
1 Introduction

The need of making decisions pervades every field of human activity and so does the opportunity of using a decision support methodology (typically supported by software tools) among the large variety available in the literature. This leads to the so-called decision-making paradox [25], which can be roughly summarized by the question: “What decision-making method should be used to choose the best decision-making method?”. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that different available decision support methods may produce different results given the same input [24] and that many of them are subject to undesired behaviors, like rank reversal [23], in some cases.

In this light, the quest for a “universally best” decision support method appears to be ill-posed and should be replaced by context-sensitive analyses and comparisons of methods, with the crucial contribution of the domain experts involved in the decision processes. In particular, alternative methods should not only be compared in terms of their outputs but also on the initial modelling assumptions they adopt and, consequently, on their cognitive plausibility with respect to the (possibly implicit) mental models of the experts and/or to the way actual decision processes occur “into the wild”.

This work contributes to this research line by investigating the relationships between the recently introduced QuAD (Quantitative Argumentation Debate) frameworks [3, 4], based on the IBIS (Issue Based Information System) model [17] and quantitative argumentation, and the decision matrix method [20] commonly adopted in engineering for design decision-making.

More specifically, we pursue two complementary goals. First, we aim to draw a conceptual and formal comparison between argumentative QuAD frameworks and decision matrices, in order to point out their differences and commonalities, provide elements for an analysis of their appropriateness in different contexts, and investigate the possibility of a combined use thereof. Second, we aim to provide a software system assisting the above mentioned comparison. Given that most decision processes, especially in engineering, are multiparty, as they involve the cooperation of multiple experts or stakeholders, we aim to deliver a web-based application supporting cooperative work.

Accordingly, we provide a general analysis and discussion of QuAD frameworks and decision matrices, including their mutual translatability, and describe Arg&Dec Footnote 1, a prototype web application for collaborative decision-making, encompassing the two methodologies and assisting their empirical comparison through automated translation.

The paper is organised as follows. The necessary background being provided in Sects. 2 and 3 addresses the issues of comparison and transformation between QuAD frameworks and decision matrices, while Sect. 4 deals with the ranking methods in the two approaches. Section 5 then presents Arg&Dec. Finally, Sect. 6 concludes.

2 Background

IBIS and QuAD frameworks. QuAD frameworks [3, 4] arise from a combination of the IBIS model [7, 14, 17] and a novel quantitative argumentation approach. We recall here the main underlying ideas and refer the reader to [4] for a detailed description and comparison with related formalisms, including abstract [12] and bipolar [9] argumentation.

IBIS [17] is a method to propose answers to issues and assess them through arguments. At the simplest level, an IBIS structure is a directed acyclic graph with four types of node: an issue node represents a problem being discussed, i.e. a question in need of an answer; an answer node gives a candidate solution to an issue; a pro-argument node represents an approval and a con-argument node represents an objection to an answer or to another argument. Figure 1 shows an example of IBIS graph (all figures in the paper are screenshots from Arg&Dec) in the design domain of Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) (nodes are labelled A1, A2, etc. for ease of reference).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

A simple IBIS graph, as visualised in Arg&Dec.

An IBIS graph is typically constructed as follows: (1) an issue is captured; (2) answers are laid out and linked to the issue; (3) arguments are laid out and linked to either the answers or other arguments; (4) further issues may emerge during the process and be linked to either the answers or the arguments. In engineering design, answers and arguments may correspond to viewpoints of differents experts or stakeholders so that each move may also be regarded as a step in a dialectical process.

Several software tools implementing the IBIS model have been developed (e.g. Cohere and Compendium [5, 6] or designVUE  [2]). Most of them, however, only provide IBIS graph construction and visualization features, completely leaving to the user(s) the final evaluation of decision alternatives. QuAD frameworks overcome this limitation.

A QuAD framework provides a formal counterpart to an IBIS graph with some restrictions and one addition. Restrictions concern the graph structure: QuAD frameworks only represent graphs with a single specific issue. Thus, whereas IBIS graphs allow new issues to point to arguments, in QuAD frameworks arguments can only be pointed to by other arguments. This is not uncommon in focused design debates: while the design of any non-trivial system involves of course many issues, each issue is typically the subject of a focused debate concerning the various (technical, economical, and so on) aspects relevant to that issue. Extending the formalism in order to encompass a multiplicity of related debates, each represented by a QuAD framework, is a significant direction of future work.

The addition amounts to a numerical base score associated to each argument and answer, expressing a measure of importance according to the domain expertsFootnote 2 and forming the starting point for the subsequent quantitative evaluation. Formally: a QuAD framework is a 5-tuple \(\langle \mathcal A, \mathcal C, \mathcal P, \mathcal R, \mathcal {BS}\rangle \) such that (for scale \(\mathbb I\)=[0, 1]):

  • \(\mathcal A\) is a finite set of answer arguments;

  • \(\mathcal C\) is a finite set of con-arguments;

  • \(\mathcal P\) is a finite set of pro-arguments;

  • the sets \(\mathcal A\), \(\mathcal C\), and \(\mathcal P\) are pairwise disjoint;

  • \(\mathcal R\subseteq ( \mathcal C\cup \mathcal P) \times (\mathcal A\cup \mathcal C\cup \mathcal P) \) is an acyclic binary relation;

  • \( \mathcal {BS}: (\mathcal A\cup \mathcal C\cup \mathcal P) \rightarrow \mathbb I\) is a total function mapping each argument to its base score.

Given argument \( a\in \mathcal A\cup \mathcal C\cup \mathcal P\), the (direct) attackers of \(a\) are \(\mathcal R^-(a) = \{b\in \mathcal C| (b, a) \in \mathcal R\}\) and the (direct) supporters of \(a\) are \(\mathcal R^+(a) = \{b\in \mathcal P| (b, a) \in \mathcal R\}\).

