
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Reachability Logic (RL) [14] is a language-independent logic for defining the operational semantics of programming languages and for specifying properties of programs. For instance, on the sum program in Fig. 1, the rl formula

$$\begin{aligned} {{\langle \mathtt {sum}, \texttt {n}{\mapsto } a \, \rangle } {\wedge }{a \ge 0} } \Rightarrow {(\exists i,s){\langle \mathtt {skip}, \texttt {n}{\mapsto }a \, \texttt {i}{\mapsto } i \, \texttt {s}{\mapsto } s \rangle \rangle } {\wedge }{s = sum (a)} } \end{aligned}$$

specifies that after the complete execution of the sum program from a configuration where the program variable n is bound to a non-negative value a, a configuration where s is bound to a value \(s= sum (a)\) is reached.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Program sum.

Here, \( sum (a)\) is a mathematical definition of the sum of natural numbers up to a.

Existing rl verification tools [1, 2, 46] would typically verify formula (1) as follows. First, they would consider (1) together with, e.g., the following formula (2), where while denotes the program fragment consisting of the while-loop in Fig. 1. The formula (2) is intended to specify the while loop, just like (1) specifies the whole program, and can be seen as encoding a loop invariant.

$$\begin{aligned}&{\langle \mathtt {while},\texttt {n}{\mapsto } a \, \texttt {i}{\mapsto } i \, \texttt {s}{\mapsto } s \rangle } {\wedge }{0 < i \le a + 1 \wedge s = sum (i -1)} \\&\Rightarrow {(\exists i',s')\langle \mathtt {skip}, \texttt {n}{\mapsto }a \, \texttt {i}{\mapsto } i' \, \texttt {s}{\mapsto } s' \rangle } {\wedge }{s' = sum (a)} \nonumber \end{aligned}$$

Then, the tool would symbolically execute at least one instruction in the programs in the left-hand side of both (1) and (2) using the semantics of the instructions of the language (assumed to be also expressed as rl formulasFootnote 1), and then execute the remaining programs in the left-hand sides of the resulting formulas as if both (1) and (2) became new semantical rules of the language. For example, when the program executed in (1) reaches the while loop, the rule (2) can be applied instead of the rule defining the semantics of the while instruction - that is, when proving (1), (2) is assumed to hold. Similarly, when the program in (2) completes one loop iteration, the left-hand side of (2) contains again the same while loop as initially, with other values mapped to the variables. Then, (2) is applied instead of the rule defining the semantics of the while instruction. Thus, it is assumed that (2) holds after having completed one loop iteration.

The circular reasoning illustrated in the above example is sound, in the sense that if such a proof succeeds, all the formulas under proof are (semantically) valid. However, if the proof does not succeed, nothing can be said about the validity of the formulas. In our example, (1) or (2) (or both) could be invalid.

Contribution. In this paper we propose a new method for proving a significant subset of rl formulas, which, unlike existing verification methods, is incremental. In our example, the proposed method would first prove (2), and then would prove (1) knowing for a fact (i.e., not assuming) that (2) is valid. Thus, if the proof of (1) fails for some reason, the user still knows that (2) holds, and can take action for fixing the proof based on this knowledge. Of course, for a simple program such as the above example the advantage of incremental rl verification is not obvious, but it turns out to make quite a difference when verifying more challenging programs, such as the kmp program illustrated later in the paper.

We first establish an equivalence between the validity of rl formulas and two technical conditions (one condition is an invariance property, and the other one regards the so-called capturing of terminal configurations). Then we propose a graph-construction approach that takes a given rl formula under proof (corresponding to a given program fragment), together with a (possibly empty) set of other valid rl formulas (e.g., proved using a previous iteration of our approach, or by any other sound rl formula verification method). The latter formulas specify sub-programs of the program fragment currently under verification. The invariance and terminal-configuration capturing conditions are then checked on the graph, thus establishing the validity of the rl formula under proof. The newly proved formula can then be incrementally used in the proof of other rl formulas, corresponding to larger program fragments. The same process is then repeated until, eventually, the whole program is proved.

Of course, the proposed method has limitations, since verification of rl formulas is in general undecidable. The graph construction may not terminate, or the conditions to be checked on it may not hold. One situation that a purely incremental method cannot handle is mutually recursive function calls, in which none of the functions can be verified individually unless (coinductively) assuming that the other function’s specifications hold. A natural solution here is to use an incremental method as much as possible, and to locally apply a circular approach only for subsets of formulas that the incremental method cannot handle.

In order to demonstrate the feasibility of our approach we illustrate it on the nontrivial Knuth-Morris-Pratt kmp string-matching program. The program is written in a simple imperative language, whose syntax and semantics is defined in Maude [7]. We chose Maude in order to benefit from its reflective capabilities, which turned out to be very useful for implementation purposes. We are using a specific version of Maude that has been interfaced with the Z3 solver [8], which is here used for simplifying conditions required for proving rl formula validity.

Paper Organisation. After this introduction we present in Sect. 2 the Maude-based definition of a simple imperative programming language imp+ that includes assignments, conditions, loops, and simple procedures operating on global variables. In Sect. 3 we present background notions: Reachability Logic, and how the language definition from the previous section fits in this framework (Sect. 3.1); and language-parametric symbolic execution, together with its implementation by rewriting based on transforming the semantical rules of a language (Sect. 3.2). In Sect. 4 we present the incremental rl-formula verification method. In Sect. 5 we illustrated our method on the kmp string-matching algorithm, and in Sect. 6 we conclude and present related and future work. An extended version containing detailed proofs of technical results is available at

2 Defining a Simple Programming Language

In this section we define the language imp+ in Maude. imp+ is simple enough so that its Maude code is reasonably small (less than two hundred lines of code), yet expressive enough for programming algorithms on arrays such as the kmp. We assume Maude is familiar to readers; for details the standard reference is [7].

Datatypes. imp+ computes over Booleans, integers, and integer arrays. We use the builtin Booleans and integers of Maude, and provide a standard algebraic definition of arrays. The constructor creates an array of a given length. The operation stores a given integer (third argument) at a given natural-number index. An operation returns the element at the position given by the second argument. These functions are defined equationally. They return error values in case of attempts to access indices out of an array’s bounds.

