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Strain Control of Domain Structures in Ferroelectric Thin Films: Applications of Phase-Field Method

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Handbook of Materials Modeling
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Ferroelectric thin films have potential applications in many devices such as memories, microwaves, transduction sensors, actuators, photovoltaics, etc. The mesoscale domain structures and thus properties of ferroelectric thin films depend crucially on the amount of strain imposed upon by the underlying substrates. Phase-field method has been extensively applied to understanding the underlying physics of the experimentally observed domain structures and predicting their responses to external electrical, mechanical, thermal, and chemical stimuli. In this chapter, the fundamentals of the thin-film phase-field method and its applications in predicting the effects of strains on the phase transitions, domain structures, and the domain switching are reviewed. The prospect of using phase-field method in microstructure design and property optimization for ferroelectric thin films is discussed.

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The research works on the domain structures and switching in ferroelectric thin films reviewed in this article have primarily been supported by the US Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering under Award DE-FG02-07ER46417, and the works on the strain and flexoelectric effects by the National Science Foundation under DMR-1410714 and by the Penn State MRSEC, Center for Nanoscale Science, under the award NSF DMR-1420620. During the preparation of this manuscript, J. J. Wang also acknowledges the partial support for his effort from the Army Research Office under grant number W911NF-17-1-0462.

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Wang, JJ., Chen, LQ. (2018). Strain Control of Domain Structures in Ferroelectric Thin Films: Applications of Phase-Field Method. In: Andreoni, W., Yip, S. (eds) Handbook of Materials Modeling. Springer, Cham.

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