In order to assist the decision process by providing a ranking of the different answers considered, the QuAD framework has to be endowed with an evaluation method. The study of alternative evaluation methods in this context is an interesting and largely open research issue per se. For the purposes of the present paper, it is sufficient to recall here the method to assign a final score to arguments as defined in [4]. The basic idea is that the final score of an argument is defined by a score function \(\mathcal {SF}\), depending on the argument base score and on the final scores of its attackers and supporters. In this respect, note that we have defined direct attackers and supporters as sets taken from a (static) QuAD framework. However, in a dynamic design context these may actually be given in sequence: the final score of an argument is thus defined in terms of sequences of direct attackers and supporters. As in [4], we assume that these sequences are arbitrary permutations of the attackers and supporters (however, in a dynamic setting they may actually be given from the onset). For a generic argument \(a\), let \((a_1, \ldots , a_n)\) be an arbitrary permutation of the (\(n\ge 0\)) attackers in \(\mathcal R^-(a)\). We denote as \(SEQ_{\mathcal {SF}} (\mathcal R^-(a))=(\mathcal {SF}(a_1), \ldots , \mathcal {SF}(a_n))\) the corresponding sequence of final scores. Similarly, letting \((b_1, \ldots , b_m)\) be an arbitrary permutation of the (\(m \ge 0\)) supporters in \(\mathcal R^+(a)\), we denote as \(SEQ_{\mathcal {SF}} (\mathcal R^+(a))=(\mathcal {SF}(b_1), \ldots , \mathcal {SF}(b_m))\) the corresponding sequence of final scores. Finally, with an abuse of notation, \(\mathcal R^-(a)\) and \(\mathcal R^+(a)\) will stand also for their arbitrary permutations \((a_1, \ldots , a_n)\) and \((b_1, \ldots , b_m)\) respectively. Using the hypothesis (implicitly adopted in [8] and [13]) of separability of the evaluations of attackers and supporters,Footnote 3 for an argument \(a\), \(\mathcal {SF}\) is defined recursively as

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {SF}(a) = g(\mathcal {BS}(a), \mathcal {F}_{att}(\mathcal {BS}(a), SEQ_{\mathcal {SF}} (\mathcal R^-(a))), \mathcal {F}_{supp}(\mathcal {BS}(a), SEQ_{\mathcal {SF}} (\mathcal R^+(a)))) \end{aligned}$$

where \(g\) is an aggregation operator.

The functions \(\mathcal {F}_{att}\) and \(\mathcal {F}_{supp}\) provide a numerical value synthesising the contribution to the final score of the attackers and supporters, respectively. In [4] \(\mathcal {F}_{att}\) (and dually \(\mathcal {F}_{supp}\)) is defined so that the contribution of an attacker (supporter) to the score of an argument decreases (increases) the argument score by an amount proportional both to (i) the score of the attacker (supporter), i.e. a strong attacker (supporter) has more effect than a weaker one, and to (ii) the previous score of the argument itself, i.e. an already strong argument benefits quantitatively less from a support than a weak one and an already weak argument suffers quantitatively less from an attack than a stronger one. Focusing on the case of a single attacker (supporter) with score \(v \ne 0\), this leads to the following base expressions:Footnote 4

$$\begin{aligned} f_{att}(v_0, v)= & {} v_0 - v_0 \cdot v = v_0 \cdot (1-v) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} f_{supp}(v_0, v)= & {} v_0 + (1 - v_0) \cdot v = v_0 + v - v_0 \cdot v \end{aligned}$$

The definitions of \(\mathcal {F}_{att}\) and \(\mathcal {F}_{supp}\) have then the same recursive form. Let \(*\) stand for either att or supp. Then:

$$\begin{aligned} \text {if } S=(v):&\mathcal {F}_{*}(v_0, S) = f_{*}(v_0, v) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \text {if } S=(v_1, \ldots , v_n):&\mathcal {F}_{*}(v_0, (v_1, \ldots , v_n)) = f_{*}(\mathcal {F}_{*}(v_0, (v_1, \ldots , v_{n-1})), v_n) \end{aligned}$$

As shown in [4], these definitions have a simpler equivalent characterization:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {F}_{att}(\mathcal {BS}(a), SEQ_{\mathcal {SF}} (\mathcal R^-(a)))&= \mathcal {BS}(a) \cdot \prod _{b\in \mathcal R^-(a)} (1 - \mathcal {SF}(b))\\ \mathcal {F}_{supp}(\mathcal {BS}(a), SEQ_{\mathcal {SF}} (\mathcal R^+(a)))&= 1 -(1 - \mathcal {BS}(a)) \cdot \prod _{b\in \mathcal R^+(a)} (1 - \mathcal {SF}(b)). \end{aligned}$$

Further, both \(\mathcal {F}_{att}\) and \(\mathcal {F}_{supp}\) return the special value \(nil\) when their second argument is an ineffective (namely empty or consisting of all zeros) sequence.

