
1 Introduction

Uncertain big data (e.g., [21, 33, 34, 38]) are becoming more and more popular in modern applications [23] (e.g., social computing [20, 22], data warehousing and OLAP [10]) because (big) data in real-life scenarios are typically imprecise and uncertain (e.g., [14, 17, 19]). Mining uncertain big data (e.g., [6, 40]) is problematic due to the fact that models, techniques, and algorithms running on such data must consider uncertainty as a fundamental characteristic of big data while this challenging property is not foreseen by classical large-scale data mining approaches. As a consequence, mining uncertain big data is a first-class problem to deal with, and several interesting initiatives that focus the attention on this problem are appearing recently in active literature [12, 35, 45].

Among the wide class of data mining tasks [4, 16, 42, 43], frequent pattern mining [2] is a very popular problem that has attracted the attention of a large community of data miners. Frequent pattern mining aims to discover implicit, previously unknown, and potentially useful knowledge in the form of sets of frequently co-occurring items, events, or objects (i.e., frequent patterns). It also serves as building blocks for various other data mining tasks such as stream mining [8, 9, 25, 26] (which mines data that come at a high velocity), constrained mining [13], and social network mining [27, 41]. Many existing algorithms mine frequent patterns from high volumes of precise data, in which users definitely know whether an item is present in, or absent from, a transaction in databases of precise data. However, there are situations in which users are uncertain about the presence or absence of items (e.g., a physician may suspect, but may not guarantee, that a fevered patient got a flu or Zika virus) in a probabilistic dataset of uncertain data. In such dataset, each item \(x_i\) in a transaction \(t_j\) is associated with an existential probability \(P(x_i, t_j)\) expressing the likelihood of the presence of \(x_i\) in \(t_j\).

To mine frequent patterns from high varieties of (high-value) uncertain data, various algorithms [1, 3, 44] have been proposed, including UF-growth [30]. The UF-growth algorithm first constructs a UF-tree structure with the goal of capturing important contents on uncertain data, from which frequent patterns can then be mined recursively. A pattern X is considered frequent if its expected support \({ expSup}(X)\) in the entire uncertain dataset meets or exceeds the user-specified minimum support threshold minsup [24]. Here, \({ expSup}(X)\) over all n transactions in the uncertain dataset can be computed in terms of the sum of \({ expSup}(X, t_j)\) over every transaction \(t_j\) containing X, as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} { expSup}(X) = \sum _{j=1}^n { expSup}(X,t_j) \end{aligned}$$

while \({ expSup}(X, t_j)\) can be computed in terms of the product of the existential probability \(P(x_i, t_j)\) of every independent item \(x_i\) within the pattern \(X = \{x_1, \ldots , x_k\}\), as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} { expSup}(X,t_j) = \prod _{i=1}^k P(x_i, t_j) \end{aligned}$$

In order to accurately compute the expected support of each pattern, paths in the corresponding UF-tree are shared only if tree nodes on the paths have the same item and the same existential probability. Due to this restrictive path sharing requirement, the UF-tree may be quite large.

A way to solve this large tree-size issue is to explore alternative mining approaches (e.g., UH-Mine algorithm [1] that uses hyper-structures, as well as sampling-based or vertical mining approaches [5]). Another way is to make the tree compact by capturing less information about uncertain data but sufficient for computing upper bounds to the expected support of patterns. Over the past few years, different computations on the upper bounds to expected support have been proposed. Many of them are reported to lead to more compact tree structures for capturing uncertain data than the UF-tree. These, in turn, shorten the tree traversal time during the mining process, and thus help reduce the overall runtime. In addition, another benefit of using these upper bounds is that they are guaranteed not to generate any false negatives. Indeed, if an upper bound to expected support of a pattern X is less than minsup, then X is guaranteed to be infrequent. Moreover, these upper bounds are reported to be so tight that not too many false positives are generated-and-tested. Then, interesting questions to ask include the following: Among these upper bounds, which one is tighter? Which one leads to shorter runtime or mining time? In this paper, we examine these upper bounds, and re-formulate them so that we can compare them and determine which ones provide tighter upper bounds to expected support of patterns when mining frequent patterns from a high variety of high volumes of high-value uncertain data that may come at a high velocity (i.e., uncertain “streaming” big data). Our key contributions of this paper include our computation of theoretically-sound upper bounds to expected support for frequent pattern mining problems over uncertain big data.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we provide a formal unifying model for computing upper bounds to expected support, as to obtain a (formal) model to be used thought the paper. The section also contains relevant related work for our research. Section 3 reports a theoretical analysis on the bounds. In Sect. 4, we provide an experimental assessment and evaluation of our methods for computing these upper bounds, according to several experimental parameters. Finally, Sect. 5 presents conclusions and proposes future work of our research.

