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Geriatric Screening in Cancer Patients

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Geriatric Oncology
  • 138 Accesses


Cancer is primarily a disease of older persons. This older population with cancer is heterogeneous with respect to overall health status due to differences in the aging process. The performance of a multidimensional geriatric assessment is recommended in older patients with cancer to inventory health problems and tailor geriatric interventions and treatment decisions accordingly. This strategy however requires resources and may not be necessary in all older patients with cancer. Therefore the use of geriatric screening tools is proposed in order to identify those patients who would benefit from further evaluation by geriatric assessment and subsequent multidisciplinary approach. Several screening tools have been studied in geriatric oncology with different performance for various parameters such as sensitivity and specificity for detecting an impaired geriatric assessment and prognostic and predictive value for various outcome measures, depending on the setting. In clinical practice, the preferred screening tool may depend on the clinical situation. If the result is abnormal, a screening tool should always be followed by a geriatric assessment and subsequent multidisciplinary approach.

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Decoster, L., Kenis, C. (2019). Geriatric Screening in Cancer Patients. In: Extermann, M. (eds) Geriatric Oncology . Springer, Cham.

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