Syntax. The syntax on imp+ consists of expressions (arithmetic and Boolean) and statements. Each of these syntactical categories is defined by a sort, i.e., AExp, BExp, and Stmt. Allowed arithmetical operations are addition, substraction, and array selector, denoted by , , and respectively, in order to avoid confusion with the corresponding Maude operations on the datatypes. In the same spirit, Boolean operations are less-or-equal-than () and equality (); negation ; and conjunction . Such expressions are built from identifiers (i.e., program variables) and constants (Maude integers and Booleans).

The statements of imp+ are: assignments to integer variables and array elements (); conditional (); while loops (); parameterless function declaration () and call (); a print instruction; and finally, a sequencing instruction that, for convenience, is declared associative with the “do-nothing” skip instruction as a neutral element.

Semantics. Semantical rules operate on configurations, which consist of a program to be executed, a mapping of integer variables to values and of function names to statements, and a list of integers denoting the output of the program. In Maude we write a constructor . Getters and setters for the Map and Funs maps are also equationally defined.

The semantics of imp+ then consists in evaluating expressions (in a given map, assigning values to variables) and statements (in a given configuration, describing all the infrastructure required for statements to execute). Expressions are evaluated using equations, and statements are evaluated using rewrite rules.

Evaluating Expressions. This amounts to writing a function eval and equations:

figure a

That is, eval goes through the structure of an expression and evaluates it in a given mapping of values to variables. Here, e.g., denotes an associative-commutative map, constructed as the anonymous juxtaposition operation of a map variable M with a map of the identifier X to the integer J.

Evaluating Statements. This is performed by rewrite rules, some of which are:

figure b

The first rule deals with assigment to a program-variable X of an arithmetic expression E. It uses the set function on maps in order to update the map so that X is mapped to the value of E. Another rule, not shown here, deals with assignments to array elements. The following two rules describe the two possible outcomes of a conditional instruction, depending on the value of the condition. The rule for the while loop consists essentially in loop unrolling. The rule for the printing instruction appends the value of the instruction’s argument to the list of integers (last argument of configurations) denoting the program’s output.

3 Reachability Logic and Symbolic Execution

In this section we present background material used in the rest of the paper. We illustrate the concepts with examples from the imp+ language.

3.1 Reachability Logic

Several versions of rl have been proposed in the last few years [14]. Moreover, rl is built on top of Matching Logic (ml), which also exists in several versions [911]. (The situation is somewhat similar to the relationship between rewriting logic and the equational logics underneath it.) We adopt the recent all-paths interpretation of rl [4], built upon a minimal ml that is enough to express typical practically-relevant properties about program configurations and is amenable to symbolic execution by rewriting, a key ingredient of our method.

The formulas of ml that we consider are called patterns and are defined as follows. Assume an algebraic signature \(\varSigma \) with a set S of sorts, including two distinguished sorts \( Bool , Cfg \in S\). We write \(T_{\varSigma ,s}( Var )\) for the set of terms of sort s over a set \( Var \) of S-indexed variables and \(T_{\varSigma ,s}\) for the set of ground terms of sort s. We identify the \( Bool \)-sorted operations in \(\varSigma \) with a set \(\varPi \) of predicates.

Example 1

Consider the Maude definition of the imp+ language. Then, \(\varSigma \) is the algebraic signature containing all the sorts and operations described in the previous section, including the Bool and Cfg sorts. The operation has sort Bool and is thus identified with a predicate in the set \(\varPi \). The sort Cfg has the constructor .

Definition 1

(Pattern). A pattern is an expression of the form \((\exists X){\pi } {\wedge }{\phi } \), where \(X \subset Var \), \(\pi \in T_{\varSigma , Cfg }(X)\) and \(\phi \) is a FOL formula over the FOL signature \((\varSigma ,\varPi )\) with free variables in X.

We often denote patterns by \(\varphi \) and write \(\varphi \triangleq (\exists X){\pi } {\wedge }{\phi } \) to emphasise its components: the quantified variables X, the basic pattern \(\pi \), and \(\phi \), the condition. We let \( FreeVars (\varphi )\) denote the set of variables freely occurring in a pattern \(\varphi \), defined as usual (i.e., not under the incidence of a quantifier). We often identify basic patterns \(\pi \) with \((\exists \emptyset ) {\pi } {\wedge }{ true } \), and elementary patterns \({\pi } {\wedge }{\phi } \) with \((\exists \emptyset ){\pi } {\wedge }{\phi } \).

Example 2

The left and right-hand sides of the rules defining the semantics of \(\textsc {imp+} \) are basic patterns, is an elementary pattern, and \((\exists \, \texttt {O})\) is a pattern.

We now describe the semantics of patterns. We assume a model \(M\) of the algebraic signature \(\varSigma \). In the case of the Maude specification of imp+ the model \(M\), M is the initial model induced by the specification’s equations and axioms. For sorts \(s \in S\) we write \(M_s\) for the interpretation (a.k.a. carrier set) of the sort s.

We call valuations the functions \(\rho : Var \rightarrow M\) that assign to variables in \( Var \) a value in \(M\) of a corresponding sort, and configurations the elements in \(M_{ Cfg }\).

Definition 2

(Pattern Semantics). Given a pattern \(\varphi \triangleq (\exists X){\pi } {\wedge }{\phi } \), \(\gamma \in M_ Cfg \) a configuration, and \(\rho : Var \rightarrow M\) a valuation, the satisfaction relation \((\gamma , \rho ) \models \varphi \) holds iff there exists a valuation \(\rho '\) with \(\rho '|_{ Var \setminus X} = \rho |_{ Var \setminus X}\) such that \(\gamma = \rho '(\pi )\) and \(\rho ' \models \phi \) (where the latter \(\models \) denotes satisfaction in FOL, and \(\rho _{| Var \setminus X}\) denotes the restriction of the valuation \(\rho \) to the set \( Var \setminus X\)).

We let \([\![\varphi ]\!]\) denote the set \(\{\gamma \in M_ Cfg \mid (\exists \rho : Var \rightarrow M)(\gamma ,\rho )\models \varphi \}\). A formula \(\varphi \) is valid in M, denoted by \(M \models \varphi \), if it is satisfied by all pairs \((\gamma , \rho )\).

We now recall Reachability-Logic (rl) formulas, the transition systems that they induce, and their all-paths semantics [4] that we will be using in this paper.

Definition 3

( RL Formulas). An rl formula is a pair of patterns \({\varphi } \Rightarrow {\varphi '}\).

