yellow robot at \(c_q\), the robot \(r_i\) waits (ii) otherwise, it sets \(c_q\) as its destination point. In all these sub-cases, if the light of \(r_i\) is yellow, it also changes the colour to red.

  • Case-2 \(\varvec{\mathcal R(t)\in \mathcal {NQ}}\) : The robot \(r_i\) finds either all robots with yellow light or at least one robot with green light and it acts according to the following:

    • Case-2.1 \(\varvec{C_{int}(t)\ne \emptyset }\) : If \(r_i(t)\in C_{out}(t)\), the robot \(r_i\) does nothing. Otherwise, it does one of the following: (i) if \(r_i(t)=\mathcal O_t\), the robot \(r_i\) does not move and it turns its light blue. (ii) if \(r_i(t)\ne \mathcal O_t\), the robots \(r_i\) sets \(\mathcal O_t\) as its destination and it changes its colour to green.

    • Case-2.2 \(\varvec{C_{int}(t)=\emptyset }\) : In this case all the robots lie on the circumference of SEC(t).

      • \(*\) Case-2.2.1 \(\varvec{\mathcal R(t)}\) is not Q-regular: Fact 3 implies that the robot positions in \(\mathcal R(t)\) have at most one line of symmetry.

        • \(\cdot \) Case- \(\varvec{\mathcal R(t)}\) does not have any line of symmetry: The robot positions in \(\mathcal R(t)\) are orderable in this case [4]. Consider an ordering \(\mathcal G\) (the ordering algorithm is same for all robots) of the points in \(\mathcal R(t)\). Select the robot position \(r_u(t)\in \mathcal R(t)\) such that the smallest enclosing circle of \(\mathcal R(t)\backslash \{r_u(t)\}\) is same as \(SEC(\mathcal R(t))\) and \(r_u(t)\) has the highest order in \(\mathcal G\) among all the points satisfying this property. Since \(n\ge 5\), such a point exists by Fact 5. If \(r_i(t)=r_u(t)\), then it moves towards \(\mathcal O_t\) and turns its light green. Otherwise, it does nothing.

        • \(\cdot \) Case- \(\varvec{\mathcal R(t)}\) has exactly one line of symmetry \(\varvec{\mathcal L}\): There are two possibilities: (i) the line \(\mathcal L\) passes through at least one robot position in \(\mathcal R(t)\) or (ii) there are four robot positions, say \(H_1=\{r_{v_1}(t), r_{v_2}(t), r_{v_3}(t), r_{v_4}(t)\}\), belonging to \(C_{out}(t)\) which are closest to \(\mathcal L\). If \(r_i(t)\in H_1\) or \(\mathcal L\) does not pass through \(r_i(t)\), the robot \(r_i\) does nothing. Otherwise, \(r_i\) has \(\mathcal O_t\) as its destination point and it changes its colour to green.

      • \(*\) Case-2.2.2 \(\varvec{\mathcal R(t)}\) Q-regular with \(\mathcal O_t\ne c_q\) : There are at most two distinct robot positions in \(C_{out}\) which are farthest from \(c_q\). Let \(\mathcal U\) denote the set of these points. \(\mathcal L_z\) is the ray defined as follows (i) if \(|\mathcal U|=1\) and \(r_l(t)\in \mathcal U\), then \(\mathcal L_z\) is the ray from \(r_l(t)\), which passes through \(\mathcal O_t\) (ii) otherwise, it is the ray from the middle point of the two robot positions in \(\mathcal U\), which passes through \(\mathcal O_t\). Let \(\mathcal L_z\) intersect the circumference of SEC(t) at \(p_z\). \(\mathcal W\) is the set defined as follows: (i) if \(p_z\) contains a robot position, \(\mathcal W\) is the singleton set containing this point (ii) otherwise, \(\mathcal W=\{r_j(t), r_k(t)\}\) where \(r_j(t), r_k(t)\in C_{out}(t)\) and they lie on two different sides of \(\mathcal L_z\). If \(r_i(t)\ne \mathcal U\cup \mathcal W\), it sets \(\mathcal O_t\) as its destination point and turns its light green. Otherwise, the robot \(r_i\) does nothing. Note that \(|\mathcal U\cup \mathcal W|\) is at most 4 and the robot positions in \(\mathcal U\cup \mathcal W\) keep SEC(t) intact. Since \(n\ge 5\), at least one robot moves inside SEC(t).

  • Case-3 \(\varvec{\mathcal R(t)\in \mathcal {CL}}\) : An initial configuration \(\mathcal R_c(t_0)\) does not belong to this class. A configuration in this class is generated by the movements of the robots as described in case-1 and case-2. The destination point of each robot is \(\mathcal O_{t_0}\). First, consider the case when \(\mathcal R_c(t)\) contains a multiplicity point at \(\mathcal O_{t_0}\), with all robots at this point having red colour. If \(r_i(t)=\mathcal O_{t_0}\), the robot \(r_i\) does not move. Otherwise, it sets \(\mathcal O_{t_0}\) as its destination point. In both the cases, if the colour of \(r_i\) is yellow, it changes its colour to red. Since robots can distinguish colours of all the robots occupying the same position, they can easily identify the point \(\mathcal O_{t_0}\). Now, let \(\mathcal R_c(t)\) contain a blue robot at the point \(\mathcal O_{t_0}\). Same strategies are followed. In this case a robot does not change its colour.

