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Evolving Role of Chemotherapy-Based Treatment of Metastatic Melanoma

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Cutaneous Melanoma


For many years the mainstay of treatment for metastatic melanoma, chemotherapy is much less used today. Although a small minority of patients benefit from cytotoxic agents, responses are often only short-lived, and only 1 in 50 to 100 patients survives 5 years with this approach. Multiple drug classes achieve similar results, including nitrosoureas, vinca alkaloids, taxanes, and platinums, but there are no randomized phase III trial data comparing any of these with supportive care. In contrast to other malignancies, attempts to improve outcomes through combining cytotoxic drugs have been unavailing, as have the addition of cytokines or of antiangiogenic therapies. Outside of clinical trials, cytotoxic chemotherapy remains an option for relatively fit patients who have progressed though immunotherapy and are resistant to or ineligible for targeted treatment. Its role, if any, in combination with checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy remains to be determined.

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Agarwala, S.S., Middleton, M.R., Atkins, M.B. (2019). Evolving Role of Chemotherapy-Based Treatment of Metastatic Melanoma. In: Balch, C., et al. Cutaneous Melanoma. Springer, Cham.

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