
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Collaborative tagging, also known as crowdsourcing or folksonomy system, is widely adopted by web social applications, such as, Flickr and MovieLens. It encourages users to annotate resources, such as URLs, images or movies, with bookmarks according to their understanding. Each bookmark contains a set of tags. After receiving a number of bookmarks, the tag frequency distribution of a resource would remain stable [14]. These tags and frequencies are regarded as the meta data of resources and are used for recommendation or information retrieval. This method provides an easy way to organize a large quantity of web resources, which is more efficient than traditional classification by specialists. Besides, collaborative tagging plays an important role in tag based applications, such as recommendation [4], web clustering [10], and search [1]. For example, tag-based retrieval is more efficient and effective than traditional full-text search [2].

Since collaborative tagging is a kind of user subjective action, users often choose their interested resources for tagging. So resources have different numbers of bookmarks. In practice only a small proportion of resources receive enough bookmarks and their tagging states reach stable. That is to say, the tag frequency distributions remain almost the same even if they continuously receive new bookmarks. Considering a large number of resources with few bookmark, their tag frequency distributions change with a new coming bookmark. The states of these resources are called under-tagged [16]. According to the findings in [13], a stable tag set is helpful for tag-based applications, such as retrieval or recommendation. But the tags of under-tagged resources often affect the correctness of results.

To verify whether a resource reaches tagging stable, the notion of tagging quality is introduced. One widely adopted criterion is the similarity score, which computes the tag distribution similarity in several consecutive tagging points [9, 15]. Relative entropy is another way to gauge the stability, which computes the distance between tag frequency distributions on two tag sets [6]. Although these methods provide objective evaluation on tagging state, there are two shortcomings. One is lack of internal link evaluation on tag usage. For example, the phrases iOS and \(Apple\ phone\) together appear in many resources, which indicates their closeness in semantics and similar usages. However, these correlations have been overlooked in the current methods. Another is time consuming. It takes much computation on measuring two tag frequency distribution, which is not appropriate for a large quantity of web resources. So, it is necessary to take these characteristics into consideration when evaluating the tagging state.

By analyzing the tagging process, we find that noisy tags are the main cause on influencing a tag set stable. According to the previous study [7], most noisy tags are not related to a resource content, which may be caused by user misoperation or misunderstanding. Since the purpose of collaborative tagging is to find the semantics of a resource, the representative tags are often desired to describe a resource and the noisy tags can be neglected. By exploiting the evolution of tag set in collaborative tagging process, we find that some high frequency tags almost cover the main aspects of a resource content and can be determined stable much earlier than the whole tag set. This motivates us to design novel measurements, the swapping index and the smart moving index, to evaluate a resource tagging quality against these representative tags. We also study the inner links between tags and find that some tags often together appear in bookmarks. The notion concept is introduced to represent their relationships and semantics. Then a tag set can be reorganized semantically. Based on concept, we propose a semantic measurement on tagging quality. We perform a series of experiments on real datasets to justify our methods. The results show that the proposed metrics are more efficient than previous methods. We also adopt some tag based applications to verify their results against stable tag sets under different metrics. The results show the effectiveness of our methods.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 presents the related works and basic notions. In Sect. 3 we describes the datasets and present our findings. Sections 4 and 5 introduce the efficient metrics and semantic measurement on tagging quality, respectively, as well as the experiments. Finally, conclusions and future works are discussed.

2 Related Works

Dynamics on Collaborative Tagging. Collaborative tagging systems have attracted much attention in recent years. Golder et al. analyze the characteristics of tagging systems and find that the tag frequency distribution of a resource remains almost unchanged after receiving enough bookmarks, named as the stable state [5]. Halpin et al. analyze several aspects of the dynamics in collaborative tagging, including why tag distribution follows the Power Law, the patterns of tag distribution for stable resources, and tag correlation or completeness etc. [6]. Trushkowsky et al. estimate the completeness of answers for enumerative questions in crowdsourced database [12]. Different from these works, we study the influence of tag correlations and representatives in tagging quality.

