
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

Summary The chapter looks at how to enrich the description of cloud services with semantic knowledge. This enrichment is conducted using Linked USDL (Unified Service Description Language), a service description language built with semantic web technologies. Linked USDL provides a business and technical envelope to describe services’ general information and their Web API. This improves the search and contracting of services over the web. Using the LastFM cloud service as a starting point, the chapterdelves into semantic description and explains the development of a Web API build using the REST paradigm to access cloud services pragmatically.

FormalPara Learning Objectives
  1. 1.

    Understand the limitations of describing cloud services in natural language.

  2. 2.

    Understand how cloud services are programmatically accessed using a Web API.

  3. 3.

    Use Linked USDL and semantics technologies to describe cloud services.

  4. 4.

    Use graph patterns to describe REST services.

  5. 5.

    Develop search algorithms which leverage semantic service descriptions.

FormalPara Opening Case

Cloud Services foster the API economy

FormalPara Access to Cloud Services via Web API technologies is providing a new form of innovation

The API economy is an economy where companies providing cloud services expose their data assets to third parties using Web-accessible Application Programming Interfaces (Web API). Many well-known companies are already taking advantage of this new movement by exposing their businesses through a Web API, including: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Dropbox, and Instagram (Fig. 5.1).

Fig. 5.1
figure 1

The most well-known companies contributing to the API economy

The emergence of Web API technologies goes back to the year 2000. The first mover who offered application interfaces to its clients. The largest impact was made who offered a Web API to the general public.

In the past, a technique called web scraping was the way developers programmatically retrieved data from web pages. It consisted of developing and customizing a web client to parse the HTML pages of a targeted website to extract formatted data.

This process was complex, laborious, expensive, and required the reprogramming of client applications each time the provider made a change to the structure of web pages. With the emergence of Web API technologies, access to remote data became extremely simple as shown in Fig. 5.2 using, e.g., Python.

Fig. 5.2
figure 2

Access to the Twitter Web API to retrieve tweets with the term “music”

Two trends deserve to be mentioned: internal Web API and API Mashups.

Internal Web API :

While many interfaces are made publicly visible, a trend is for companies to also start using Web API technologies internally to capitalize on important collections of data assets.

Web API Mashups :

The use of Web API technologies enables third parties to mash data and functionality from various providers to create and deliver new products and services in response to emerging demand.

Opening Case

5.1 Semantics in Cloud Services

As already explained in Chap. 2, cloud computing and cloud services are computing solutions based on the Internet. In the past, companies would run applications on computers physically located in their building, cloud computing allows users to access the same types of applications over the Internet. Google Docs and Dropbox are well known examples of cloud services.

The landscape of cloud computing is expanding rapidly in size, diversity, and heterogeneity. Amazon AWS Marketplace,Footnote 1 which was launched in 2012, has up to now more than 1250 cloud services available. Noor et al. [1] found that almost 6000 cloud services are already available on the web. The study carried out consisted of searching the web using a customized cloud service crawler engine to find websites that offered cloud services. More than half a million links were parsed. Websites were individually analyzed using a text mining classifier because these cloud services were described in natural language. Additionally, ProgrammableWeb,Footnote 2 a popular registry for web-based services lists over 10,000 interfaces to different services. There is an exponential growth of the service ecosystem on the web that can be seen over the last years.

The increasing size of the cloud computing landscape brings several challenges. One of the difficulties is related to search since cloud services are described using web pages in natural language at providers’ websites. As an example, Fig. 5.3 shows LastFM ( and its Web API ( LastFM is a SaaS instance providing a large online music catalog and recommendation platform. Its Web API provides programmers access to all data stored by the service. Web search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing work relatively well for finding popular articles on a specific subject using keywords. However, when search engines based on keyword matching are applied to the search of a specific type of cloud service, they fail to provide adequate results. In fact, all currently available search tools suffer either from poor precision (i.e., too many irrelevant documents) or from poor recall (i.e., too few relevant documents are found). For example, using the Google search engine to find a cloud redundant storage service with a cost per TB lower than $25 per month, will return roughly 125,000 matching documents, but unfortunately it is not possible to immediately see any that matches the query. The results are littered with many other types of cloud services (e.g., “Amazon EC2 computing”), news articles on cloud services (e.g., “Top tips for doing a cloud storage cost analysis”), and reports (e.g., “How AWS pricing works”).