2 Computing Upper Bounds: A Unifying Model from the State-of-the-Art Analysis

In this section, we re-formulate upper bounds to expected support (as provided by the state-of-the-art analysis) via using a common expression or notion so that we can introduce a unifying model for easily comparing among the various proposals available in literature. This section also serves as analysis of related work that is relevant to our research.

To approximate an upper bound to expected support of a pattern X, CUF-growth [31] introduces the concept of transaction cap (TC), which is defined as the product of the two highest existential probabilities in the entire transaction \(t_j\)=\(\{y_1, \ldots , y_{r-1}, y_r, \ldots , y_h\}\) \(\supseteq \{x_1, \ldots , x_k\}\)=X (where \(x_k=y_r\)), as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} { TC}(X,t_j) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} P(y_1,t_j) &{} \text { if } h=1\\ TM_1(t_j) \times TM_2(t_j) &{} \text { if } h \ge 2 \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

where (i) \({ TM}_1(t_j) = \max _{i \in [1,h]} P(y_i,t_j)\) is the transaction maximum, which is defined as the highest existential probability in \(t_j\); and (ii) \({ TM}_2(t_j) = \max _{i \in [1,h] \wedge (i \ne g)}\) \(P(y_i,t_j)\) is the second highest existential probability in \(t_j\) for \(y_g\) = argmax\(_{i \in [1,h]} P(y_i,t_j)\) (i.e., \({ TM}_1(t_j) = P(y_g,t_j)\)).

While this transaction cap serves as a good upper bound to 2-itemsets, it may not be too tight for k-itemsets (where \(k \ge 3\)). To tighten the upper bound to expected support for \(3^+\)-itemsets, CUF*-growth [31] extends the concept of transaction cap as to use the product of the three highest existential probabilities in \(t_j\), as follows:

$$\begin{aligned}&CUF^* (X,t_j) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} {TC}(X,t_j) &{} \text { if } k \le 2 \\ {TM}_1(t_j) \times {TM}_2(t_j) \times \left[ {TM}_3(t_j)\right] ^{k-2} &{} \text { if } k \ge 3 \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

where \({ TM}_3(t_j) = \max _{i \in [1,h] \wedge (i \ne g) \wedge (i \ne s)} P(y_i,t_j)\) is the third highest existential probability in \(t_j\) for \(y_s\)=argmax\(_{i \in [1,h] \wedge (i \ne g)}\) \(P(y_i,t_j)\) (i.e., \({ TM}_2(t_j) = P(y_s,t_j)\)).

On the one hand, the transaction cap can be easily pre-computed. On the other hand, it may not involve any items in X. To tighten the upper bound, item cap (IC) [37] involves at least one item in X. Specifically, the item cap is defined as the product of \(P(x_k,t_j)\) and the highest existential probability \({ TM}_1(t_j)\) in \(t_j\), as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} {IC}(X,t_j) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} {P(y_1,t_j)} &{} \text { if } h=1\\ {P(x_k,t_j) \times {TM}_1(t_j) } &{} \text { if } h \ge 2 \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

For the special case where \({ TM}_1(t_j)\) \(= P(x_k,t_j)\), DISC-growth [37] avoids multiplying \({ TM}_1(t_j)\) twice. Instead, it multiplies \(P(x_k,t_j)\) by the second highest existential probability \({ TM}_2(t_j)\) in \(t_j\), as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} { DISC}(X,t_j) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} {P(y_1,t_j)} &{} \text { if } h=1 \\ {P(x_k,t_j) \times {TM}_1(t_j)} &{} \text { if } h\ge 2\wedge x_k\ne y_g\\ {P(x_k,t_j) \times {TM}_2(t_j)} &{} \text { if } h\ge 2\wedge x_k= y_g \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