Finally, the operator \(g: \mathbb I\times \mathbb I\cup \{nil\} \times \mathbb I\cup \{nil\} \rightarrow \mathbb I\) is defined on the basis of the idea that when the effect of attackers is null (i.e. the value returned by \(\mathcal {F}_{att}\) is \(nil\)) the final score must coincide with the one established on the basis of supporters, and dually when the effect of supporters is null, while, when both are null, the base score is returned unchanged. When both attackers and supporters have an effect, the final score is obtained averaging the two contributions. As discussed in more detail in [4], this amounts to treating the aggregated effect of attackers and supporters equally in determining the final score of the argument. Formally the operator \(g\) is defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} g(v_0, v_a, v_s)= & {} v_a \text { if }v_s = nil\text { and } v_a \ne nil \\ g(v_0, v_a, v_s)= & {} v_s \text { if }v_a = nil\text { and }v_s \ne nil\\ g(v_0, v_a, v_s)= & {} v_0 \text { if }v_a = v_s = nil\\ g(v_0, v_a, v_s)= & {} \frac{(v_a + v_s)}{2} \text { otherwise} \end{aligned}$$

This quantitative evaluation method has been integrated in and preliminarily experimented with the designVUE software tool [3, 4]. This paper is a follow-up of this experimentation, and, in particular, of a use-case in [4] on a design decision problem originally developed using the decision matrix approach, reviewed next.

Decision Matrices. A decision matrix provides a simple, yet clear and effective, scheme to compare a set of alternative solutions or options \(\mathcal {CO}\) against a set of evaluation criteria \(\mathcal {RO}\). Each option is evaluated qualitatively according to each criterion: the evaluation is expressed through one of the three symbols \(+\), \(-\), or 0, meaning respectively that it is positive, negative, or indifferent. Further each criterion \(R\in \mathcal {RO}\) is assigned a numerical weight \(w(R) \in [0, 1]\), representing its importance. Formally, following [20]:

  • a decision matrix is a 4-tuple \(\langle \mathcal {CO}, \mathcal {RO}, \mathcal {QE}, w\rangle \), where \(\mathcal {CO}\) is a set of options, \(\mathcal {RO}\) is a set of criteria, \(\mathcal {QE}\) is a total function \(\mathcal {QE}: \mathcal {CO}\times \mathcal {RO}\rightarrow \{+,-,0\}\) (called qualitative evaluation), and \(w\) is a total function \(w: \mathcal {RO}\rightarrow [0, 1]\) (called weight).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

A decision matrix, as visualised in Arg&Dec.

Letting \(C_1, \ldots , C_{m}\) be an arbitrary but fixed ordering of \(\mathcal {CO}\), and \(R_1, \ldots , R_{n}\) an arbitrary but fixed ordering of \(\mathcal {RO}\), the matrix is built by associating each option \(C_i\) with the i-th column, and each criterion \(R_j\) with the j-th row. For the sake of conciseness, we identify each option (criterion) with the corresponding column (row). Each cell contains the qualitative evaluation of the option \(C_i\) with respect to the criterion \(R_j\).

Figure 2 provides an example matrix, adapted from [26], concerning the development of a syringe, with seven options (labelled A-G), namely master cylinder, rubber brake, ratchet, plunge stop, swash ring, lever set and dial screw, and seven criteria. The weight of each criterion is given below it in the matrix. Figure 2 also gives an evaluation result for each option, and a ranking computed from the results. The results are scores obtained combining the numerical weights, with each weight providing a positive, negative, or null contribution to the score of \(C\! \in \! \mathcal {CO}\) depending on \(\mathcal {QE}(C, R)\). Formally, letting \(val(+)\!=\!1\), \(val(-)\!=\!-1\), \(val(0)\!=\!0\), the matrix score \(\mathcal {MF}(C)\) of \(C\) is

$$ \mathcal {MF}(C) = \sum _{R\in \mathcal {RO}} w(R) \cdot val(\mathcal {QE}(C, R)) $$

3 QuAD Frameworks and Decision Matrices: Comparison and Transformation

While QuAD Frameworks (QFs) and Decision Matrices (DMs) are formally rather different, they share some common conceptual roots, in that they can be regarded, roughly, as involving the assessment and weighing of pros and cons, a common decision-making pattern whose formalization was first considered by Benjamin Franklin in a famous letter, generally regarded as the first attempt to define a decision support method [15]. In QFs pros and cons are represented explicitly through pro- and con-arguments, as in the IBIS model, while in DMs the pros and cons can be identified according to the \(+\) and \(-\) values , for instance in Fig. 2 Ease of handling is a con for concepts C, F and G (and a pro for no other), while Load handling is a pro for concept F (and a con for no other).

This similarity being acknowledged, several important differences can be pointed out. We focus here on structural aspectsFootnote 5 first, deferring the comparison of their different ranking methods to Sect. 4. We analyse the differences in Subsect. 3.1, and identify opportunities of combination and transformation in Subsect. 3.2.

3.1 Different Methods for Different Problems?

As a first immediate observation, while QFs are bipolar, encompassing positive and negative influences, DMs are ternary, as they include indifferent evaluations too. This can be related to another important difference: in DMs each option is evaluated against every element of a fixed list of evaluation criteria, while in QFs the choice of pros and cons directly attached to each answer is free and, in general, they are not required to have any commonality, let alone belonging to a fixed list.

Furthermore, QFs are open to dialectical developments, since pro- and con-arguments can in turn be supported/attacked by other pro/con-arguments, while DMs limit the analysis to exactly one level of pros and cons.

According to this basic analysis, we can describe DMs as more rigid, systematic and flat with respect to QFs: let us briefly justify these attributes. The DM method is more rigid as it requires an a-priori fixed, rather than open, list of evaluation criteria which can play the role of pros and cons. DM is more systematic because each of the criteria is evaluated for each of the options, while in QFs, if a pro or con is identified for an answer, it is not mandatory to consider its effect also on other answers. Finally DM is more flat as it hides any further debate underlying the pros and cons.