Examples of rl formulas were given in the introduction. The rules defining the semantics of imp+ are also rl formulas (for the conditional rules, just assume that the expression following if is the condition of the rule’s left-hand side).

Let \(\mathcal {S}\) denote a fixed set of \(\textsc {rl} \) formulas, e.g., the semantics of a given language. We define the transition system defined by \(\mathcal {S}\) together with some notions related to this transition system, and then the notion of validity for rl formulas.

Definition 4

(Transition System Defined by \(\mathcal {S}\) ). The transition system defined by \(\mathcal {S}\) is \((M_ Cfg ,\Rightarrow ^{\!}_{\!\mathcal {S}})\), where \({\Rightarrow ^{\!}_{\!\mathcal {S}}}=\{(\gamma ,\gamma ')\mid (\exists {\varphi } \Rightarrow {\varphi '}\in \mathcal {S})(\exists \rho )(\gamma ,\rho )\models \varphi \wedge (\gamma ',\rho )\models \varphi '\}\). We write \(\gamma \Rightarrow ^{\!}_{\!\mathcal {S}}\gamma '\) for \((\gamma ,\gamma ')\in {\Rightarrow ^{\!}_{\!\mathcal {S}}}\). A state \(\gamma \) is terminal if there is no \(\gamma '\) such that \(\gamma \Rightarrow ^{\!}_{\!\mathcal {S}}\gamma '\). A path is a sequence \(\gamma _0 \cdots \gamma _n\) such that \(\gamma _i\Rightarrow ^{\!}_{\!\mathcal {S}}\gamma _{i+1}\) for all \(0 \le i \le n-1\). Such a path is complete if \(\gamma _n\) is terminal.

An rl formula \({\varphi } \Rightarrow {\varphi '}\) is valid, written \(\mathcal {S}\models {\varphi } \Rightarrow {\varphi '}\), if for all pairs \((\gamma _0,\rho )\) such that \((\gamma _0,\rho ) \models \varphi \), and all complete paths \(\gamma _0 \Rightarrow ^{\!}_{\!\mathcal {S}}\ \cdots \Rightarrow ^{\!}_{\!\mathcal {S}}\gamma _n\), there exists \(0 \le i \le n\) such that \((\gamma _i,\rho ) \models {\varphi '}\).

Note that the validity of rl formulas is only determined by finite, complete paths. Infinite paths, induced by nonterminating programs, are not considered. Thus, termination is assumed: as a program logic, rl is a logic of partial correctness. We restrict our attention to \(\textsc {rl} \) formulas satisfying the following assumption:

Assumption 1

RL formulas have the form \({{\pi _l} {\wedge }{\phi _l} } \Rightarrow {(\exists Y) {\pi _r} {\wedge }{\phi _r} }\) and satisfy \( FreeVars (\pi _r) \) \( \subseteq FreeVars (\pi _l) \cup Y\), \( FreeVars (\phi _r) \subseteq FreeVars (\pi _l) \cup FreeVars (\pi _r)\), and \( FreeVars (\phi _l)\) \( \subseteq FreeVars (\pi _l)\).

That is, the left-hand side is an elementary pattern, and the right hand side is a pattern, possibly with quantifiers. Such formulas are typically expressive enough for expressing language semantics (for this purpose, quantifiers are not even required)Footnote 2 and program properties. For program properties, existentially quantified variables in the right-hand side are useful to denote values computed by a given program, which are not known before the program computes them, such as s - the sum of natural numbers up to a given bound - in the formula (1).

3.2 Language-Parametric Symbolic Execution

We now briefly present symbolic execution, a well-known program analysis technique that consists in executing programs with symbolic input (e.g. a symbolic value x) instead of concrete input (e.g. 0). We reformulate the language-independent symbolic execution approach we already presented elsewhere [6], with some simplifications (e.g., unlike [6] we do not use coinduction). The approach consists in transforming the signature \(\varSigma \) and semantics \(\mathcal {S}\) of a programming language so that, under reasonable restrictions, executing a program with the modified semantics amounts to executing the program symbolically.

Consider the signature \(\varSigma \) corresponding to a language definition. Let \( Fol \) be a new sort whose terms are all FOL formulas, including existential and universal quantifiers. Let \( Id \) and \( IdSet \) be new sorts denoting identifiers and sets of identifiers, with a union operation \(\_,\_\). Let \({ Cfg }^{\mathfrak {s}}\) be a new sort, with constructor \((\exists {\_}){\_} {\wedge }{\_} : IdSet \times Cfg \times Fol \rightarrow { Cfg }^{\mathfrak {s}}\). Thus, patterns \((\exists X){\pi } {\wedge }{\phi } \) correspond to terms \((\exists X){\pi } {\wedge }{\phi } \) of sort \({ Cfg }^{\mathfrak {s}}\) in the enriched signature and reciprocally. Consider also the following set of rl formulas, called the symbolic version of \(\mathcal {S}\):

$${\mathcal {S}}^{\mathfrak {s}} \triangleq \{ {(\exists \mathcal {X}){\pi _l} {\wedge }{\psi } } \Rightarrow {(\exists \mathcal {X},Y){\pi _r} {\wedge }{(\psi \wedge \phi _l \wedge \phi _r)} } | {{\pi _l} {\wedge }{\phi _l} } \Rightarrow {(\exists Y){\pi _r} {\wedge }{\phi _r} } \in \mathcal {S}\}$$

with \(\psi \) a new variable of sort \( Fol \), and \(\mathcal {X}\) a new variable of sort \( IdSet \).

Example 3

The following conditional rule is part of the semantics \(\mathcal {S}\) of imp+:  Written as an rl formula (with patterns in left and right-hand sides) it becomesFootnote 3 \(\wedge \) The corresponding rule in \({\mathcal {S}}^{\mathfrak {s}}\) becomes an unconditional rule: \((\exists \mathcal {X})\) \(\wedge \psi \) \((\exists \mathcal {X})\) \({\wedge }\) ( \(\psi \wedge \texttt {eval(C,M))}\).

The interest of the above nontrivial construction is that, under reasonable assumptions, stated below, rewriting with the rules in \({\mathcal {S}}^{\mathfrak {s}}\) achieves a simulation of rewriting with the rules in \(\mathcal {S}\), which is a result that we need for our approach.

