
1 Introduction

1.1 Overview

It is widely agreed that implementing distributed systems poses major problems and remains a real challenge. Distributed termination detection is one of the most important problems in distributed computing [11]. It is closely related to many other problems such as determining a causally consistent global state [10], detecting deadlocks [12], etc. Contrary to sequential algorithms, the termination of distributed computing is neither simple nor clear: what does termination mean in distributed algorithms? Can processors be aware of global termination? Is it essential for a processor to distinguish between its termination and the termination of the entire computation? Different termination detection modes have been defined [8] to relate the local state of processors with the global state of the network. The two modes we are interested in are the following: Local Termination Detection (LTD), i.e., each processor is able to determine only its own termination condition; and Global Termination Detection (GTD), i.e., at least one processor knows when the entire computation has finished on the network. P. Castéran et al. [7] have proved that it is quite interesting for a processor to detect that the algorithm has globally terminated. However, if we don’t have a global perspective and we are only interested in local interactions, it will not be evident to know if the distributed algorithm has finished.

In this paper, we propose a general framework, based on Event-B, for transforming correct algorithms with LTD into algorithms with GTD. We rely on the high level abstraction of local computations [20], and we focus on formal proofs of termination, using a refinement-based composition. The prime objective is to provide a proof-based development which can be reused for building and ensuring global termination. Another objective is to show the effectiveness of combining a correct-by-construction [19] approach with a compositional reasoning for preserving properties and reusing proofs.

1.2 Related Works

Formal specifications are often beneficial, and provide a real help for expressing correctness with respect to safety properties in the study of distributed computing. This paper is not an exception in this respect. Formal approaches have been proposed to deal with the correctness of such algorithms in different contexts: solving gathered problems [13], revisiting snapshot algorithms [3], etc. Numerous studies related to the termination detection problem have been done. However, no clear idea, about the way which would be better for transforming distributed algorithms from LTD to GTD mode and reusing their proofs, has been come out from these works. To the best of our knowledge, no reusable formal approach has been published yet, clarifying how far it can save efforts of designers and how far it can be reused in particular developments.

Related works have been proposed to suggest solutions for algorithms detecting only the LTD mode. Two major algorithms are used to cope with this problem and build the GTD mode: the Dijkstra-Scholten algorithm [14] and the algorithm by Szymanski, Shi and Prywes (the SSP algorithm for short) [22]. E. Godard et al. [16] proposed to compose two graph relabelling systems, one encoding a given algorithm and another encoding a termination detection algorithm such as the Dijkstra-Scholten algorithm or the SSP algorithm. They proved that the resulting relabelling system transforms the first algorithm from LTD mode to GTD mode. However, this transformation modifies the algorithm and makes the computation steps of the nodes more complex.

V. Filou et al. [15] proposed to compose formal specifications of distributed algorithms with formal specifications of the Dijkstra-Scholten algorithm: let A be a distributed algorithm specified with LTD mode. Based on the Event-B method, authors proved that a node being in a terminal state of A can execute the Dijkstra algorithm in order to detect the instant where every other node has computed its final value. The specification as well as the proofs of the first algorithm (algorithm A) are reused when detecting the global termination. However, a composition of the Dijkstra algorithm cannot be proposed as a general approach for dealing with algorithms encoded with LTD mode: this algorithm is based on the election process. Several conditions were found to allow election algorithms: P. Castéran et al. [7] and J. Chalopin et al. [9] characterized families of graphs that admit this algorithm.

1.3 Contribution

In a previous work [5], we proposed a proof based development for transforming a spanning tree algorithm with LTD mode into the same algorithm with GTD mode. We relied on Event-B refinement and we specified a combination of the SSP and the spanning tree algorithm following a top down approach. In this paper, we generalize our approach and we propose a formal framework enhancing the termination detection property of distributed algorithms without altering their specifications. Our framework is based on formal specifications and proofs of termination, encapsulated in a separate module according to the SSP algorithm. This module is developed in a generic and scalable way in order to be composed with particular developments.