Tag Based Application. Bischoff et al. evaluate the effectiveness of tags obtained in collaborative tagging systems in information retrieval [2]. They find that not every tag well describes the content of a resource. There are vocabulary problems such as tag polysemy and tag synonymy in collaborative systems. Heymann et al. compare the tag based search to the full text based search so as to improve retrieval results [7]. Chi et al. also investigate the efficiency of collaborative tagging systems in information retrieval by use of information theory and propose some methods to improve the tag-based search [3]. These motivate us to evaluate the quality of a stable tag set against tag-based applications.

Incentive System and Measurement on Tagging Quality. In collaborative tagging systems, only a few resources can get enough tags such that their tagging quality is good enough to describe resource contents [16]. To promote the tagging quality of under-tagged resources, Yang et al. propose an incentive-based tagging mechanism which rewards users on tagging unstable resources. They propose the Moving Average (MA) score to measure the tagging quality of resources [16]. Halpin et al. also evaluate the tagging quality by the relative entropy (KL divergence) between tag frequency distributions at several consecutive tagging steps [6]. Since these measurements highly rely on the whole tag set, the computation is time consuming and the results are affected by noisy tags.

Basic Notions. The basic notions are cited from the related work [16]. Let \(\mathcal {R} = \{r_{1}, r_{2}, \dots , r_{n} \}\) and \(\mathcal {T} = \{t_{1}, t_{2}, \dots , t_{m} \}, n,m \in {N^{+}}\), be the resource set and tag set in a collaborative tagging system, respectively. A bookmark is a finite nonempty set of tags annotated to a resource by a user in one tagging operation. The \(j^{th}\) bookmark received by resource \(r_{i}\) is denoted as \(b_{i}(j)=\{t_{1}, t_{2}, \dots , t_{l}\} \subset \mathcal {T}, j \ge 1, l \in {N^{+}}\). Let \(\pi _{i}^{n}\) denote the time point of \(r_i\) receiving its \(n^{th}\) bookmark. For \(r_i\), the tag set at \(\pi _i^{n}\) is denoted by \(T_{i}(n) = \bigcup _{1 \le j \le n} b_{i}(j)\). The frequency of tag t for \(r_{i}\) at \(\pi _i^{n}\) is the number of bookmarks containing t that \(r_{i}\) has received at \(\pi _i^n\), denoted by \(h_i (t,n)=|\{b_{i}(j)|1 \le j \le n, t \in b_{i}(j)\}|\). The relative frequency is the normalized frequency \(f_i (t,n) = \frac{h_i (t,n)}{\sum _{t^{'} \in T_{i}(n)} h_i (t^{'},n)}\). The relative tag frequency distribution (rfd) of \(r_i\) at \(\pi _i^n\) is a vector \({\varvec{F}}_{\varvec{i}}(n)\), where \({\varvec{F}}_{\varvec{i}}(n)[j]=f_i (t_{j},n)\).

When a resource receives enough bookmarks , its rfd changes less and reaches stable, called stable rfd and denoted by \(\varphi _{i}=\lim _{n \rightarrow \infty }{\varvec{F}}_{\varvec{i}}(n)\). The tagging quality of \(r_{i}\) at \(\pi _i^n\) is the similarity between its current rfd \({\varvec{F}}_{\varvec{i}}(n)\) and its stable rfd \(\varphi _{i}\), denoted by \(q_{i}(n)=sim ( {\varvec{F}}_{\varvec{i}}(n), \varphi _{i})\). Actually, the ideal stable state is impossible to get to since collaborative tagging is an infinite process. So a practical evaluation on tagging quality Moving Average score(MA) is used to quantify the changes of tag frequency distribution in several consecutive steps. Given a parameter \(\omega \ge 2\), the MA score of \(r_{i}\) at \(\pi _i^n (n \ge \omega )\) is \(m_{i}(n, \omega )= \frac{1}{\omega - 1} \sum _{j=n-\omega +2}^{n} sim ( \varvec{F_i}(j-1), \varvec{F_i}(j))\). For a given parameter \(\tau \) (close to 1) as the threshold, \(r_i\) is defined tagging stable when \(m_{i}(n, \omega ) \ge \tau \).