Assumption 2

There exists a builtin subsignature \(\varSigma ^b\subsetneq \varSigma \). The sorts and operations in \(\varSigma ^b\) are builtin, while all others are non-builtin. The sort \( Cfg \) is not builtin. Non-builtin operation symbols may only be subject to a (possibly empty) set of linear, regular, and non-collapsing axioms.

We recall that an axiom \(u=v\) is linear if both uv are linear (a term is linear if any variable occurs in it at most once); it is regular if both uv have the same set of variables; and it is non-collapsing if both uv have non-builtin sorts.

Example 4

For the imp+ language specification we assume that the non-builtin sorts are Cfg, Stmt (for statements), and Funs (which map function identifiers to statements). Statements were declared to be associative with unity, whereas maps of identifiers to statements were taken to be associative and commutative with unity. All these axioms have the properties requested by Assumption 2.

In order to formulate the simulation result we now define the transition relation generated by the set of symbolic rl rules \({\mathcal {S}}^{\mathfrak {s}}\). It is essentially rewriting modulo the congruence \(\cong \) on \(T_{\varSigma }( Var )\) induced by the axioms in Assumption 2. Let \( Var ^b\subset Var \) be the set of variables of builtin sorts. We first need the following technical assumption, which does not restrict the generality of our approach:

Assumption 3

For every \({{\pi _l} {\wedge }{\phi _l} } \Rightarrow {(\exists Y){\pi _r} {\wedge }{\phi _r} } \in \mathcal {S}\), \(\pi _l \in T_{\varSigma \setminus \varSigma ^b}( Var )\), \(\pi _l\) is linear, and \(Y \subseteq Var ^b\).

The assumption can always be made to hold by replacing in \(\pi _l\) all non-variable terms in \(\varSigma ^b\) and all duplicated variables by fresh variables, and by equating in the condition \(\phi _l\) the new variables to the terms that they replaced.

For the sake of complying with the definition of rewriting we need to extend the congruence \(\cong \) to terms of sort \({ Cfg }^{\mathfrak {s}}\) by \((\exists X){\pi _1} {\wedge }{\phi } \cong (\exists X){\pi _2} {\wedge }{\phi } \) iff \(\pi _1 \cong \pi _2\).

Definition 5

(Relation \(\Rightarrow ^{\!}_{\!{\alpha }^{\mathfrak {s}}}\) ). For \({\alpha }^{\mathfrak {s}} \triangleq {(\exists \mathcal {X}) {\pi _l} {\wedge }{\psi } } \Rightarrow {(\exists \mathcal {X},Y){\pi _r} {\wedge }{(\psi \wedge \phi _l \wedge \phi _r)} }\) \(\in {\mathcal {S}}^{\mathfrak {s}}\) we write \((\exists X){\pi } {\wedge }{\phi } \Rightarrow ^{\!}_{\!{\alpha }^{\mathfrak {s}}} (\exists X,Y){\pi '} {\wedge }{\phi '} \) whenever \((\exists X){\pi } {\wedge }{\phi } \) \({\alpha }^{\mathfrak {s}}\) is rewritten by \({\alpha }^{\mathfrak {s}}\) to \((\exists X,Y){\pi '} {\wedge }{\phi '} \), i.e., there exists a substitution \(\sigma '\) on \( Var \cup \{\mathcal {X},\psi \}\)such that \(\sigma '((\exists \mathcal {X}){\pi _l} {\wedge }{\psi } ) \cong (\exists X) {\pi } {\wedge }{\phi } \) and \(\sigma '((\exists \mathcal {X},Y){\pi _r} {\wedge }{(\psi \wedge \phi _l \wedge \phi _r)} = (\exists X,Y) {\pi '} {\wedge }{\phi '} \).

Lemma 1

( \(\Rightarrow ^{\!}_{\!{\alpha }^{\mathfrak {s}}}\) Simulates \(\Rightarrow ^{\!}_{\!\alpha }\) ). For all \(\gamma ,\gamma ' \in M_{ Cfg }\), all patterns \(\varphi \) with \( FreeVars (\varphi ) \subseteq Var ^b\), and all valuations \(\rho \), if \((\gamma ,\rho ) \models \varphi \) and \(\gamma \Rightarrow ^{\!}_{\!\alpha } \gamma '\) then there exists \(\varphi '\) with \( FreeVars (\varphi ') \subseteq Var ^b\) such that \(\varphi \Rightarrow ^{\!}_{\!{\alpha }^{\mathfrak {s}}} \varphi '\) and \((\gamma ',\rho ) \models \varphi '\).

As a consequence, any concrete execution (following \(\Rightarrow ^{\!}_{\!\mathcal {S}}\)) such that the initial configuration satisfies a given initial pattern \(\varphi \) is simulated by a symbolic execution (following \(\Rightarrow ^{\!}_{\!{\mathcal {S}}^{\mathfrak {s}}}\)) starting in \(\varphi \). We shall also use the following notion of derivative, which collects all the symbolic successors of a pattern by a rule:

Definition 6

(Derivatives). \(\varDelta _{\alpha }(\varphi ) = \{\varphi ' \mid \varphi \Rightarrow ^{\!}_{\!{\alpha }^{\mathfrak {s}}} \varphi ' \}\) for any \(\alpha \in \mathcal {S}\).

Since the symbolic successors are computed by rewriting, the derivative operation is computable and always returns a finite set of patterns.

4 Proving RL Formulas Incrementally

In this section we present an incremental method for proving rl formulas. We first state two technical conditions and prove that they are equivalent to rl formula validity. The equivalence works for so-called terminal formulas, whose right-hand side specifies a completed program; however, a generalisation to nonterminal formulas, required for incremental verification, is also given. Thus, rl formula verification amounts to checking the two above-mentioned conditions.

For this, we present a graph construction based on symbolic execution that, if it terminates successfully, ensures that the two conditions in question hold for a given rl formula. The graph construction is parameterised by a set of formulas that have already been proved valid (using the same method, or any other sound one). These formulas correspond to subprograms of the given program fragment that the current formula under proof specifies. The current formula, once proved, can then be used in proofs of formulas specifying larger program fragments.