To deal with \(3^+\)-itemsets, DISC*-growth [37] uses the self-product of \({ TM}_2(t_j)\). For special cases where (i) \({ TM}_1(t_j)\) \(= P(x_k,t_j)\) or (ii) \({ TM}_2(t_j)\) \(= P(x_k,t_j)\), DISC*-growth uses the self-product of the third highest existential probability \({ TM}_3(t_j)\) in \(t_j\), as follows:

$$\begin{aligned}&DISC^*(X,t_j) = \nonumber \\&\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} {{DISC}(X,t_j)} &{} \text { if } k \le 2\\ P(x_k,t_j) \times {TM}_1(t_j) \times \left[ { TM}_2(t_j)\right] ^{k-2} &{} \text { if } k\ge 3 \wedge x_k \ne y_g \wedge x_k \ne y_s\\ P(x_k,t_j) \times { TM}_1(t_j) \times \left[ { TM}_3(t_j)\right] ^{k-2} &{} \text { if } k\ge 3 \wedge x_k=y_s\\ P(x_k,t_j) \times { TM}_2(t_j) \times \left[ { TM}_3(t_j)\right] ^{k-2} &{} \text { if } k\ge 3 \wedge x_k=y_g \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

Recall from Eq. (2) that the expected support of X can be computed as the product of \(P(x_k,t_j)\) and existential probabilities of proper prefix of \(x_k\). Hence, it is more logical to approximate an upper bound to expected support of X by involving \(P(x_k,t_j)\) and existential probabilities of proper prefix of \(x_k\). This leads to the concept of prefixed item cap (PIC) [29], which is defined as the product of \(P(x_k,t_j)\) and the highest existential probability \({ PM}_1(y_r,t_j)\) among items in the proper prefix of \(x_k\)=\(y_r\), as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} {PIC}(X,t_j) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} {P(y_1,t_j)} &{} \text { if } h=1\\ {P(x_k,t_j) \times { PM}_1(y_r,t_j)} &{} \text { if } h \ge 2 \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

where (i) \({ PM}_1(y_r,t_j) = \max _{i \in [1,r-1]} P(y_i,t_j)\) is the prefixed maximum, which is defined as the highest existential probability in \(\{y_1, \ldots ,\) \(y_{r-1}\} \subset t_j\).

PUF-growth [32] makes use of the above prefixed item cap to approximate a tight upper bound to expected support of 2-itemsets. To handle \(3^+\)-itemsets, PUF*-growth [36] multiplies \({ PIC}(X,t_j)\) with self-product of the second highest existential probability \({ PM}_2(y_r,t_j)\) in \(\{y_1, ..., y_{r-1}\}\) \(\subset t_j\), as follows:

$$\begin{aligned}&PUF^*(X,t_j) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} {{PIC}(X,t_j)} &{} \text { if } k \le 2\\ {P(x_k,t_j) \times { PM}_1(y_r,t_j) \times \left[ { PM}_2(y_r,t_j)\right] ^{k-2}} &{} \text { if } k \ge 3 \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

where \({ PM}_2(y_r,t_j) = \max _{i \in [1,r-1] \wedge (i \ne g)} P(y_i,t_j)\) is the second highest existential probability in \(\{y_1, \ldots , y_{r-1}\} \subset t_j\) for \(y_g\)=argmax\(_{i \in [1,h]}\) \(P(y_i,t_j)\) (i.e., \({ PM}_1(y_r,t_j)\) \(= P(y_g,t_j)\)).

Alternatively, the BLIMP-growth algorithm [28] multiplies \({ PIC}(X,t_j)\) with existential probabilities of the first (\(k-2\)) items in the proper prefix \(\{y_1, ..., y_{r-1}\}\) \(\subset t_j\), as follows:

$$\begin{aligned}&{{ BLIMP}}(X,t_j) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} PIC(X,t_j) &{} \text { if }k \le 2\\ P(x_k,t_j) \times {PM}_1(y_r,t_j) \times \prod _{i=1}^{k-2} P(y_i,t_j) &{} \text { if } k \ge 3 \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