Let A be a distributed algorithm where processors do not detect the global termination of A. Our main goal is to compose A with SSP and produce a correct algorithm which (i) reuses specifications as well as proofs associated to the algorithm A and (ii) enables processors to detect the global termination of the computation. We investigate necessary requirements for such a composition and give users guidelines for reusing the SSP algorithm in several developments with correctness.

The refinement of models is the key element, allowing preservation of correctness proofs. Moreover, using pre-defined modules, developed in a high level abstraction, makes our approach reusable. Based on the correct-by-construction approach and on the modularization [18] technique, we achieve our aim and show, with examples, what users gain with the proposed approach. In this paper, we illustrate our approach by the 3-colouring of a ring specified with the LC1 synchronisation. The main objective of this simple example is to demonstrate the use of our work during models development. Our approach is also applied to complex case studies such as the Mazurkiewicz [21] algorithm, specified with the LC2 synchronization. The illustration of this algorithm gives us new results which do not appear in this paper, but they will be presented in a future publication.

1.4 Organization of the Paper

The paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 recalls basic concepts of local computations and Event-B method. Section 3 presents the SSP algorithm and introduces our approach where we describe the composition process of SSP with Event-B developments. Section 4 details formal specifications and proofs of this composition. Section 5 illustrates our approach by an example. Finally, a short discussion, conclusion and ongoing work round the paper up.

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Local Computations Model

In this section, we illustrate, in an intuitive way, the notions of local computations, and particularly those of graph relabelling systems by showing how some algorithms on networks of processors may be encoded within this framework [20]. As usual, such a network is represented by a graph whose vertices (nodes) stand for processors and edges for (bidirectional) links between processors. Each vertex represents an entity that is capable of performing computation steps, sending and receiving messages. We consider anonymous networks with asynchronous message passing, i.e., each computation may take an unpredictable, but finite, amount of time. At every time, each vertex and each edge are in some particular state which will be encoded by a vertex or an edge label. According to its own state and to the states of its neighbours, each vertex may decide to do an elementary computation step. After this step, the state of this vertex, its neighbours and the corresponding edges may be changed according to some specific computation rules. Moreover, it is supposed that once a node reaches a final state it remains in such a state until the end of the algorithm.

The graph relabelling systems meet the following requirements: (i): they do not change the underlying graph, but they change only the labelling of their components (edges and/or vertices). The final labelling is the result. (ii) they are local, that is, each rewriting changes only a connected subgraph of a fixed size in the underlying graph. A sub-graph contains a subset of the vertices and edges in a graph G. (iii) they are locally generated, that is, the applicability condition of the rewriting depends only on the local context of the relabelled sub-graph.

The distributed aspect comes from the fact that several rewriting steps can be performed simultaneously on “far enough” subgraphs, giving the same result as a sequential realization of them, in any order. A large family of classical distributed algorithms encoded by graph rewriting systems is given in [20].

2.2 Event-B

The Event-B [1] modelling language defines mathematical structures as contexts and formal model of the system as machines. The context is defined by abstract sets, constants, and axioms which describe properties of constants. An Event-B machine describes a reactive system, using a set of invariant properties and a finite list of events modifying state variables. Recently the Event B language and its tool support Rodin [2] have been extended with the possibility to define a module interface i.e., logical unit containing callable operations. The important characteristic of these modules is that they can be developed separately and, when needed, incorporated and instantiated in the main system development. According to A. Iliasov et al. [18], a module interface is a separate Event-B component specifying a set of services. It encapsulates external variables, constants, invariants, and a collection of operations characterised by their pre-/post- conditions.

When a module interface M is imported into an Event-B machine (via the clause USES), an instance is created. Several instances can be created for the same module. To avoid name clashes, each instance is added with a prefix pre chosen by the user. Consequently, all the names imported from the module appear with the corresponding prefix. The importing machine can invoke the operations by means of events and read the external variables of M. As presented below, an interface operation Op is characterized by its pre- and post-conditions [18]. The pre-conditions contain a list of predicates applied on parameters par and on external variables v to define the states when an operation may be invoked. The primed variables \(v'\) and \(res'\), defined in the operation post-condition (post), stand for the final variable values after the operation execution. If some primed variables are not mentioned, the corresponding variables are unchanged by the operation.

