
1 Introduction

Cloud storage is becoming increasingly popular with the rapidly network technology development. It does provide convenient and offer more flexibility to people that one can access the data on cloud storage system via the Internet instead of carrying around a physical storage. However, cloud storage has the potential for security and compliance concerns. Many works on securing the cloud storage have been presented [9, 11, 12, 17, 19]

Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) can be easily apply to the cloud storage. IBE is a public key encryption scheme which allows a sender to encrypt message for a receiver using the receiver’s identity, such as IP address or email address, as the public key [16]. Boneh and Franklin first formulate the concept of IBE and propose a full functional scheme (BF-IBE) based on bilinear maps between groups [4]. The IBE scheme uses a trusted authority called Private Key Generator (PKG) to generate private key for users. In order to reduce the workload of the PKG, Gentry and Silverberg present the first construction of Hierarchical IBE (HIBE) with a root PKG and several domain PKGs in different levels [10]. To improve the efficient and security, a number HIBE schemes [13, 7, 15, 18] have been presented.

Since the user private keys are generated by the PKGs, the construction of HIBE will inevitably lead to the key escrow problem. That is, the PKG knows all the private keys of its descendant and thus can unscrupulously decrypt the message intended for the users and maliciously make users’ private keys public. Many prior works have been proposed to solve the problem [4, 6, 8, 13, 14]. One intuitional approach is to use distributed PKGs to reduce the power of single PKG. In the first IBE scheme, Bonech et al. apply the threshold method to suggest an (nt) distributed PKG mechanism [4]. They distribute the master key into n parts that each PKG owns only one portion, and any more than \(t+1\) PKGs can jointly compute a private key. However, they do not provide a formal security model and a proof. Kate and Goldberg present an efficient distributed PKGs model and construct the schemes for three well-known IBE schemes: BF-IBE, SK-IBE and \(\mathrm {BB}_1\)-IBE [13]. However, the model cannot apply to the HIBE scheme and the presented schemes can only achieve security in the random oracle model. Other than the multiple PKGs mechanisms, Lee et al. present a key issuing model which introduced Key Privacy Authorities (KPAs) to protect the user private key privacy so that the PKG cannot obtain the complete information of the keys [14]. The idea of the multiple-KPAs model is inspired by the real word scenario such as elections, in which there is a single election administrator organizing the election procedures and multiple observers dispatched by major political parties to the voting office to prevent any illegal activity. Key escrow problem can be effectively reduced based on the assumption that at least one of the KPAs is honest. However, the key privacy service in their model needs to be sequential processed. Therefore, the multiple-KPAs model would introduce too high overhead to the basic HIBE scheme to make it practical. Moreover, the security of this key issuing mechanism has not been proved by formal approach. Because of the possibility of theoretically insecurity, this mechanism cannot be applied in practice. Cao et al. also use KPAs to achieve an escrow-free HIBE scheme (SA-HIBE) [6]. SA-HIBE avoids the inefficient sequential procedure in [14] and allows users to interact with KPAs synchronously. However, the scheme efficiency is still low because of the ciphertext and private keys, as well as the encryption and decryption time in SA-HIBE grow linearly in the depth of the hierarchy. And the scheme security is also proved in the random oracle model.

In this paper, we propose an efficient and provably-secure EF-LW-HIBE scheme, which is an escrow-free HIBE scheme based on the LW-HIBE. The EF-LW-HIBE scheme makes use of multiple KPAs to restrict the power of PKGs in HIBE so that the PKGs cannot obtain the full information of the private keys. On account of the synchronous key securing procedure with KPAs, our escrow-free model introduces acceptable cost to LW-HIBE. With the help of Dual System Encryption, we prove the full security of EF-LW-HIBE without random oracle model.

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Composite Order Bilinear Groups

Composite order bilinear groups were first introduced by Boneh et al. [5]. Let \(p_1\), \(p_2\), \(p_3\) be distinct primes, and set \(N=p_1p_2p_3\). For two multiplicative cyclic groups G and \(G_T\) of order N, we say a map \(e: G \times G \rightarrow G_T\) is a bilinear map if it meets the following properties:

  1. 1.

    Bilinear: \(\forall g,h \in G, a,b \in \mathbb {Z}_N, e(g^a, h^b) = e(g,h)^{ab} \)

  2. 2.