We consider a fixed set \(\mathcal {S}\) or rl formulas and their transition relation \(\Rightarrow ^{\!}_{\!\mathcal {S}}\). The first of the two following definitions says that all terminal configurations reachable from a given pattern “end up” as instances of a quantified basic pattern:

Definition 7

(Capturing All Terminal Configurations). We say that a pattern \((\exists Y) \pi '\) captures all terminal configurations for a pattern \( \varphi \) if for all \((\gamma ,\rho )\) such that \((\gamma ,\rho ) \models \varphi \), and all complete paths \(\gamma \Rightarrow ^{\!}_{\!\mathcal {S}} \cdots \Rightarrow ^{\!}_{\!\mathcal {S}}\gamma '\), \((\gamma ',\rho ) \models (\exists Y)\pi '\).

The second definition characterises FOL formulas that hold in a given quantified pattern, i.e., conditions satisfied by all configurations reachable from a given initial pattern whenever they “reach” the quantified pattern in question:

Definition 8

(Invariant at, Starting from). We say that a FOL formula \((\exists Y)\phi '\) is invariant at a pattern \((\exists Y)\pi '\) starting from a pattern \( \varphi \) if for all \((\gamma ,\rho )\) such that \((\gamma ,\rho ) \models \varphi \), all paths \(\gamma \Rightarrow ^{\!}_{\!\mathcal {S}} \cdots \Rightarrow ^{\!}_{\!\mathcal {S}}\gamma '\), and all valuations \(\rho '\) with \(\rho '|_{ Var \setminus Y} = \rho |_{ Var \setminus Y}\), if \(\gamma '= \rho '(\pi ')\), then \(\rho ' \models \phi '\).

Note that the same values of the variables Y were used for satisfying \(\pi '\) and \(\phi '\).

Definition 9

A basic pattern \(\pi '\) is terminal if for all valuations \(\rho \), \(\rho (\pi ')\) is a terminal configuration. A rule \({ {\pi } {\wedge }{\phi } } \Rightarrow {(\exists Y){\pi '} {\wedge }{\phi '} }\) is terminal if \(\pi '\) is terminal.

The following proposition characterises the validity of terminal rl formulas:

Proposition 1

(Equivalent Conditions for Terminal Formula Validity). Consider a terminal formula \({ {\pi } {\wedge }{\phi } } \Rightarrow {(\exists Y){\pi '} {\wedge }{\phi '} }\). Then \(\mathcal {S}\models { {\pi } {\wedge }{\phi } } \Rightarrow {(\exists Y){\pi '} {\wedge }{\phi '} }\) iff

  1. 1.

    \((\exists Y)\phi '\) is invariant at \((\exists Y)\pi '\) starting from \({\pi } {\wedge }{\phi } \), and

  2. 2.

    \((\exists Y)\pi '\) captures all terminal configurations for \({\pi } {\wedge }{\phi } \).

Remark 1

The \((\Leftarrow )\) implication in Proposition 1 is the important one for the soundness of our method. Its proof naturally follows from definitions. For the reverse implication, the following assumption is required: for all right-hand sides \(\varphi _r \triangleq (\exists Y) {\pi _r} {\wedge }{\phi _r} \) of rules in \(\mathcal {S}\), if \(\rho (\pi _r) = \rho '(\pi _r)\) then \(\rho |_{ FreeVars (\pi _r)} = \rho '|_{ FreeVars (\pi _r)}\). The assumption does not restrict generality as it can always be made to hold, by replacing subterms of patterns by fresh variables (and adding equations to the condition) and by noting that the \( Cfg \) sort is interpreted syntactically in the model M. Then, \(\pi _r \triangleq f(x_1, \ldots , x_n)\) where f is the constructor for the \( Cfg \) sort, and \(\rho (f(x_1, \ldots , x_n)) = \rho '(f(x_1, \ldots , x_n))\) iff \(\rho (x) = \rho '(x_i)\) for all variables \(x_i\).

Remark 2

Proposition 1 works for terminal rl formulas. We shall need the following observation: assume that an rl formula of the following form \({{\langle P \ldots \rangle } {\wedge }{\phi } } \Rightarrow {(\exists Y){\langle skip \ldots \rangle } {\wedge }{\phi '} }\) has been proved valid, where P is a program, skip denotes the empty program, and suspension dots denote the rest of the configurations (which depend on the programming language). Then, assuming a sequencing operationFootnote 4 denoted by semicolon, the following formula \({{\langle P;Q \ldots \rangle } {\wedge }{\phi } } \Rightarrow {{(\exists Y)\langle Q \ldots \rangle } {\wedge }{\phi '} }\) is also valid: if each terminal path executing P ended up in the empty program, then each path executing PQ still has Q to execute after having executed P. As shown later in this section, the validity of such “generalized” formulas enables us to incrementally use a proved-valid formula in the proofs of other formulas.

Proposition 1 is the basis for proving rl formulas, by checking the conditions (1) and (2). We now show how the conditions can be checked mechanically.

Symbolic Graph Construction. The graph-construction procedure in Fig. 2 uses symbolic execution and is used to check the conditions (1) and (2) in Proposition 1. Before we describe the procedure we introduce the components that it uses.

A Partial Order < on \(\mathcal {S}\) . The procedure assumes a set of rl formulas \(\mathcal {S}\), which consist of the semantical rules \(\mathcal {S}_0\) of a programming language and a (possibly empty) set of rl formulas \(\mathcal {G}\) that were already proved valid in an earlier step of our envisaged incremental verification method. Such formulas, sometimes called circularities in rl verification, specify subprograms of the program under verification, and are assumed here to have the form \({{\langle P;Q, \ldots \rangle } {\wedge }{\phi } } \Rightarrow {(\exists Y){\langle Q, \ldots \rangle } {\wedge }{\phi '} }\) (cf. Remark 2). During symbolic execution, circularities can be symbolically applied “in competition with” rules in the semantics (e.g., when the program to be executed is PQ, the symbolic version of the above rule can be applied, but the symbolic version of the semantical rule for the first instruction of P can be applied as well). We solve the conflict between semantical rules and circularities by giving priority to the latter.

We use the following notations. Let \( lhs (\alpha )\) denote the left-hand side of a formula \(\alpha \). Let \(\mathcal {G}< \mathcal {S}_0\) denote the fact that for every \(g \in \mathcal {G}\) and \(\alpha \in \mathcal {S}_0\), \(g < \alpha \). Let \(\mathcal {S}_0 \models \mathcal {G}\) denote \(\mathcal {S}_0 \models g\), for all \(g \in \mathcal {G}\), and \( min (<)\) denote the minimal elements of <.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Graph construction. \( match _{\cong }()\) is matching modulo the non-bultin axioms (cf. Sect. 3.2), and \( inclusion ()\) is the object of Definition 10.