The execution of a called operation is abstractly modelled by an Event-B event, named calling_Op. Internal parameters (in_par) are evaluated and passed to the operation Op. In addition to calculating a result (result), an operation call can also update the external variables (v). A set of proof obligations are generated to guarantee that the state of the module is protected by the operations.

figure a

3 SSP Composition with Correct-by-Construction Developments

3.1 The SSP Algorithm

We consider a distributed algorithm which terminates when all nodes reach their local termination conditions. The SSP algorithm [22] detects an instant in which the entire computation is achieved in the network. Let G be a graph. Each node n0 is associated with a predicate P(n0) and an integer a(n0). P(n0) depends on the local termination of n0. Once a node n0 detects its local termination, the value of P(n0) can be transformed from FALSE to TRUE. a(n0) is introduced to specify the fact that all nodes being in a distance equal to a(n0) have locally terminated. Initially P(n0) is FALSE and a(n0) is equal to \(-1\). Transformations of the value of a(n0) are defined by the following rules.

  • \(if~P(n0) = {\small FALSE}~Then~a(n0) =~-1\),

  • \(if~P(n0) = {\small TRUE}~Then~a(n0) = 1 + min\{a(n_k) | k \ge 0~and~k \le d\}\).

Let n0 be a node and let {\(n_1\), ..., \(n_d\)} be the set of nodes adjacent to n0; d stands for the number of edges the node n0 has to other nodes, called the degree of n0. The new value of a(n0) depends on values associated with n0 and its neighbours.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

SSP composition with Event-B development

3.2 Proposed Approach

We summarize in this section the idea of the SSP composition with a distributed algorithm expressed in Event-B. Our aim is to prove that for any algorithm satisfying LTD, expressed in event-B and proved independently, the algorithm obtained by the composition with SSP satisfies the same specification with GTD. Note that an Event-B development is based on a correct-by-construction approach [19] which supports an incremental process controlled by the refinement of models. In previous works [15, 23], authors proposed Event-B patterns containing proof-based guidelines and describing how a distributed algorithm can be correctly designed: the development can start with a very abstract model, then, by successive refinements, we obtain a concrete one that expresses the local behaviour (state) of processors in the network. As presented in Fig. 1, we consider a problem, which can be formalized through a distributed algorithm with LTD, developed by a chain of Event-B machines. We suppose that the size of the graph is known by all the nodes. Let A be the distributed algorithm. The formalization process is based on the refinement of models, using the RODIN [2] platform.

  • The chain of refinement \(Machine_0 ... Machine_n\) expresses the Problem in an incremental development.

  • The \(Machine_n\) defines local interactions between nodes according to the computation process of the algorithm A.

  • The refinement of \(Machine_n\) by \(Machine_{n+1}\) produces a set of events corresponding to some additional computation steps to detect the global termination of the algorithm A. These computations are specified according to the SSP rules.

  • The SSP_Interface is a predefined logical entity that we have developed and proved independently. More precisely, it is an Event-B Interface containing callable operations, corresponding to the execution process of the SSP rules. Moreover, it contains general proofs of termination detection for local computations.

  • The \(Machine_{n+1}\) uses the SSP_Interface, means that it can have access to all the proofs discharged in the SSP_Interfce and execute its operations.

  • The Graph is an Event-B context that we have developed to specify basic properties of a network which represents the application field of distributed algorithms. Basically, a network is defined as a connected, simple and undirected graph. The Graph’ context extends Graph, means that it can use all the specifications defined in the Graph context and introduce other static properties, describing the particularity of the algorithm A.

  • A translation of Event-B specifications into a java code can be generated by relying on B2Visidia tool [24]. Thus, a solution can be mapped from the \(Machine_{n+1}\) into ViSiDiA [4], i.e., ViSiDiA is a platform for simulating, visualizing and testing local computations. Note that this item is not studied in this paper.