    Non-degenerate: \(\exists g \in G\), s.t. \(e(g,g) \ne 1\)

  3. 3.

    Computable: \(\forall g,h \in G\), there is an efficient algorithm to compute e(gh).

Group G is referred to as a composite order bilinear group. Let \(G_{p_1}\), \(G_{p_2}\), and \(G_{p_3}\) denote the subgroups of order \(p_1\), \(p_2\) and \(p_3\) in G respectively. Lewko and Waters have illuminated that, when \(h_i \in G_i\), and \(h_j \in G_j\) for \(i \ne j\), \(e(h_i, h_j)\) is an identity element in \(G_T\) [15]. Such property is referred to as orthogonality property of \(G_{p_1} , G_{p_2} , G_{p_3}\).

2.2 Complexity Assumptions

We prove the security of EF-LW-HIBE scheme based on the same complexity assumptions as the LW-HIBE scheme [15] does. Let \({G_{p_ip_j}}\) denote subgroup of order \(p_ip_j\) in G, the assumptions are defined as follows.

Assumption 1. Let \(g, T_2\) be distinct random elements of \(G_{p_1}\), \(X_3\) be a random element of \(G_{p_3}\) and \(T_1\) be a random element of \(G_{p_1p_2}\). Randomly picking \(T \in \{T_1, T_2\}\), we assume that given \(g, X_3\), there is no probabilistic polynomial time (PPT) algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) can determine \(T \in G_{p_1p_2}\) or \(T \in G_{p_1}\) with negligible advantage.

Assumption 2. Let \(g,X_1\) be distinct random elements of \(G_{p_1}\), \(X_2,Y_2\) be distinct random elements of \(G_{p_2}\), \(X_3,Y_3\) be distinct random elements of \(G_{p_3}\), \(T_1\) be a random element of G, and \(T_2\) be a random element of \(G_{p_1p_3}\). Randomly picking \(T \in \{T_1, T_2\}\), we assume that given \(g, X_1X_2, X_3, Y_2Y_3\), there is no PPT algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) can determine \(T \in G\) or \(T \in G_{p_1p_3}\) with negligible advantage.

Assumption 3. Randomly pick \(\alpha , s \in \mathbb {Z}_N\). Let g be a random element of \(G_{p_1}\), \(X_2,Y_2,Z_2\) be distinct random elements of \(G_{p_2}\), \(X_3\) be a random element of \(G_{p_3}\). Set \(T_1 = e(g,g)^{\alpha s}\) and let \(T_2\) be a random element of \(G_{T}\). Randomly picking \(T \in \{T_1, T_2\}\), we assume that given \(g, g^\alpha X_2, X_3, g^sY_2, Z_2\), there is no PPT algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) can determine \(T=e(g,g)^{\alpha s}\) or T is a random element of \(G_T\) with negligible advantage.

2.3 Dual System Encryption

Dual System Encryption is a scheme that is used for proving security of encryption schemes [18]. For proving, two additional structures called semi-functional key and semi-functional ciphertext are used. A semi-functional key is an efficient mathematical transformation of a normal key, and so as a semi-functional ciphertext. Suppose \(CT_{normal}\) is a ciphertext with regard to normal key \(K_{normal}\). Let \(K_{semi}\) be a semi-functional key w.r.t. \(K_{normal}\), and let \(CT_{semi}\) be a semi-functional ciphertext w.r.t. \(CT_{normal}\). The abilities of decryption between the key-ciphertext pairs are listed as in Table 1.

Table 1. Decryption ability between different types of keys and ciphertexts. \(\surd \) means that a key \(K_X\) with type X is able to decrypt a ciphertext \(CT_Y\) with type Y, \(\times \) means that a key \(K_X\) with type X fail to decrypt a ciphertext \(CT_Y\) with type Y.

In the formal security proof, an attack game with an attacker and a challenger is used for an encryption scheme. The encryption scheme is regarded as secure if the attacker cannot win the game with a non-negligible advantage. Using the Dual System Encryption, a sequence of games are needed. Among the games, the first game is a real game and the others are modified games with the semi-functional keys and semi-functional ciphertexts. To prove that an attacker cannot break the game, the challenger provides the last bogus game which is proved unbreakable to the attacker and proves that the attacker cannot distinguish one game from the others. We will introduce the details of games and designing of semi-functional keys and semi-functional ciphertexts in Sect. 4.2.

