
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Finding similarity between documents enables grouping documents in collections, possibly contributing to significant reduction of database query time [32]. Common clustering techniques such as hierarchical clustering, k-means, shared nearest neighbours or deep learning networks are capable of detecting similarities within texts based on the comparison of the words used [12, 18, 19, 27, 30]. Nonetheless, the majority of the studies aim at classification, wherein the documents are assigned into fully separated clusters. Whilst the usefulness of such an approach is unquestionable, the content of many documents may cover multiple subjects, thus the issues raised within each document should not be restricted to merely a single cluster. This justifies the formation of other types of algorithms for text mining, with analogical representation in the field of clustering: soft or fuzzy clustering [9, 29].

Extracting keywords from particular documents and comparing them with similar ones provides means for aggregation of knowledge regarding the content. One of the popular data mining techniques intended to detect local similarities within the dataset is biclustering (also called co-clustering). Biclustering algorithms, as opposed to classic clustering approaches, take into account rows and columns of the input matrix simultaneously. Some biclustering methods have been successfully applied for text classification [4, 10, 17, 23]. Various biclustering methods have also gained recognition in multiple domains, such as biology and biomedicine, genetics, marketing and text mining [3, 13, 20, 22].

In this article we propose the application of a newly developed hybrid biclustering technique for mining text datasets. We present the Propagation-Based Biclustering Algorithm (PBBA) and the scope of its application towards different types of text datasets. By analysing the content of documents collected from a popular social network, Twitter (i.e. tweets), we compare the proposed approach with the most popular clustering methods popularly used for this task. We also present the application of the algorithm to knowledge spreadsheets in symbolic datasets. Finally, using the example of a popular 20 newsgroup dataset, the algorithm is compared to other state-of-the-art text mining methods in a scenario that lies beyond its design, namely a classification task. The low effectiveness of the proposed approach with regard to this task is discussed.

2 Methodology

Hybrid methods emerged from combining selected aspects of some other existing methods, which allow them to be applied for different types of data. Those methods make use of the techniques, structures or metrics used by other algorithms. The final result provided by a hybrid solution is determined as a combination or aggregation of its components obtained during the process of its execution. Another distinct feature of hybrid algorithms is their broader scope of application. For example, the approach presented herein has been already successfully applied not only to text data, but also to gene expression datasets [28], symbolic datasets, analysis of production data and many other uses.

2.1 Algorithm

The hybrid biclustering algorithm presented here, named the Propagation-Based Biclustering Algorithm (PBBA), has already been successfully applied to various biological datasets [26, 28]. The PBBA mechanism inspired by neural networks and associative artificial intelligence [14, 15] originates from two biclustering methods: Bimax [31] and xMotifs [24].

Bimax. The Bimax algorithm [31] is a fast divide-and-conquer approach developed for binary data biclustering (in other cases the data needs to be binarized with a given threshold). The algorithm locates all inclusion-maximal biclusters within a given input matrix by dividing rows and columns of the matrix into three smaller submatrices, one of which contains only zeros and may be disregarded in further iterations. Afterwards, the algorithm is applied recursively to the two remaining, possibly overlapping submatrices.

xMotifs. The motivation of the xMotifs algorithm [24] was to provide a representation for gene expression data. An xMotif is an acronym for a conserved gene expression motif. Taking text mining into consideration, this could be a distinct analogy to determining a set of words to characterize each document. Biclusters (or xMotifs) generated with this algorithm need to fulfil a minimum size (here: number of documents), conservation (analogous to the same number of occurrences of any given term) and maximality criteria (analogy of maximum number of terms common with a given xMotif that remains outside the bicluster).

Artificial Associative Intelligence. Artificial associative systems are designed to contextually recall and combine separate pieces of information to form knowledge in a process which resembles recalling information by a human [15]. The neural graphs on which the systems are based, consist of elements which react separately depending on the repeatability and frequency of their input signals triggered by sequences of objects (facts, rules, algorithms etc.).

