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Low Field Methods (GMR, Hall Priobes, etc.)

Handbook of Advanced Non-Destructive Evaluation


Low-field nondestructive evaluation techniques have witnessed considerable improvements with the development of highly sensitive magnetic field sensors. Low-field techniques have brought several advantages like high resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio, and improved detection capabilities. This chapter begins with the importance of high-frequency eddy current testing and its limitation due to skin effect. It further presents the recently developed pulsed eddy current-based NDE to overcome the skin effect. Subsequently, this chapter presents the developments on increasing the sensitivity of low-field sensors by developing new probe designs and materials. A subsection presents the principles of operation of the available low-field sensors. The implementation of these low-field sensors in nondestructive evaluation has been discussed. It also presents the methods to reduce the sensor size for low footprints and increase the sensitivity. The chapter discusses the application of the low-field sensors in a detailed subsection with details on the implementation, its capabilities, and advantages. Finally, the chapter discusses the nondestructive applications of the low-field sensors with details on the implementation, its capabilities, and advantages.

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This work was partially supported by the US Department Energy under the award number: DE-FE0031650.

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Rathod, V.T., Banerjee, P., Deng, Y. (2019). Low Field Methods (GMR, Hall Priobes, etc.). In: Ida, N., Meyendorf, N. (eds) Handbook of Advanced Non-Destructive Evaluation. Springer, Cham.

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    Low Field Methods (GMR, Hall Probes, etc.)
    22 June 2019


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    Low Field Methods (GMR, Hall Priobes, etc.)
    21 February 2019