Assumption 4

We assume a partial order relation < on \(\mathcal {S}\triangleq \mathcal {S}_0 \cup \mathcal {G}\) satisfying: \(\mathcal {G}< \mathcal {S}_0\), \(\mathcal {S}_0 \models \mathcal {G}\), and for all \(\alpha ' \in \mathcal {S}\) and pairs \((\gamma ,\rho )\), if \((\gamma ,\rho ) \models lhs (\alpha ')\) then there exists a rule \(\alpha \in min (<)\) such that \((\gamma ,\rho ) \models lhs (\alpha )\).

This assumption is satisfied by taking as minimal elements of < previously proved circularities, which gives them priority over rules in the semantics that can be applied in competition with them. The other rules in the semantics, which are not in competition with circularities, are not related by < with other formulas and are thus minimal by definition (and valid, since \(\alpha \in \mathcal {S}\) implies \(\mathcal {S}\models \alpha \)).

Inclusion Between Patterns. The graph-construction procedure uses a test of inclusion between patterns, which satisfies the following definition.

Definition 10

(Inclusion). An inclusion test is a function that, given patterns \(\varphi \), \(\varphi '\), returns \( true \) if for all pairs \((\gamma ,\rho )\), if \((\gamma ,\rho ) \models \varphi \) then \((\gamma ,\rho ) \models \varphi '\).

The Graph Construction. We are now ready to present the procedure in Fig. 2. The procedure takes as input an rl formula \({{\pi } {\wedge }{\phi } } \Rightarrow {(\exists Y){\pi '} {\wedge }{\phi '} }\) and a set \(\mathcal {S}\) of \(\textsc {rl} \) formula with an order < on \(\mathcal {S}\) as discussed earlier in this section. It builds a graph (NE) with N the set of nodes (initially, \(\{{\pi } {\wedge }{\phi } \}\)) and E the set of edges (initially empty). It uses two variables to control a while loop: a Boolean variable \( Failure \) (initially \( false \)) and a set of nodes \( New \) (initially equal to \(N = \{{\pi } {\wedge }{\phi } \}\)).

At each iteration of the while loop, a node \(\varphi _n \triangleq (\exists X_n){\pi _n} {\wedge }{\phi _n} \) is taken out from \( New \) (line 2) and checks whether there is a matcher modulo \(\cong \) (cf. Sect. 3.2) of \(\pi '\) onto \(\pi _n\) (line 3). If this is the case, then \(\pi _n\) is an instance of the (terminal) basic pattern \(\pi '\), and the procedure goes to line 10 to check whether \(\varphi _n\) “as a whole” is included in \((\exists Y){\pi '} {\wedge }{\phi '} \). If this is not the case, then, informally, this indicates a terminal path that does not satisfy the right-hand side of the formula under proof, i.e., of the fact that \((\exists Y)\phi '\) is not invariant at \((\exists Y)\pi '\), in contradiction with the first hypothesis of Proposition 1 that the procedure is checking; \( Failure \) is reported, which terminates the execution of the procedure. However, if the test at line 3 indicated that \(\pi _n\) is not an instance of the terminal pattern \(\pi '\), then another inclusion test is performed (line 4): whether there exists a minimal rule in \(\mathcal {S}\) (i.e., a rule in the language’s semantics, or a circularity already proved, as discussed earlier in this section) whose left-hand side includes \(\varphi _n\). If this is not the case then, informally, this indicates a terminal configuration that is not an instance of \((\exists Y)\pi '\), which contradicts the second hypothesis of Proposition 1, making the procedure terminate again with \( Failure = true \).

If, however, the inclusion test at line 4 succeeds then all symbolic successors \(\varphi '_n\) of \(\varphi _n\) by minimal rules \(\alpha \) w.r.t. < are computed. Each of these patterns is tested for inclusion in the initial node \({\pi } {\wedge }{\phi } \). If inclusion holds then an edge is added from \(\varphi _n\) to the initial node, labelled by the rule that generated the symbolic successor in question. Otherwise, a new node \(\varphi '_n\) is created, and an edge from the current node \(\varphi _n\) to the new node, labelled by the rule that generated it, is created, and the while loop proceeds to the next iteration.

The graph-construction procedure does not terminate in general, since the verification of rl formulas is undecidable. However, if it does terminate with \( Failure = false \) then the two conditions equivalent to the validity of the procedure’s input \({{\pi } {\wedge }{\phi } } \Rightarrow {(\exists Y){\pi '} {\wedge }{\phi '} }\) hold, i.e., \(\mathcal {S}\models {{\pi } {\wedge }{\phi } } \Rightarrow {(\exists Y){\pi '} {\wedge }{\phi '} }\), which is the desired conclusion. This is established by the results in the rest of this section.

The paths in the constructed graph simulate concrete execution paths whose transitions are given by rules from \(\mathcal {S}_0\). This is formalised and used in the proof of the main theorem states that the hypotheses of Proposition 1, equivalent to rl formula validity, are checked by the graph-construction procedure.

Theorem 1

If the procedure in Fig. 2 terminates with \( Failure = false \) on a terminal rl formula \({{\pi } {\wedge }{\phi } } \Rightarrow {(\exists Y){\pi '} {\wedge }{\phi '} }\), then \((\exists Y)\phi '\) is invariant at \((\exists Y)\pi '\) starting from \({\pi } {\wedge }{\phi } \), and \((\exists Y)\pi '\) captures all terminal configurations starting from \({\pi } {\wedge }{\phi } \).

Theorem 1 uses the following (and last) assumptions on rl formulas:

Assumption 5

All rules \({\varphi _l} \Rightarrow {\varphi _r} \in \mathcal {S}\) have the following properties:

  1. 1.

    for all pairs \((\gamma ,\rho )\) such that \((\gamma ,\rho ) \models \varphi _l\) there exists \(\gamma '\) such that \((\gamma ',\rho ) \models \varphi _r\) Footnote 5.

  2. 2.

    \(\llbracket \varphi _l \rrbracket \cap \llbracket \varphi _r\rrbracket = \emptyset \).