Propagation-Based Biclustering Algorithm (PBBA). The PBBA algorithm iterates the consecutive rows and seeds non-zero values in each row [26, 28]. The pattern created hereby serves to discover similar rows sharing at least one common value in column with the pattern. Subsets with seed row are detected by finding the nearest row with the exact value appearing in the particular column. A special mechanism is carried out to prevent the creation of non-maximum subsets. A general concept of the algorithm is presented in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The mechanism of PBBA - for each row, the algorithm seeks for the nearest row with the same value in a particular column.

Detailed information about the algorithm is presented hereafter. Similarly to Bimax, a minimum size of biclusters needs to be specified, otherwise PBBA (similarly to Bimax) may generate millions of overlapping biclusters. The modifications of the original version of PBBA involved ranking of the input matrix. The cardinality of the terms appearing in each document served as a basis for determining the ranks within the input matrix for the algorithm.

figure a

3 Results

This section presents the results of algorithm application to various datasets. The PBBA algorithm has been implemented in C++. Three different scenarios have been carried out. First, the algorithm has been applied to the data obtained from TwitterFootnote 1 to measure its performance in discovering commonly appearing phrases within tweets. Two clustering methods have been used as references: k-means and hierarchical clustering. Secondly, the algorithm has been applied to a knowledge spreadsheet of US consumer complaints and finally to a 20 newsgroups dataset, which is popularly used for the task of classification.

3.1 Scenario 1: Application to Social Network Data

Tweets are short, up to 140 characters, text messages that are sent by the users of one of the most popular social networks, Twitter. Twitter was queried for 50000 entries containing the “#data” tag published since 2000-01-01. All the data was collected on 2015-04-21. As a result, a total of 44394 documents has been collected. The most common terms (appearing in at least 600 tweets) with wordcloud package [8], as presented in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The wordcloud of the most common terms appearing in Tweets together with the #data tag.

The data was obtained with twitteR package [11], an R-based Twitter client, and processed with text mining (tm) package [6, 7]. The preprocessing involved removing links, usernames, “RT” (used as an abbreviation of “retweet”) and symbols (“&” etc.). All sentences were transformed to lower case. All English stop words were removed (“he’s”, “we’d” etc.), punctuation and white spaces were ignored. Limits on the size of a tweet may cause tweets to be cut at the end of the message. Therefore, the additional removal considered the case of beginning of an unfinished link (“htt”) at the end of the tweet. Finally, all the words of at least 3 letters were used to form a document-term matrix. SnowballC package [1] was used for stemming words. The statistics for words that appeared at least 1000 times in the database are presented in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Most common terms appearing in tweets with the #data tag.

As the majority of words appeared only in a few tweets, sparse terms were removed from the matrix. Notice that the term-document matrix has not been sparsified as in [35] as that produced incorrect results. Terms were accepted with at least 0.1 % non-zero values across all documents. As a result, the original matrix shrank to 1290 terms and contained 301659 out of 406716 values. The stemmed matrix featured 1238 terms and 323410 non-zero values.

The PBBA was set to detect terms that appeared in at least 10 different tweets. At least two terms needed to appear in the same tweet. The input matrix for the PBBA contained words and their occurrences in the text, forming a document-term matrix with zeroes indicating lack of term in a document. The effect of stemming the words has been also presented.

Task 1: All Tweets. The PBBA algorithm detected 11036 biclusters in total for the non-stemmed dataset and 14576 biclusters for the stemmed dataset. The statistics of most common terms appearing in the same tweet with the #data tag for the stemmed and not stemmed datasets are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Text biclusters detected by PBBA for the Twitter dataset - the most common terms used in the same tweet for (a) not stemmed and (b) stemmed dataset. Difference in occurrences of terms is the result of merging words with the same root.

For both datasets, twenty of the most popular terms used in the tweets had the same roots. This indicates that the most popular terms appear in the vast majority of the tweets in their exact form. A slight difference may be noticed within the “processing-process” term, which is considered the same phrase in the stemmed database.

