
Cervical Spinal Stenosis


  • Central canal diameter <13 mm (normal is 17 mm)


  • Congenital

  • Traumatic arthritis

  • Degenerative arthritis



  • Often asymptomatic.

  • Advanced stenosis may cause cervical myelopathy, ask about clumsiness with buttons and other hand dexterity tasks.

  • May also cause radiculopathy.

Physical Exam

  • Neurologic exam, with special attention to myelopathy

  • Check for Hoffman’s sign

  • Check all reflexes

  • Observe for steady gait


  • AP, lateral, flexion, extension plain radiographs of the cervical spine may show canal narrowing.

    • Measure Torg-Pavlov ratio, which is the ratio of the width of the canal to the width of the vertebral body (<0.8 is abnormal).

  • MRI.


  • If asymptomatic, may observe.

  • If myelopathy, perform decompression +/− fusion.

  • If radiculopathy, consider injection vs. decompression +/− fusion.

  • Athletes – may not participate in sports if history of neurologic symptoms, even if transient

    • Interpretation of Torg ratio is controversial.

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis


  • Central stenosis <100 mm2 on CT scan

  • Lateral recess stenosis, narrowing lateral to the dura, and medial to the pedicle

    • Usually compresses the traversing root, which is the lower nerve root, e.g., L5 at the L4–L5 level.

  • Foraminal stenosis

    • Usually compresses the exiting root, which is upper root in the lumbar spine, e.g., L4 at the L4–L5 level.


  • All types may be caused by bulging or herniated discs, depending on where the disc presses on the neurologic structures.

  • Central stenosis may be caused by ligamentum flavum hypertrophy or degenerative spondylolisthesis.

  • Lateral recess and foraminal stenosis may be caused by degenerative spondylolisthesis or arthritic facets, which can hypertrophy or form synovial cysts.



  • Patients complain of “pressure” and pain in their buttocks and lower extremities.

  • Neurogenic claudication – pain and weakness in the lower extremities that is worst in lumbar extension and relieved by lumbar flexion, which opens the central canal.

  • May have bladder dysfunction.

Physical Examination

  • Neurologic exam.

  • Phalen test – extend back for 1 min, then flex forward. Exacerbation and relief of symptoms is a positive test.

  • Kemp sign – radicular pain worsened by extension.


  • AP, lateral, flexion, extension plain radiographs may show degenerative disease or spondylolisthesis.

    • May see instability in flexion/extension

  • MRI, though may note stenosis in asymptomatic patients.


  • Anti-inflammatories, physical therapy, and cortisone injections may improve symptoms.

  • Decompression alone should be performed for persistent symptoms if conservative therapy fails or for neurologic deficits.

  • Decompression and fusion should be performed if there is evidence of instability, such as in some cases of degenerative dynamic spondylolisthesis.