4 Formal Descriptions

4.1 Network Specification: The Graph Context

The Graph context describes basic properties of the network on which distributed algorithms are running. Formally, a network can be straightforwardly modelled as a connected, undirected and simple graph where nodes denote processors and edges denote point-to-point communication links. An undirected graph means that there is no distinction between the two nodes associated with each edge (see axm4). A graph is simple if it has at most one edge between any two nodes (see axm2 and axm3) and no edge starts and ends at the same node (see axm5). A graph (directed or not) is connected if, for each pair of nodes, a path joining these two nodes exists(see axm6). According to D. Cansell et al. [6], a connected graph g over a set of finite nodes ND (see axm1) can be presented as follows:

figure b

4.2 The SSP_Interface

The SSP_Interface is an Event-B component, specifying a set of additional computation steps that can be associated to the nodes in order to build a global termination detection. We assume that the local termination of the algorithm that we want to compose is stable, i.e., a terminated processor will not again be woken up in the course of further computation. We mean by termination, the termination of the algorithm that we want to compose. This component encapsulates formal specifications of the SSP algorithm into callable operations, modifying a set of external variables. These variables are defined as follows:

figure c
  • \(Local\_TD\) characterizes the local termination detection of a node:

    \(Local\_TD \in ND \mathbin \rightarrow BOOL\). Let n be a node. \(Local\_TD(n)=True\) means that n has computed its final value. Initially, there is no node detecting the local termination.

  • counter leads a node to detect the global termination:

    \(counter \in ND \mathbin \rightarrow \mathbb P\hbox {}(\mathbb N\mathbin \times \mathbb Z) \). If n is a node, \((i\mapsto j) \in counter(n)\) means that at the computation step i, all the nodes, being in a j distance from n, detected locally the termination. Initially \(counter(n)=\{0\mapsto -1\}\). After i computation steps, \(counter(n)=\{0\mapsto -1, 1\mapsto 0,..., i \mapsto j\}\). We store the entire history of counters in order to investigate invariants of the model and simplify proofs during the development. In this paper, the last counter of n means the value of j calculated at the last computation step i. Formally, it can be specified as follows: last counter(n)= max(ran(counter(n))).

  • \(Global\_TD\) characterizes the global termination state of a node:

    \(Global\_TD \in ND \mathbin \rightarrow BOOL\). \(Global\_TD(n)=True\) means that n is aware of the termination of the algorithm. Initially, there is no node detecting the global termination.

UpdateTermination Operation. A node being in a terminal state, updates its \(Local\_TD\) and acts on its counter. Let \(counter_i(n)\) be the last counter computed by a node n. The new value of the counter of n is defined at the computation step \((i+1)\). This computation is specified by the Update_Termination operation. The pre-conditions (Pre) stand for the requirements of the operation execution. The terminal state of a node depends naturally on the algorithm that we want to compose. Thus the condition of the updating action is defined while calling this operation (see the example in Sect. 5). Note that the execution of this operation should be blocked once a node updates its \(Local\_TD\) from FALSE to TRUE. This can be achieved by strengthening its pre-conditions by (\(Local\_TD(n)=FALSE\)) and (\(counter_{i}(n)=-1\)). The primed variables \(Local\_TD'(n)\) and \(counter'(n)\) defined in the post-conditions stand for the new values of \(Local\_TD(n)\) and counter(n) after the operation execution. In our case, we are interested in updating external variables without returning particular results.

figure d
figure e

ToGlobalTermination Operation. Once a node n updates its Local_TD state, it computes a new value of the counter. Let i be the last computation step in which n has modified its counter. The new value of the counter of n is defined at the computation step \((i+1)\), and depends on the last counter computed by the neighbours of n. Let Ng(n) be the set of nodes adjacent to n. \(Ng(n)=\{ng_1,...,ng_d\}\). Let \(\{counter_j(ng_1),...,counter_k(ng_d)\}\) be the set of the last counter computed by each node in Ng(n). Let C be the set of the last counter computed by each node in \((Ng(n) \cup \{n\})\). \(C= \{counter_j(ng_1),...,counter_k(ng_d), counter_i(n)\}\). \(counter_{i+1}(n)= 1 + min (C)\). This computation step is specified by the operation To_Global_Termination. The execution of this operation should be blocked if the counter of the node n reaches the size of the graph (S), or if one of the nodes in \((Ng(n) \cup {n})\) detects the global termination.