Fig. 5.3
figure 3

The natural language description of technical (a andb) and business characteristics (c) of LastFM

This chapter describes how semantics can be used to address problems like the service search by enriching the description of cloud services using formal languages that enable computers to automatically interpret the description of the cloud services. Section 5.2 introduces semantic technologies that can be applied to create effective machine-readable service descriptions, as well as foundational design principles of Web APIs. Section 5.3 illustrates how Linked USDL [2], a semantic description language for services, can be used to enrich the description of a cloud service. Finally, Sect. 5.4 explains how formal descriptions can be explored by algorithms to support tasks such as search, matching, and ranking.

Throughout this chapter S-LastFM is used as an example for a cloud service with a Web API that leverages semantic technologies. S-LastFM is derived from LastFM, but offers slightly different functionalities and employs a formal language to describe these functionalities: For the purpose of this chapter S-LastFM supports via its API the lookup of information of music artists, as well as the order of tickets for upcoming concerts. Further S-LastFM supports two interfaces that allow to search for such concerts.

5.1.1 Comprehensive Descriptions

Cloud services are complex entities that are not exhaustively characterized with descriptions for technical access via a Web API. In fact, pricing models, legal aspects, and service levels are elements that often need to be described explicitly when dealing with cloud services. While in the past the description of web services was mainly done at the technical level. Service description languages like WSDL [3] define the syntactical structure of service functionality descriptions. So-called semantic service description languages and frameworks like semantic annotations for WSDL (SA-WSDL) [4] and the semantic markup for web services OWL-S [5] allow functionality descriptions that can be interpreted by machines. However, cloud services are more complex entities that also require the description of business and operational information.

Definition (WSDL)

The Web Service Description Language (WSDL) is an XML format for describing network services as a set of endpoints operating on messages containing either document-oriented or procedure-oriented information (

Business Perspective

A business-sensitive perspective represents a paradigm shift from the IT view on cloud services to a commercial view. For example, LastFM includes a natural language description of legal terms and policies, a pricing model, contact information, and a network of partners. This information is expressed in the form of natural language published as web pages, which makes it difficult for a computer to interpret it. Table 5.1 provides a set of examples extracted from the LastFM website. Section 5.3 explains how Linked USDL is used to include this information in structured descriptions.

Table 5.1 The business perspective of LastFM

Operational Perspective

The operational perspective is concerned with the elementary operations that a service provides. For example, LastFM provides more than 140 operations classified in 14 categories. Figure 5.3 shows the web page that displays all the operations, which are part of the LastFM Web API. These operations can be orchestrated to develop more advanced and complex cloud services, which can in turn be sold to consumers. Formally capturing this information using Linked USDL is also described in Sect. 5.3.

Technical Perspective

Cloud services are programmatically accessed using a Web API, an application-to-application communication technique. A Web API enables businesses to integrate third party cloud services, such as a customer relationship management system (e.g., SugarCRMFootnote 3), with a minimal effort into their own local software systems. The technical perspective indicates, which web standards can be used to interact with cloud services. For example, the Web API provided by LastFM is supported by REST services. Although the approach to describe a Web API in natural language (see Fig. 5.3a, b) is the one most often used, it is far from adequate for the goal of increasing the degree of automation of tools managing cloud services. Section 5.2 looks into the technological approaches to construct a Web API and Sect. 5.3.3 explores how they can be enriched and described using semantic knowledge in the form of graph patterns.

5.1.2 Cloud Service Tasks

Enriching cloud service descriptions usually does not only provide more comprehensive technical access to, and understanding of, the offered functionality, but also enables a higher degree of automation in performing high level tasks. Examples include search, composition, comparison, and clustering of cloud services [6]. Section 5.4 explains how algorithms that make use of semantic service descriptions can be developed to execute high level tasks, specifically, the task of service search, which consists of:

  • Matching a service request with cloud service descriptions.

  • Ranking available services according to their degree of match with a request.