3 Theoretical Analysis and Results

After re-formulating upper bounds to expected support of patterns in Sect. 2, let us analyze and evaluate these bounds by taking advantages from the unifying model introduced above. When dealing with singletons (1-itemsets), we do not need to use upper bounds because we could scan the entire uncertain dataset of n transactions and accurately obtain the expected support of each pattern \(\{x\}\) by summing existential probabilities of \(\{x\}\) in every transaction \(t_j\) containing \(\{x\}\):

$$\begin{aligned} {expSup}(\{x\}) = \sum _{j=1}^n P(x,t_j) \end{aligned}$$

For any 2-itemset X, the upper bound computing models of Sect. 2 specialize as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} CUF^*(X,t_j)= & {} { TC}(X,t_j) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} DISC^*(X,t_j)= & {} { DISC}(X,t_j) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} PUF^*(X,t_j) = {BLIMP}(X,t_j)= & {} { PIC}(X,t_j) \end{aligned}$$

Among these groups of upper bounds of Eqs. (12)–(14), PIC involves the item having the maximum existential probability \({ PM}_1(y_r, t_j)\) in the proper prefix of \(y_r\), whereas IC (used by DISC-growth) involves the item having the maximum existential probability \({ TM_1}(t_j)\) in the proper prefix of \(y_r\) as well as its suffix. So, as \({ PM}_1(y_r,t_j) \le { TM}_1(t_j)\), we derive the following theoretical result:

$$\begin{aligned} { PIC}(X,t_j) \le { IC}(X,t_j) \end{aligned}$$

Moreover, IC also uses \(P(x_k, t_j)\), whereas TC uses \({ TM}_2(t_j)\)—which may not even involve any items in X—when \(x_k\) \(\ne \) \(y_g\). So, as \(P(x_k,t_j) \le { TM}_2(t_j)\), we get the following result:

$$\begin{aligned} { IC}(X,t_j) \le { TC}(X,t_j)\end{aligned}$$

Hence, it is generally that

$$\begin{aligned} { PIC}(X,t_j) \le { IC}(X,t_j) \le { TC}(X,t_j) \end{aligned}$$

i.e., PIC generally provides the tightest upper bounds to expected support when mining frequent 2-itemsets from high volumes of high-value uncertain data. When mining \(3^+\)-itemsets, the following property holds:

$$\begin{aligned} CUF^* (X,t_j) \le { TC}(X,t_j) \end{aligned}$$

This is due to the extra multiplication term \([{ TM}_3(t_j)]^{k-2}\) in CUF* such that \(0 < [{ TM}_3(t_j)]^{k-2} \le 1\). Hence, CUF* provides tighter upper bounds to expected support than TC when mining frequent \(3^+\)-itemsets from high volumes of high-value uncertain data. Similar comments, due to the same reason, apply to DISC* (when compared with DISC), as well as PUF* and BLIMP (when both compared with PIC):

$$\begin{aligned} DISC^*(X,t_j)\le & {} { DISC}(X,t_j) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} PUF^*(X,t_j)\le & {} { PIC}(X,t_j)\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} { BLIMP}(X,t_j)\le & {} { PIC}(X,t_j) \end{aligned}$$

After analyzing the intra-group relationships among the aforementioned algorithms, let us analyze the inter-group relationships among CUF*, DISC*, PUF*, and BLIMP when they mine \(3^+\)-itemsets. If \(x_k = y_g\), then the following property holds:

$$\begin{aligned} DISC^*(X,t_j) = CUF^*(X,t_j) \end{aligned}$$

because \(P(x_k,t_j) = P(y_g,t_j) = { TM}_1(t_j)\). The same property also holds when \(x_k = y_s\) because \(P(x_k,t_j) = P(y_s,t_j) = { TM}_2(t_j)\). Hence, when \(x_k\) is associated with the highest or the second highest existential probability in \(t_j\), both DISC* and CUF* provide the same upper bounds to expected support when mining frequent 3\(^+\)-itemsets. Moreover, if \(x_k\) \(\ne \) \(y_g\) and \(x_k\) \(\ne \) \(y_s\), then the following property holds:

$$\begin{aligned} PUF^*(X,t_j) \le DISC^*(X,t_j) \end{aligned}$$

because both \({ PM}_1(y_r,t_j)\) \(\le \) \({ TM}_1(t_j)\) and \({ PM}_2(y_r,t_j)\) \(\le \) \({ TM}_2(t_j)\). Hence, when \(x_k\) does not associated with the highest or the second highest existential probability in \(t_j\), PUF* provides tighter upper bounds to expected support than DISC*.

