
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

We are experiencing a seemingly never-ending improvement in computational processing capacity. The past decades have yielded faster, denser, and more complex chips, and the processing units are increasingly being composed into multi-core platforms which require complicated communication and scheduling schemes. This results in an incredible challenge that system developers need to face in managing the growing complexity of systems. To make matters worse, low-level implementation details must be considered in order to produce, not only correct, but also efficient systems. This problem is especially notorious for general purpose graphics processing units (GPGPUs ). GPGPUs are massively parallel execution platforms that have emerged from the graphics card technology whose processing capacity have grown to such an extent that they can be considered affordable small-scale supercomputers. But the underlying architecture exhibits many intricacies, making it difficult to exploit. For instance, in order to reach maximum performance it is paramount that the GPGPUs’s registers, on-chip memories, and caches are used efficiently, but optimizing the usage of one resource often has a negative impact on another. Moreover, the convoluted addressing schemes required for distributing data across the threads are mechanical, tedious, and error-prone to manage manually. Hence, to manually write applications that are both correct and efficient when executed on a GPGPU is an extremely challenging and error-prone task.

Although there exist several frameworks for elevating the task of GPGPU programming, they are all based on programming methodologies that hinder the use of automated tools for tasks such as verification, testing, and design space exploration. To mitigate these issues we present in this chapter a novel software synthesis tool—called f2ccFootnote 1—that generates GPGPU code from applications which are represented as abstract formal models. These models have a solid formal foundation based on the theory of models of computation  [15] and are devoid of low-level details regarding implementation and target architecture, which raises the level of abstraction for the system developer and enables the use of formal system design tools. In this case we use ForSyDe for modeling the applications. Hence f2cc promotes an application design flow that is “correct by construction” [8] by allowing the system developer to focus on what the system is meant to do rather than how, which lowers the development cost. Most importantly, f2cc enables system developers to take advantage of GPGPUs without needing to have extensive and in-depth knowledge about the underlying architecture.

The chapter makes the following contributions:

  • We present a novel software synthesis tool (f2cc) that is capable of generating GPGPU code from abstract formal models based on the synchronous model of computation. Using a formal framework for application design enables the potential to perform verification, testing, and design space exploration in an automated fashion. Other advantages of the tool include:

    • Modeling framework independence. f2cc provides a flexible XML+C input format and frontend support which can be extended to support models created using different formal modeling methodologies.

    • Adaptive and stand-alone code. The GPGPU code produced by f2cc adapts itself to the properties of the graphics card at runtime, and does not depend on any proprietary libraries in order to be compiled or executed.

    • Flexible data type support. f2cc allows the developer to use custom-made structs as data types in the models, thus facilitating the application design.

  • We describe the methods and algorithms devised for f2cc, including an O(n) algorithm for finding a process schedule for synchronous models containing feedback loops.

  • We present experiments that demonstrate the correctness and efficiency of f2cc for GPGPU code synthesized for a Mandelbrot generator and an industrial-scale image processor. Compared against the performance of a hand-written CPU version, the GPGPU code generated by f2cc yielded a speedup of 28× when executed on a graphics card equipped with 96 cores.

The rest of the chapter is organized as follows. Section 7.2 briefly describes the GPGPU platform and introduces ForSyDe, the formal modeling methodology currently supported by f2cc. Section 7.3 explains the software synthesis process, the techniques and methods applied, and its current limitations. Section 7.4 gives the results from the experiments that were performed to validate the tool. Section 7.5 covers related work and discusses existing frameworks which elevate the task of GPGPU programming. Lastly, Sect. 7.6 concludes the chapter and Sect. 7.7 lists future work.

2 Background

2.1 GPGPUs

GPGPUs are enhanced versions of GPUs [9, 18], which are processing units specifically designed for rendering image frames. As image rendering is generally a parallel process where pixels can be generated independent from one another, the GPU quickly evolved into a massively data-parallel platform. Recognizing this vast computational resource, program developers urged the manufacturers to augment the GPU with functionality that would allow execution of applications written in general-purpose programming languages such as C. When adapted to GPGPUs applications have often yielded a significant performance increase, at times reaching orders of magnitudes in speedup [10].