3 Dataset and the Dynamics

In this section, we introduce the datasets adopted in this paper and investigate their dynamics from two aspect: which are the representative tags of a resources content and their evolution in a collaborative tagging process.

We adopt three real datasets. The 2007 dataset contains the resources from web application There are 5000 stable resources, 562,048 bookmarks, and 2,027,747 tags. On average each resource received 112 bookmarks, which contain 83 distinct tags. The second dataset is about a music website, which contains the data from August 2005 to May 2011. There are 33 stable resources and each receives 178 bookmarks on average. The third dataset MovieLens contains the rating data for movies from Dec 2005 to March 2015 selected from website MovieLens. We select 256 resources, where each receives 413 bookmarks on average. The resources we select have reached their stable states against the MA score with \(\tau =0.9999\) and \(\omega =20\).

To understand the tag set of a resource, we analyze tag distribution and representatives tag. We firstly compute all tag frequency distributions, which follow the Power Law as the previous work [6]. To further evaluate a high frequency tag, we count the ratio of users on each tag, namely \(\frac{f_{i}(t,n)}{n}, t\in \mathcal {T}\), and find that the top-1 tag is used by approximately 62 % users and even the \(10^{th}\) popular tag is used by more than 10 % users. High frequency tags indicate the consensus of a large population on resource content, which are helpful for tag-based applications. On the contrary, a low frequency tag is considered as someone’s personal understanding and is often regarded noisy. This motivates us to employ tag frequency as the criterion on representative tags.

Then we study when representative tags can be determined in a tagging process. For each resource, we select four time points of its tagging process. The first point \(N_s\) records the number of bookmarks when a resource reaches stable. The average \(N_s\) of resources in datasets delicious, and MovieLens are 84, 130 and 246, respectively. The other three points are selected \(\frac{1}{4}N_s\), \(\frac{2}{4}N_s\) and \(\frac{3}{4}N_s\), respectively. For each point, we count the frequencies of popular tags of \(r_i\in \mathcal {R}\), shown in Fig. 1(a), where x axis gives a tag rank (top 1 to 60), y lists the datasets and z gives the average tag frequency of resources in a dataset. The results show that all tag frequency distributions follow the Power Law on different time points. The more bookmarks, the more obvious the trend. For example, the top-1 tag in Dilicious is covered by approximate 50 bookmarks at \(N_s\), while this number is about 24 at \(1/2N_s\).

A coming question is whether the representative tags of a resource remain unchanged in a tagging process. We consider the top k tags and introduce the concept tag swapping to denote the change of top k tags at two consecutive points. For a fix k, we compute the ratio of tag-swapping resources at each point, shown in Fig. 1(b), where x gives time points of tagging process, y lists the datasets and z gives the ratio. We can see as the increase of bookmarks, the ratio decreases, namely the stability of a tag set gets better. Comparatively, there are more tag swapping under a larger k. This is caused by low frequency tags included in a top-k tag set, whose frequencies are very close and a new bookmark may change their rankings. But if k is set too small, only a few aspects of a resource can be captured. So, a decent k is desired.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The dynamics of collaborative tagging

4 The Light Weight Metrics on Tagging Quality

To reduce the influence of noisy tags and improve the efficiency of measuring tagging quality, we introduce two novel measurements Swapping Index and Smart Moving Index, which are light weight in computation.