In all of the above cases, a robot moves to its destination point according to algorithm MoveToDestination() described in Sect. 3.3. Following list shows the transactions between different states of the robots: \(\{yellow\}\xrightarrow {\mathcal R(t)\in \mathcal {QR}_0}\{red\}\), \(\{yellow\}\xrightarrow {\mathcal R(t)\in \mathcal {NQ}\wedge C_{int}(t)\ne \emptyset \wedge \mathcal O_t=r_i(t)} \{blue\}\), \(\{yellow\}\xrightarrow {\mathcal R(t)\in \mathcal {NQ}\wedge \mathcal O_t\ne r_i(t)} green\), \(\{green\}\xrightarrow {\mathcal R(t)\in \mathcal {NQ}\wedge C_{int}(t)\ne \emptyset \wedge \mathcal O_t=r_i(t)} \{blue\}.\)

3.5 Correctness of GatheringLight()

In this section, it is proved that GatheringLight() solves the constrained gathering problem.

Lemma 1

Algorithm MoveToDestination() guarantees collision free movements for the robots during the whole execution of algorithm GatheringLight().


During the whole execution of algorithm GatheringLight(), the destination point for each robot in the system is \(\mathcal O_t\). Let \(r_i\) be robot which wants to move to the point \(\mathcal O_t\). The robot \(r_i\) starts moving towards \(\mathcal O_t\) only when it finds a free corridor straight to this point. Otherwise, it waits, until all the robots in \((r_i(t), \mathcal O_t)\) reach their respective destinations. Thus, algorithm MoveToDestination() guarantees a collision free movement for the robot \(r_i\).    \(\square \)

Lemma 2

During the whole execution of algorithm GatheringLight(), \(\not \exists \) a time t such that \(s_i(t)=red\) and \(s_j(t)=green\vee blue\) for any two robots \(r_i, r_j\in \mathcal R\).


Let \(\mathcal R(t_0)\) be an initial robot configuration. Initially all the robots have yellow lights.

  • Case-1 \(\varvec{\mathcal R_c(t_0)\in \mathcal {QR}_0}\) : Since \(\mathcal O_{t_0}=c_q\), when a robot wakes up, it either finds that all robots are yellow or at least one robot has red light. In both the cases, it turns its light red and it never changes its colour again during the whole execution of the algorithm. Thus through out the whole execution of the algorithm, each robot has any one of the colours from the set \(\mathcal F_1=\{ yellow, red\}\) for its light.

  • Case-2 \(\varvec{\mathcal R_c(t_0)\in \mathcal {NQ}}\) : The robots which wake up first, find that \(\mathcal R(t_0)\in \mathcal {NQ}\) and all the robots have yellow lights. First, they turn their lights green or blue, depending upon their positions and then execute move phase. The robots which wake up after this, find that either \(\mathcal R_c(t)\) has at least one robot with green light or it contains unique point occupied by at least one blue robot. They change their colours to green or to blue. Hence, in this case, the set of colours of consumed by the robots is \(\mathcal F_2=\{yellow, green, blue\}\).

  • Case-3 \(\varvec{\mathcal R_c(t)\in \mathcal {CL}}\) : This case is applicable for a robot configuration \(\mathcal R_c(t)\) where \(t>t_o\). From case-1 and case-2, it is clear that \(\mathcal R_c(t)\) does not contain two robots; one with red colour and other with blue colour. When a robot finds a multiplicity point with red robots, it changes its colour to red. Otherwise, when it finds a robot with blue colour, it does not change its colour. This implies at time \(t'>t\), the system does not have two robots; one with red light and other with blue light. Hence the lemma holds.    \(\square \)

Lemma 3

Algorithm GatheringLight() converts any initial configuration \(\mathcal R(t_0)\) with more than 4 distinct robot positions, to a central configuration in finite time.


Let \(\mathcal R_c(t_0)\notin \mathcal {CL}\) be an initial robot configuration with more than 4 distinct robot positions. The algorithm GatheringLight() maintains one of the two invariants (i) if the initial configuration is Q-regular with \(\mathcal O_{t_0}=c_q\), it remains Q-regular until a multiplicity point with red robots is created (ii) otherwise, the smallest enclosing circle \(SEC(t_0)\) of \(\mathcal R(t_0)\) remains the same until at least one robot reaches \(\mathcal O_{t_0}\) and changes its colour to blue. Thus each active robot has exactly one desired destination point \(\mathcal O_{t_0}\).