A well-known family of GPGPUs is CUDA [9, 14, 17, 18], which is developed by NVIDIA. The CUDA platform, as illustrated in Fig. 7.1, consists of clusters of streaming multiprocessors (SMs) which are connected to a dedicated DRAM commonly referred to as the global memory. Each SM contains 8 streaming processors (SPs) or CUDA cores which share the same fetch/dispatch unit, register file, and instruction cache. The SM also consists of a set of various on-chip memories: a shared memory, sometimes denoted as scratchpad memory, which is an application-controlled cache; a constant cache, which retains constant values; and a texture memory, which is used to cache neighboring cells in a 2D data matrix. With the DRAM bandwidth usually being the main performance bottleneck, these caches are used to reduce the amount of traffic to and from the global memory.

Fig. 7.1
figure 1

Overview of the NVIDIA CUDA platform [17, 18]

After having copied the input data to the global memory, the GPGPU is accessed through a kernel invocation which spawns a set of threads to be executed on the GPGPU. These threads are bundled into thread blocks, which in turn are allocated onto the SMs. A small set of threads is then randomly selected from each thread block for execution on the SPs. Thread-context switches are made with virtually zero overhead, and provided that there is an abundance of threads the GPGPU can hide long latency operations through continuous thread switching. This makes the GPGPU a throughput-oriented architecture [9]. All thread blocks allocated to an SM share the same register file and other resources such as caches. This means that if a thread block uses too much of any resource, the maximum number of residential thread blocks per SM will be reduced. Fewer thread blocks means fewer threads to swap in and out to hide long latency operations, which in turn decreases the performance. Since the caches are very limited—the sizes are in the order of tens of kilobytes—meticulous care must be taken to not claim too much of any cache per thread block, and make optimal use of the allotted slice. Hence the main challenges of exploiting GPGPUs are as follows:

  • Adapting the application to fit the data-parallel execution platform. Even algorithms that are inherently parallel may need to be redesigned in order to avoid performance-hampering issues such as thread divergence [14], which may occur when the code contains branch instructions.

  • Determining how to layout the input data and thread configuration. The data needs to be packaged in such a way that it can be accessed from a thread using its thread and thread block IDs. Thus, there should be a correlation between the data layout and the thread configuration.

  • Determining which GPGPU resources to use, and how, in order to achieve optimal performance. The GPGPU contains several resources such as caches and on-chip memories that can greatly boost performance. However, it is not always clear how each can be used for a particular application, often forcing new algorithms to be considered.

  • Determining whether utilizing the GPGPU is beneficial. Even if all performance-inhibiting problems related to the GPGPU itself are dealt with, it is still possible that the code runs slower on the GPGPU than on the CPU. For example, the CPU may be relatively more powerful than the GPGPU, or there may not be enough computational complexity in the kernel to sufficiently amortize the GPGPU overhead of moving data between the main RAM and the GPGPU RAM.

2.2 ForSyDe

ForSyDe (Formal System Design) [1, 19] is a formal design methodology for embedded systems. It consists of a set of libraries, currently available in Haskell and SystemC, that enable modeling of systems at a high level of abstraction where the functionality of a system is detached from its implementation. The libraries support several models of computation (MoCs), but in the context of this chapter only the synchronous MoC is considered. The synchronous MoC is based on the perfect synchrony hypothesis [3], which assumes that data propagation and process execution take zero time (i.e., processes produce their output values immediately as their inputs arrive). This assumption leads to a simple and elegant mathematical model that fits nicely with a large class of data flow applications and with the underlying mechanisms of the GPGPU platform. The synchronous MoC is also base for the family of synchronous languages like Esterel [4] and Lustre [11], for which mathematical methods exist for performing verification and testing. Another similar modeling framework is StreamIt [21], where program hierarchy is modeled using predefined structures.