The first of the above assumptions says that if the left-hand side of a rule matches a configuration then there is nothing in the right-hand side preventing the application. This property is called weak well-definedness in [4] and is shown there to be a necessary condition for obtaining a sound proof system for rl. The second condition just says that the left and right-hand sides of rules cannot share instances - such rules could generate self-loops on instances, which are useless. We then obtain as a corollary the soundness of our rl formula proof method:

Corollary 1

(Soundness). If procedure in Fig. 2 terminates with \( Failure = false \) on a terminal rl formula \({{\pi } {\wedge }{\phi } } \Rightarrow {(\exists Y){\pi '} {\wedge }{\phi '} }\) then \(\mathcal {S}\models {{\pi } {\wedge }{\phi } } \Rightarrow {(\exists Y){\pi '} {\wedge }{\phi '} }\).

Incremental Verification. We are now ready to describe our incremental rl formula verification method. The method works in a setting where each formula has an associated code that it specifies, and that for a given rl formula f, \( code (f)\) returns the given code. Considering the rl formulas (1) and (2) in Sect. 1, \( code (1)\) is the sum program in Fig. 1 and \( code (2)\) is the while subprogram.

The problem to be solved is: given two sets of formulas: \(\mathcal {S}\) (the semantics of a language) and \(\mathcal {G}\) (the specification of a given program and of some of its subprograms) prove for all \(g \in \mathcal {G}\), \(\mathcal {S}\models g\) (for short, \(\mathcal {S}\models \mathcal {G}\)).

We use partial orders < on \(\mathcal {S}\) (initially empty) and \(\sqsubset \) on \(\mathcal {G}\), defined by \(g_1 \sqsubset g_2\) whenever \( code (g_1)\) is a strict subprogram of \( code (g_2)\). Without restriction of generality we take the formulas in \(\mathcal {G}\) to be terminal (which is natural: a piece of code is specified by stating what the code “does” when it terminates). The verification consists repeatedly applying the following steps while \(\mathcal {G}\not = \emptyset \):

  • choose \(g \in \mathcal {G}\) minimal w.r.t. \(\sqsubset \) and prove it, based on Corollary 1;

  • remove g from \(\mathcal {G}\), transform g into a non-terminal formula (cf. Remark 2) and add the resulting formula \(g'\) to \(\mathcal {S}\);

  • extend < on the newly obtained set \(\mathcal {S}\) so that \(g'\) is smaller than any formula in \(\mathcal {S}\) that can be applied concurrently with \(g'\).

Example 5

Consider the sum program in Fig. 1. \(\mathcal {S}\) consists of the semantical rules of \(\textsc {imp+} \), and \(\mathcal {G}\) consists of formulas (1) and (2) in Sect. 1, with (2) \(\sqsubset \) (1).

At the first iteration (2) is chosen. It is verified based on Corollary 1 (which builds the graph according to the procedure shown in Fig. 2), then transformed into a nonterminal formula, removed from \(\mathcal {G}\) and added to \(\mathcal {S}\). The relation < is extended so that the newly added formula is smaller than the semantical rule for the while instruction, since the two rules can be applied concurrently.

At the second (and final) iteration, (1) is verified. The graph-construction procedure exploits the fact that (2) is minimal in \(\mathcal {S}\) and thus it will be applied instead of the semantical rule for while, producing a finite graph by avoiding an infinite loop unfolding, and allowing Corollary 1 to establish that (1) is valid.

5 Incrementally Verifying the KMP Algorithm

The kmp (Knuth-Morris-Pratt) algorithm is a linear-time string-matching algorithm. The algorithm optimises the naive search of a pattern P into a text T by using some additional information collected from the pattern.

For instance, let us consider \(T=\mathtt {ABADABCDA}\) and \(P=\mathtt {ABAC}\). It can be easily observed that \(\mathtt {ABAC}\) does not match \(\mathtt {ABADABCDA}\) starting with the first position because there is a mismatch on the fourth position, namely \(\mathtt {C}\ne \mathtt {D}\). A naive algorithm, after having detected this, would restart the matching process of P at the second position of T (which fails immediately) then at the third one, where it woud first match an \(\mathtt {A}\) before detecting another mismatch (between \(\mathtt {B}\) and \(\mathtt {D}\)). The kmp optimises this by comparing directly the \(\mathtt {B}\) and \(\mathtt {D}\), as it “already knows” that they are both preceded by \(\mathtt {A}\), thereby saving one redundant comparison.

The overall effect is that the worst-case complexity of KMP is determined by the sum of the lengths of P and T, whereas that of a naive algorithm is determined by the product of the two lengths.

The kmp algorithm pre-processes the pattern P by computing a so-called prefix function \(\pi \). Let \(P_j\) denote the subpattern of P up to a position j. For such position j, \(\pi (j)\) equals the length of the longest proper prefix of \(P_j\) , which is also a suffix of \(P_j\). In the case of a mismatch between the position i in T and the position j in P, the algorithm proceeds with the comparison of the positions i and \(\pi [j]\). This is why, in the above example, kmp direcly compared the \(\mathtt {B}\) and \(\mathtt {D}\).

We prove that the kmp algorithm is correct, i.e., given a non-empty pattern P and a non-empty string T, the algorithm finds all the occurrences of P in T. We use the incremental method presented in Sect. 4 on an encoding of kmp in the imp+ language formally defined in Maude (cf. Sect. 2).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The kmp algorithm in imp+: prefix function (left) and the main program (right). Grey-text annotations are syntactic sugar for rl formulas. \(\mathtt {Pi}\), \(\mathtt {Theta}\), \(\mathtt {allOcc}\), and \(\mathtt {Pi*}\) denote the functions \(\pi \), \(\theta \), and \( allOcc \), and the set \(\pi ^*\) respectively (cf. Definition 11).

The program is shown in Fig. 3. Its specification uses the following notions:

Definition 11

  • \(P_j\) denotes the prefix of P up to (and including) j. \(P_0\) is the empty string \(\epsilon \). If a string \(P'\) is a strict suffix of P we write \(P' \sqsupset P\).

  • The prefix function for P is \(\pi : \{ 1,\ldots , m \} \rightarrow \{0,\ldots , m-1 \}\) defined by \(\pi (i) = max \{ j \mid 0 \le j < i \wedge P_j \sqsupset P_i\}\). We let \(\pi ^*(q) = \{\pi (q), \pi (\pi (q)), \ldots \}\).