Search is particularly interesting as it often serves as the foundation of tasks related to cloud services, e.g., the development of mashups, which are characterised as applications that combine content from several sources on the web. Mashups are often focused on an ad-hoc integration of involved cloud services. In order to build mashups, an identification of suitable cloud services is necessary, which demands service search capabilities that go beyond simple keyword search. Additionally, semantic cloud service descriptions mitigate the challenge of the actual combination of cloud services [79], e.g., by providing a clear understanding of involved input and output data. Semantic descriptions mitigate the problem of integrating data from various cloud services within the mashups [10] as data integration based on Semantic Web Technologies is more robust than the development of individual data schema mappings between pairs of cloud services.

5.2 Foundational Technologies

This chapter looks into the use of semantic technologies as a solution to describe cloud services from a business and technical perspectives. Therefore, this section provides a brief introduction to the technologies that are used, namely, web semantics and Linked Data. It also introduces a Web API architecture, which is broadly used to implement cloud services. The presented material is a prerequisite to understand the description of cloud services using Linked USDL and graph patterns in the following sections.

5.2.1 The Semantic Web

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) started to work on the concept of a Semantic Web with the objective of developing solutions for data integration and interoperability. The goal was to develop ways to allow computers to interpret (sometimes termed understand) information on the web. The Semantic Web identifies a set of technologies and standards that form the basic building blocks of an infrastructure that supports the vision of a meaningful web.

Definition (Semantic Web)

The Semantic Web, as defined by the W3C (, is an extension of the classicalweb of documents and describes a set technologies and standards with regard to common data formats and exchange protocols to support aweb of data.

Linked USDL is a fixed service description schema that was formalized using two technologies from the Semantic Web: the Resource Description Framework (RDF) [11] and RDF Schema (RDFS). RDFS was used to define a schema and vocabulary to describe services. This schema is applied to create RDF graphs that describe individual services. Both, RDF and RDFS, are used by applications that need to interpret and to reason over the meaning of information instead of just parsing data for display purposes.

Definition (RDF)

The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a standard model for data interchange on the web (


The Resource Description Framework was developed by the W3C to provide a common data model enabling the description of information that can be read and interpreted by computer applications. RDF provides a graph model for describing resources on the web. A resource is an element (document, web page, printer, user, etc.) on the web that is uniquely identifiable by a universal resource identifier (URI).

A URI serves as a means for identifying abstract or physical resources. For example, identifies the location of a web page about the band Metallica, and the following encodingurn:isbn:1-420- 09050-X identifies a book using its ISBN. The RDF model is based upon the idea of making statements about resources in the form of a subject-predicate-object expression, a triple in RDF terminology. Each element has the following meaning:

Subject :

is the resource; the “thing” that is being described.

Predicate :

is an aspect about a resource that expresses the relationship between the subject and the object.

Object :

is the value that is assigned to the predicate.

RDF is based on a directed graph data model: A set of nodes are connected by (directed) edges. Nodes and edges are labeled with identifiers (i.e., URIs) that make them distinguishable from each other and allow for the reconstruction of the original graph from the set of triples. RDF offers a limited set of syntactic constructs—only triples are allowed.

Every RDF document is equivalent to an unordered set of triples, which describe a graph. For example, the RDF triple that describes the statement: “Metallica is the artist of Garage Inc.” is shown in Listing5.1.

1 \url{} , \url{} , \url{}

Listing 5.1

Example of an RDF triple

The subject,(url}), is a resource representing a particular album. This resource has the property(urlhttp://s-last.})fm/artist with the value(url}). The statement can also be graphically represented as depicted in Fig. 5.4.

Fig. 5.4
figure 4

An example of an RDF graph

RDF blank nodes are used to express statements about individuals with certain properties without denominating the individual. The anonymity of blank nodes ensures that nothing besides the existence of the node can be inferred. Blank nodes, as the name suggests, may only occur in the subject or object position of a triple.

RDF literals describe data values that may only occur as property values. They are represented as strings and a shared interpretation is assumed to be given. Therefore, literals can be typed with a data type, e.g., using the existing types from the XML Schema specification [12]. Untyped literals are interpreted as strings.

Turtle Syntax

While RDF is a data model, there are several serialization formats that can represent RDF graphs. Originally, XML was proposed and has been widely adopted by RDF data processing and management tools. Note that the data model is not affected by the choice of any of the serialization formats; the graph structures remain unchanged. Turtle, the Terse RDF Triple Language, is one of the serializations. It is a compact syntax for RDF that allows for the representation of graphs in natural text form [13]. It will be used in the remainder of this chapter.