Systems are modeled in ForSyDe as hierarchical concurrent process networks, where processes communicate by means of signals (see Fig. 7.2). Processes are created using predefined process constructors that take side effect-free functions and values as arguments. This concept of process constructors leads to a clean separation between communication and computation: communication and model of computation is expressed by the process constructor; and computation is specified by the arguments of the process constructor. For example, Fig. 7.3a shows mooreSY, a process constructor to create a Moore finite state machine process belonging to the synchronous MoC. As arguments, mooreSY takes two functions ns and o and a value s: the function ns specifies the calculation of the next state; the function o specifies the calculation of the output value; and the value s specifies the initial state. ForSyDe process constructors can be divided into three categories as illustrated in Fig. 7.3: sequential (mooreSY ), combinational (mapSY ), and delay process constructors (delaySY ). These categories exist in all models of computation.

Fig. 7.2
figure 2

Example of a ForSyDe model

Fig. 7.3
figure 3

A ForSyDe process constructor takes functions and values as arguments to form a process of a particular model of computation. Process constructors can be grouped into three different categories: sequential (mooreSY ), combinational (mapSY ), and delay process constructors (delaySY )

This separation of concerns is exploited when writing the ForSyDe models to text files. Using GraphML—the input format of f2cc (see Sect. 7.3.1)—the hierarchical structure of the process network is expressed in XML, and the computation is given as C code. Hence, the description of the structure is separated from the description of the computation. We want to point out that other formalisms that support the synchronous MoC, and provide a similar separation of communication and computation as ForSyDe, can be used in conjunction with f2cc as described in Sect. 7.3.1.

3 Synthesis Process

To synthesize ForSyDe process networks into a target implementation, an implementation technique obeying the ForSyDe semantics is required for (1) each process constructor, (2) the arguments of each process constructors, (3) the process network. However, this alone is in general not sufficient to yield an efficient implementation. Thus f2cc also identifies optimizations that can be applied to the model.

f2cc operates by first parsing an input file containing the model and converted into an internal model representation. Then a series of semantically preserving optimizations are applied, and lastly the model is synthesized into code. This process is also illustrated in Fig. 7.4. We will begin by discussing the input format, and then proceed with examining the internals of f2cc (more details are available in [13]).

Fig. 7.4
figure 4

Overview of the synthesis process

3.1 Input Format

Once a model has been designed, it is passed to f2cc in the form of a GraphML file. Similar output can be generated from ForSyDe-SystemC using introspection [1], and converting it to GraphML is trivial. GraphML [5] is a standardized format-based XML in which graphs can be represented in a formal manner, and allows the process functions to be provided as data annotated to the nodes. The process functions are defined as side effect-free C functions, meaning they must not depend on any external state such as global variables or dynamically allocated memory. An example of such an GraphML file is available in Listing 7.1, whose model is illustrated in Fig. 7.5. Note that the input file contains no GPGPU-related information, thereby completely hiding any implementation-specific details about the target platform from the developer. Moreover, the input format does not require data types to be specified for signals and processes which do not have a C function as argument. Instead, the data types for these will be automatically inferred by f2cc during synthesis (see Sect. 7.3.4). This makes for a very versatile format that allows models to be created using any formal modeling framework, provided the models can be converted into the expected input format and hold the same semantic meaning. Since the format is human-readable the input files can even be written by hand. If desired, f2cc can also be extended with additional frontends to support for another input format.

Fig. 7.5
figure 5

Illustration of the model declared in Listing 7.1

3.2 Model Optimizations

In order to take advantage of the parallel nature of GPGPUs, the model needs to exhibit a certain level of data parallelism which can either be declared implicitly or explicitly. Implicit data parallelism is declared through a network of processes, known as a data-parallel component, while explicit data parallelism is declared via a single processes that semantically entail the functionality of entire data-parallel components.