Furthermore, if \(P(x_{k-1},t_j)\)=\({ PM}_1(y_r,t_j)\) and \(P(x_i,t_j)\)=\(P(y_i,t_j)\) for \(i \in [1,k-2]\), then we obtain:

$$\begin{aligned} { BLIMP}(X,t_j) = { expSup}(X,t_j) \end{aligned}$$

Hence, when X is the first k items in \(t_j\) such that \(P(x_{k-1},t_j)\) happens to be the highest existential probability in the proper prefix \(\{y_1, ..., y_{r-1}\} \subset t_j\), BLIMP provides upper bounds that are so tight that they are indeed the expected support.

Note that all the aforementioned algorithms do not generate any false negatives. With tighter upper bounds to expected support, fewer false positives are produced. Hence, shorter runtime is needed to verify whether or not a pattern is true positive (i.e., frequent) or false positive (i.e., potentially frequent w.r.t. upper bounds but truly infrequent w.r.t. minsup).

In terms of memory consumption, the aforementioned frequent pattern mining algorithms are all tree-based. The number of nodes in the corresponding tree is small. With appropriate item ordering, the number of tree nodes for uncertain big data mining is identical to that of the FP-tree [18] for mining precise data. Note that each node in the FP-tree captures an item x and its actual support, respectively. Conversely, when mining 2-itemsets, each tree node captures x and its TC for CUF-growth. Similarly, each tree node captures x and DISC for DISC-growth; and each tree node captures x and PIC for PUF-growth. When mining \(3^+\)-itemsets, each tree node captures an additional information such as \({ TM}_3(t_j)\) for the CUF*-growth algorithm, \({ TM}_2(t_j)\) or \({ TM}_3(t_j)\) for the DISC*-growth algorithm, \({ PM}_2(y_r,t_j)\) for PUF*-growth, as well as \(P(y_i,t_j)\) for BLIMP-growth, respectively.

It should be noted, as these theoretical results allow us to find tight upper bounds to expected support for frequent pattern mining problems over uncertain big data, they also introduce the nice amenity of effectively lowering the overall algorithm runtime efficiently. This will be completely demonstrated in our experimental assessment and analysis in Sect. 4.

4 Experimental Assessment and Evaluation

In this section, we evaluate several performance aspects on the optimization opportunities offered by the six different upper bounds to expected support described in Sect. 3. As regards the data layer of our experimental campaign, we considered the following well-known datasets: (i) IBM synthetic dataset, and (ii) mushroom dataset from the UC Irvine Machine Learning Depository. In particular, these datasets have been artificially made uncertain via a simple sampling-based routine that injects the existential probabilities as associated to the values of a pre-determined sub-set of attributes of the input dataset. As regards metrics, we focused on the following experimental benchmarks: (i) memory consumption, (ii) accuracy, and (iii) runtime. The final goal of our experimental campaign is to provide a comparative analysis and confirm our analytical findings provided in Sect. 3.

4.1 Memory Consumption Analysis

First, we analytically evaluate the memory consumption of the different approximations. Among them, we observe the following main behaviors that are relevant to our research:

  • CUF-growth (which uses TC) requires the least amount of memory space because they are solely dependent on transaction \(t_j\). In other words, only a single value (TC) is needed for each transaction \(t_j\).

  • CUF*-growth (which uses CUF*) requires slightly more memory space because two values—both TC and \({ TM}_3(t_j)\)—are needed for each transaction \(t_j\) in order to compute the CUF* value for patterns of different cardinality k. Both CUF-growth and CUF*-growth do not need to store existential probabilities of any items in transaction \(t_j\).

  • DISC-growth and PUF-growth each requires a total of h values for each transaction \(t_j\). Specifically, for each transaction \(t_j = \{y_1, y_2, \dots , y_r \dots , y_h\}\) with h items, a single value (IC or PIC) is needed for each item \(y_i\) in \(t_j\).

  • DISC*-growth, as an extension to DISC-growth, needs to store an additional value—namely, \({ TM}_2(t_j)\) or \({ TM}_3(t_j)\) depending on whether \(x_k\) = \(y_g\) or \(y_s\)—for each item \(x_k\) (= \(y_r\)) in transaction \(t_j\).

