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Loizos Heracleous: Uncovering the Underlying Processes of Change

The Palgrave Handbook of Organizational Change Thinkers
  • 104 Accesses


Loizos Heracleous holds a Chair in Strategy and Organization at Warwick Business School and is also an Associate Fellow of Green Templeton College and the Saïd Business School at Oxford University. His work over the years aims to uncover how organizations change, adapt, and evolve overtime, with particular reference to how individuals interpret and frame strategic issues. One of his most prominent contributions is linking organizational change and development with a number of perspectives and themes in strategy and organization, such as organizational discourse and ambidexterity. Heracleous’ body of work contributes to fundamental questions around organizations, such as what elements influence organizational change and development processes? What is the role of organizational discourse, metaphor, dialogue, culture, and learning? How can organizations implement dual strategies that contain elements that are in mutual tension? In order to answer these questions, Heracleous brings forward an interpretive hermeneutic approach to theory and methodology and uncovers underlying aspects of organizational change and development through different theoretical lenses: discourse theory, structuration theory, paradox theory, institutional theory, and strategy as practice.

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Further Reading

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Papachroni, A. (2018). Loizos Heracleous: Uncovering the Underlying Processes of Change. In: Szabla, D., Pasmore, W., Barnes, M., Gipson, A. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Organizational Change Thinkers. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Palgrave Macmillan, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-319-49820-1

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-319-49820-1

  • eBook Packages: Springer Reference Business and ManagementReference Module Humanities and Social SciencesReference Module Business, Economics and Social Sciences

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    Heracleous, Loizos: Uncovering the Underlying Processes of Change
    27 August 2020


  2. Loizos Heracleous: Uncovering the Underlying Processes of Change
    30 September 2017


  3. Original

    Loizos Heracleous
    24 February 2017