There are many patterns of data parallelism. One such pattern is a data-parallel component that accepts an input array, applies one or more functions on every element or non-overlapping range of elements, and produces an array as output (see Fig. 7.6a). While simple, it is an important and powerful pattern that allows modeling of many embarrassingly parallel problems. We call this the split-map-merge pattern: first, the array is split into multiple data sets, then one or more functions are mapped onto each data set, and lastly the results are merged. We have devised a special process constructor called parallelMapSY (see Fig. 7.6b) for explicit declaration of this pattern (which is equivalent to StreamIt’s splitjoin construct), and support for exploiting it for efficient execution on GPGPUs is already available in f2cc. Our tool is also capable of combining chains of map processes into a single map process in order to reduce the amount of function calls, which we refer to as process coalescing.

Fig. 7.6
figure 6

The split-map-merge pattern. (a) Implicit declaration; (b) Explicit declaration

Since discovering explicitly declared data parallelism is trivial (the data-parallel component is contained in a single process), the challenge lies in detecting implicitly declared data parallelism where a cluster of processes needs to be combined into a data-parallel component. For the split-map-merge pattern, this is done using an O(n 2) depth-first algorithm which searches for pairs of split and merge processes. For a given pair, it then checks whether the data flow is contained between the two processes, and whether the intermediate processes between the split and merge processes consist of chains of map processes only. Once identified, the implicitly declared data-parallel components are replaced by single processes of the type which corresponds to the explicit declaration of the patterns (e.g., a data-parallel component arranged as the split-map-merge pattern will be replaced by a parallelMapSY process). This simplifies the later process schedule and code generation stages as each such process will constitute a complete and separate GPGPU kernel. It is possible to add support for exploitation of explicitly declared patterns of data parallelism while leaving out discovery of implicit declarations. In such instances, models containing implicit declarations will still be synthesized, however, the data-parallel component will be executed sequentially on the CPU instead of in parallel on the GPGPU.

3.3 Process Schedule Generation

As order of execution has an impact on the final output, a process schedule must adhere to the effects of the perfect synchrony hypothesis (i.e., that process execution and data propagation between processes take zero time). Finding such a schedule for sequential models is straight-forward—one just needs to traverse the model along its signals—but diverging data flows and feedback loops complicates this task.

Listing 7.2 shows the algorithm which was devised for f2cc. It is based on a recursive depth-first search approach: starting from the model outputs, each process Pis visited by traversing the model in the reverse data flow direction until no further traversing is possible (if the traversal was done in the forward data flow direction, then no schedule would be generated for models with no inputs). Partial schedules are then built and concatenated until the entire model has been traversed, and a set of visited processes is maintained in order to avoid redundant search and provide termination when feedback loops (i.e., cyclic data flow) is encountered. However, the synchronous MoC does not allow feedback loops without using a kind of delay element, and the placement of the this element within the loop affects the final schedule (as illustrated in Fig. 7.7). In this context, a delay element is a process that for an input sequence \( \left \langle v_{1},\ldots,v_{n}\right \rangle \) shifts the sequence in time by inserting an initial delay value s, thus producing \( \left \langle s,v_{1},\ldots,v_{n}\right \rangle \) (in ForSyDe this element is implemented using the delaySY process constructor). Our scheduling algorithm handles these situations by effectively acting as if the inbound edges to the delaySY processes had been removed. Using data structures that can be accessed in constant time, the algorithm finishes in O(n) time.

Fig. 7.7
figure 7

Examples of two models with corresponding process schedules

3.4 Signal Data Type Inference

Signals are the vessels in the model through which data is propagated from one process to another. It is therefore appropriate to retain the notion of signals by implementing them as data containers in the synthesized code, typically as either global or local C variables. However, the data types of the signals are not immediately available from the formal model as they are only explicitly specified as part of the C functions, which only appear in the map processes. Hence the signals connected to other processes such as delay, split, and merge, the data types have to be automatically inferred. In f2cc this is done using an algorithm that recursively traverses the model until signal connected to a map process is found. This information is then propagated backwards to the original signal, and hence the data types ripple from signal-to-signal across the model as shown in Fig. 7.8. By caching the data type found for each signal, the algorithm takes O(n) time to find the data types of all signals in a model. Failing to infer the data type for a signal indicates that the model is invalid, which is also reported by f2cc.