These properties may turn out to be an advantage or a limit depending on the features of the decision context. We will focus our discussion only on two features: size and wickedness. In our setting size simply concerns the number of elements to be taken into account, roughly speaking, the number of pros and cons. Wickedness [10, 21] instead refers to a problem’s inherent structural complexity. Wicked problems are “ill-formulated, where the information is confusing, where there are many clients and decision makers with conflicting values, and where the ramifications in the whole system are thoroughly confusing”. They are opposed to “tame” or “benign” problems which are clearly “definable and separable and may have solutions that are findable” and where it is easy to check whether or not the problem has been solved. IBIS was in fact conceived as a way to tackle the mischievous nature of wicked problems since “through this counterplay of questioning and arguing, the participants form and exert their judgments incessantly, developing more structured pictures of the problem and its solutions” [17].

Size and wickedness affect important goals of decision problems: accuracy, feasibility, understandability and accountability, typically of concern to stakeholders with different roles in the decision process. For instance, the RAPID®model [22] identifies five roles: recommenders (R) are in charge of “providing the right data and analysis to make a sensible decision” (in our case of building a suitable QF or DM), acquiring input from any participants (I) able to make a useful contribution to the analysis; then the recommendation (in our case the QF or DM with the relevant ranking) is presented to some stakeholders (A) who have to agree, since they have a veto power, and to an authority (D) in charge of finally deciding; final decisions are then carried out by some performers (P). Different roles often correspond to different professional profiles and competences too: roles R and I need expertise in the application domain, while roles A and D may have managerial skills. As a consequence they also have different, possibly conflicting, priorities. On the one hand, R and I aim to accuracy of the analysis and recommendation, subject to several feasibility constraints, related not only to resources but also to knowledge requirements. On the other hand, A and D are interested in the understandability of the analysis in relation to their competences, given that they may lack technical expertise, and in the accountability of the final recommendation, given that they bear the final responsibility and may be asked to justify their choices.

Wickedness poses a challenge altogether to the notions of accuracy, feasibility, understandability and accountability, and calls for models able to reflect at least partially the structural complexity causing wickedness. Accuracy can generally be seen as a reason to increase the problem size, by including in the evaluation as many elements as possible. Apart from possibly hindering feasibility, this conflicts however with understandability and accountability, as a large number of detailed elements can hardly be mastered by non-experts and may obfuscate the key factors leading to decisions.

Let us now discuss the properties of DMs and QFs with respect to this analysis. DMs appear to meet well the requirements of accuracy and understandability. In fact, the DM model imposes to systematically identify all relevant criteria and to apply them uniformly, moreover its rigid and flat structure is quite easily understood and explained. Feasibility depends mainly on the actual possibility of assessing every alternative against every criterion, which may be a heavy requirement in some cases, as it corresponds to a possibly unachievable state of complete information. Information may be lacking in some cases: for instance experimental data concerning the side effects of a new therapy may not be available. Further, some criteria may simply be irrelevant or not applicable to some options. Consider the case of selecting among several candidate sites for oil exploration. The presence of suitable road infrastructures may be relevant for sites in the mainland, but is simply irrelevant for sea locations. Finally, DMs show a limited level of accountability due to their flat structure: while it is clear how the final ranking is derived from the matrix, no hint is given on how the matrix was filled in.

Increasing the size and wickedness of the problem, the appropriateness of DMs decreases. As to the size, a matrix with tens of rows loses understandability and the feasibility problems may only worsen. As to wickedness, the rigid and flat matrix structure does not fit the needs of a dialectical analysis. This raises accuracy issues: forcing a fluid evolving matter within the constraints of a square rigid box can only lead to modeling distortions and omissions. The role and meaning of the 0 value is particularly critical in this respect, since 0 may be used as a wildcard to cover, not just the intended indifferent/average evaluation, but also irrelevance, lack of information, judgment suspension.

Turning to QFs, accuracy appears to be a big concern. To put it simply, while it is easy to recognize an incomplete matrix, since it is only partially filled, it is impossible to discern an incomplete QF, due to its open ended nature. In this sense the accuracy burden entirely rests on modelers’ shoulders since the model does not provide any, even implicit, guide, due to its flexibility. One may observe however that this is partly balanced by the fact that, for the same reasons, modeling distortions induced by the structure are less likely. Feasibility instead does not appear to raise specific criticalities: as far as the notions of pro- and con-argument are clear, a QF can easily be built reflecting the debate among the actors involved. As far as understandability, assuming that the basic notions of attack and support are clear, the structure of a QFs is easily understood, but the evaluation mechanism adopted in QFs is not straightforward (see also Sect. 4). Finally, accountability can be regarded as a strength of QFs given that the model allows and tracks the development of a dialectical analysis of arbitrary depth.

Concerning the effect of size and wickedness, QFs appear to be more robust. As to the latter, comments have been already given above. As to the size, the hierarchical rather than flat organization of QFs is able to accommodate a multilevel analysis where detailed evaluation criteria, lying on the lower levels of the graph, contribute as pros and cons to the evaluation of more synthetic evaluation criteria directly connected to the answers at the upper level. For instance, in the selection of a given technology with significant environmental impact, one may have a single con-argument Pollution directly connected to the answer, and then break down the relevant assessment at a lower level, adding arguments corresponding to more detailed items like Air pollution, Water pollution, Soil pollution, and so on. In this way, one can have a synthetic and easily understandable view just focusing on the upper part of the graph, while access to details can be achieved exploring the graph more deeply.

3.2 Combining Strengths: An Integrated View Through Transformation

The earlier discussion indicates that the two methods have complementary features:

  • DMs feature accuracy, feasibility and understandability in problems of limited size and wickedness, and may suffer from limited accountability in every case;

  • QFs are characterized by higher accountability in every case and are more robust in preserving feasibility and understandability with respect to increased problem size and/or wickedness, but they may suffer from limited accuracy in every case.