4.1 Swapping Index and Smart Moving Index

Definition 1

Given parameters \(\omega \ge 2\), \(k \ge 1\) and \(T_i^k(n)=\{t|rank(t)\le k \cap t\in T_i(n) \}\), the Swapping Index (SWI) of \(r_{i}\) at \(\pi _i^n\) (\(n \ge \omega \)) is given by

$$\begin{aligned} swi_{i}(n, \omega , k)= \frac{\displaystyle \sum _{j=n-\omega +2}^{n}|T_i^k(j)\cap T_i^k(j-1)|}{k(\omega -1)} \end{aligned}$$

SWI measures the tagging state by computing the intersection between two consecutive top-k tag sets under window \(\omega \). To determine whether a SWI is good enough, we adopt a parameter \(\tau >0\) as the indicator of stable state. \(r_i\) is tagging stable when \(swi_{i}(n,\omega ,k) > \tau \). Notice that, only if a resource receives more than \(\omega \) bookmarks and its tag set contains not less than k distinct tags, the SWI can be calculated. This requirement is easy to satisfy in practice. Different from the current MA score, SWI only considers the representative tags.

Definition 2

Given parameters \(\omega \ge 2\) and \(k \ge 1\), the Smart Moving Index (SMI) of resource \(r_{i}\) at \(\pi _i^n\) (\(n \ge \omega \)) is given in Eq. 2, where \(\varvec{F_i}^k(n)\) is the top-k relative tag frequency distribution whose members \(\varvec{F_i}^k(n)[j]=f_i (t_{j},n), t_j\in T^k_i(n)\), and \(\varvec{F_i}(j-1)_{T_i^{k}(j)}[m]=f_i (t_{m},j-1)\), \(t_{m} \in T_i^{k}(j-1) \cap T_i^{k}(j)\). sim is a metric to quantify the similarity between two adjacent tag vectors.

$$\begin{aligned} smi_{i}(n, \omega ,k)= \frac{1}{\omega - 1} \sum _{j=n-\omega +2}^{n} sim ( \varvec{F_i}^{k}(j-1)_{T_i^{k}(j)}, \varvec{F_i}^{k}(j)) \end{aligned}$$

SMI evaluates a tag set by the similarity between adjacent tag frequency distributions. Given a parameter \(\tau >0\) as a threshold, \(r_i\) is called tagging stable when \(smi_{i}(n, \omega ,k)>\tau \). Notice that only if a resource has received more than \(\omega \) bookmarks and the size of its tag set is not less than k, SMI can be defined.

4.2 Experimental Study

The programs in this paper are written in C++ and experiments are executed on a machine with 4G memory, Intel i3 CPU, installed with 32-bit Linux system. As comparison, we adopt the widely adopted moving score (MA).

Tagging State Evaluation. We first verify the trend of each index in a tagging process. The results for three datasets are shown in Fig. 1(d),(e) and (f), where x axis gives the number of bookmarks a resource receives, y gives the score of MA, SMI and SWI. Since MA and SMI have the same domain, they follow the left vertical axis, while SWI is against the right axis. The results are the average value of all resources. The parameters here are \(\omega =5, k=10,20\). The results show that there are similar trends for three methods. With the increase of bookmarks, the tagging quality of resources get better.

Table 1. Number of Bookmarks Required vs k

Efficiency Measurement. The efficiency is evaluated on two sides, where in experiments \(\omega = 5\), \(\tau = 0.9999\), and \(k=10\). One is to compute the required number of bookmarks for a resource to reach stable under different metrics, shown in Fig. 1(c), where x-axis lists the three stability indexes, y lists the datasets and the z-axis gives the average number of required bookmarks. The results show that SWI requires the least bookmarks for a resource to be stable and MA requires the most bookmarks. We further compare the results under different k. From the results in Table 1, we can see that the required number of bookmarks scales with the increasing k for both SMI and SWI. This is because a larger k takes into account more low frequency tags, whose rankings are less stable than high frequency tags.