3 Overview of Escrow-Free HIBE

In this section, we firstly introduce the intuition of our solution to the key escrow problem of HIBE. Then, we briefly describe the components of our scheme. Finally, we present the full security definition by illuminating the IND-ID-CCA game for our escrow-free approach.

3.1 Intuition of Escrow-Free HIBE

The essence of key escrow problem is that the Private Key Generator (PKG) exclusive owns the scheme master key. In order to restrict the power of PKG, we divide the master key into a PKG master key and a set of secret keys. We introduce multiple Key Privacy Authorities (KPAs) to keep the partial secret keys. A private key is jointly computed by the PKG and all the KPAs. Based on the assumption that at least one of the KPA is honest, we can keep the privacy of the private key. The infrastructure is showed as in Fig. 1. In our escrow-free HIBE scheme, each private key is generated by a domain PKG and the multiple KPAs. In order to reduce the authentication overhead caused by the KPAs, PKG can generate and assign the user a signature with regard to the its identity. The KPAs verify the signature so as to verify the user’s identity.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The infrastructure of our escrow-free HIBE scheme.

3.2 Definitions

Our escrow-free hierarchical identity-based encryption scheme consists of four algorithms: Setup, KeyGen, Encrypt and Decrypt.

Setup. The setup algorithm comprises the PKG and KPAs setup stages.

  • The PKG takes a security parameter as input and outputs the public parameters \(Param_{PKG}\) and a PKG master key MK.

  • \(\mathrm {KPA}_i\) then inputs \(Param_{PKG}\) and outputs KPA parameter \(Param_{KPA_i}\) as well as a secret key \(SK_i\).

KeyGen. The key generation algorithm takes the PKG master key, multiple secret keys as well as an identity \(\mathrm {ID}=(ID_1, \ldots , ID_n)\) as input and output the user private key. It also consists of two stages:

  • KeyIssue. With the identity, PKG launches the key issuing stage to generate a raw private key, and assigns it to the user.

  • KeySec. After the KeyIssue stage, user synchronously asks for key securing from the KPAs and finally get the decrypt key DK.

Encrypt. The encryption algorithm takes the public parameters \(Param_{PKG}\), KPA parameters \(Param_{KPA_i} (i=1,\ldots n)\), a message M, and an identity as input and outputs a ciphertext CT.

Decrypt. The decryption algorithm takes the public parameters \(Param_{PKG}\), KPA parameters \(Param_{KPA_i} (i=1,\ldots n)\), a ciphertext CT, and a decrypt key DK as input and outputs the message M.

3.3 Security Model

The full security model (IND-ID-CCA) for HIBE schemes is firstly suggested in [3]. We modify the model to present an IND-ID-CCA security for our escrow-free HIBE scheme, which is defined via the following game between an adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) and a challenger \(\mathcal {C}\).

Setup. \(\mathcal {C}\) runs the PKG and KPA setup algorithms, and gives \(\mathcal {A}\) the resulting scheme parameters \(Param_{PKG}\) and \(Param_{KPA_i} (i=1,\ldots n)\), keeping the PKG master key MK and KPA secret keys \(SK_i (i=1,\ldots n)\) to itself.

Phase 1. \(\mathcal {A}\) issues private key queries and decryption queries.

For a private key query (\(\mathrm {ID}\)), \(\mathcal {C}\) runs the KeyGen algorithm and gives \(\mathcal {A}\) the raw private key as well as the KPA key securing factors.

For a decryption query (\(\mathrm {ID}, CT\)), \(\mathcal {C}\) runs the KeyGen algorithm to generate the private key of ID and decrypts the ciphertext CT utilizing the private key.

Challenge. \(\mathcal {A}\) gives \(\mathcal {C}\) two messages \(M_0\) and \(M_1\), and a challenge identity \(\mathrm {ID}=(ID_1, \ldots , ID_n)\). The challenge identity must satisfy the property that no query identity in Phase 1 is a prefix of it. And the challenge message must not be one of the messages of decryption queries. \(\mathcal {C}\) randomly selects \(\beta \in \{0,1\}\) and encrypts \(M_\beta \) with the identity. It sends the ciphertext to \(\mathcal {A}\).