Task 2: Unique Tweets. The second scenario involved biclustering on unique tweets only. We filtered documents that have not been retweeted and those which had the same content. Thus, the size of the dataset was reduced to 17083 for non-stemmed and 17594 for stemmed terms. The procedure applied guaranteed that each tweet or retweet with the same content was counted once only.

Table 2. Text biclusters detected by PBBA for unique tweets - the most common terms used in the same tweet for (a) not stemmed and (b) stemmed dataset. Notice that different terms occurred the most often in each of cases.

All word associations presented in Table 2 are commonly used together. This makes PBBA an interesting choice for the analysis of the common data within different documents. On the other hand, the sensitivity of PBBA for variants of similar words could also be considered as the curse of the algorithm, as all tweets that differ by one word only would result in generation of other bicluster(s).

Comparison with K-means. To determining the optimum number of clusters, we adapted a technique described by Hothorn [16] explained hereafter. After normalizing the data, we tested different numbers of clusters (from 2 to 200) and plotted the within-group sum of squares for each partition. As k-means require setting a random seed, the results obtained in multiple runs of the algorithm were different. Nonetheless, in all scenarios taken into account the WCSS measure reached very high values. We concluded that no consensus on the optimum setting of the number of clusters for k-means may be reached. Thus, we decided to take into consideration 42 clusters for stemmed and non-stemmed data. The results of clustering with k-means are presented in Table 3. We selected a couple of the most repetitive terms, sorted in decreasing order, similarly to Zhao [35], to serve as representative for the tweets.

Table 3. Example clusters for Twitter obtained with k-means, for (a) non-stemmed and (b) stemmed dataset.

Clustering in multiple cases revealed one large cluster (with over half of the tweets from the dataset), a couple of smaller clusters (with a couple of hundreds of tweets) and multiple small clusters. Clustering performed fine if the whole content of the tweet was exact. This was the issue with one of commonly retweeted contents. PBBA easily managed to detect commonly used phrases and built biclusters of different sizes around them.

Comparison with Hierarchical Clustering. We compared the results from PBBA and k-means with those obtained from clustering using Hierarchical Clustering. After removing terms that had over 98 % and 99 % of sparsity, the remaining 96 terms (117 in case of the stemmed dataset) were normalized and divided into 20 different clusters with original Ward’s minimum variance criterion used to form spherical clusters [25]. Hierarchical clustering managed to find some connotations of the words between different tweets. It detected a couple of meaningful clusters, such as “jobs apply now” and “change enter”, or “html internet”, but also a meaningless “news network medical processing monitoring att opensource usa remote cytta cyca uptick”. The majority of terms fell into multiple one-term-size clusters or into a single big cluster with non-related values. Different levels of threshold didn’t change that. In all cases, “data” formed its own cluster.

3.2 Scenario 2: Symbolic Datasets

One of the very popular types of datasets operating on symbolic representations of structures instead of using numeric data only is called knowledge spreadsheet for symbolic computing [33]. In this particular domain, the semantics determine the symbolic relations between the structures.

An example of a symbolic dataset is the consumer complaint databaseFootnote 2 collected on 2015-07-22. It contains 409400 consumer complaints regarding financial products and the current status of the cases. It covers the product name, sub-product, company name, US state, information if the answer has been delivered on time and whether the customer was satisfied with it.

In this scenario, as each symbolic expression may be substituted by a number, PBBA allows us to discover inner logic behind the dataset. An exemplary advanced analysis difficult to perform on a pivot table is presented in Table 4. The analysis concerns the most popular response to a complaint and its punctuality for different companies. Thus, biclusters with at least 3 columns containing the product name, company name and the response timeliness have been considered.