Fig. 7.8
figure 8

Example of how the data types propagates along the signals

3.5 GPGPU Code Generation

In Listing 7.3 we provide the CUDA code generated by f2cc using the GraphML file given in Listing 7.1 as input. For each data-parallel component, which at this stage will have been converted into a single-process equivalents, f2cc will generate a set of wrapper functions (see Fig. 7.9). The C function that implements the computational part of the data-parallel component—we will from now on call this the data function—is wrapped by a kernel function. The kernel function is responsible for providing the input data based on the thread block and thread IDs, managing the shared memory, and preventing out-of-bound threads from executing. In the case of the split-map-merge pattern, utilizing shared memory is done by first copying all the data required by the data function from global memory to the shared memory, and then passing the appropriate pointer to the data function. The kernel function is then wrapped inside an invoker function, which manages memory transfers between the CPU and GPGPU and sets up the thread configuration. The thread configuration is decided at runtime such that the size of the thread blocks is the maximum size supported by the graphics card (since the number of concurrent thread blocks per SM is limited to 8 at a time, it is necessary to use as large thread blocks as possible in order to achieve optimal performance). However, if the generated code makes use of shared memory then the threads may require more shared memory than available, which reduces the number of thread blocks per SM and thus inhibits performance. To prevent this an algorithm is employed which incrementally decreases the thread block size and calculates the amount of unused shared memory for that size. This continues until either the amount reaches zero, or until the number of thread blocks per SM becomes greater than 8 (upon which the configuration with the least waste is selected). Some GPGPU execution environments may also enforce a maximum execution time for each kernel invocation, and f2cc embeds additional code for handling such situations when generating the invoker function.

Fig. 7.9
figure 9

The function stack used by f2cc for executing functions on the GPGPU

3.6 Process Execution and Data Propagation

Executing the processes is straight-forward: the code simply needs to invoke the processes’ C functions (if the process is of such type) with the appropriate parameters according to the generated process schedule. Data propagation is then done via a set of C variables—one for each signal—which are passed as parameters to the C functions. Part of the future work will be to identify and remove redundant signal variables, which will reduce the number of signal-to-signal copying operations and thus increase performance. Delay element values are stored in static C variables as these need to be retained between model invocations. For signals consisting of multiple values, the tool builds the necessary arrays and manages the addressing such that each process gets the correct input value.

3.7 Limitations

So far we have focused on supporting discovery and exploitation of the split-map-merge pattern. Hence f2cc does not yet provide full support for all process types that are available in ForSyDe, but the process type support as well as the recognition and exploitation of additional patterns of data parallelism can be extended by defining new process types, adding recognition of the new process types in the frontends, and extending the backend to synthesize the appropriate C or GPGPU code for each process type.

The synthesized GPGPU code also does not make full use of all available CUDA resources. Currently only the shared memory is considered, but this is simply because the potential resource usage is dependent on the pattern of data parallelism being exploited. In the case of the split-map-merge pattern, there is little or no gain in using the shared memory, or any other resource for that matter. Hence, these resources can be put to better use when additional patterns are available.

Another significant drawback is that no cost analysis is currently performed of whether it is actually beneficial to offload parallel computations onto the GPGPU. This means that, depending on the performance of the GPGPU and CPU, the generated CUDA code may run slower than if had been executed sequentially on the CPU.

