
1 Introduction

Cloud computing is nowadays a largely adopted technology for providing any kind of services. Its success is due to the on-demand self-service, which enables user to acquire cloud service and resources according to a pay-by-use business model. In general, cloud service providers (CSPs) offer guarantees in terms of service availability and performance during a time period of hours and days. The provisioning contracts regulate the cost that customers have to pay for provided services and resources. On the other hand, due to their openness to the Internet, cloud services are prone to cyber attacks, which aim at violating security and privacy of the targeted enterprise systems. Several works proposed in the literature present models and mechanisms for monitoring and assuring service privacy and security guarantees in the cloud computing context [1, 2]. In particular, several works explore SLAs for security and analyze security metrics in new paradigms like cloud computing [3, 4]. By incorporating security parameters in the SLA could improve the quality of the service being offered. This objective has profound implications in the security solution to be implemented and delivered. Moreover, it the last years, many security standards and requirement frameworks have been developed in order to address risks to enterprise systems and critical data. On the other hand, most of these efforts are essentially exercises in reporting on compliance and defining security program resources to face evolving attacks that must be addressed.

The security controls are guidelines to identify and prioritize security actions, which are effective against cyber threats, with a strong emphasis on “what works,” i.e., tools, processes, architectures, and services that have been used and demonstrated real-world effectiveness. However, the available standards leave the process of security controls selection to the organizations. Moreover, the type of security controls to be applied depend on the asset to be protected and are identified on the basis of a risk analysis, which provides a set of significant risks and data to assist in the treatment of these risks.

In this chapter, we propose a method for security controls selection for a cloud-based service. In particular, we consider an Apache Hadoop service as case study. Apache Hadoop is an open-source software framework for distributed storage and distributed processing of very large datasets on cloud. We preset model to manage the SLA life cycle, which can be used to cover the semantic gap among CSC security requirements and security controls offered by CSPs, as well as adopted to compare the services offered by different CSPs. Moreover, we perform an asset evaluation to determine the most critical security controls to be implemented to protect the provided cloud service.

The rest of the chapter is organized as follows: Sect. 2 introduces the system model, as well as the definition of the problem we are focusing on. Section 3 presents the related work in the field of security controls applications. Section 4 introduces the adopted security SLA model, whereas Sect. 5 describes the risk assessment model to be used by the cloud customers. Section 6 illustrates the proposed approach on the Hadoop case study. Section 7 presents a short summary and future work.

2 Problem Definition

Cloud computing paradigm involves many use cases (see [5] for an overview), each of them implying different types of security issues and different ways of involving security and SLAs. Existing standards [68] offer a clear classification of the main concepts associated with cloud computing and of the roles that parties may assume in cloud scenarios.

In this chapter, we assume the common scenario, in which a cloud customer (CSC) wants to know the security grants offered by a public CSP, such as Amazon, in order to decide whether to acquire cloud resources, which will be used to provide a service (in our case study a Hadoop service) to its end users. Figure 1 depicts the scenario we are focusing on.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The system model

Therefore, this study focuses on the typical security issues related to the services offered by the CSP to the CSC: How can the CSC rely on CSP services? How reliable is the offering? In order to well outline the issues, few considerations are useful: the CSC is not a big cloud service provider, whose reliability is (ideally) granted by its dimension and relevance in the market. The CSC is a cloud service reseller that focuses on a specialized market with well-identified needs, differently from big CSPs, like Amazon, which has no interest in offering services customized for a specific audience. The CSC, on the other hand, has the need to evaluate the security risks associated with the usage of the cloud service, especially in case of management of critical data. In such a context, he needs detailed information about the security offered by the CSP, which often is not granted by big CSPs. Thus, we focus on the adoption of security SLAs as a way: (1) to allow CSC to be able to make a concrete risk assessment of adoption of cloud services and (2) to enable CSCs to add value to their services in a well-defined market niche. In order to obtain such a result, we propose that the CSP offers a security SLA able to represent, in a transparent manner, the security grants offered by the cloud provided to its CSCs. Moreover, we propose simple risk model that enables the CSC to compare the security SLA offered by the CSP in order to evaluate the cloud service that best fits his security needs.