In Turtle, every triple is completed by a full stop. A URI is represented in angle brackets and literals are enclosed in quotation marks. White spaces outside identifiers and literals are ignored. One way to represent the RDF statement from Fig. 5.4 using Turtle is shown in Listing 5.2.

Turtle permits abbreviations to further increase readability. For example, multiple triples with the same subject or triples with same subject and predicate can be pooled as shown in Listing 5.3 for an extended example.

The first lines introduce prefix abbreviations of the namespaces used.rdf:type is a property to state that the resourcesfmalbum:garageInc is an instance of the class sfm:Album.Footnote 4 The propertyrdf:type is often abbreviated toa. Capital first letters are used to indicate class names in contrast to individual and property names. The description of the location of the concertsfmconcert:663239 makes use of a blank node representing the location resource. The location resource is not named but specified by its geographic coordinates embraced by square brackets.

Listing 5.2 Turtle syntax representation of the RDF graph in Fig. 5.4

1 <\url{}> <\url{}> <\url{}> .

Listing 5.3 Turtle syntax representation of an RDF graph using abbreviations

1 @prefix rdf: <\url{}> .

2 @prefix sfm: <\url{}> .

3 @prefix sfmalbum: <\url{}> .

4 @prefix sfmartist: <\url{}> .

5 @prefix sfmconcert: <\url{}> .

6 @prefix geo: <\url{}> .

8 sfmalbum:garageInc sfm:artist sfmartist:metallica ;

9    rdf:type sfm:Album .

10 sfmartist:metallica rdf:type sfm:Artist .


12 sfmconcert:663239 a sfm:Concert ;

13  sfm:location [

14    geo:lat "48.7932" ;

15    geo:long "9.2258"

16  ] .

Listing 5.4 RDF/XML serialization of the RDF graph from Listing 5.3

1 <?xml version="1.0"?>

2 <rdf:RDF xmlns:sfm="\url{}" xmlns:rdf="\url{}">

3  <sfm:Album rdf:about="\url{}">

4    <sfm:artist>

5     <sfm:Artist rdf:about="\url{}"/>

6    </sfm:artist>

7  </sfm:Album>

8 </rdf:RDF>

Many tools have been recently developed to support users in modeling structured data. Knowledge can be described with the support of ontology modeling tools like Protégé.Footnote 5 A traditional text editor can also be used to create service descriptions, but dedicated applications, such as TextMate for Mac, provide syntax highlighting for Turtle, auto-completion, syntax validation, and format conversions. All helpful features that facilitate the modeling task. RDF graphs can be validated against a schema and converted to different serialization formats (including RDF/XML, Turtle, and others) with web-based tools like validatorsFootnote 6 ,  Footnote 7 and translators [14]. Listing 5.4 shows the RDF graph of Listing 5.3 using the RDF/XML serialization.

RDF Schema

RDF Schema is a vocabulary language for RDF and allows the modeling of simple ontologies [15]. RDFS describes the logic dependencies among classes, properties, and values. While RDF provides universal means to encode facts about resources and their relationships, RDFS is used to express generic statements about sets of individuals (i.e., classes). RDFS associates the resources with classes (as shown in Listing 5.3), states the relations between classes, declares properties, and specifies the domain and range of properties.

Definition (RDFS)

RDF Schema (RDFS) provides a data-modelling vocabulary for RDF data. RDF Schema is an extension of the basic RDF vocabulary (

Classes in RDFS are much like classes in object oriented programming languages. They allow resources to be defined as instances of classes (by using the propertyrdf:type) and subclasses of classes. Subclass hierarchies can be specified by the RDFS propertyrdfs:subClassOf. The intuitive set theoretic semantics of class instances and subclasses (defined as member-of- and subset-of-relationships, respectively) ensures the reflexivity and transitivity ofrdfs:subClassOf. The semantics of RDFS are specified in a W3C Recommendation [16].

Listing 5.5 Specification of domain and range of properties in RDFS

1 @prefix rdfs: <\url{}> .

2 @prefix xsd: <\url{}> .

4 sfm:artist rdf:type rdfs:Property ;

5  rdfs:subPropertyOf sfc:contributor ;

6  rdfs:label "Album artist"@en ;

7  rdfs:domain sfm:album ;

8  rdfs:range sfm:artist .

