
1 Introduction

The basic ideas of rough set theory are standard lower and upper approximations. A probabilistic approximation with a probability \(\alpha \) is an extension of the standard approximation. For \(\alpha \) = 1, the probabilistic approximation is reduced to the lower approximation; for very small \(\alpha \), it is reduced to the upper approximation. Research on theoretical properties of probabilistic approximations was initiated in [1] and then was continued in, e.g., [25].

Incomplete data sets are analyzed using special approximations such as singleton, subset and concept [6, 7]. Probabilistic approximations, for incomplete data sets and based on an arbitrary binary relation, were introduced in [8]. The first experimental results using probabilistic approximations were published in [9]. In experiments reported in this paper, we used three kinds of probabilistic approximations: singleton, subset and concept.

In this paper, we consider two interpretations of missing attribute values, lost values and attribute-concept values. Lost values indicate that the original values were erased, and as a result we should use only existing, specified attribute values for data mining. Attribute-concept values may be replaced by any specified attribute value for a given concept.

Experimental research on comparing different approaches to mining incomplete data was initiated in [10], where results of experiments on data sets with 35 % missing attribute values, using two interpretations of missing attribute values: lost values and “do not care” conditions, were presented.

Research on mining incomplete data with lost values and attribute-concept values, using different experimental setups, was presented in [1114]. Results of initial research [10, 12] show that the quality of rule sets, evaluated by an error rate computed by ten-fold cross validated, does not differ significantly with different combinations of missing attribute and probabilistic approximation type. On the other hand, for data sets with many lost values and attribute-concept values, experiments described in [13] show that the error rate was smaller for lost values.

In [11, 14], complexity of rule sets induced from data with lost values and attribute-concept values was investigated. The results were not quite decisive, though the number of rules was always smaller for data sets with attribute-concept values, the results for the total number of rule conditions were not so conclusive.

Therefore the main objective of this paper is research on complexity of rule sets, in terms of the number of rules and total number of rule conditions, induced from data sets with many lost values and attribute-concept values using the Modified Learning from Examples Module version 2 (MLEM2) system for rule induction. The results of this paper show that the number of rules and the total number of conditions are always smaller for attribute-concept values than for lost values.

In our previous research [11, 14], results on the best choice of probabilistic approximations (singleton, subset or concept) were not conclusive. So our secondary objective is to check which probabilistic approximation (singleton, subset or concept) is the best from the point of view of rule complexity. As results of our paper show, the best choice is the subset probabilistic approximation.

This paper starts with a discussion on incomplete data in Sect. 2 where we define approximations, attribute-value blocks and characteristic sets. In Sect. 3, we present singleton, subset and concept probabilistic approximations for incomplete data. Section 4 contains the details of our experiments. Finally, conclusions are presented in Sect. 5.

2 Incomplete Data

We assume that the input data sets are presented in the form of a decision table. An example of a decision table is shown in Table 1. Rows of the decision table represent cases, while columns are labeled by variables. The set of all cases will be denoted by U. In Table 1, U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}. Independent variables are called attributes and a dependent variable is called a decision and is denoted by d. The set of all attributes will be denoted by A. In Table 1, A = {Wind, Temperature, Humidity}. The value for a case x and an attribute a will be denoted by a(x).

In this paper, we distinguish between two interpretations of missing attribute values: lost values, denoted by “?” and attribute-concept values, denoted by “−” [15, 16]. Table 1 presents an incomplete data set affected by both lost values and attribute-concept values.

Table 1. A decision table

One of the most important ideas of rough set theory [17] is an indiscernibility relation, defined for complete data sets. Let B be a nonempty subset of A. The indiscernibility relation R(B) is a relation on U defined for \(x, y \in U\) as defined by

$$ (x, y) \in R(B) ~\mathrm{if~and~only~if}~ \forall a \in B \ (a(x) = a(y)) $$

The indiscernibility relation R(B) is an equivalence relation. Equivalence classes of R(B) are called elementary sets of B and are denoted by \([x]_B\). A subset of U is called B-definable if it is a union of elementary sets of B.

The set X of all cases defined by the same value of the decision d is called a concept. For example, a concept associated with the value yes of the decision Trip is the set {1, 2, 3, 4}. The largest B-definable set contained in X is called the B-lower approximation of X, denoted by \(\underline{appr}_B(X)\), and defined as follows

$$\begin{aligned} \cup \{[x]_B \mid [x]_B \subseteq X\}. \end{aligned}$$

The smallest B-definable set containing X, denoted by \(\overline{appr}_B(X)\) is called the B-upper approximation of X, and is defined by

$$\begin{aligned} \cup \{[x]_B \mid [x]_B \cap X \ne \emptyset \}. \end{aligned}$$

For a variable a and its value v, (av) is called a variable-value pair. A block of (av), denoted by [(av)], is the set \(\{ x \in U \mid a(x) = v\}\) [18]. For incomplete decision tables the definition of a block of an attribute-value pair is modified in the following way.

