
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

The vision of the Semantic Web (SW) is to populate the Web with machine understandable data so that intelligent agents are able to automatically interpret its content, just like humans do by inspecting Web content, and assist users in performing a significant number of tasks, relieving them of cognitive overload. The Linked Data movement [1] kicked-off the vision by realising a key bootstrap in publishing machine understandable information mainly taken from structured data (typically databases) or semi-structured data (e.g. Wikipedia infoboxes). However, most of the Web content consists of natural language text, hence a main challenge is to extract as much relevant knowledge as possible from this content, and publish them in the form of Semantic Web triples.

In this paper we employ FRED [15], a machine reader for the Semantic Web, to address the first two tasks of the Open Knowledge Extraction (OKE) Challenge at the European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC) 2015, which focuses on the production of new knowledge aimed at either populating and enriching existing knowledge bases or creating new ones. The first task defined in the Challenge focuses on extracting concepts, individuals, properties, and statements that not necessarily exist already in a target knowledge base whereas the second task addresses entity typing and class induction. Then results for the two tasks are represented according to Semantic Web standard in order to be directly injected in linked datasets and their ontologies. This is in line with available efforts in the communityFootnote 1 to uniform results of existing knowledge extraction (KE) methods to make them directly reusable for populating the SW. Indeed, most of the work addressed so far in the literature on knowledge extraction and discovery are focused on linking extracted facts and entities to concepts already existing on available Knowledge Bases (KB).

The described system, FRED, is a Semantic Web machine reader able to produce a RDF/OWL frame-based representation of a text. Machine reading generally relies on bootstrapped, self-supervised Natural Language Processing (NLP) performed on basic tasks, in order to extract knowledge from text. Machine reading is typically much less accurate than human reading, but can process massive amounts of text in reasonable time, can detect regularities hardly noticeable by humans, and its results can be reused by machines for applied tasks. FRED performs a hybrid (part of the components are trained, part are rule-based), self-supervised variety of machine reading that generates RDF graph representations out of the knowledge extracted from text by tools dedicated to basic NLP tasks. Such graph representations extend and improve NLP output, and are typically customized for application tasks.

FRED integrates, transforms, improves, and abstracts the output of several NLP tools. It performs deep semantic parsing by reusing Boxer [2], which in turn uses a statistical parser (C&C) producing Combinatory Categorial Grammar trees, and thousands of heuristics that exploit existing lexical resources and gazetteers to generate structures according to Discourse Representation Theory (DRT) [10], i.e. a formal semantic representation of text through an event (neo-Davidsonian) semantics.

The basic NLP tasks performed by Boxer, and reused by FRED, include: event detection (FRED uses DOLCE+DnSFootnote 2 [4]), semantic role labeling, first-order logic representation of predicate-argument structures, logical operators scoping (called boxing), modality detection, tense representation, entity recognition using TAGMEFootnote 3, word sense disambiguation (the next version is going to use BabelNetFootnote 4), DBpedia for expanding tacit knowledge extracted from text, etc. All is integrated and semantically enriched in order to provide a Semantic Web-oriented reading of a text.

FRED reengineers DRT/Boxing discourse representation structures according to SW and linked data design practices in order to represent events, role labeling, and boxing as typed n-ary logical patterns in RDF/OWL. The main class for typing events in FRED is dul:Event Footnote 5. In addition, some variables created by Boxer as discourse referents are reified as individuals when they refer to something that has a role in the formal semantics of the sentence.

Linguistic Frames [12], Ontology Design Patterns [7], open data, and various vocabularies are reused throughout FRED’s pipeline in order to resolve, align, or enrich extracted data and ontologies. The most used include: VerbNetFootnote 6, for disambiguation of verb-based events; WordNet-RDFFootnote 7 and OntoWordNet [6] for the alignment of classes to WordNet and DOLCE; DBpedia for the resolution and/or disambiguation of named entities, as well as for enriching the graph with existing facts known to hold between those entities; (among others) for typing the recognized named entities. For Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Resolution (a.k.a. Entity Linking) FRED relies on TAGME [3], an algorithmic NER resolver to Wikipedia that heavily uses sentence and Wikipedia context to disambiguate named entities.

