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Acoustic Biosensors for Cell Research

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Handbook of Cell Biosensors


Drawing inspiration from nature and applying natural principles can support the continuous improvement of sensing technologies in various fields, such as medicine, pharmacy, and environmental applications. It is difficult to directly connect a sensing system to a complex biological system. Thus, finding a suitable technique that simplifies and interprets complicated biological information to generate readable signals is in high demand. Acoustic technology appears to be a promising sensing model. The monitoring of the biochemical processes or the quantification of a captured analyte can be performed utilizing acoustic wave devices that rely on gravimetric sensing of materials adsorbed onto the sensor surface. Considering nature as a toolkit that provides individual puzzle pieces that can be assembled carefully into a sensory system offers a rich source to build selective and sensitive biosensors. The natural toolbox includes biological components such as DNA, RNA, sugar, amino acids, proteins, and lipids, in addition to nonbiological components such as graphene, carbon nanotubes, and metals. These molecules can be assembled together onto piezoelectric substrates to enhance the functionality of fabricated acoustic devices. This chapter has classified acoustic biosensors into four classes for various cell applications. First, lipid membrane-based biosensors are biomimetic models constructed by natural biological materials to simplify the complexity of biological cell membranes and enable investigations of membrane proteins in a native-like environment. These bioarchitectures also offer a good opportunity to investigate the interactions of lipids and proteins under controlled conditions. Second, whole cell-based biosensors are fabricated to enable investigations of cellular behaviors such as cell adhesion and cell-substrate interactions. Third, detection biosensors are also attracting attention due to their high sensitivity, ability to track cells in real time without labeling, and ability to differentiate between viable and nonviable cells. Finally, recent advancements in the fabrication of acoustic biosensors have enabled cells themselves to act as biosensors to detect analytes. All designed acoustic platforms are aimed at studying the cell, the basic unit of life, from different perspectives. The facts discussed in this chapter are based on phenomena that cannot be visualized by the eye, such as cellular interactions, or factors present in such small quantities, but they can be heard by tracking their acoustic sounds.

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Damiati, S. (2020). Acoustic Biosensors for Cell Research. In: Thouand, G. (eds) Handbook of Cell Biosensors. Springer, Cham.

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