10 sfmalbum:garageInc sfm:artist sfmartist:metallica ;

11  sfm:released "1998-11-23"^^xsd:date .

Properties can be seen as attributes that are used to describe the resources by assigning values to them. RDF is used to assert property-related statements about objects, and RDFS can extend this capability by defining the class domain and the class range of such properties.

As the example shown in Listing 5.5 indicates, property hierarchies can be specified with the RDFS propertyrdfs:subPropertyOf. A complete overview over the language concepts is provided in [12]. Literals, as shown in line 6 of Listing 5.5, describe data values for properties. A language tag, such as@en for English, is used to specify the language of the literal. Data type information can also be appended to literals following the double caret (cf. line 11). Each data type is also identified by its URI, which in turn allows applications to interpret their meaning.

The adoption of semantic technologies in the context of services implies an increased modeling and development effort. The development of appropriate domain ontologies, if required, can be time consuming. In order to mitigate this burden, different ontology learning approaches can automatically compute an ontological representation of the domain, e.g., from given text documents describing the domain [17,18].

Given the logical statement nature of the knowledge represented with ontologies, traditional relational databases are not the ideal storage and query platform for RDFS. Knowledge is represented as sets of subject-predicate-object-triples and these are most efficiently stored and accessed in dedicated triple stores, such as Jena TDBFootnote 8 and AllegroGraph.Footnote 9 Likewise, querying triple stores is done via specific query languages: the current standard language for querying RDF(S) is SPARQL [19].


The RDF information encoded is readable and interpretable by machines, e.g., software programs that utilize the knowledge in applications like a concert ticket selling application. SPARQL is an SQL-like query language that allows the retrieval of data from RDF graphs. Answers are computed by matching patterns specified in a query against the given RDF graph.

Definition (SPARQL)

The Simple Protocol and RDF Query Language Protocol (SPARQL) is a query language for RDF (

Basic graph patterns are used in SPARQL queries when a set of triple patterns is matched. Listing 5.6 shows the SPARQL graph pattern query syntax. In SPARQL, Turtle is used to describe the graph patterns. In this example of a query, the set of artists, i.e., the individuals of the classsfm:Artist, are retrieved and returned.

The answer of SELECT queries are bindings for the variables (denoted with a question mark) listed directly after the keyword SELECT. In the example, the query results in variable bindings for ?artist, which comprises, as shown in Table 5.2, a list of three artists represented by their URI as used in the RDF graph. Other query forms, e.g.,ASK,DESCRIBE, and CONSTRUCT, allow queries for other kinds of information. ASK returns a boolean answer about the existence of a solution for a specified graph pattern. A DESCRIBE query returns an RDF graph describing specified resources.

Table 5.2 Results of the SPARQL query shown in Listing 5.6

SPARQL is also able to build RDF graphs and return them as results. The example from Listing 5.7 shows how theCONSTRUCT query form can be used to list places in which bands have played. Therefore, this query specifies a template used to build a graph-based on the matching results of the query.

Listing 5.6 SPARQL query to retrieve instances of the classArtist

1 PREFIX rdf: <\url{}>

2 PREFIX sfm: <\url{}>

SELECT ?artist


6 {

7  ?artist rdf:type sfm:Artist .

8 }

Listing 5.7 SPARQL query asking for artists and the places they have performed at

1 CONSTRUCT { ?artist sfm:playedIn ?place }


3 {

4  ?artist rdf:type sfm:Artist .

5  ?artist sfm:event ?event .

6  ?event geo:located ?place .

7 }

Linked Data

Linked Data is a subset of the Semantic Web that adheres to the principles of the Semantic Web architecture: commitment to the use of RDF(S) and URIs to denote things. In particular, Linked Data adheres to the following four design principles [20]:

  • Use URIs to name “things”.

  • Use HTTP URIs so that people can lookup the names.

  • Lookups on those URIs provide further information describing the “things” in RDF.

  • Include links to other URIs in the descriptions to allow people to discover further “things”.

The use of an HTTP URI allows machines and humans to lookup the name and get useful information about resources adhering to the RDF and SPARQL standards. The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is prevalently used to exchange data on the web.Footnote 10 The use of an HTTP URI further guarantees the uniqueness of the identifier.

