

Shoulder disorder noted for:

  • Severe pain, usually worse in the a.m.

  • Sometimes with loss of motion (ROM)

    • Secondary to pain

  • Calcific lesion located within the tendon


  • Women > men (slightly)

  • Ages 40–60 more common


  • Unknown etiology

  • Metabolic and endocrine disorders have been implicated:

    • Thyroid

    • Diabetes

    • Genetic predisposition


  • Degenerative calcification

    • Long-term impingement, aging, and decreased vascularity changes to microstructure of tendon fibers.

    • Degeneration of fibers results in necrosis and calcification.

    • Supraspinatus most commonly affected.

  • Reactive calcification

  • Calcification occurs within the tendon itself typically 1.5–2.0 cm from tendon insertion


  • History and physical exam

    • Severe pain

  • Spontaneous onset

  • Usually worse in the morning and/or at night

  • May also have stiffness and decreased ROM

    • Usually secondary to pain

  • Radiographs (Fig. 10.1)

    • Calcification seen in area of the tendon, most often in supraspinatus

    • Two radiographic types:

      • Type 1 – fluffy appearance with poorly defined periphery

      • Type 2 – discrete homogeneous deposits

    • Osteolysis of greater tuberosity seen in a variant form of the condition

  • MRI

    • If rotator cuff tear suspected

    • T1 – calcifications manifest as decreased signal

    • T2 – increased intratendinous signal with edema

    • May help localize for barbotage procedure if performed intraoperatively during rotator cuff repair

Fig. 10.1
figure 1

Shoulder radiographs. (a) AP; (b) scapular Y, axillary lateral

Stages: Reactive Calcification

  • Precalcific

    • No symptoms yet

    • Fibrocartilaginous metaplasia of tendon tissue

  • Calcific

    • Formative phase

      • Appearance of chondrocytes within tendon tissue

      • Well-delineated, dense homogeneous calcification

      • Calcium excreted from cells into chalky form

    • Resting phase

      • Fibrocartilaginous tissue borders calcium deposit indicating calcium deposition has stopped

      • Painless

    • Resorptive phase

      • Spontaneous resorption of calcium.

      • Vascular invasion at periphery with calcium granuloma.

      • Most painful. Calcification appears like toothpaste.

  • Postcalcific

    • Calcification disappears with appearance of vascular channel remodeling calcium granulation tissue with maturing fibroblasts.

    • Rotator cuff tendon replaces the void.

    • Painless.


  • Nonoperative

    • Physical therapy

      • Prevent loss of motion

      • Strengthen cuff

      • Therapy modalities:

        • Heat

        • Cryotherapy

        • ROM

        • Pendulum

    • NSAIDs

    • Corticosteroid subacromial injections (SAI)

    • Needling (barbotage)

      • Performed with U/S guidance

      • Can be combined with subacromial injection

  • Operative

    • Indicated for failure of conservative management especially during the formation phase

    • Arthroscopic or open debridement with extraction of the deposit:

      • Palpate rotator cuff for calcium deposits.

      • Rotator cuff should be assessed at the time of surgery for competency after removal of large deposits.

      • Postoperative pain may continue for weeks.


  • In a 2013 study comparing barbotage + SAI vs. isolated SAI, the barbotage group had decreased calcification size (11.6 mm vs 5.1 mm decrease), more cases of total resorption (13 vs 6), improved constant score at 1 year (86 vs 74), lower rates of secondary barbotage, and similar DASH and WORC scores.

  • Outcomes worse in the osteolysis variant.