Phase 2. This is the same as Phase 1 except that \(\mathcal {A}\) cannot query the private key of the challenge identity and private keys of its ancestors.

Guess. \(\mathcal {A}\) output a guess \(\beta '\) for \(\beta \). The advantage of \(\mathcal {A}\) is defined to be \(Pr[\beta ' = \beta ] - \frac{1}{2}\).

Definition 1

We say that the escrow-free hierarchical identity based encryption is secure if no polynomial time adversaries can achieve a non-negligible advantage in the security game.

4 EF-LW-HIBE Scheme

We build our escrow-free HIBE scheme based on the Lewko-Waters HIBE. Similar to the LW-HIBE, our construction uses composite order groups of order \(N = p_1p_2p_3\) and identities in \(\mathbb {Z}_N\). Based on the knowledge of Dual System Encryption, we prove that the EF-LW-HIBE scheme is IND-ID-CCA secure.

4.1 Construction

The EF-LW-HIBE consists of the following four algorithms:

Setup. The setup algorithm comprises the PKG setup and KPA setup stages.

  • PKG Setup: The PKG chooses a bilinear group G of order \(N=p_1p_2p_3\). Let l denote the maximum depth of the HIBE, PKG then randomly chooses \(g,h,u_1,\ldots , u_l \in G_{p_1}, X_3\in G_{p_3}\), and \(\alpha _0 \in \mathbb {Z}_N\). PKG publishes the public parameters \(Param_{PKG} = \{N, g, h, u_1, \ldots , u_l, X_3, e(g,g)^{\alpha _0}\}\), and keep \(\alpha _0\) as the PKG master key.

  • \(\mathrm {KPA}_i\) Setup: Each key privacy authority randomly chooses \(\alpha _i \in \mathbb {Z}_N\). It takes the \(Param_{PKG}\) and \(\alpha _i\) as input and computes \(e(g,g)^{\alpha _i}\). \(\mathrm {KPA}_i\) publishes parameter \(Param_{KPA_i} = \{e(g,g)^{\alpha _i}\}\), and keeps \(\alpha _i\) as KPA secret key.

KeyGen( \(d_{\mathrm {ID}_{\mid j-1}}\) , ID) . The key generation algorithm comprises the key issuing stage by PKG and the key securing stage by KPAs.

  • KeyIssue: To generate a private key \(\mathcal {\nabla }d_\mathrm {ID}\) = (\(K_1, \mathcal {\nabla }K_2, E_{j+1}, \ldots , E_l\)) for identify ID=(\(ID_1,\ldots ,ID_j\)) (\(j \leqslant l\)), the key generation algorithm of PKG picks a random \(r \in \mathbb {Z}_N\), random elements \(R_3, R'_3, R_{j+1}, \ldots , R_l\) of \(G_{p3}\), and outputs: \(K_1 = g^rR_3\), \(\mathcal {\nabla }K_2 = g^{\alpha _0} \left( u^{ID_1}_1 \cdots u^{ID_j}_jh\right) ^{r}R'_3\), \(E_{j+1}=u^r_{j+1}R_{j+1},\) \(\ldots ,\) \(E_l=u^r_lR_l\).

    We refer to the private key generated by KeyIssue algorithm as a raw private key. Actually, the raw private key for ID can be generated by just given a raw private key for \(\mathrm {ID}_{\mid j-1} = \mathrm {(} ID_1, \ldots , ID_{j-1} \mathrm {)}\) as required. Let (\(K'_1, \mathcal {\nabla }K'_2, E'_{j}, \ldots , E'_l\)) be the raw private key for \(\mathrm {ID}_{\mid j-1} \). To generate the private key for ID, the algorithm picks \(r' \in \mathbb {Z}_N\) and \(\tilde{R}_3, \tilde{R'}_3, \tilde{R}_{j+1}, \ldots , \tilde{R}_{l} \in G_{p_3}\) randomly. The raw private key of \(\mathrm {ID}\) can be computed as:

    \(K_1 = K'_1g^{r'}\tilde{R}_3 = g^{r+r'}R_3\tilde{R}_3\), \(\mathcal {\nabla }K_2 = g^{\alpha _0} \left( u^{ID_1}_1\cdots u^{ID_j}_j h\right) ^{r+r'}R'_3 R^{ID_j}_j \tilde{R'}_3\) \(E_{j+1} = E'_{j+1}u^{r'}_{j+1}\tilde{R}_{j+1} = u^{r+r'}_{j+1}R_{j+1}\tilde{R}_{j+1},\) \(\ldots , \) \(E_l = E'_lu^{r'}_l\tilde{R}_{l} = u^{r+r'}_lR_l\tilde{R}_l\). This raw private key is a properly raw private key for ID=(\(ID_1,\ldots ,ID_j\)).

