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Boiling and Two-Phase Flow in Narrow Channels

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Handbook of Thermal Science and Engineering
  • 443 Accesses


As the channel dimensions become smaller, the heat transfer surface area and the resulting heat transfer rate per unit flow volume become larger. This is further aided by the higher heat transfer coefficients during single-phase flow in the laminar flow region. Boiling, being an efficient transfer process, could also potentially benefit from this reduction in channel hydraulic diameter. The heat transfer mechanisms and flow instabilities resulting from the boiling process are now generally well understood in minichannels and microchannels. Recent advances in this field indicate that it is possible to achieve excellent heat transfer performance with little pressure drop penalty through appropriate design of the fluid flow passages.

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A :

Flow area, m2

A c :

Cross-sectional area, m2

a, b :

Sides of a rectangular channel, m

a1…a5 :

Coefficients, dimensionless


Boiling number, dimensionless, Bo = q″/(Gh LV)


Capillary number, \( \mathrm{Ca}=\frac{\upmu_{\mathrm{L}} G}{\uprho_{\mathrm{L}}\upsigma} \)


Convection number, dimensionless, Co = [(1 – x)/x]0.9 [ρ V/ρ L]0.5

D :

Diameter, m

F F1 :

Fluid-surface parameter accounting for the nucleation characteristics of different fluid surface combinations, dimensionless

f :

single-phase friction factor, dimensionless

G :

Mass flux, kg/m2s

g :

Acceleration due to gravity, m/s2

h :

Heat transfer coefficient, W/m2-K

h LV :

Latent heat of vaporization, J/kg

K 2 :

Ratio of evaporation momentum to surface tension forces at the liquid–vapor

\( \dot{m} \) :

Mass flow rate, kg/s


Nusselt number, dimensionless, Nu = hD h /k

P :

Wetted perimeter, m

p :

Pressure, Pa


Poiseuille number, Po = f × Re


Prandtl number, dimensionless, Pr = μcp/k


Heat flux, W/m2


Reynolds number, dimensionless, Re = GD/μ

r c,min , r c,max :

Minimum and maximum cavity radii respectively at ONG, m

T :

Temperature, K

u :

Velocity, m/s

ν :

Specific volume, ν = 1/ρ, m3/kg

V :

Flow volume, m3


Weber number, dimensionless, We = ρV S 2 D/σ

x :

Mass quality, dimensionless

z :

length from the channel entrance, m

α 1; α 2; α 3 :

Coefficients for the pressure distribution along a plane microchannel, dimensionless (Chapter “Microchannel definition”)

α c :

Channel aspect ratio, dimensionless, α c = a/b (between 0 and 1)

Δp :

Pressure drop, Pa

ΔT sat :

Temperature difference between wall and saturation, K

ΔT sub :

Temperature difference between saturation and subcooled liquid, K

δ t :

Thermal boundary layer thickness, m

θ :

tube inclination angle to horizontal, degrees

θ :

Contact angle, degrees

μ :

Dynamic viscosity, kg/ms

ρ :

Density, kg/m3

σ :

Surface tension, N/m




Convective boiling dominant


Critical heat flux



F :








LV :



Entire flow as liquid

m :



Nucleate boiling dominant

r :





Saturated condition



t :





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Kandlikar, S.G. (2017). Boiling and Two-Phase Flow in Narrow Channels. In: Kulacki, F. (eds) Handbook of Thermal Science and Engineering. Springer, Cham.

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