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Radiation Therapy in Osteosarcoma

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Radiation Oncology


Bone sarcomas (BSs) are a rare type of cancer, but they present important challenges for patients and caregivers. Serious efforts are being focused to improve management of osteosarcoma (OS) in young adults, given the potential for cure, the complexity and intensity of treatments, and the long-term morbidity experienced by survivors.

Improving and optimizing treatments for this disease is crucial, but advances have been few in recent years compared to other entities.

Due to the complexity and the infrequency of OS, professional consensus support diagnoses and treatment at a center with an experienced multidisciplinary sarcoma team are highly recommended.

Throughout this chapter, we will describe and present the state of the art of this disease.

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Martín, S.M., Palma, J., Calvo, F.A. (2023). Radiation Therapy in Osteosarcoma. In: Wenz, F., Giordano, F.A., Schmeel, C. (eds) Radiation Oncology. Springer, Cham.

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