Another is to evaluate the runtime. The first experiment tests how the performance scales with the number of resources, which helps us understand a system workload. The average runtime on 5000 resources in delicious dataset are shown in Fig. 2(a), where x-axis gives the quantity of resources and y-axis gives the runtime. The results show that our methods are more efficient than MA, which illustrates that they are appropriate for a large scale system. Comparatively, SWI is faster than SMI. We further analyze the effect of k setting on runtime. The results in Fig. 2(b) show that SWI and SMI are much more efficient than MA, since MA computes the similarity for all tag frequencies, which is time-consuming. Besides, MA stays relative stable since it is not affected by k. The runtime for both SMI and SWI gets longer as the increasing k. The reason is that a larger k means more tags involved in measurement. SWI is always more efficient than SMI.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Tag-based Recommendation Accuracy

Comparison on Stable Tag Set Usage. In order to understand how our proposed methods work in practical applications, we investigate the usage of a stable tag set in tag related applications. Specially, we consider the tag-based recommendation, which is one of the most web popular applications. Three representative recommendation algorithms are adopted in our experiments, namely Item-based Hierarchical Clustering, Item-based k-Means Clustering etc. The benchmark is the recommendation results returned by the final tag set, denoted by \(Rec_{final}\). When resources are evaluated stable by SMI, the recommendation results are computed against the current tag sets, denoted as \(Rec_{SMI}\). Similarly, the recommendation results for SWI and MA are denoted as \(Rec_{SWI}\) and \(Rec_{MA}\), respectively.

We consider two criteria on the accuracy of recommendation results. One is the similarity between two recommended sets, denoted as \(Accuracy_{set}=sim(Rec^*,Rec_{final})\), where sim() is the similarity evaluation function and \(Rec^*\) indicates an alternative recommendation result based on different metric, such as \(Rec_{SMI}\), \(Rec_{SWI}\) or \(Rec_{MA}\). Another criterion evaluates the ranking difference between two recommended lists. We adopt the Kendall tau distance, which is widely used to evaluate the number of pairs in opposite order in two rankings [8]. Let \(K(Rec^*,Rec_{final})\) denote the Kendall tau distance. This accuracy is defined as \(Accuracy_{rank}=\frac{|Rec^* \cap Rec_{final}|}{|Rec^*|} *(1-K(Rec^*,Rec_{final}))\).

For each recommendation algorithm, we compare the results on different stable tag sets against MA, SWI and SMI, respectively. This experiment is performed on the delicious dataset and the parameters are \(\omega =5\), \(\tau =0.9999\) and \(k=10\). Each value is computed as the average recommendation accuracy for all resources, i.e. the 5000 resources in the dataset. The results under different algorithms are shown as different colored bars. We first investigate the accuracy on different metrics and show the results in Fig. 2(c) and (d), where x gives the accuracy and y lists the algorithms. Here we choose the top 20 elements in the recommendation results. The result of SWI is lower than others. This is because SWI only considers the components of representative tags and ignores their frequency. The accuracy of SMI is close to MA. Comparing two accuracy evaluation methods, \(Accuracy_{set}\) is higher than \(Accuracy_{rank}\). This is because the \(Accuracy_{set}\) metric only focuses on the members in a recommendation result, while the Kendall tau distance method considers the ranking of each element. Then we investigate how accuracy scales with the recommendation list length, shown in Fig. 2(e) and (f), where y gives the length of recommendation results. The accuracy increases with the length.

Summary. Taking into account the above evaluations, we can see that SWI and SMI are more efficient than the current method, which resides on two sides: the direct computation time and the required period for a resource becoming stable. For an expected stable tagging state, fewer bookmarks are required against our proposed metrics. For example, SWI needs about 36 % bookmarks against MA. This is because they compute the representative tags, which reflect the consent by a large population and can reach stable much earlier than some unpopular tags. Consiering the usage of stable tag set, SMI is much closer to MA. As shown in Fig. 2(b), when k is set 25, the result of SMI is very close to MA. But it saves about 60 % computation time than MA. So the proposed metrics on tagging quality are appropriate for a large scale system.