While a straightforward recipe could then be “use a DM if your problem is small and tame, use a QF otherwise”, their complementarity suggests that the two methods could also be exploited in combination, especially in the not uncommon case that the decision problem is mid-sized and mildly wicked. Indeed, converting a DM into an “equivalent” QF format might prompt the analysts to add additional levels of pros/cons thus getting a more accountable and possibly even more accurate representation without affecting, indeed exploiting, the advantages of the initial DM representation in terms of completeness of the assessment and of understandability. Conversely, converting the “top” part of a QF (e.g. in Fig. 1 the nodes A1, A2, P1, C1, and C2) into an “equivalent” DM format may help the analysts to identify some incompleteness, requiring a more systematic assessment, and to fill the relevant gaps, thus improving accuracy. Again, the advantages of having developed the initial analysis using a less rigid model are preserved. Indeed it seems desirable that an open dialectical process, meant to harness a recalcitrant problem, finally results in enabling the application of more plain techniques.

These considerations all point towards the usefulness of a tool supporting the construction of and transformation between DMs and QFs: its implementation will be described in Sect. 5. As prerequisites for the tool, we give here formal definitions of the transformation and, in Sect. 4, discuss issues concerning the rankings they impose.

As to the transformation from a DM to a QF, clearly each column \(C\) of the DM corresponds to a QF answer, while each criterion \(R\) plays the role of either a pro- or con-argument for \(C\) according to the positive or negative value of \(\mathcal {QE}(C,R)\) (0 values are ignored). Weights of the criteria are assumed to play the role of base scores for the corresponding pro/con-arguments while answer arguments are assigned the default base scoreFootnote 6 0.5 (see the top of the DM in Fig. 2). This leads to the following definition.

Definition 1

Given \(\mathcal {DM}=\langle \mathcal {CO}, \mathcal {RO}, \mathcal {QE}, w\rangle \) the corresponding QF \(\mathcal {TQF}(\mathcal {DM})= \langle \mathcal A, \mathcal C, \mathcal P, \mathcal R, \mathcal {BS}\rangle \) is defined as:

  • \(\mathcal A= \mathcal {CO}\);

  • \(\mathcal C= \{R\in \mathcal {RO}\mid \exists C\in \mathcal {CO}: \mathcal {QE}(C,R) = -\}\);

  • \(\mathcal P= \{R\in \mathcal {RO}\mid \exists C\in \mathcal {CO}: \mathcal {QE}(C,R) = +\}\);

  • \(\mathcal R= \{(R,C) | \mathcal {QE}(C,R) = -\} \cup \{(R,C) | \mathcal {QE}(C,R) = +\}\);

  • \(\mathcal {BS}= \{(a, 0.5) \mid a\in \mathcal A\} \cup \{(b, w(b)) \mid b\in \mathcal C\cup \mathcal P\}\).

Note that, for each criterion \(R\), both a pro- and a con-argument may be created.

As to the transformation from a QF to a DM, as already mentioned, only the pro/con-arguments directly linked to answers can be represented as criteria in the DM. Each matrix cell is filled with \(+\) or \(-\) according to the support or attack nature of the corresponding relation (if present) in the QF, and with 0 in case of no relation. The final score of the pro/con-arguments gives the weights. This leads to the following definition.

Definition 2

Given \(\mathcal {QF}=\langle \mathcal A, \mathcal C, \mathcal P, \mathcal R, \mathcal {BS}\rangle \) the corresponding DM \(\mathcal {TDM}(\mathcal {QF})=\langle \mathcal {CO}, \mathcal {RO}, \mathcal {QE}, w\rangle \) is defined as:

  • \(\mathcal {CO}= \mathcal A\);

  • \(\mathcal {RO}= \{a\in \mathcal C\cup \mathcal P\mid \exists b\in \mathcal A: (a, b) \in \mathcal R\}\);

  • \(\forall (C,R) \in \mathcal {CO}\times \mathcal {RO}\):\(\mathcal {QE}(C,R) = +\) if \(R\in \mathcal P\wedge (R,C) \in \mathcal R\); \(\mathcal {QE}(C,R) = -\) if \(R\in \mathcal C\wedge (R,C) \in \mathcal R\); \(\mathcal {QE}(C,R) = 0\) otherwise.

  • \(\forall a\in \mathcal {RO}\):\(w(a)=\mathcal {SF}(a)\).

4 Rankings in QuAD Frameworks and Decision Matrices

The transformations described in the previous section open the way to a comparison of the rankings produced by the two methods, resulting from their quantitative evaluations (see Sect. 2). First, note that these methods are not an intrinsic feature of the formalisms: other methods using the same input can be devised in either case. Indeed we can define a score function \(\mathcal {SF}'\) for QFs inspired by the weighted sum used in DMs as follows, for any argument \(a\):

  • \(\mathcal {SF}'(a) = \mathcal {BS}(a)\) if \(\mathcal R^-(a) = \mathcal R^+(a) = \emptyset \);

  • \(\mathcal {SF}'(a) = \sum _{b\in \mathcal R^+(a)} \mathcal {SF}(b) - \sum _{c\in \mathcal R^-(a)} \mathcal {SF}'(c)\) otherwise.

Note that this definition ignores the base score except for leaf arguments.