  • PUF*-growth, as an extension to PUF-growth, needs to store an additional value—namely, \({ PM}_2(y_r, t_j)\)—for each item \(y_r\) in transaction \(t_j\). Both DISC*-growth and PUF*-growth require the most amount of memory space because each of them requires a total of 2h values for each transaction \(t_j\).

4.2 Accuracy Analysis

We measure the accuracy of the different frequent pattern mining algorithms when the derived theoretical upper bounds are applied. In this experiment series, we compare the tightness of the upper bounds as approximated expected support. From Sect. 3, Eqs. (12)–(14) are confirmed by results shown in Fig. 1. Note the following:

  • CUF*-growth and CUF-growth lead to the same number of false positives for 2-itemsets (i.e., cardinality = 2).

  • DISC*-growth and DISC-growth, as well as PUF*-growth and PUF-growth, also lead to the same number of false positives for 2-itemsets.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Experimental results on accuracy analysis

Among these three groups of upper bounds, we also observe the following:

  • PUF-growth involves the item having the maximum existential probability \({ PM}_1(y_r,t_j)\) in the proper prefix of \(y_r\).

  • DISC-grwoth involves the item having the maximum existential probability \({ TM}_1(t_j)\) in the proper prefix of \(y_r\) as well as its suffix.

As a consequence, since \({ PM}_1(y_r,t_j) \le { TM}_1(t_j)\), we can also experimentally illustrate Eq. (15). Moreover, IC also uses \(P(x_k, t_j)\), whereas TC uses \({ TM}_2(t_j)\)—which may not even involve any items in X—when \(x_k \ne y_g\). So, as \(P(x_k,t_j) \le { TM}_2(t_j)\), we can also experimentally illustrate Eq. (16). These two experimental evidences support the observation that PUF-growth generally provides the tightest upper bounds to expected support when mining frequent 2-itemsets from high volumes of high-value uncertain data.

When mining \(3^+\)-itemsets, following the analysis provided in Sect. 3, we further observe the following results, which are also confirmed by our experimental evaluation (see Fig. 1):

  • \(DISC^*(X,t_j)\!\le \!{ TC}(X,t_j)\) due to the extra multiplication term \([{ TM}_3(t_j)]^{k-2}\) in CUF*-growth such that \(0 < [{ TM}_3(t_j)]^{k-2} \le 1\). Hence, CUF*-growth provides tighter upper bounds to expected support than CUF-growth when mining frequent 3\(^+\)-itemsets from high volumes of high-value uncertain data.

  • \(DISC^*(X,t_j)\) \(\le { IC}(X,t_j)\)  and  \(PUF^*(X,t_j) \le { PIC}(X,t_j)\) due to the same reason, i.e., the extra multiplication terms—which are in the range (0,1]—in DISC*-growth and PUF*-growth.

After analyzing the intra-group relationships between the aforementioned upper bounds, let us analyze the inter-group relationships among the four extensions when they mine k-itemsets, and simultaneously checking it on the experimental results shown Fig. 1 (which further confirm our theoretical analysis provided in Sect. 3):

  • If \(x_k\)=\(y_g\), then \(DISC^*(X,t_j) = CUF^*(X,t_j)\) because \(P(x_k,t_j) = P(y_g,t_j) = { TM}_1(t_j)\).

  • If \(x_k\)=\(y_s\), then \(DISC^*(X,t_j) = CUF^*(X,t_j)\) because \(P(x_k,t_j) = P(y_s,t_j) = { TM}_2(t_j)\).

  • If \(x_k\) \(\ne \) \(y_g\) and \(x_k\) \(\ne \) \(y_s\), then \(PUF^*(X,t_j) \le DISC^* (X,t_j)\) because both \({ PM}_1(y_r,t_j)\) \(\le \) \({ TM}_1(t_j)\) and \({ PM}_2(y_r,t_j)\) \(\le \) \({ TM}_2(t_j)\).

Hence, it follows that, when \(x_k\) is associated with the highest or the second highest existential probability in \(t_j\), both DISC*-growth and CUF*-growth provide the same upper bounds to expected support when mining frequent \(3^+\)-itemsets. Moreover, when \(x_k\) is not associated with the highest or the second highest existential probability in \(t_j\), PUF*-growth provides tighter upper bounds to expected support than DISC*-growth.