Table 4. The most popular responses to complaints and their punctuality for individual companies

Analysis of the PBBA results offers an easy way to get a valuable insight into different structures within the data. For example, the majority of untimely responses that ended up with explanations concerned mortgages (84131 cases), debt collection (35881 cases) and credit reporting (26174 cases). Comparing the responses that were given on time, the majority of them concerned mortgages (28289 cases), debt collection (10137 cases) and bank accounts or services (6823 cases). The most popular state for complaints on mortgages that ended with explanations was California (CA), covering 20926 cases, out of which in 14773 cases the answer was outside and 5179 within time limitations (some of the cases are still under consideration). The next states were Florida (FL) with 10075 cases and New York (NY) with 4959 cases. Depending on the desired query, a different logic behind the dataset may be discovered.

3.3 Scenario 3: Classification of a 20 Newsgroups Dataset

The third scenario involves the application of the algorithm to the task of classification. A very popular 20 newsgroups datasetFootnote 3 has been used as a reference. This database contains set of almost 20000 articles collected from 20 different groups, some of which are very closely related to each other. For comparison, a database from Hussain et al. [17] has been taken, provided by GrimalFootnote 4. The dataset is divided into 6 separate subsets: M2 (500 documents and 2 clusters), M5 (500 documents, 5 clusters), M10 (500 documents and 10 clusters), NG1 (400 documents and 2 clusters), NG2 (1000 documents and 5 clusters) and NG3 (1600 documents and 8 clusters). Each subset contains 10 folds with documents selected randomly using the k-medoids algorithm [17].

In concordance with other studies, micro-average precision was used for assessing the PBBA effectiveness [5]. The PBBA algorithm has been run on each fold of the dataset. In each case, PBBA has generated multiple overlapping biclusters. Including the smallest sizes of the biclusters caused PBBA to perform excessively long computations and generate as many as millions of small biclusters. On the other hand, disregarding the smallest biclusters meant that multiple documents have not been included in any of the biclusters. In this cas, we have decided to match them with an artificial empty class and treat as false positives. As the number of biclusters in PBBA is unknown beforehand, the bicluster matching a specific class the most has been considered as the right one.

For each dataset taken into considerations, the results obtained with PBBA have been unsatisfactory. Even for the theoretically easiest task (M2), the micro-average precision of PBBA was around 0.1, far below the results presented in literature. Modifying the PBBA parameters for the minimum bicluster size did not increase the score, as the level of misclassified documents went up.

We conclude that the PBBA algorithm is unsuitable for performing hard classification of text datasets Chi-sim [17] or other co-clustering methods are far more suitable for this task.

4 Conclusions

Providing personalized content to users, such as recommendations, increases user involvement with a service. These days, personalized recommendation systems [21] or contextual advertising systems [2, 34] match users with the service content. With a high dose of probability, this functionality is already implemented in Twitter, as users are recommended to follow certain people. We assume that recommendations utilizes context similarity.

This paper presents the concept of hybrid biclustering algorithms. Those are methods combining selected techniques from existing solutions. The major advantage of hybrid biclustering algorithms is the broader area of their application. Using the example of PBBA, we proved that the said algorithms may provide an insight into textual data. Analysis of common terms with biclustering detected much more realistic word connotations compared with clustering. This was particularly visible when considering unique tweets. Thus, the technique may be applied to dividing documents into multiple overlapping groups based on their content.

We noticed that term stemming may further increase the accuracy of the results obtained. For the stemmed dataset, PBBA managed to detect biclusters of larger size. This proves that the stemming provides better compression of data as terms originating from the same word are merged together. It should be noted, however, that multiple tweets in our dataset were not written in English. Therefore, stemming analysis becomes much more susceptible to errors.

Analysis of symbolic datasets in knowledge spreadsheets proved that a hybrid biclustering algorithm may successfully retrieve statistical information from a given dataset. This includes the information regarding the most commonly co-appearing values in a dataset. This application of the algorithm resembles aspect filtering or pivot tables.

A classification task revealed the algorithm weakness, involving generating multiple overlapping biclusters. PBBA failed to provide a correct division in each of the subsets of a 20 newsgroups dataset. Nonetheless, the criterion was very rigorous. Perhaps developing a mechanism of merging biclusters could increase the algorithm performance. Nonetheless, it is doubtful whether such a technique may outperform state of the art methods.