Vice versa we can define a score method \(\mathcal {MF}'\) for DMs replicating the features of the score function for QFs, by simply applying equation (1) to each option \(C\) as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {MF}'(C) = g(0.5, \mathcal {F}_{att}(0.5, SEQ_{\mathcal {W}}(\mathcal {M}^-(C))), \mathcal {F}_{supp}(0.5, SEQ_{\mathcal {W}}(\mathcal {M}^+(C)))) \end{aligned}$$

where \(\mathcal {M}^-(C) = \{R\in \mathcal {RO}\mid \mathcal {QE}(C,R) = -\}\), \(\mathcal {M}^+(C) = \{R\in \mathcal {RO}\mid \mathcal {QE}(C,R) = +\}\), and \(SEQ_{\mathcal {W}}(\mathcal {M}^-(C))\) (resp. \(SEQ_{\mathcal {W}}(\mathcal {M}^+(C))\)) is an arbitrary permutation of the weights of the elements of \(\mathcal {M}^-(C)\) (resp. \(\mathcal {M}^+(C)\)). Note that this method uses a base score of 0.5 for each option.

Leaving aside the possibility to reconcile the quantitative aspects of the two models by applying suitable (re)definitions, we focus on the differences between the quantitative evaluations in DMs and QFs as originally defined, by discussing their conceptual roots. Of course we will not include in the comparison the fact that QFs are more expressive, thus focusing on cases of QFs obtained (or obtainable) from a DM through the \(\mathcal {TQF}\) transformation. Thus, letting \(\mathcal {DM}\) be a DM and \(\mathcal {TQF}(\mathcal {DM})\) the corresponding QF, we analyse, for each option \(C\), the difference between the evaluations \(\mathcal {MF}(C)\) in \(\mathcal {DM}\) and \(\mathcal {SF}(C)\) in \(\mathcal {TQF}(\mathcal {DM})\). Moreover, we analyse the differences in the rankings induced by \(\mathcal {MF}\) and \(\mathcal {SF}\) over the set of all options \(\mathcal {CO}\).

As a first elementary observation, we note that letting \(T= \sum _{R\in \mathcal {RO}} w(R)\), the range of \(\mathcal {MF}\) is the \([-T,~T]\) interval, while the range of \(\mathcal {SF}\) is [0,  1]. This means that for a given evaluation \(\mathcal {SF}(C) \in [0,~1]\) one should consider in \([-T,~T]\) the corresponding value \(\mathcal {MF}_{corr}(\mathcal {SF}(C))= 2T\cdot (\mathcal {SF}(C) - 0.5)\), and, conversely, for a given \(\mathcal {MF}(C) \in [-T,~T]\) the corresponding value \(\mathcal {SF}_{corr}(\mathcal {MF}(C))=0.5 + \mathcal {MF}(C)/2T\). Thus a DM score \(\mathcal {MF}(C)\) is congruent with a QF final score \(\mathcal {SF}(C)\) if \(\mathcal {MF}(C) = \mathcal {MF}_{corr}(\mathcal {SF}(C))\), or, equivalently, if \(\mathcal {SF}(C) = \mathcal {SF}_{corr}(\mathcal {MF}(C))\).

Congruence is obviously attained for an option \(C\) in case \(\mathcal {QE}(C,R)=0\) for every \(R\in \mathcal {RO}\), since in this case \(\mathcal {MF}(C)=0\) and the corresponding answer in \(\mathcal {TQF}(\mathcal {DM})\) gets \(\mathcal {SF}(C)=0.5\), having neither attackers nor supporters. Congruence is also attained in the very simple situations where an option \(C\) has exactly one \(+\) and all zeros, or exactly one \(-\) and all zeros, under the mild additional condition that the weights in the decision matrix are normalized, i.e. that \(T=1\). Letting \(R\) be the only criterion such that \(\mathcal {QE}(C,R) = +\), we have \(\mathcal {MF}(C) = w(R)\), which, for \(T=1\) is congruent with

\(\mathcal {SF}(C) = 1 - 0.5 \cdot (1 - w(R)) = 0.5 + w(R)/2\),

obtained for the case of a single supporter in \(\mathcal {TQF}(\mathcal {DM})\). Similarly, if \(R\) is the only criterion such that \(\mathcal {QE}(C,R) = -\), we have \(\mathcal {MF}(C) = -w(R)\), which, for \(T=1\), is congruent with \(\mathcal {SF}(C) = 0.5 \cdot (1 - w(R)) = 0.5 - w(R)/2\).

Apart from these and some other quite specific situations, congruence is in general not achieved . Indeed, in the computation of \(\mathcal {MF}\), (signed) weights are simply summed up, while to obtain \(\mathcal {SF}\) the weights of pros and cons are first combined separately with \(\mathcal {F}_{supp}\) and \(\mathcal {F}_{att}\), which are based on products (and take into account the base score) and then the results of these combinations are aggregated using the \(g\) operator, which behaves differently in the case where only attackers or only supporters are present with respect to the case where both are.

These differences not only obviously prevent congruence but may also affect the ranking, giving rise to different recommendations, as discussed next.

First, as also observed in [4], the \(g\) operator introduces a severe penalty for arguments with no supporters and a significant advantage for arguments with no attackers, with no counterpart in \(\mathcal {MF}\). Dialectically this feature makes sense, as the inability to identify any, even weak, supporter (attacker) evidences a heavy asymmetry in the analysis, pointing out the undebated weakness (strength) of a given option. To give a simple example of its effects consider the QF shown in Fig. 3. Here, answer A1 having a single supporter P1 with \(\mathcal {SF}(P1)=0.6\) gets \(\mathcal {SF}(A1)=0.8\), while answer A2, with a supporter P2 with \(\mathcal {SF}(P2)=0.9\) and an attacker C1 with \(\mathcal {SF}(C1)=0.2\) gets \(\mathcal {SF}(A2)=0.675\). In the corresponding DM instead, A2 is ranked first with \(\mathcal {MF}(A2)=0.7\), while \(\mathcal {MF}(A1)=0.6\).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

A QF whose ranking differs from the corresponding DM since A1 has no attackers.

