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Exploring the Relationship Between Technology Education and Educational Sloyd

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Handbook of Technology Education

Part of the book series: Springer International Handbooks of Education ((SIHE))

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The aim of this chapter is to investigate the relationship between Technology education and Educational sloyd (slöjd) in Sweden from the early 1960s until today. It is concluded that the technology subject domain during this period has modernized and become broader and broader, including a systems component. Educational sloyd, on the other hand, partly contains modern, technology-related components but also partly remains a subject emphasizing knowledge and skills rooted in a rural society including elements such as manual handicraft, tool management, aesthetic skills, as well as personal development. The most notable difference between the two subjects lies in their philosophical foundations. Technology education is about various aspects of the human-made world. Its main interest is technology itself; what it is, how it evolves, and how we as humans conceive, design, use, and manage technology. Educational sloyd, on the other hand, is mainly about human development, human capabilities of creating, crafting, working, and developing. However, the curriculum overlap between the two subjects is strikingly similar, and a major part of sloyd can therefore also be seen as a part of the field of Technology education today.

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Hallström, J. (2017). Exploring the Relationship Between Technology Education and Educational Sloyd. In: de Vries, M. (eds) Handbook of Technology Education. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer, Cham.

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  • Print ISBN: 978-3-319-38889-2

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