The evaluation above shows the tightness of our upper bounds to expected support. Note that all these bounds do not lead to any false negatives but only false positives. The tighter the bound, the lower is the number of false positives. Our experimental results shown in Fig. 1 clearly support our analytical results. Specifically, CUF-growth leads to the highest numbers of false positives, whereas PUF*-growth leads to the lowest numbers (with DISC*-growth led to a close second lowest numbers) of false positives in IBM synthetic dataset and mushroom real-life dataset. Also, it is interesting to note that the tightness of the upper bound to expected support provided by the following extensions: CUF*-growth, DISC*-growth, PUF*-growth and BLIMP-growth. In fact, they do not generate any false positives beyond cardinality 6 for the mushroom dataset, as shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Experimental results on runtime analysis

4.3 Runtime Analysis

Recall that knowledge discovery and data mining algorithms use the aforementioned caps TC, IC and PIC to approximate expected support (see Sect. 2). The related algorithms find patterns with upper bounds to expected support meeting or exceeding the user-specified threshold minsup. This results in a collection of all potentially frequent \(2^+\)-itemsets that include both true positive (i.e., truly frequent patterns) and false positive (i.e., potentially frequent with respect to upper bounds but truly infrequent with respect to minsup). With tighter upper bounds to expected support, fewer false positives are produced. Hence, shorter runtimes result. Figure 2 shows overall runtime of the various alternatives using the proposed upper bounds. From the analysis Fig. 2, the following observations can be derived:

  • Due to its highest number of false positives generated, CUF-growth introduces the longest runtime.

  • As all three extensions (CUF*-growth, PUF*-growth and DISC*-growth) produce fewer false positives than the counterparts (CUF-growth, PUF-growth and DISC-growth), runtimes for the former are also shorter.

  • As usual, when minsup increases, runtime decreases.

  • Recall that \(PUF^*(X, t_j) \le DISC^* (X, t_j)\) if \(x_k\)=\(y_g\) and \(x_k\)=\(y_s\). For the cases where \(x_k\)=\(y_g\) or \(x_k\)=\(y_s\), it is possible (but not guaranteed) that \(PUF^*(X, t_j)\) \(\le DISC^*(X, t_j)\). However, for some other cases (e.g., for short transactions in the IBM synthetic dataset or short frequent patterns mined from the real-life mushroom dataset), DISC*-growth beats PUF*-growth.

4.4 Comparative Analysis

After evaluating the seven approximations as upper bounds to expected support, we observe the following:

  • CUF-growth requires the least amount of memory space (with a single value per transaction), and CUF*-growth requires the second least amount of memory space (with two values per transaction);

  • DISC*-growth and PUF*-growth both produce fewest false positives due to the tightness of their bounds;

  • DISC*-growth takes the shortest runtime, where PUF*-growth and CUF*-growth take just slightly longer than DISC*-growth.

Hence, our recommendation is as follows: If memory is an issue, it is better to use CUF*-growth due to its small memory requirements, few false positives and short runtimes. Otherwise, it is better to use DISC*-growth or PUF*-growth because their relatively low memory requirements (2h values for h items in a transaction) while they produce fewer false positives and run faster than others.

5 Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper, we have examined the concepts of transaction cap TC, item cap IC and prefixed item cap PIC by viewing them as tight upper bounds to expected support of frequent k-itemsets when mining uncertain big data. Among these upper bounds, PIC provides the tightest upper bounds when mining frequent 2-itemsets, and thus produces the fewest false positives and the fastest running. When mining frequent \(3^+\)-itemsets, the concepts of TC, IC, and PIC have been extended to become CUF*, DISC*, PUF*, and BLIMP. Our experimental results confirm our analytical findings that any of these four extensions could provide tighter upper bounds to expected support of frequent \(3^+\)-itemsets than the other three extensions on different mining parameters and/or distributions of uncertain data.

Future work is mainly oriented towards (i) studying optimization alternatives particularly targeted to distributed environments (e.g., fragmentation techniques [11, 15], which could allow us to improve the efficiency of our framework, and (ii) extending the proposed framework according to modern big data analytics predicates [7, 21, 39].