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Positron Annihilation

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Handbook of Advanced Non-Destructive Evaluation


Positron annihilation spectroscopy is a nondestructive technique that has been extensively applied in recent decades to detect the presence of vacancy-type defects in a large variety of materials. It is particularly suitable to investigate the size and concentration of vacancy-type defects at various depths in metals, alloys, semiconductors, porous materials, and polymers. In this chapter, the main experimental techniques that take advantage of positron annihilation are reviewed, the data analysis procedures are discussed, and the information obtained in this kind of measurements is described. Typical applications of these methods are illustrated through examples of investigations on various kinds of materials. Advantages, present limitations, and potential future developments of these techniques are discussed in detail.

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Chiari, L., Fujinami, M. (2018). Positron Annihilation. In: Ida, N., Meyendorf, N. (eds) Handbook of Advanced Non-Destructive Evaluation. Springer, Cham.

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