4 Experiments

To validate the correctness and efficiency of f2cc, the tool was applied on models derived from two applications: a Mandelbrot generator, and an industrial-scale image processor. For each model, a pure C implementation of the final code and multiple implementations where the data-parallel components are executed on the GPGPU were generated and evaluated (see Fig. 7.10). The output and performance of the synthesized C code was compared with a hand-written C version which was executed by a single thread on the CPU. The C code and GPGPU code was compiled using g + + v.4.6.1 and nvcc release 3.2 v0.2.1221, respectively, with all optimizations disabled. The test cases were executed on an Intel Core i7-2600 at 3.40 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM at 1333 MHz, and an NVIDIA Quadro 600 with 96 CUDA cores, 1 GB DDR3 RAM. Each test case was run 10 times and then an arithmetic mean average was calculated from the results.

Fig. 7.10
figure 10

Experimental data. HW stands for hand-written, and “Syn.” refers to the code generated by f2cc, where PC and SM indicates whether process coalescing or shared memory on the GPGPU was used, respectively. (a) Test results from the Mandelbrot model; (b) Test results from the image processing model

4.1 Mandelbrot Tests

Generating Mandelbrot images is a task exhibiting an abundance of data parallelism. Each pixel coordinate is converted into a corresponding coordinate within a rectangular coordinate window in the complex plane. From the complex coordinate an integer value is computed which determines to whether the coordinate is part of the Mandelbrot set. In these tests, the window was bounded by \( (-\frac{1} {4},-\frac{1} {4}) \) and \( (\frac{1} {4}, \frac{1} {4}) \). Its model consists of a single data-parallel component, and when expressed using parallelMapSY the model shrinks to a single process. The performance results of the synthesized C and GPGPU code are given in Fig. 7.10a. We see that the synthesized C code performs equally with the hand-written C version, and the synthesized C + GPGPU code performs 28× better. The relatively low speedup for small input data sizes is due to the restricted amount of computations which can be offloaded to the GPGPU. As the input data size increases, so does the extent to which the GPGPU overhead can be amortized. Since there is very little input data reuse and no data sharing, using shared memory has no impact on the performance. The output of the synthesized C code was exactly equal to that of the hand-written version, but for the GPGPU code the integer values were slightly different for some coordinates. We believe this discrepancy to be caused by the floating point units whose architecture differ between the GPGPU and CPU.

4.2 Image Processing Tests

The second model was derived from an existing industrial-scale image processor application provided by XaarJet AB, a company specializing in piezoelectric drop-on-demand ink-jet printing. At its core, the model consists of a single data-parallel component composed of 3 data-parallel segments. Using the parallelMapSY process constructor and process coalescing, this model also shrinks to a single process. The details of the C functions will not be covered as not to disclose any industry secrets. The performance results are given in Fig. 7.10b. Again, the synthesized C code is on par with the hand-written version, and the synthesized C + GPGPU code is 10× faster. This relatively low speedup is due to lack of computational complexity in the model, and the continued slope indicates that greater speedup is achievable with even larger problem sizes. Furthermore, as the input data size per thread is much greater than in the Mandelbrot model, the performance of the synthesized GPGPU code is reduced when the shared memory is used since doing so will limit the number of thread blocks that can simultaneously reside in an SM, which in turn lowers performance. Like with the Mandelbrot tests, the synthesized code produces slightly different output when executed on the GPGPU compared to the CPU. Since floating point operations are involved, we again believe the differing architectures of FPUs between the CPU and GPGPU to be the cause.

5 Related Work

Existing GPGPU programming frameworks can generally be divided into three categories: declarative-based frameworks, where code to execute on the GPGPU is marked by annotations; library-based frameworks, where the core is implemented as programming libraries; or domain-specific languages (DSLs), where the framework is embedded into an existing programming language.