Further, in \(\mathcal {MF}\) the final evaluation of each option basically depends only on the sum of the weights of the positive criteria and on the sum of the weights of the negative criteria. If weights are rearranged while keeping these two sums unchanged the final evaluation does not change. This does not happen with the use of \(\mathcal {F}_{supp}\) and \(\mathcal {F}_{att}\) in QFs. To exemplify consider Fig. 4 where answer A1 has two supporters P1 and P2 with \(\mathcal {SF}(P1)=0.9\), \(\mathcal {SF}(P2)=0.1\) and an attacker C1 with \(\mathcal {SF}(C1)=0.5\), while answer A2 has two supporters P3 and P4 with \(\mathcal {SF}(P3)=0.5\), \(\mathcal {SF}(P4)=0.5\) and the same attacker. In the corresponding DM A1 and A2 are ranked equally since \(\mathcal {MF}(A1)\!=\!\mathcal {MF}(A2)\!=\!0.5\), while the QF evaluation gives \(\mathcal {SF}(A1)=0.6025, \mathcal {SF}(A2)=0.5625\).

Conversely, in Fig. 5 A1 has two attackers C1 and C2 with \(\mathcal {SF}(C1)=0.9\), \(\mathcal {SF}(C2)=0.1\) and a supporter P1 with \(\mathcal {SF}(P1)=0.5\), while A2 has two attackers C3 and C4 with \(\mathcal {SF}(C3)=0.5\), \(\mathcal {SF}(C4)=0.5\) and the same supporter. Again, in the corresponding DM A1 and A2 are ranked equally since \(\mathcal {MF}(A1)=\mathcal {MF}(A2)=-0.5\), while the QF evaluation gives \(\mathcal {SF}(A1)=0.3975\), and \(\mathcal {SF}(A2)=0.4375\).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

A QF whose ranking differs from the corresponding DM since A1 has a strong supporter.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

A QF whose ranking differs from the corresponding DM since A1 has a strong attacker.

Intuitively, in QFs, having a strong supporter accompanied by a weak one is better than having two “average” supporters (an analogous observation applies to attackers). This behavior recalls the principles underlying bipolar qualitative decision models, like “decision makers are likely to consider degrees of strength at the ordinal rather than at the cardinal level” and “individuals appear to consider very few arguments (i.e. the most salient ones) when making their choice” [11]. In these models, pros and cons are ranked in levels of importance, and, for instance, a con at the highest level can only be countered by a pro at the same level, while compensation by many pros at lower levels is simply ruled out. Whereas these models encompass only a rather limited, purely ordinal, compensation between pros and cons, at the other extreme, the \(\mathcal {MF}\) in DMs score allows a full linear compensation: many weak pros can effectively counter a strong con and similarly inverting the roles of pros and cons. The evaluation adopted in QFs can be regarded as an intermediate approach between these extremes: it is not so drastic to completely ignore weaker arguments with respect to stronger ones, but at the same time ascribes to stronger arguments a higher, more than linear, effect. The choice of the most suitable compensation method for a given decision problem depends of course on the domain and possibly on the attitude of decision makers. Getting different results with different methods may be puzzling for an unexperienced user: indeed, as already mentioned, the availability of multiple decision support methods leads to the so called decision making paradox [25]. However, it has the advantage of increasing user awareness that in some cases the evaluations supporting a decision are not rock solid and heavily depend on the modelling choices. If instead a user takes a single decision support model for granted without considering other possible choices, s/he may miss the opportunity to adopt an alternative available method which is more suited to her/his needs. This is related in turn to the largely open problem of defining correspondences between the features of a given application domain and the technical choices concerning the decision support method. While this issue is beyond the scope of this paper, we believe that it is important that these choices and their impact on decisions are explicit. Arg&Dec, described next, allows a direct comparison between QFs and DMs methods on the same problem and is a step in this direction.

5 The Arg&Dec Web Application

Arg&Dec is a web application supporting the definition of QFs and DMs and their mutual transformation. After signing in, the user can choose between two main sections: Debates, which is the default and concerns QFs, and Tables, concerning DMs. The user can create and edit QFs using buttons (one for each type of node that can be added to the graph, see top part of Fig. 1) and drag-and-drop facilities (to move nodes and to draw links between them). The properties of each node can be consulted/edited and the node can be deleted by clicking on the cogwheel symbol in the upper right corner of the box representing the node and then selecting the desired functions. DMs are created by adding rows and columns with two \(+\) buttons (respectively below the last row and at the right of the last column, see Fig. 2), the system then asks the basic information (name and weight for rows) required. Each matrix cell can be edited by simply clicking on it and each row/column can be deleted clicking on the trashbin symbol shown at its right/bottom. After creating a QF/DM the user can ask the system to compute the option ranking (using the methods described in Sect. 2) or to create the corresponding DM/QF using the mapping methods described in Sect. 3.2. As explained therein, when transforming a QF into a DM, pros and cons not directly linked to answers (e.g. in Fig. 1 nodes C3, C4, P2) are “lost”. To partially compensate for this limitation and in the view of supporting the comparison between the two approaches Arg&Dec keeps track of the additional nodes “lost in transformation”: when a DM is generated from a QF an option Descendants is shown when clicking on a DM cell corresponding to a node having further descendants in the QF. Selecting this option the user can then visualize a structured list of the “lost” descendants in the QF with their QF final score. To ease the comparison, when a DM has been generated starting from a QF, an additional button allows direct access to the generating DM, and similarly for a QF generated starting from a DM.

Concerning cooperative work, each QF/DM in Arg&Dec has an owner, who, through a simple checklist, can select which other users can have Full or Read only access to the QF/DM. Further, to enable multi-user visualization and editing, Arg&Dec implements a push notification mechanism: when more users open the same QF in their browsers at the same time, if a user makes a change to the QF the modification is notified immediately to the browsers of all the other users.