3 Related Work

The main problem in adopting security controls is the lack of a clear representation in the cloud computing context, which makes it difficult to connect organizational certification efforts to the services offered by CSPs. In this direction [9] proposes a compliance vocabulary, which creates a set of security SLA terms that are derived from security controls in governance documents, including the NISTSP800-53 [2], the Common Criteria Part 2 [3], the DISA Secure Application Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG), and the Cloud Security Alliance Cloud Control Matrix (CCM) [10]. Existing services would rely on the compliance vocabulary to represent the controls it must satisfy and embed the corresponding terms in its SLA. In [11], authors propose a methodology to evaluate the information security controls. They rank the controls quantitatively in accordance with given criteria. Peláez [12] describes how to measure the effectiveness of security controls. In particular, a qualitative risk assessment method is adopted. It assigns a huge amount of metrics to each security control in order to measure its quality.

4 Security SLAs and Security Controls

The main goal of security SLAs is to represent the security level offered by the cloud service in a clear way, in order to cover the gap between the CSC, which focuses on his own requirements, and the CSP, which focuses on the security mechanisms he is able to implement [2].

In order to characterize the security in a service, Lindskog [13] defines four dimensions, including type of protection service (e.g., confidentiality), protection level (e.g., number of assets that must be encrypted), adaptiveness (i.e., the ability of a service to change protection levels at run-time), and protection level specification (i.e., the security policy). Bernsmed et al. [14] develop a framework that supports the security SLA management in federated clouds. In this work, we adopt the security model proposed in the SPECS project [15]. Such an SLA model is founded on an SLA life cycle, based on all the up-to-date standards, which includes five main phases: negotiation, implementation, monitoring, and remediation.

In order to cover the semantic gap among CSCs and CSPs, the SPECS SLA model adopts the concept of security controls. Security controls can be physical, technical, or administrative [16]. Each category of controls can be further classified by using either preventive or detective approaches. Preventive controls attempt to avoid the occurrence of unwanted events. They inhibit the use of unauthorized computing resources. Detective controls attempt to identify unwanted events after they have occurred. Examples of detective controls include audit trails, intrusion detection methods, and checksums. Other types of controls are usually described as deterrent, corrective, and recovery, which do not belong to either preventive or detective categories. Deterrent controls are used to discourage malicious users from intentionally violating information security policies or procedures. These are usually constraints that make it difficult to perform unauthorized activities or influence a potential intruder to not violate security. Corrective controls remedy the circumstances that allowed the unauthorized activity. They could result in changes to existing physical, technical, and administrative controls. Recovery controls restore lost computing resources or capabilities caused by a security violation. Deterrent, corrective, and recovery controls are considered to be special cases within the major categories of physical, technical, and administrative controls. For example, deterrence is a form of prevention because it induces dissuasive effect to the intruder. Corrective controls can be assimilated to technical controls, when antivirus removes a malware, or with administrative controls, when backup procedures enable restoring critical data. Finally, recovery controls can be considered as administrative controls when they implement disaster recovery and contingency plans.

The SPECS SLA model reports, for each service covered by SLA, the security controls that the CSP offers on top of it, as represented in Fig. 2. The model assumes that security is expressed in terms of (1) cloud resources, i.e., the description of the resources obtained by the cloud customer, (2) security capabilities, i.e., set of security controls granted on the cloud resources, (3) security metrics, which are the measurable (and externally verifiable) part of the security offered on the cloud service, and (4) service level objectives (SLOs), expressed as thresholds on security metrics, which represent the concrete grants offered to CSCs. Such model is built in order to be perfectly compatible with the WS-Agreement standard, and SPECS offers a WSAG extension to represent the model in a machine readable format.

Fig. 2
figure 2


According to the above model, CSP can build up a security SLA associated with its own service. In particular, the SLA implementation requires:

  • A description of the cloud service

  • The identification of the implemented security controls

  • The identification of the security metrics that can be granted

  • The formalization of the security SLA

The inclusion of the security controls in the SLA favors a comparison of offered service and shifts some certification burden to the CSP-based contractual SLA terms. Finally, on the basis of a risk assessment, the CSC can choose which CSP best meets their strict compliance requirements.