5 Semantic Measurement on Tagging Quality

Tags reflect user understanding on a resource content. Different tags reflect different facets of a resource, while two users may adopt different tags to describe the same aspect of a resource. So, multiple tags may share the identical sense and reflect the similar facet of resource content. For example, the word iphone is highly related to Apple than tomato. This motivates us to investigate the intrinsic associations between tags and take into account tag semantics in tagging quality evaluation.

5.1 The Semantic Metric on Tagging Quality

In this paper, we adopt the notion concept to model a resource content, which can be hierarchically organized. A concept is defined as a set of tags associated with the semantics in a system. Considering a collaborative tagging system, a concept is calculated by the tags together used in a bookmark. Formally, a tag vector is defined as \(\varvec{t}=<f_1(t), f_2(t), \dots , f_{|R|}(t)>, t\in \mathcal {T}\), where \(f_i(t)\) is the relative frequency of tag t for resource \(r_i\). For two tags \(t_i\) and \(t_j\), its similarity sim( \(t_i\), \(t_j\) ) can be calculated against the tag vector. Given a threshold \(\tau \) and a distance increment \(\delta \), concepts can be iteratively clustered as a hierarchical tree. Details on the hierarchical clustering can be got in [11]. Each concept maps to a node in the hierarchies. Let h denote the height of the tree, and \(\eta \in [1, h]\) denote a specific level of tree, which reflects the semantic closeness of tags. Each concept of level 1 (leaf node) maps to a concrete tag. A concept in a higher level has a broader semantics, which is iteratively generated by combining the semantically close concepts. Formally,

Definition 3

A hierarchical tree consists of concepts. The concept on level \(\eta \in [1, h]\) with m children is given below, where \(c^{\eta -1}_{j}\) is the \(j^{th}\) child of \(c^{\eta }\).

$$\begin{aligned} c^{\eta } = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \{t\}\subset \mathcal {T} &{} \eta =1\\ \bigcup \nolimits _{1 \le j \le m}{ c^{\eta -1}_{j}} &{} \eta >1 \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

Actually, the hierarchies reflect the crowd intelligence. Compared to the plain folksonmy, it takes the advantage of the taxonomy systems to manage tags in a systematic way. Besides, it can locate the related resources quickly when processing a query [5]. Base on the notion concept, we introduce the semantic measurement of tagging quality.

Definition 4

Give a parameter \(\eta \), the resource concept distribution function (rcf) of resource \(r_i\) at \(\pi _i^k\) is a vector \(\varvec{F_i}^{\eta }(k)\), s.t. the \(j^{th}\) component is the frequency of concept \(c_{j}^{\eta }\) for \(r_{i}\) at \(\pi _i^k\), \(\varvec{F_i}^{\eta }(k)[j]=f_i (c_j^{\eta },k) = \frac{\sum _{t \in T_i(k) \cap c_j^{\eta }}h_i(t,k)}{\sum _{t \in T_i(k)}h_i(t,k)}\).

Definition 5

Given parameters \(\omega \ge 2\), \(\eta \) and \(\tau \), the Semantics Index(SI) of \(r_{i}\in \mathcal {T}\) at \(\pi _i^k (k \ge \omega )\) is given by Eq. 4. \(r_i\) is called stable if \(sem_{i}^{\eta }(k, \omega )>\tau \).

$$\begin{aligned} sem_{i}^{\eta }(k, \omega )= \frac{1}{\omega - 1} \sum _{j=k-\omega +2}^{k} sim ( \varvec{F_i}^{\eta }(j-1), \varvec{F_i}^{\eta }(j)) \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 3.
figure 3