  • KeySec: With the raw private key, user asks for key securing by the KPAs. Each \(\mathrm {KPA}_i\) randomly chooses \(\hat{R}_i \in G_{p_3}\) and compute the securing factor \(g^{\alpha _i}\hat{R}_i\). User retrieves the securing factors from all the KPAs and compute a complete private key \(d_\mathrm {ID} = \{K_1, K_2, E_{j+1}, \ldots , E_{l}\}\), where

    \(K_2 = \mathcal {\nabla }K_2g^{\alpha _1}\hat{R}_1\cdots g^{\alpha _n}\hat{R}_n = g^{\sum _{i=0}^{n}\alpha _i} \left( u^{ID_1}_1 \cdots u^{ID_j}_jh\right) ^{r}R'_3\prod _{1}^{n}\hat{R}_i\) Note that, key securing of each KPA can be synchronously implemented.

Encrypt( \(M, (ID_1,\ldots ,ID_j)\) ). Given the message M and an identity, a user encrypt the message with PKG and KPA parameters. It chooses \(s\in \mathbb {Z}_N\) randomly and generates the ciphertext \(CT = \{C_0, C_1, C_2\}\). There are

\(C_0= Me(g,g)^{\sum _{i=0}^{n}\alpha _i s}\), \(C_1=\left( u^{ID_1}_1\cdots u^{ID_j}_jh\right) ^s\), \(C_2=g^s\).

Decrypt( \(d_{ID}, CT\) ). The decryption algorithm can decrypt the message by computing the blinding factor:

$$\frac{e(K_2,C_2)}{e(K_1,C_1)}=\frac{e(g,g)^{\sum _{i=0}^{n}\alpha _i s}e(u^{ID_1}_1\cdots u^{ID_j}_jh,g)^{rs}}{e(g,u^{ID_1}_1\cdots u^{ID_j}_jh)^{rs}}=e(g,g)^{\sum _{i=0}^{n}\alpha _i s}.$$

Note that, some bilinear computation results in identities of \(G_T\) due to the orthogonality property of \(G_{p_1} , G_{p_2} , G_{p_3}\).

4.2 Security Proofs

We prove full security of EF-LW-HIBE utilizing the Dual System Encryption. As described above, the proof utilizes the semi-functional key and semi-functional ciphertext, and relies on a sequence of security games. We design the semi-functional key and ciphertext as follows.

  • Semi-functional Ciphertext. Let (\(C'_0, C'_1, C'_2\)) denote the normal ciphertext generated by the encryption algorithm. Set \(C_0 = C'_0\), \(C_1 = C'_1g_2^{xz_c}\) and \(C_2 = C'_2g_2^x \), where \(g_2\) is a generator of the subgroup \(G_{p2}\), and \(x,z_c \in \mathbb {Z}_N\) are chosen in random. (\(C_0, C_1, C_2\)) is referred to as a semi-functional ciphertext.

  • Semi-functional Key. Let (\(K'_1, K'_2, E'_{j+1}, \ldots , E'_l\)) denote the normal key generated by the key generation algorithm. Set \(K_1 = K'_1g_2^\gamma \), \(K_2 = K'_2 g_2^{\gamma z_k}\), \(E_{j+1} = E'_{j+1}g_2^{\gamma z_{j+1}}\), \(\ldots \), \(E_l = E'_lg_2^{\gamma z_l}\) where \(g_2\) is a generator of the subgroup \(G_{p2}\), and \(\gamma ,z_k, z_{j+1}, \ldots , z_l \in \mathbb {Z}_N\) are chosen in random. (\(K_1, K_2\)) is referred to as a semi-functional key.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

A series of indistingusihable games. The indistinguishability between two games is ensured by a corresponding lemma. q denotes the maximum number of key queries the attacker makes, and \(p_2\) is one of the prime factor of the composite order.