  • Let T be a string of length n. We define \(\theta : \{ 1, \ldots , n \} \rightarrow \{ 0, \ldots , m \}\) the function which, for a given \(i \in \{1, \ldots , n\}\), returns the longest prefix of P which is a suffix of \(T_i\): \(\theta (i) = max \{ j \mid 0 \le j \le m \wedge P_j \sqsupset T_i \}\).

  • Let T be a string of length n and \( Out \) a list. The function \( allOcc (Out, P, T, i)\) returns \( true \) iff the list \( Out \) contains all the occurrences of P in T[1..i].

The grey-text annotations, written as pre/post conditions and invariants, are syntactical sugar for rl formulas. The annotations are numbered (\(C_1\) to \(C_6\)) according to the order in which the rl formulas are verified by our incremental method. So, for example, the annotation for the inner loop of the computePrefix function is the first to be verified, and corresponds to an rl formula for the form

\(\langle \mathtt {while\ C \ do \ldots endwhile, \ldots } \rangle \wedge C \wedge C_1 \Rightarrow \langle \mathtt {skip}, \ldots \rangle \wedge \lnot C \wedge C_1\)

where \(\mathtt {while\ C \ do \ldots endwhile}\) denotes the inner loop of computePrefix. Similarly, the specification of the KMP program is an rl formula of the form:

\(\langle \mathtt {KMP}, \ldots , \mathtt {.Ints} \rangle \wedge C_6 \Rightarrow \langle \mathtt {skip}, \ldots , \mathtt {Out} \rangle \wedge allOcc (\mathtt {Out},\ldots )\),

where \(\mathtt {KMP}\) denotes the whole program, \(\mathtt {.Ints}\) denotes an empty list of integers (cf. Sect. 2), \(\mathtt {Out}\) is a list of integers denoting the program’s output, and \( allOcc (\mathtt {Out},\ldots )\) states that \(\mathtt {Out}\) contains all positions of the pattern in the text.

The rl formulas corresponding to the annotations (\(C_1\) ...\(C_6\)) were verified in the given order. Once a formula was verified, it was generalised (cf. Remark 2) and added to the rules denoting the semantics of imp+ as new, prioritary rules. Each rule verification follows the construction of a graph (cf. procedure in Fig. 2), performed by symbolic execution, implemented by rewriting as described in Sect. 3. For this purpose we have intensively use Maude’s metalevel mechanisms in order to control the application of rewrite rules.

The main verification effort (besides coming up with the annotations \(C_1\ldots C_6\)) went into the inclusion test between patterns that occurs in our graph-construction procedure. For this purpose we have used certain properties of the \(\pi ,\pi \)*, and \(\theta \) mathematical functions from [12], which we include in Maude as equations used for the purpose of simplification. Some elementary simplifications involving properties of integers and Booleans were performed via Maude’s interface to the z3 solver. Collectively, these properties can be seen as axioms that define the class of models in which the correctness of our kmp program holds.

Benefits of Incremental Verification. In earlier work [5] we attempted to verify kmp using a circular approach of the “all-or-nothing” variety. The main difficulty with such approaches is that, if verification fails, one is left with nothing: any of the formulas being (simultaneously) verified could be responsible for the failure. The consequence was that (as we realised afterwards by revisiting the problem) our earlier verification was incorrect. We found some versions of the annotations \(C_1\ldots C_6\), which, as rl formulas, would only hold under unrealistic assumptions about the problem-domain functions \(\pi ,\pi ^*\), and \(\theta \).

We decided to redo the kmp verification incrementally, starting with smaller program fragments, and rigorously proving at each step the required facts about the problem domain. Our incremental approach was first a language-dependent one [12], as it was based on proving pre/post conditions of functions and loop invariants. Of course, not all languages have the same kinds of functions and loops; some lack such constructions altogether. The method proposed in this paper is (with some restrictions) both incremental and language-independent, is formally proved correct, and was instrumental in successfully proving the kmp program, this time, under valid assertions regarding the problem domain.

6 Conclusion, Related Work and Future Work

In this paper we propose an incremental method for proving a class of rl formulas useful in practical situations. Mainly, rl formula verification is reduced to checking two technical conditions: the first is an invariance property, while the second is related to the so-called capturing of terminal configurations. Formally, the conjunction of these conditions is shown to be equivalent to rl formula validity. We also present a graph construction procedure based on symbolic execution which, if it terminates successfully, ensures that these conditions hold for a given rl formula. The method is successfully applied on the nontrivial Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm for string matching, encoded in a simple imperative language. The syntax and the semantics of this language have been defined in Maude, whose reflective features were intensively used for implementation purposes.

Using the proposed approach rl formulas are proved in a systematic manner. One first proves formulas that specify sub-programs of the program under verification, and then exploits the newly proved formulas to (incrementally) prove other formulas that specify larger subprograms. By contrast, monolithic/circular approaches [14, 6, 13] attempt to prove all formulas at once, in no particular order. In case of failure, in a monolithic approach, any circularly dependent subset of formulas under proof might be responsible for the failure; whereas in an incremental approach, there is only one subset of formulas to consider (and to modify in order to progress in the proof): the formula currently under proof, together with some already proved valid formulas. Thus, an incremental method saves the user some effort in the trial-and-error process of program verification.

Related Work. Besides the already mentioned work on rl we cite some approaches in program verification; an exhaustive list is outside the scope of this paper.

Some approaches are based on exploring the state-space of a program, e.g., [14], in which software model checking is combined with symbolic execution and abstraction techniques to overcome state-space explosion. Our approach has some similarities with the above: we also use symbolic execution to construct a graph, which is an abstraction of the reachable state space of a program.

Some verification tools (e.g., Why3 [15]) are based on deductive methods. These tools use the program specifications (i.e., pre/post-conditions, invariants) to generate proof obligations, which are then discharged to external provers (e.g., coq, Z3, ...). Similarly, our implementation uses a version of Maude which includes a connection to the Z3 SMT solver (used for simplifying conditions).

In the same spirit, compositional methods for the formal verification (e.g., [16]) shift the focus of verification from global to local level in order to reduce the complexity of the verification process.

Future Work. One issue that needs to be addressed is the handling of domain-specific properties. Each program makes computations over a certain domain (e.g., arrays), and in order to prove a program, certain properties of the underlying domain are required (e.g., relations between selecting and storing elements in an array). Currently, these properties are stated as axioms in Maude, and we are planning to connect Maude to an inductive prover in order to interactively prove the axioms in questions as properties satisfied by more basic definitions.