figure f
figure g

GlobalTermination Operation. Within a finite number of steps, the counter of a node n can reach the size of the graph S, i.e., all the nodes being in a distance \(\le S\) from n have locally terminated. Thus, the node n can detect the fact that the entire computation is achieved in the network. Hence, it can update its \(Global\_TD\) state and diffuse this information to its neighbours to make them aware of this global termination. The updating action of \(Global\_TD\) state is specified by the operation Global_Termination. The execution of this operation is blocked once the node updates its \(Global\_TD\) from FALSE to TRUE. This can be achieved by strengthening its pre-condition by (\(Global\_TD(n)=FALSE\)).

figure h
figure i

Diffusion Operation. Once a node n is aware of the termination of the entire computation in the network, it can transmit this information to its neighbours by updating the value of their \(Global\_TD\) states. Each neighbour can in turn transmit the same information. This computation step is specified by the operation Diffusion. The execution of this operation is blocked when all the neighbours of the node n detect the global termination. This can be achieved by strengthening its pre-condition via a predicate, showing that n has at least one neighbour that is not detecting the global termination.

figure j
figure k

4.3 Formal Proofs

The intention behind our approach is to compose distributed algorithms with the SSP specifications in order to build the global termination detection. Such a composition is achieved via calling the previous operations. In this section, we prove that the execution of these operations ensures the correctness of the resulting algorithm. More precisely, we investigate the invariants of the model and prove the following properties.

(P1): the resulting algorithm preserves the LTD property of the initial algorithm (Theorem 1). This property can be easily proved. In fact, we can prove that the counter computed by a node n increases during the different computation steps (Invariant 1). Thus, once a node computes a positive counter, the new value of this counter remains positive.

Invariant 1

Invariant 2

Moreover, we can prove that the last counter ((max(ran(counter(n)))), computed by a node n detecting the global termination, is a positive value (Invariant 2). Furthermore, once a node detects locally the termination, it sets the new value of its counter, through the execution of the Update_Termination operation, to zero. Thus, we can prove that a node n detects the local termination (\(Local\_TD(n)=TRUE\)) if and only if the value of the last counter calculated by this node is positive (Invariant 3).

Invariant 3

Theorem 1

(P2): If a node n updates its global termination state (\(Global\_TD(n)= True\)), every node v on the network has locally terminated (Theorem 2): once a node updates its \(Local\_TD\) state, it increments the value of its counter by executing the operation To_Global_Termination. The new value of the counter depends on the values associated to the neighbours. We can prove that the difference between the maximum and the minimum of the last counter computed by two neighbours does not exceed 1 (Invariant 4).

Invariant 4

\(\forall n, v, a, b \cdot v\in g[\{ n\} ] \wedge a=max(ran(counter(n))) \wedge b= max(ran(counter(v))) \Rightarrow (max(\{ a,b\} )- min(\{ a,b\} )\le 1)\)

Let chains be the set of possible chains in the graph, i.e., connected edges, and Nodes(ch) be the set of the nodes concerned in a chain ch.

figure l

Let be the set of the last counter computed by Nodes(ch), and card(ch) be the size of the chain ch. Note (\(Max - Min\)) is the difference between the maximum and the minimum of E. We prove, by induction on the size of ch, that (\(Max - Min \le card(ch)-1\)) (Invariant 5). Furthermore, the last counter, computed by the first node detecting the global termination, reaches the size of the graph S (\(S=card(ND)\)). Thus, the maximum of E is equal to S. Moreover, \(card(ch)\le S\). Hence, \(Max - Min \le S\). Therefore, \(Min\ge 0\). Consequently, we prove that if a node detects the global termination, all the other nodes have locally terminated (Theorem 2).