To prove the security of our HIBE scheme, we introduce a series of indistinguishable games, illustrated as in Fig. 2. The left side of Fig. 2 are the lemmas that ensure the indistinguishability of each two attack games. We describe and prove the four lemmas as follows:

Lemma 1

Suppose there exists an algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) that can distinguish \(Game_{Real}\) and \(Game_{Restricted}\) with advantage \(\varepsilon \). Then we can build an algorithm with advantage \(\geqslant \frac{\varepsilon }{2}\) in breaking either Assumption 1 or Assumption 2.


Since we define the \(Game_{Restricted}\) as [15] does, we can prove that the games \(Game_{Real}\) and \(Game_{Restricted}\) are indistinguishable following the same procedures. Details can be found in the proof of Lemma 5 in [15].

Lemma 2

Suppose there exists an algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) that can distinguish \(Game_{0}\) and \(Game_{Restricted}\) with advantage \(\varepsilon \). Then we can build an algorithm with advantage \(\varepsilon \) in breaking Assumption 1.


\(\mathcal {B}\) is given \(g, X_3, T\). To simulate \(\mathrm {Game}_{Restricted}\) or \(\mathrm {Game}_0\) with \(\mathcal {A}\), \(\mathcal {B}\) first chooses random exponents \(\alpha _0, a_1, \ldots , a_l, b \in \mathbb {Z}_N\) and sets \(g=g, u_i = g^{a_i}\) for i from 1 to l and \(h=g^b\). PKG parameters \(\{N, g, h, u_1, \ldots , u_l, X_3, e(g,g)^{\alpha _0}\}\) and KPA parameters \(\{e(g,g)^{\alpha _i}\}\) (\(i =1\ldots n\)) are send to \(\mathcal {A}\).

When \(\mathcal {A}\) queries a key for identity (\(ID_1, \ldots , ID_j\)), \(\mathcal {B}\) chooses random exponents \(r,t,w,v_{j_1},\ldots ,v_l \in \mathbb {Z}_N\) and returns key: \(K_1=g^rX_3^t\),

\(K_2=g^{\sum _{i=0}^{n}\alpha _i} (u^{ID_1}_1 \cdots u^{ID_j}_jh)^{r}X_3^w\), \(E_{j+1}=u^r_{j+1}X_3^{v_{j+1}},\ldots ,E_l=u^r_lX_3^{v_l}\).

In challenge phase, \(\mathcal {A}\) sends \(\mathcal {B}\) two messages \(M_0, M_1\) and a challenge identity \((ID^*_1, \ldots , ID^*_j)\). \(\mathcal {B}\) randomly chooses \(\beta \in \{0,1\}\), and forms ciphertext:

\(C_0=M_\beta e(T,g)^{\sum _{i=0}^{n}\alpha _i}\), \(C_1=T^{a_1ID^*_1+\cdots +a_jID^*_j+b}\), \(C_2=T\).

If \(T \in G_{p_1p_2}\), then this is a semi-functional ciphertext with \(z_c=a_1ID^*_1+\cdots +a_jID^*_j+b\). If \(T \in G_{p_1}\), this is a normal ciphertext. As supposed, \(\mathcal {A}\) is able to distinguish the semi-functional and normal ciphertext. Therefore, \(\mathcal {B}\) can use the output of \(\mathcal {A}\) to distinguish T. That is, it can break Assumption 1.

Lemma 3

Suppose there exists an algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) that can distinguish \(Game_{k-1}\) and \(Game_{k}\) with advantage \(\varepsilon \). Then we can build an algorithm with advantage \(\varepsilon \) in breaking Assumption 2.


\(\mathcal {B}\) is given \(g, X_1X_2, X_3, Y_2Y_3, T\). To simulate \(\mathrm {Game}_{k-1}\) or \(\mathrm {Game}_k\) with \(\mathcal {A}\), \(\mathcal {B}\) first chooses random exponents \(a_1, \ldots , \) \(a_l, b \in \mathbb {Z}_N\). and sets the public parameters of PKG as \(g=g\), \(u_1=g^{a_1}\), \(\ldots \), \(u_l=g^{a_l}\), \(h=g^b\), \(e(g,g)^{\alpha _0}\), public parameters of \(\mathrm {KPA}_i\) as \(e(g,g)^{\alpha _i}\). Public parameters are sent to \(\mathcal {A}\).