Besides the graph visualizationFootnote 8 displayed using GraphvizFootnote 9, and the triple output, FRED can be recalled also as a REST API with RDF serialization in many syntaxes so that everyone can build online end-user applications that integrate, visualize, analyze, combine and infer the available knowledge at the desired level of granularity.

FRED is also accessible by means of a Python API, namely fredlib. It exposes features for retrieving FRED graphs from user-specified sentences, and managing them. More specifically, a simple Python function hides details related to the communication with the FRED service and returns to the user a FRED graph object that is easily manageable. FRED graph objects expose methods for retrieving useful information, including the set of individual and class nodes, equivalences and type information, categories of FRED nodes (events, situations, qualities, general concepts) and categories of edges (roles and non roles). fredlib supports rdflib Footnote 10 (for managing RDF graphs) and networkx Footnote 11 (for managing complex networks) libraries. It can be freely downloadedFootnote 12.

Additional visual interfaces to FRED can be experienced in the SheldonFootnote 13 framework. Potentially, each stakeholder interested in semantic aggregate information for multilingual text could be a customer of the system. As FRED has been successfully applied  [5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 1417] in the past in several domains, we want to move forward towards the market uptake exploitation; in fact, the foundation of a start-up exploiting FRED’s technology (with only commercially-viable components) as one of its main cutting-edge products is currently on-going.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 introduces FRED and shows how it works. Section 3 discusses how we addressed the first two tasks requirements of the challenge; in particular, Sect. 3.1 shows the capabilities of FRED that we used to solve task 1 requirements (named entity resolution, linking, typing for knowledge base population) whereas Sect. 3.2 shows FRED’s capabilities for solving task 2 (entity typing and knowledge base enrichment). Section 4 include the description of the datasets and the evaluation of the challengers’ systems (including the one we propose in this paper) on those datasets for the two tasks mentioned above. Section 5 draws conclusions and sketches out future directions where we are headed.

2 FRED at Work

FRED has a practical value to either general Web users or application developers. General Web users can appreciate the graph representation of a given sentence using the visualization tools provided, and semantics expert can analyze the RDF triples in more detail. More important, application developers can use the REST API for empowering applications using FRED capabilities. Developers of semantic technology applications can use FRED by automatically annotating text, by filtering FRED graphs with SPARQL, and by enriching their datasets with FRED graphs, and with the knowledge coming from linkable datasets.

FRED’s user main interface, available at, allows users to type a sentence in any language, to specify some optional features, and to decide the format of the output to produce. Available formats include RDF/XML, RDF/JSON, TURTLE, N3, NT, DAG, and the intuitive graph visualization using Graphviz.

The reader will notice that FRED will always provide the results in English, although Bing Translation APIsFootnote 14 have been used and embedded within FRED to support users specifying their input sentence in any desired language. If the used language of the sentence is different than English, then the tag \({<}BING\_LANG:lang{>}\) needs to precede the sentence, where lang indicates a code for the language of the current sentenceFootnote 15. For example, the sentence:

\({<}BING\_LANG:it{>} \) Nel Febbraio 2009 Evile iniziò il processo di pre-produzione per il loro secondo album con Russ Russell.

Would be a valid Italian sentence to be processed. The English translation for this sentence is In February 2009 Evile began the pre-production process for their second album with Russ Russell. Figure 1 shows the produced output for this sentence. As shown, FRED produces as output an RDF graph with several associated information (detected DBpedia entities, events and situations mapped within DOLCE, WordNet and VerbNet mapping, pronoun resolution).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Machine reader output for the sentence: In February 2009 Evile began the pre-production process for their second album with Russ Russell.