Invariant 5

Theorem 2

Fig. 2.
figure 2

3-Colouring of a ring

5 Example: 3-Colouring of a Ring

Consider a ring with at least 3 nodes. The 3-colouring problem consists in assigning a color to each node from a set of three ones. Two neighbours have different colors. Let \(\{x,y,z\}\) be the set of colors. The corresponding relabelling system is defined by considering the rule R (Fig. 2). A new context should be added to extend the Graph context in order to specify formal properties of a ring. Building a correct model may start with a very abstract machine and then, by successive refinements, we obtain a concrete one in which we specify the relabelling rule. We refine the last level by introducing a new machine in which we clarify the local termination of the nodes, and we use the SSP_Interface in order to build a global termination. According to the computation steps of this algorithm, we affirm that a node n reaches its final state when n and its neighbours get different colors. Hence, the following invariant should be added: assume that Col is a function introduced to characterize the color of the nodes.

Invariant 6

The calling of the previous operations is similar to the previous example, except the execution of the Update_Terminaton operation which should be strengthened by a new guard (grd4), specifying when a node can update its termination state.

figure m
Table 1. Proof Statistics

5.1 What We Gain

It seems that we have to do more work in order to compose an algorithm with the proposed specifications: we have to develop the algorithm in a progressive way controlled by the refinement of models. Then we add a new machine to specify a suitable implementation of the predefined operations. But we do have the following advantages:

  • We don’t need to prove the computation steps of the SSP algorithm. This is because we have already done this, when developing the SSP_Interface. Thus, we have saved efforts of users on discharging proofs (see Table 1). The additional proof obligations, generated while introducing a new machine using the SSP_Interface, are not very complex to discharge: \(70\,\%\) and \(80\,\%\) of them are respectively proved automatically for the two examples (the spanning tree as well as the 3-colouring of a ring). Note that we have tested building and proving the global termination of the two algorithms without using the proposed SSP_Interface. The new generated machines for the spanning tree and the 3-colouring algorithm produce respectively only \(32\,\%\) and \(35\,\%\) of proof obligations discharged automatically.

  • We reuse all the proofs associated to the first algorithm (the Spanning tree and the 3-colouring of a ring in our cases). The incremental proof-based process of refinement provides a way to preserve the correctness of the algorithm and to validate the integration of new requirements.

  • We can reuse the proposed specifications in other case studies. The SSP_Interface is defined in a high level abstraction in order to build the global termination detection of distributed algorithms.

6 Discussion, Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, we have proposed a proof-based framework for composing distributed computing with the SSP algorithm in order to build a global termination detection. The main characteristic of our approach is that it transforms algorithms from LTD to GTD mode, enables reuse in development, and saves efforts on proving distributed computing: by relying on the SSP algorithm, we specified a generic module containing formal specifications and proofs for the global termination detection. This module can be composed with simple and complex cases studies with different synchronizations. During the development, a list of proof obligations is generated by the Rodin [2] platform to ensure the safety of the development. We believe that this work has a number of benefits. In a nutshell, we say that composing a correct-by-construction development with the SSP algorithm enhances the termination detection property of distributed computing. Moreover, specifying SSP in a pre-defined module greatly simplifies the reuse of specifications and proofs.

It is worth noticing that if we look carefully at what the global termination means in distributed algorithms, we have to distinguish between the termination of the computing and the transmitting messages between processors. In this work, the global termination, we are interested in, is to detect the instant when all processors have computed their final values, i.e., no processor can modify its state. We don’t detect the instant when there is no message in transit in the network. Moreover, our approach might be improved if we used the diameter of the graph instead of its size. But we made this choice for the sake of simplicity. As a future work, it would be interesting to take into account these limitations and study the case that local termination of processors is not stable. Moreover, added to safety properties, we think that it would be more relevant to ensure liveness properties [17]: when all nodes have locally terminated, the algorithm will eventually detect global termination. Furthermore, we aim to study and detail the last item presented in Sect. 3.2. Thus, we can implement Java codes of the proposed framework and simulate algorithms into the Visidia [4] platform. Starting with previous studies [24], we can translate our formal specifications into Java codes and propose a certified tool for transforming automatically distributed algorithms from LTD to GTD.