When \(\mathcal {A}\) requests the \(i^{th}\) key for identity \((ID_1, \ldots , ID_j)\).

  • If \(i < k\), \(\mathcal {B}\) generates a semi-functional key. It chooses random exponents \(r, z, t, z_{j+1}, \ldots , z_l \in \mathbb {Z}_N\) and sets: \(K_1 = g^r(Y_2Y_3)^t\), \(K_2 = g^{\sum _{i=0}^{n}\alpha _i} (u^{ID_1}_1 \cdots u^{ID_j}_jh)^{r}(Y_2Y_3)^z\), \(E_{j+1}=u^r_{j+1}(Y_2Y_3)^{z_{j+1}}, \ldots , E_l=u^r_l(Y_2Y_3)^{z_l}\). Note that this is a properly distributed semi-functional key with \(g^{\gamma }_2=Y^t_2\).

  • If \(i=k\), \(\mathcal {B}\) lets \(z_k = a_1ID^*_1+\cdots +a_jID^*_j+b\), chooses random exponents \(w_k, w_{j+1}, \ldots , w_l \in \mathbb {Z}_N\), and sets: \(K_1=T, K_2=g^{\sum _{i=0}^{n}\alpha _i}T^{z_k}X^{w_k}_3\), \(E_{j+1}=T^{a_{j+1}}X^{w_{j+1}}_3, \ldots , E_l=T^{a_l}X^{w_l}_3\). If \(T \in G_{p_1p_3}\), this is a normal key with \(g^r\) equal to the \(G_{p_1}\) part of T. If \(T \in G\), this is a semi-functional key.

  • If \(i>k\), \(\mathcal {B}\) generates normal keys by calling the usual key generation algorithm.

In challenge phase, \(\mathcal {A}\) sends \(\mathcal {B}\) two messages \(M_0, M_1\) and a challenge identity \((ID^*_1, \ldots , ID^*_j)\). \(\mathcal {B}\) randomly chooses \(\beta \in \{0,1\}\), and forms ciphertext:

\(C_0 = M_\beta e(X_1X_2, g)^\alpha \), \(C_1 = (X_1X_2)^{a_1ID^*_1+\cdots +a_jID^*_j+b}\), \(C_2 = X_1X_2\).

We notice that this sets \(g^s=X_1\) and \(z_c = a_1ID^*_1+\cdots +a_jID^*_j+b\). Since the \(k^{th}\) key is not a prefix of the challenge key modulo \(p_2, z_k\) and \(z_c\) will seem randomly distributed to \(\mathcal {A}\). Though it is hidden from \(\mathcal {A}\), this relationship between \(z_c\) and \(z_k\) is crucial: if \(\mathcal {B}\) attempts to test itself whether key k is semi-functional by creating a semi-functional ciphertext for this identity and trying to decrypt, then decryption will work whether key k is semi-functional or not, because \(z_c = z_k\). In other words, the simulator can only create a nominally semi-functional key k. If \(T \in G_{p_1p_3}\), then \(\mathcal {B}\) has properly simulated \(\mathrm {Game}_{k-1}\). If \(T \in G\), then \(\mathcal {B}\) has properly simulated \(\mathrm {Game}_{k}\). As supposed, \(\mathcal {A}\) is able to distinguish \(\mathrm {Game}_{k-1}\) and \(\mathrm {Game}_{k}\). Therefore, \(\mathcal {B}\) can use the output of \(\mathcal {A}\) to distinguish between these possibilities for T. That is, it can break Assumption 2.

Lemma 4

Suppose there exists an algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) that can distinguish \(Game_{q}\) and \(Game_{Final}\) with advantage \(\varepsilon \). Then we can build an algorithm with advantage \(\varepsilon \) in breaking Assumption 3.