  • If for an attribute a there exists a case x such that \(a(x) = \ ?\), i.e., the corresponding value is lost, then the case x should not be included in any blocks [(av)] for all values v of attribute a,

  • If for an attribute a there exists a case x such that the corresponding value is an attribute-concept value, i.e., \(a(x) = -\), then the corresponding case x should be included in blocks [(av)] for all specified values \(v \in V(x, a)\) of attribute a, where V(xa) is defined by

    $$\begin{aligned} \{a(y) \ | \ a(y) \ is \ specified, \ y \in U, \ d(y) = d(x)\} \end{aligned}$$

For the data set from Table 1, we have \(V(2, Humidity) = \{low\}\), V(3, Temperature) = \(\{high\}\), \(V(4, Wind) = \{low, high\}\) and \(V(5, Humidity) = \{high\}\).

For the data set from Table 1 the blocks of attribute-value pairs are:

[(Wind, low)] = {1, 4, 6},

[(Wind, high)] = {3, 4, 5},

[(Temperature, low)] = {5}, and

[(Temperature, high)] = {2, 3, 4, 6},

[(Humidity, low)] = {1, 2, 3},

[(Humidity, high)] = {5, 7}.

For a case \(x \in U\) and \(B \subseteq A\), the characteristic set \(K_B(x)\) is defined as the intersection of the sets K(xa), for all \(a \in B\), where the set K(xa) is defined in the following way:

  • If a(x) is specified, then K(xa) is the block [(aa(x))] of attribute a and its value a(x),

  • If \(a(x) = ?\) then the set \(K(x, a) = U\), where U is the set of all cases,

  • If \(a(x) = -\), then the corresponding set K(xa) is equal to the union of all blocks of attribute-value pairs (av), where \(v \in V(x, a)\) if V(xa) is nonempty. If V(xa) is empty, \(K(x, a) = U\).

For Table 1 and \(B = A\),

\( K_A(1)\) = {1},

\( K_A(2) \) = {2, 3},

\( K_A(3)\) = {3},

\( K_A(4)\) = {3, 4, 6},

\( K_A(5)\) = {5},

\( K_A(6)\) = {4, 6}, and

\( K_A(7)\) = {5, 7}.

First we will quote some definitions from [19]. Let X be a subset of U. The B-singleton lower approximation of X, denoted by \(\underline{appr}_B^{singleton}(X)\), is defined by

$$\begin{aligned} \{x \ | \ x \in U, K_B(x) \subseteq X \}. \end{aligned}$$

The B-singleton upper approximation of X, denoted by \(\overline{appr}_B^{singleton}(X)\), is defined by

$$\begin{aligned} \{ x \ | \ x \in U, K_B(x) \cap X \ne \emptyset \}. \end{aligned}$$

The B-subset lower approximation of X, denoted by \(\underline{appr}_B^{subset}(X)\), is defined by

$$\begin{aligned} \cup \ \{ K_B(x) \ | \ x \in U, K_B(x) \subseteq X \}. \end{aligned}$$

The B-subset upper approximation of X, denoted by \(\overline{appr}_B^{subset}(X)\), is defined by

$$\begin{aligned} \cup \ \{ K_B(x) \ | \ x \in U, K_B(x) \cap X \ne \emptyset \}. \end{aligned}$$

The B-concept lower approximation of X, denoted by \(\underline{appr}_B^{concept}(X)\), is defined by

$$\begin{aligned} \cup \ \{ K_B(x) \ | \ x \in X, K_B(x) \subseteq X \}. \end{aligned}$$

The B-concept upper approximation of X, denoted by \(\overline{appr}_B^{concept}(X)\), is defined by

$$\begin{aligned} \cup \ \{ K_B(x) \ | \ x \in X, K_B(x) \cap X \ne \emptyset \} = \cup \ \{K_B(x) \ | \ x \in X \}. \end{aligned}$$

For Table 1 and X = {5, 6, 7}, all A-singleton, A-subset and A-concept lower and upper approximations are:

\(\underline{appr}_A^{singleton}(X) = \{5, 7\}\),

\(\overline{appr}_A^{singleton}(X) = \{4, 5, 6, 7\}\),

\(\underline{appr}_A^{subset}(X) = \{5, 7\}\),

\(\overline{appr}_A^{subset}(X) = \{3, 4, 5, 6, 7\}\),

\(\underline{appr}_A^{concept}(X) = \{5, 7\}\),

\(\overline{appr}_A^{concept}(X) = \{4, 5, 6, 7\}.\)

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Number of rules for the breast cancer data set

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Number of rules for the echocardiogram data set

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Number of rules for the hepatitis data set

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Number of rules for the image segmentation data set

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Number of rules for the lymphography data set

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Number of rules for the wine recognition data set

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Total number of conditions for the breast cancer data set

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Total number of conditions for the echocardiogram data set

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Total number of conditions for the hepatitis data set

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Total number of conditions for the image data set