In order to improve the user interface, taking into account in particular the needs of non-expert users who may not be acquainted with QFs, Arg&Dec includes an experimental functionality of natural language presentation. In a similar spirit to the work of [18], this aims at synthesizing the motivations underlying the selection of the first ranked option. To exemplify, if the selected option has no cons, the fact that it has only pros is provided directly as a simple explanation. Otherwise, if the number of pros is much higher than the one of cons, an explanation focused on the cardinalities of pros and cons is given, while the notion of strength is mentioned and more emphasis is given to the average scores of pros and cons in case their cardinalities are closer or the number of cons is higher than the number of pros. The explanation is then extended recursively to the subtree of pros and cons rooted in the first ranked answer. The generated explanation can also be listened to thanks to a speech synthesis functionality.

As for technologies, Arg&Dec features a typical web application architecture with HTML, CSS, and AJAX on the client-side and PHP code executing queries on a MySQL DB on the server side, where all data are stored. On the client side, user interaction is managed by JavaScript code and several JavaScript libraries are used, including in particular jQuery, Bootstrap and Bootbox (for user interface features), and jsPlumb (for graph visualization). Further, Google Translator is used for speech synthesis.

The system has undergone a preliminary test phase with the aid of experts in engineering design at Imperial College London, several case studies (also taken from the experience described in [4]) were modeled and the transformation features in either direction were experimented with. The experts expressed an initial appreciation for the system functionalities and for the opportunity to compare different decision methods: a full validation of the system on a large number of realistic cases is planned for future work, as is the extension to support collaborative definitions of DMs.

6 Discussion and Conclusions

The paper develops a comparison between an argumentation-based, namely QuAD frameworks, and a matrix-based, namely Decision Matrices, decision support models from a conceptual and a technical perspective, introduces novel transformations between the two models, and presents the Arg&Dec web application which supports cooperative work for the definition, evaluation, and transformation of decision problems.

To the best of our knowledge, no systematic comparisons of argumentation-based versus matrix-based approaches, let alone software tools supporting this activity, are available in the literature. In this sense, there are no directly related works. It can be mentioned however that other proposals connecting argumentation formalisms with formal decision methods are available in the literature.

The work presented in [1] concerns a context where arguments can be distinguished into practical and epistemic. Practical arguments can be in favor or against some candidate options in a decision problem, while epistemic arguments may attack practical arguments and also attack each other. On the basis of these attacks, an abstract argumentation framework is built [12] and, accordingly, the acceptable arguments are identified. Then, for each candidate option, several evaluation principles can be considered: the most general evaluation principle is based on an aggregation function of the arguments in favor and against the option. In this general context, a specific typology of formal practical arguments is introduced. Basically, a practical argument uses a candidate option to derive either a desirable or undesirable consequence (called goal or rejection, respectively) and accordingly is in favor or against the candidate option used within the argument. Some relationships between this approach and some instances of Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) are then investigated. Differently from the proposal in [1], we do not assume the availability of a formal knowledge base for the construction of arguments and their attack relation, nor a crisp distinction between practical and epistemic arguments, since QuAD frameworks are meant to support debates occurring in application contexts where such formal basis is typically not available. Moreover while Decision Matrices belong to the MCDM family, the instances of MCDM considered in [1] do not cover the case of Decision Matrices as defined in the present paper.

In [19] a rule-based argumentation formalism is used to build arguments concerning decisions and their attack relations. Also in this case, only those arguments that are deemed acceptable according to an evaluation based on abstract argumentation semantics are used to determine the final decision, and for each candidate option, the goals which are supported by the acceptable arguments associated with this option are considered. The option(s) satisfying the highest numer of goals become recommended decisions. It is shown that the proposed formalism can be put in relationship with MCDM and, in particular, given a multi-criteria decision problem, it is shown that it is possible to generate an argument-based formalization producing the same results. It can be noted that some of the motivations presented in [19] are similar to ours, for instance it is remarked that using an argument-based decision method makes the decision process less opaque and aims at increasing accountability and reproducing the decision rationale. Similarly to the case of [1], the formalism adopted in [19] is more demanding than ours, since it encompasses the existence of a formal knowledge base. Differently from [1] and from our approach, the proposal of [19] encompasses only arguments in favor of a given option, which can be a significant limitation in a dialectical context. Concerning the relationship with MCDM, the mehod to generate an argument-based formalization proposed in [19] is applicable also to Decision Matrices. It can be observed however that it basically consists in “reproducing” the aggregation mechanism adopted (i.e. the matrix score) through a set of case-specific rules, some of which just map numbers into numbers to this purpose. Hence, this relationship basically corresponds to what we have observed at the beginning of Sect. 4 about the possibility of reproducing an approach within the other one by suitable ad hoc definitions, while one of the aims of the present paper was to analyze the motivations and different assumptions underlying the production of different outcomes by different formalisms. In this spirit, we regard a more systematic analysis of the relationships with MCDM as an important direction of future development.

While the two proposals discussed above are focused on decision support, for an extended discussion at a broader level of the relationships between QuAD frameworks and other argumentation-based models and software tools the reader is referred to [4]. Indeed, Arg&Dec has its basis in the experience of integrating the QuAD framework model within the designVUE [2] standalone software tool, described in [4]. We believe that comparison and integration of alternative, complementary decision models is a fruitful research direction to which this paper makes a first contribution. Future work includes a more extensive theoretical analysis of situations where the two models (dis)agree along with an analysis of general requirements of score functions (see some discussion in [4]), on-field experimentation with realistic case studies, in particular in the areas of engineering design and environmental planning, and further investigation on natural language presentation.