Additionally, FRED reuses the Earmark vocabulary and annotation method [13] for annotating text segments with the resources from its graphsFootnote 16. For example, in the example sentence of Fig. 1, the term “Evil”, starting from the text span “17” and ending at the text span “22” denotes the entity fred:Evil Footnote 17 in the FRED graph G. This information is formalised with the following triplesFootnote 18:

figure a

The RDF/OWL graph reported in Fig. 1 is a typical representative output of FRED. It is enriched with verb senses to disambiguate frame types, DBpedia entity resolutions, thematic roles played by DBpedia entities participating in frame occurrences, and entity types. FRED’s user interface returns an interactive RDF graph as output that can be used by an user for browsing the resulting knowledge. When clicking on each DBpedia entity node displayed in a graph, for example, a pop-up appears showing the visualization of that entity’s page on DBpedia.

The user interface allows also to show the complete list of RDF triples (syntactic constructs, offset between words and input sentence, URIs of recognized entities, text span markup specification support using Earmark [13], relations between source and translated text) that FRED outputs by choosing a view (RDF/XML, RDF/JSON, Turtle, N3, NT, DAG) other than the Graphical View item which is set by default.

Within the options at the bottom of the produced graphs it is possible to export the graph as a PNG or JPEG image, to see the augmented knowledge for the identified DBpedia entities from FRED using a nice GUI built on top of RelFinderFootnote 19.

3 Addressing the Open Knowledge Extraction Challenge

The Open Knowledge Extraction Challenge focuses on the production of new knowledge aimed at either populating and enriching existing knowledge bases or creating new ones. This means that the defined tasks focus on extracting concepts, individuals, properties, and statements that not necessarily exist already in a target knowledge base, and on representing them according to Semantic Web standard in order to be directly injected in linked datasets and their ontologies.

In this direction, the tasks proposed in the OKE Challenge are structured following a common formalisation; the required output is in a standard SW format (specifically the Natural Language Interchange (NIF) format) and the evaluation procedure is then produced in a publicly way by using a standard evaluation framework.

The OKE challenge is opened to everyone from industry and academia and it is aimed at advancing a reference framework for research on Knowledge Extraction from text for the Semantic Web by re-defining a number of tasks (typically from information and knowledge extraction) by taking into account specific SW requirements. Systems are evaluated against a testing dataset for each task. Precision, recall, F-measure for all the tasks are computed automatically by using GERBILFootnote 20, a state of the art benchmarking tool. In the following we will show how we have addressed the first two tasks of the challenge that we have considered.

3.1 Task 1: Named Entity Resolution, Linking and Typing for Knowledge Base Population

This task consists of:

  1. 1.

    identifying Named Entities in a sentence and create an OWL individual (owl:Individual Footnote 21) statement representing it;

  2. 2.

    link (owl:sameAs statement) such individual, when possible, to a reference KB (DBpedia);

  3. 3.

    assigning a type to such individual (rdf:type Footnote 22 statement) selected from a set of given types (i.e., a subset of DBpedia).

In this task by “Entity” we mean any discourse referent (the actors and objects around which a story unfolds), either named or anonymous that is an individual of one of the following DOLCE Ultra Lite classes [4]:

  • Person;

  • Place;

  • Organization;

  • Role.

Entities also include anaphorically related discourse referentsFootnote 23.

To address this task, we have implemented a web application, available at, relying upon FRED’s capabilities. The system requires to upload a file in NIF format, as requested by the OKE Challenge, containing a set of sentences to process. Each sentence is then processed independently by means of FRED, producing as output a set of triples, again in NIF format. The result includes the offsets of recognized entities for the processed sentence and can be downloaded by the user.

As an example, given the sentence:

Florence May Harding studied at a school in Sydney, and with Douglas Robert Dundas, but in effect had no formal training in either botany or art.

the system recognizes four entitiesFootnote 24:

Recognized Entity

Generated URI



Florence May Harding












Douglas Robert Dundas




The evaluation of task 1 includes the following three aspects:

  • Ability to recognize entities - it is checked whether all strings recognizing entities are identified, using the offsets returned by the systems.Footnote 25

  • Ability to assign the correct type - this evaluation is carried out only on the selected four target DOLCE types, as already stated above.

  • Ability to link individuals to DBpedia 2014 - entities need to be correctly linked to DBpedia, when possible (in the sentence above, for example, the referred “Douglas Robert Dundas” is not present within DBpedia; therefore, obviously, no linking is possible).