Fig. 11.
figure 11

Total number of conditions for the lymphography data set

Fig. 12.
figure 12

Total number of conditions for the wine recognition data set

3 Probabilistic Approximations

In this section definitions of singleton, subset and concept approximations are extended to the corresponding probabilistic approximations. A B-singleton probabilistic approximation of X with the threshold \(\alpha \), \(0 < \alpha \le 1\), denoted by \(appr_{\alpha ,B}^{singleton}(X)\), is defined by

$$\begin{aligned} \{x \ | \ x \in U, \ Pr(X \ | \ K_B(x)) \ge \alpha \}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(Pr(X \ | \ K_B(x)) = \frac{|X \ \cap \ K_B(x)|}{| K_B(x)|}\) is the conditional probability of X given \( K_B(x)\) and |Y| denotes the cardinality of set Y. A B-subset probabilistic approximation of the set X with the threshold \(\alpha \), \(0 < \alpha \le 1\), denoted by \(appr_{\alpha , B}^{subset} (X)\), is defined by

$$\begin{aligned} \cup \{ K_B(x) \ | \ x \in U, \ Pr(X \ | \ K_B(x)) \ge \alpha \}. \end{aligned}$$

A B-concept probabilistic approximation of the set X with the threshold \(\alpha \), \(0 < \alpha \le 1\), denoted by \(appr_{\alpha , B}^{concept} (X)\), is defined by

$$\begin{aligned} \cup \{ K_B(x) \ | \ x \in X, \ Pr(X \ | \ K_B(x)) \ge \alpha \}. \end{aligned}$$

Note that if \(\alpha = 1\), the probabilistic approximation is the standard lower approximation and if \(\alpha \) is small, close to 0, in our experiments it is 0.001, the same definition describes the standard upper approximation.

For Table 1 and the concept X = [(Trip, no)] = {4, 5, 6}, there exist the following distinct probabilistic approximations:

\(appr_{1.0,A}^{singleton}(X)\) \( = \{5, 7\},\)

\(appr_{0.5,A}^{singleton}(X)\) \( = \{5, 6, 7\},\)

\(appr_{0.333,A}^{singleton}(X)\) \( = \{4, 5, 6, 7\},\)

\(appr_{1.0,A}^{subset}(X)\) \( = \{5, 7\},\)

\(appr_{0.5,A}^{subset}(X)\) \( = \{4, 5, 6, 7\},\)

\(appr_{0.333,A}^{subset}(X)\) \( = \{3, 4, 5, 6, 7\},\)

\(appr_{1.0,A}^{concept}(X)\) \( = \{5, 7\},\)

\(appr_{0.5,A}^{concept}(X)\) \( = \{4, 5, 6, 7\}.\)

4 Experiments

Our experiments are based on six data sets that are available on the University of California at Irvine Machine Learning Repository. Basic information about these data sets is presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Data sets used for experiments

For every data set a set of templates was created. Templates were formed by replacing incrementally (with 5 % increment) existing specified attribute values by lost values. Thus, we started each series of experiments with no lost values, then we added 5 % of lost values, then we added additional 5 % of lost values, etc., until at least one entire row of the data sets was full of lost values. Then three attempts were made to change configuration of new lost values and either a new data set with extra 5 % of lost values were created or the process was terminated. Additionally, the same templates were edited for further experiments by replacing question marks, representing lost values by “−”s, representing attribute-concept values.

For any data set there was some maximum for the percentage of missing attribute values. For example, for the Breast cancer data set, it was 44.81 %. In our experiments we used only such incomplete data sets, with as many missing attribute values as possible. Note that for some data sets the maximum of the number of missing attribute values was less than 40 %, we have not used such data for our experiments.

For rule induction we used the Modified Learning from Examples Module version 2 (MLEM2) rule induction algorithm, a component of the Learning from Examples based on Rough Sets (LERS) data mining system [18]. Results of our experiments are presented in Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Our main objective was to select the better interpretation of missing attribute values: lost values or attribute-concept values in terms of complexity measured by the number of rules and the total number of conditions in rule sets. For any data set we compared the size of the rule set and the total number of conditions in the rule set for two interpretations of missing attribute values with the same type of probabilistic approximation. Our results show that the number of rules was always smaller for attribute-concept values than for lost values. Similarly, the total number of conditions was always smaller for attribute-concept values than for lost values.

Our secondary objective was to find the best kind of probabilistic approximations (singleton, subset or concept). Here the answer is more complicated. For any data set we compared all three kinds of probabilistic approximations assuming the same type of missing attribute values using multiple comparisons based on Friedman’s nonparametric test. As a result, the smallest number of rules is accomplished by subset approximations for eight out of 12 data sets (5 % significance level). For four data sets (echocardiogram, hepatitis, image segmentation and wine recognition, all with attribute-concept values), the difference is not statistically significant. The total number of conditions is also the smallest for subset approximations except two data sets (echocardiogram and hepatitis, both with attribute-concept values).

5 Conclusions

As follows from our experiments, the number of rules and the total number of conditions is always smaller for attribute-concept values than for lost values. Additionally, the best probabilistic approximation that should be used for rule induction from data with many missing attribute values is subset probabilistic approximation.