  • Case-1 \(\varvec{\mathcal R(t_0)\in \mathcal {QR}_0}\) : Here, \(\mathcal O_{t_0}=c_q\) and the robots move towards \(c_q\). By Fact 2, the point \(c_q\), remains invariant under the straight movements of the robots towards it. The robots which are moving towards \(c_q\), have red colour lights to indicate the state of the initial configuration. By Lemma 2, within finite time at least two red robots occupy the point \(\mathcal O_{t_0}=c_q\). This converts \(c_q\) as a multiplicity point with all red robots. The uniqueness of the multiplicity point follows from Lemma 1. Thus, within finite time, we would have a central configuration.

  • Case-2 \(\varvec{\mathcal R(t_0)\in \mathcal {NQ}}\) : The robots which discover this case first, turn their lights green or blue so that all other robots, whenever they wake up, can have this information about the initial configuration. The robots have any one of the following scenarios:

    • Case-2.1 \(\varvec{C_{int}(t_0)\ne \emptyset }\) : In this case, the robots in \(C_{int}(t_0)\) move towards \(\mathcal O_{t_0}\). Since the robots in \(C_{out}(t_0)\) do not move, the circle \(SEC(t_0)\) and hence \(\mathcal O_{t_0}\), remain invariant. Within finite time at least one robot reaches \(\mathcal O_{t_0}\) and turns its light blue, which converts the configuration into a central one. Since a robot at \(\mathcal O_{t_0}\) decides to turn its colour to blue when it finds no robot with blue light in the system, the point with blue robots is unique.

    • Case-2.2 \(\varvec{C_{int}(t_0)=\emptyset }\) : The objective, in this case, is to move at least one robot inside \(SEC(t_0)\) so that \(|C_{int}(t)|\) becomes at least 1. The selection of this robot depends on the symmetry of \(\mathcal R(t_0)\).

      • \(*\) Case-2.2.1 \(\varvec{\mathcal R(t_0)}\) is not Q-regular: There are two possibilities:

        • \(\cdot \) Case- \(\varvec{\mathcal R(t_0)}\) does not have any line of symmetry: The robot positions in \(\mathcal R(t_0)\) are orderable. Exactly one robot can be selected deterministically to move inside \(SEC(t_0)\) such that \(SEC(t_0)\) remains invariant.

        • \(\cdot \) Case- \(\varvec{\mathcal R(t_0)}\) has exactly one line of symmetry \(\varvec{\mathcal L}\) : Since \(n\ge 5\) and at most four robots retain their positions on the circumference of \(SEC(t_0)\) to keep it intact, there is at least one robot which is eligible to move inside \(SEC(t_0)\). Whenever one such robot moves inside \(SEC(t_0)\), we are done.

      • \(*\) Case-2.2.2 \(\varvec{\mathcal R(t_0)}\) is Q-regular with \(\mathcal Q_{t_0}\ne c_q\) : Same arguments as in the case- above, works for this case also.

      Within finite time, \(|C_{int}(t)|\) will be at least 1 and case-2.1 shall be applicable. This implies that the initial configuration will be converted into a central one within finite time.

Hence, the lemma is true.    \(\square \)

Lemma 4

Algorithm GatheringLight() solves the constrained gathering problem in the ASYNC model for \(n\ge 5\) robots in finite time.


By Lemma 3, an initial configuration \(\mathcal R_c(t_0)\) can be converted into a central configuration in finite time if the number of distinct robot positions in the configuration is more than 4. Now, let \(\mathcal R(t)\in \mathcal {CL}\), \(\forall \) \(t> t_0\). By Lemma 2, exactly one of the following is the case: (i) \(\mathcal R(t)\) contains a unique multiplicity point with red robots or (ii) \(\mathcal R(t)\) contains a unique point with blue robots. In both the cases, the special point is created at \(\mathcal O_{t_0}\). Thus, a robot not at \(\mathcal O_t\) can easily identify the location of \(\mathcal O_{t_0}\) even when the circle \(SEC(t_0)\) has changed. All the robots move towards \(\mathcal O_{t_0}\). They follow algorithm MoveToDestination() to reach their destination point. Algorithm MoveToDestination() guarantees that (i) the movements of the robots are collision free, by Lemma 1 and (ii) the movements of the robots satisfy the constraint of the problem (since robots move along the straight lines to the destination points). Thus, algorithm GatheringLight() achieves the required goal. It is easy to see that the constrained gathering problem is not solvable, in general, for \(n\le 4\) robots with lights.    \(\square \)

Theorem 2

The constrained gathering problem is solvable in the ASYNC model for \(n\ge 5\) robots when robots are endowed with externally visible lights with 4 different colours.

4 Conclusion

This paper presents a distributed algorithm to solve the constrained version of gathering problem for asynchronous robots, when robots are endowed with externally visible lights using only 4 colours (O(1) bit of memory) for \(n\ge 5\) robots. It is also proved that the problem is not solvable solely with multiplicity detection under non-rigid motion even for fully synchronous robots. One of the future directions is to study the problem in the presence of faulty robots.