Comparison on Semantic Index and Tag based Metrics

5.2 Experiment Analysis

The Tag Based Application. To evaluate the effectiveness of the semantic index, we select the tag based retrieval, one of the most popular applications, as the evaluation tool, which answers a tag based query with related resources. We justify the tagging quality metrics by the output of tag based retrieval against each tag set that is evaluated stable against a metric. The experiments are performed on the delicious dataset. In a collaborative tagging system, a tag frequency reflects how much people have a consensus on a resource by the tag, which is also admitted by the tag based retrieval. Let parameter \(\delta \in [0..1]\) denote the relatedness threshold between a tag and a resource. For once query with tag t, resource \(r_i\) is selected as the result if \(f_i(t,n)>\delta \). In practice, this parameter can be learned from user multiple retrievals. Similarly, the concept based evaluation is \(f_i(c,n)>\delta \) or \(\frac{f_i(c^{\eta },n)}{|\{\hat{t}|\hat{t} \in c^{\eta } \cap T_i(n)\}|}>\delta \), where \(t \in c^{\eta }\).

Effectiveness Comparison. We compare the concept-based measurement (Cb for short) and Semantic Index (SI) with the Tag-based measurement (Tb for short) MA. The parameters in this experiment are \(\omega =5, \tau =0.9999\). Figure 3 shows the results for the retrieval application under different constraints, where x axis gives \(\eta \) settings and y gives the average number of returned resources on tag based queries. Overall, Cb is better than Tb since it can find more related resources which are not in an obvious mode. A larger \(\delta \) means a stricter relatedness on tag and resource and results in fewer satisfied resources. A concept in a higher level \(\eta \) contains more semantics such that more resources satisfy a query.

We further evaluate the returned results on retrieval application against the final tag set in a collaborative tagging system. Let tp denote the number of resources in the true positive case, i.e. the resources appear in the retrieval results by both the SI stable tag set and the final tag set. Similarly, tn, fp and fn denote the cases true negative, false positive, and false negative, respectively. Thus, precision=\(\frac{tp}{tp+fp}\), and recall=\(\frac{tp}{tp+fn}\). The parameters are \(\omega =5\), \(\tau = 0.9999\) and \(\delta =0.05\) for SI and MA. The comparison results are listed in Table 2, which show that the precision and recall are very close under SI and MA. A higher \(\eta \) brings a slight lower precision and recall since more general content are extracted and fewer bookmarks are desired for a resource being tagging stable. In practice, the parameters is set by an administrator at first so as to solve the cool start problem. Then it can be learned in the process of tag based applications.

Efficiency Measurement. It is necessary to consider both the required bookmarks for a resource be stable and the runtime for computing metrics. Comparing SI and MA, the complexity on each metric computation is the same. So, their difference depends on the number of required bookmarks for each resource reaching its stable state. From the results in Table 2, we can see the required number of bookmarks for a resource to be tagging stable is smaller under SI than MA. With an increasing \(\eta \), fewer bookmarks are desired for a resource being tagging stable. At the first glance, the reduced number of bookmarks is not very large, such as the average number of saved bookmarks is about 20 when \(\eta =128\). However, if we take into account the whole tagging process, each resource receives 100 bookmarks on average around a whole year. It is easy to conclude that 20 bookmarks are expected for approximately one month. So, the improvement on evaluation efficiency is meaningful in practice.

Table 2. Comparison of SI and MA on Retrieval Results

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we propose several metrics on collaborative tagging quality evaluation, which are light weight on computation and effective than the current method. The SWI and SMI metrics take the representative tags for measurement to get rid of the influence of noisy tags in making a resource tagging stable. The semantic measurement SI takes tag intrinsic associations into consideration, which makes tagging quality evaluation more effective. A series of experiments are performed against several real datasets and results show the efficiency and effectiveness of our methods. This illustrates that the proposed methods are especially appropriate for a large quantity of web resources. In the future, we will take user personal preferences into account for quality study. Another direction is to investigate how to apply our methods into other crowdsourcing applications.