\(\mathcal {B}\) is given \(g, g^{\alpha }X_2, X_3, g^sY_2, Z_2, T\). To simulate \(\mathrm {Game}_{q}\) or \(\mathrm {Game}_{Final}\) with \(\mathcal {A}\), \(\mathcal {B}\) first chooses random exponents \(a_1, \ldots , a_l, b \in \mathbb {Z}_N\) and sets the public parameters of PKG as \(g=g\), \(u_1=g^{a_1}\), \(\ldots \), \(u_l=g^{a_l}\), \(h=g^b\), \(e(g,g)^{\alpha _0} = e(g^{\alpha _0} X_2, g)\). It also randomly choose \(\alpha _1, \ldots , \alpha _n \in \mathbb {Z}_N\) and sets public parameters of \(\mathrm {KPA}_i\) as \(e(g,g)^{\alpha _i} = e(g^{\alpha _i} X_2, g)\). Public parameters are sent to \(\mathcal {A}\).

When \(\mathcal {A}\) requests key for identity \((ID_1, \ldots , ID_j)\), \(\mathcal {B}\) chooses random exponents \(c, r, t, w, z, z_{j+1}, \ldots , z_l, w_{j+1}, \ldots , w_l \in \mathbb {Z}_N\) and returns a semi-functional key: \(K_1=g^rZ^z_2X^t_3\), \(K_2=g^{\alpha _0} X_2 Z^c_2(u^{ID_1}_1 \cdots u^{ID_j}_jh)^{r}X_3^w\),

\(E_{j+1}=u^r_{j+1}Z^{z_{j+1}}_2X^{w_{j+1}}_3, \ldots , E_l=u^r_lZ^{z_l}_2X^{w_l}_3\).

Note that \(\mathcal {B}\) returns a raw private key to \(\mathcal {A}\), which is also a properly distributed semi-functional key. And \(\mathcal {A}\) cannot distinguish it from the complete key. In challenge phase, \(\mathcal {A}\) sends \(\mathcal {B}\) two messages \(M_0, M_1\) and a challenge identity \((ID^*_1, \ldots , ID^*_j)\). \(\mathcal {B}\) chooses \(\beta \in \{0,1\}\) randomly, and forms ciphertext: \(C_0=M_\beta T\), \(C_1=(g^sY_2)^{a_1ID^*_1+\cdots +a_jID^*_j+b}\), \(C_2=g^sY_2\).

This sets \(z_c = a_1ID^*_1+\cdots +a_jID^*_j+b\). We notice that the value of \(z_c\) only matters modulo \(p_2\), whereas \(u_1=g^{a_1}, \ldots , u_l=g^{a_l}\), and \(h=g^b\) are elements of \(G_{p_1}\). So when \(a_1, \ldots , a_l\) and b are chosen randomly modulo N, there is no correlation between the values of \(a_1, \ldots , a_l, b\) modulo \(p_1\) and the value \(z_c=a_1ID^*_1+\cdots +a_jID^*_j+b\) modulo \(p_2\).

If \(T=e(g,g)^{\alpha s}\), then this is a properly distributed semi-functional ciphertext with message \(M_\beta \). If T is a random element of \(G_T\), then this is a semi-functional ciphertext with a random message. As supposed, \(\mathcal {A}\) is able to distinguish these two kinds of ciphertext. Therefore, \(\mathcal {B}\) can use the output of \(\mathcal {A}\) to distinguish between these possibilities for T. That is, it can break Assumption 3.

Theorem 1

If Assumptions 1, 2, and 3 hold, then our EF-LW-HIBE scheme is secure.


If Assumptions 1, 2, and 3 hold, \(Game_{Real}\) is indistinguishable from \(Game_{Final}\) according to the Lemma 1 to 4. \(Game_{Final}\) information-theoretically hiding the value of \(\beta \) is the de facto game provided to the attacker. Therefore, the attacker can attain no advantage in breaking the EF-LW-HIBE scheme.

5 Conclusion

In this work, we introduced a provably-secure solution to the key escrow problem of PKGs in HIBE scheme. The main idea of the solution is to restrict the power of PKGs by employing multiple Key Privacy Authorities (KPAs) which partitions the main secret for generating private keys and each KPA obtains a portion of the secret. According to the idea, we presented the escrow-free HIBE scheme based on the LW-HIBE. We proved the full security of EF-LW-HIBE scheme, utilizing the methodology of Dual System Encryption. Although the PKG-KPAs model was instantiated into a specific scheme in this work, it can also be applied to other HIBE schemes.