Precision, recall and F1 for these three subtasks of task 1 are calculated by using GERBIL, as already mentioned above. Initial experiments of our tool with the provided Gold Standard showed precision and recall close to 70 %.

3.2 Task 2: Class Induction and Entity Typing for Vocabulary and Knowledge Base Enrichment

This task consists in producing rdf:type statements, given definition texts. A dataset of sentences are given as input, each defining an entity (known a priori); e.g. the entity: dpedia:Skara_Cathedral, and its definition: Skara Cathedral is a church in the Swedish city of Skara.

Task 2 requires to:

  1. 1.

    identify the type(s) of the given entity as they are expressed in the given definition;

  2. 2.

    create a owl:Class statement for defining each of them as a new class in the target knowledge base;

  3. 3.

    create a rdf:type statement between the given entity and the new created classes;

  4. 4.

    align the identified types, if a correct alignment is possible, to a set of given types from DBpedia.

In the task we will evaluate the extraction of all strings describing a type and the alignment to any of the subset of DOLCE+DnS Ultra Lite classes [4].

As an example, given the sentence:

Brian Banner is a fictional villain from the Marvel Comics Universe created by Bill Mantlo and Mike Mignola and first appearing in print in late 1985.

and the input target entity Brian Banner, task 2 requires to recognize any possible type for it. Correct answers includeFootnote 26:

Recognized string for the type

Generated Type


fictional villain






Again, the results are provided in NIF format, including the offsets of recognized string describing the type. Initial experiments of our tool with the provided Gold Standard showed precision and recall higher than to 67 % for task 2.

The evaluation of this task includes the following two aspects:

  • Ability to recognize strings that describe the type of a target entity - since strings describing types often include adjectives as modifiers (in the example above, “fictional” is a modifier for villain), in the provided Gold StandardFootnote 27 all possible options are included; the system result is considered correct if at least one of the possibility is returned.

  • Ability to align the identified type with a reference ontology - which for this evaluation is the subset of DOLCE+DnS Ultra Lite classes.

Precision, recall and F1 for these subtasks of task 2 are calculated by using GERBIL, as already stated in Sect. 3.

4 Results

Two datasets have been used for the evaluation of the challengers’ systems. Each dataset included 100 entities extracted from Wikipedia. Dataset for task 1 included entities extracted from biographies of Nobel prize winners that covered as many as possible the DOLCE types indicated in the guidelines for such a task. The overall number of triples of dataset for task 1 is 6432 whereas that for task 2 is 3686. Table 1 shows the distribution of entities extracted for task 1.

Table 1. Distribution of entities for task 1.

For task 2 entities have been extracted in order to distribute as much as possible entities to type on DOLCE types indicated in the guidelines for such a task. Table 2 shows the distribution of entities extracted for task 2.

Table 2. Distribution of entities for task 2.
Table 3. Results on task 1.

Both datasets can be downloaded from the main pages of the challengeFootnote 28.

Tables 3 and 4 show the results of six different metrics calculated by GERBIL on the two tasks on the challengers’ systems.

Table 4. Results on task 2.

On one hand FRED has the strength to be flexible (it was the only submitted system used for two tasks without specific tuning); on the other hand it suffers from precision with respect to the other competitors. We are already working on this direction (constantly updating, improving and extending FRED) with the goal to obtain a holistic framework that can perform efficiently a huge set of machine reading and semantic web tasks while at the same time remaining flexible and fast.

5 Conclusions

In this paper we have shown how we have employed FRED, a machine reader that we have developed within our lab, to solve the first two tasks of the Open Knowledge Extraction (OKE) Challenge at the European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC) 2015. Our method uses Discourse Representation Theory, Linguistic Frames, Combinatory Categorial Grammar and is provided with several well known base ontologies and lexical resources. FRED is a novel approach and to the best of our knowledge we have not found yet a machine reader that computes similar tasks of it and that can be compared. Its novelty is therefore guaranteed. As future direction we would like to keep improving FRED and transform it in a framework that can be released with some sort of license.