Declarative-based frameworks include hiCUDA [12] and OpenMP-to-GPGPU [16]. In hiCUDA parallelizable C code is annotated with pragma directives which control dynamic memory allocation, thread configuration, work distribution per thread over loops, and more. The hiCUDA compiler then processes the code to generate GPGPU kernels based on the annotations. The framework therefore relieves the developer from having to produce the data addressing schemes, handle the CPU-GPGPU data transfers, and manage the shared memory. Consequently, hiCUDA relies on the developer to identify and tweak the code for execution on the GPGPU. In OpenMP-to-GPGPU the existing OpenMP pragma notations are used to identify parallelizable code, but these miss the information about thread blocks and shared memory. In both cases, the frameworks completely lack a formal foundation and are thus unsuitable for automated verification and testing.

Library-based frameworks include Thrust [2] and SkePU [7], which are both implemented in C\( ^{++} \) and provide a set of skeletons (a skeleton is akin to the notion of process constructors used in ForSyDe, see Sect. 7.2.2). The developer provides the computation part to the skeletons, and the skeletons then decide the appropriate thread configuration, memory management, and other execution-related details. Unlike Thrust, SkePU is also capable of generating code for multi-core CPUs, OpenCL, and single-threaded C code. But although the use of skeletons provides a more formal base than pragmas, they are not based on a well-defined model of computation, and can therefore not be analyzed using existing mathematical tools. Moreover, the skeletons do not extend into the rest of the application.

Two GPGPU-oriented DSLs, both embedded in Haskell (a purely functional programming language), include Accelerate [6] and Obsidian [20]. Accelerate also uses the notion of skeletons by providing a collection of arrays and array operations that can be offloaded on a GPGPU. In order to compile into an application that can be executed on a GPGPU, Accelerate comes with a Haskell-to-CUDA compiler which translates Accelerate-based Haskell programs into CUDA-annotated C code. Obsidian is similar to Accelerate but instead provides a collection of combinators that allow array functions to be converted into GPGPU kernels. Through the combinators, the developer gains access to use of the shared memory and insertion of synchronization barriers, but this requires the developer to know when and how to use the combinators in order to match the underlying architecture of the GPGPU. Moreover, neither is based on a well-defined MoC, which again inhibits automated verification and testing.

6 Conclusion

In this chapter we have presented f2cc, a software synthesis tool which is capable of synthesizing abstract formal models based on the synchronous model of computation into GPGPU code. Unlike existing frameworks which elevate the task of GPGPU programming, f2cc operates on abstract formal models which enables the potential to apply automated tools on the applications for verification, testing, and design space exploration. Through experimental validation, we have shown that the tool produces correct and high-performing GPGPU code from its input models.

7 Future Work

Future work will primarily focus on integrating the results of Attarzadeh Niaki [1] to achieve a completely automated flow from ForSyDe-SystemC to GPGPU code. Another consideration is more efficient signal handling methods to eliminate redundant memory transfers between execution of separate data-parallel components.

In addition, the number of recognizable and exploitable patterns of data parallelism that can be executed on the GPGPU will be expanded. For example, a common pattern is reduction data parallelism, which is illustrated in Fig. 7.11. Generating efficient implementations of reduction patterns is more difficult compared to split-map-merge patterns because it requires more efficient use of the shared memory. Moreover, a naïve implementation will also lead to so-called thread divergence which hampers performance when executed on the GPGPU. Another pattern of data parallelism is a variant of the split-map-merge pattern where parts of the input data is used by multiple processes. A common instance is where the input data is formed as a 2-dimensional array which is then divided into slices that partially overlap one another (see Fig. 7.12). Efficient implementations of such patterns often require use of additional resources such as constant cache and texture memory.

Fig. 7.11
figure 11

Reduction data parallelism

Fig. 7.12
figure 12

A 2-dimensional input data set, where each slice A 1 through A 9 consists of 4 × 4 elements and partially overlaps with its neighboring slices

Lastly, we also want to extend f2cc to make better judgement of when it is beneficial to use the GPGPU. Initial work has been done by Ungureanu [22] to include the relative costs of executing a particular process on a specific target platform, but it is still at an experimental stage where the costs are computed and annotated by hand.