5 Security Risk Assessment

As presented in [17], a security model has to be considered three interconnected dimensions: asset is anything that has value to the organization; threat can inflict damage to assets of an organization; and security control is a management, operational, or technical mechanism, which allows defining assets against threats. It is clear that the main property of an asset is its importance for the organization. Therefore, in order to identify which CSP offers the service that best meets his requirements, an analysis of potential risks for the asset should be performed by the CSC. In particular, a risk evaluation matrix should be implemented. As Table 1 shows, the matrix represents the likelihood and consequences of each threat, which are used to compute the risk values.

Table 1 Evaluation matrix with risks likelihood and consequences

Then, for each identified threat should be verified which kinds of security controls are offered by the considered CSPs. Such security controls represent mitigation means for the analyzed threat. Thus, on the basis of the level of risk the CSC accepts for the asset, it is necessary to select the CSP.

Definitely, providing security control compliance services can be economically advantageous for CSPs to attract CSCs with strict compliance requirements. Therefore, for each category of CSC, CSPs should choose the security controls to be implemented on the basis of CSC needs, considering also the costs (in terms of money), difficulty of implementation, and time consumption of maintenance that the CSC should waste to implement on its own the same security controls. This analysis would allow identifying the more appropriate security mechanisms to be implemented in comparison to their cost and the level of risk the CSC accepts. Additional security mechanisms can be contracted with the CSC in the security SLA.

6 Security Control Assessment

According to the proposed approach, in order to identify the security level to be offered to CSCs through an SLA, a CSP has to determine which, and how many, controls have to be implemented to protect the hosted service. In the context of this work, we assume that the only applied security controls are those implemented by a basic Hadoop cluster. We adopted NIST SP 800-53r4 guidelines to determine the implemented security controls. According to the NIST structure, the security controls are organized into 18 families, such as access control, security assessment and authorization, personnel security, identification and authentication, system and communications protection, incident response, system and information integrity, etc. Each family contains a set of security controls related to the general security topic of the family. They can involve aspects of supervision, policy, oversight, manual processes, actions by individuals, and mechanisms. Tables 2, 3, and 4 list tree security control families and some related security controls applied to the considered case study. For each security control is described the name, a description of the control, how to apply it, and if it is already implemented by the Hadoop cluster. For example, as reported in Table 3, Hadoop does not support any security control to protect against Denial of Service (DoS) attacks [1820], which could exhaust cloud resources used to run the CSC’s services, whereas in Table 1 it is shown that the Hadoop framework provides mechanisms to manage the access control policies. Therefore, on the basis of hypothetical security requirements of the market niche to be covered, the CSP has to assess which controls have already been implemented by the hosted service, as well as identify which should be added to satisfy CSC’s security requirements. Then, for each identified control, it has to define the possible metrics to evaluate the control, as well as provide the assessment tool for supporting the CSC audit (monitoring). For example, in order to protect against the DoS attacks, CSP could deploy a prevention mechanism, such as mOSAIC-IDS [21], SNORT [22], and OSSEC [23], which are intrusion detection system to detect anomalous activities against the Hadoop cluster [24, 25]. Security metrics used to perform measurements of the correct delivery of the security capability during system operation could be “false_positives,” “true_positives,” “detection_latency,” etc.

Table 2 Access controls for Apache Hadoop cluster
Table 3 System and communications protection for Apache Hadoop cluster
Table 4 System and information integrity controls for Apache Hadoop cluster

However, the process of security control assessment has to take into account the changes to the system and its operating environment, or the changes outside CSP direct control, which may introduce new security vulnerabilities, and may require a new assessment of some or all security controls. Moreover, new security controls could be added in order to cover possible new market niches.

7 Conclusions

Security is a key issue that inhibits many businesses and government organizations from moving to the cloud. For an organization to have cloud-based services with certification guarantees means increased service efficiency and reputation.

In this chapter, we propose an approach to perform the security assessment of the cloud services offered by CSPs. The results of this assessment are used in determining the overall security offered to the CSC, identifying residual vulnerabilities in the system, providing credible and meaningful inputs to the cloud security administrators, as well as enabling little CSPs to add value to their services in a well-defined market niche, by using security SLA able to describe the security offered on top of their services. On the basis of an accurate risk assessment of required cloud services, a CSC can compare the security SLAs offered by different CSPs in order to evaluate the cloud service that best fits his security requirements.