The resolvable resource description should contain links to other resource identifiers so that users can discover more things.Footnote 11 Linkage comprises external and internal links (for any predicate) and the reuse of external vocabularies, which can be interlinked. The special propertyowl:sameAs specifies the equivalence of different identifiers that refer to the same thing. For example, the band Metallica is described in different vocabularies or websites. Overlapping data of different sources can be aligned by equivalence statements as illustrated in Listing 5.8.

Adhering to the Linked Data principles has many advantages that apply in the context of structured representation of data on the web but also in the context of the formal description of services. For example, for service search, selection, composition, and analysis.

Listing 5.8 Establishing the equivalence of resources using the property owl:sameAs

1 @prefix owl: <\url{}> .

3 <\url{}> owl:sameAs <\url{}> .

5.2.2 Web API Design Principles

Application Programming Interfaces (API) are used to provide general access to the functionality of a services. Client applications like mobile applications (apps) or web pages containing interactive web forms can make use of an API to offer these functionalities to end users. The resulting layered architecture depicted in Fig. 5.5 provides the advantage that applications using the Web API can be developed by the service provider as well as third party developers, thus increasing the potential reach of the service.

Fig. 5.5
figure 5

Architecture of services provided over a web API and described using web pages

For example, the provider of S-LastFM offers the service functionality with an API described The S-LastFM homepage makes use of this API to offer the services to the consumers. Additionally, third party developers can develop mobile or web applications to provide the services of S-LastFM on mobile devices. According to a W3C note,Footnote 12 when constructing a Web API two general alternatives for the implementation exist:

  • An API that exposes an arbitrary set of operations.

  • A resource-oriented API with a uniform set of stateless operations.

Both types correspond to the types of cloud services described in Chap. 2. This section only gives a brief overview of operations oriented approach and focuses on the architecture of resource-oriented interfaces, since the latter are predominantly used on the web (see Fig. 5.6): A detailed comparison of both API paradigms is available from [21,22].

Fig. 5.6
figure 6

Protocol usage of public web interfaces according to ProgrammableWeb

Operation-Oriented API

An API with arbitrary operations is often designed by adhering to the variety of specifications and languages commonly referred to as the WS-* stack. However, other variants exist, e.g., remote procedure calls. The main characteristic of this style of API is that the operations that make out the service are directly defined and offered. When implemented for cloud services such an API uses the web as a transport layer for the data and entails a high degree of freedom. For example, the S-LastFM API can offer the following operations. Client applications can invoke these operations to invoke the desired functionalities.

  • findArtistInfo using the name of an artist as input.

  • findConcerts using an identifier of concerts as input.

  • orderConcertTicket using an identifier of the concert as input.

Resource-Oriented API

A resource-oriented API complies to the constraints of a Representational State Transfer (REST) architecture [23]. According to the Richardson maturity model [24], REST is identified as the interaction between a client (i.e., an application) and a server based on three principles:

  1. 1.

    The use of URI-identified resources.

  2. 2.

    The use of a constrained set of operations, i.e., the HTTP methods, to access and manipulate resource states.

  3. 3.

    The application of hypermedia controls, i.e., the data representing a resource contains links to other resources. Links allow a client to navigate from one resource to another during interaction.

According to statistics from ProgrammableWeb, the majority of publicly accessible interfaces are designed according to REST principles (cf. Fig. 5.6). Therefore, this chapter will elaborate in the following on the concepts of REST in more detail.


A REST API offers the service functionality under the primacy of resources rather than operations. A resource can be a real world object or a data object on the web. Resources are uniquely identified with a URI. The representation of a resource details its current state, i.e., relevant information associated with the resource. Resources can be grouped into collections. These collections in turn are also URI-identified resources themselves (so calledcollection resources). The resulting tree-like structure of the resources is similar to the well known directory structure of file systems. In the case of the S-LastFM API, collection resources representing artists, concerts, etc. correspond to the folders of a file system, while the concrete instances of artists and concerts correspond to files put into the corresponding folders. In order to illustrate this concept, Table 5.3 lists examples of instances and collection resources of the S-LastFM Web API.

Table 5.3 Resources of the S-LastFM web API

Constrained Operations Set

The interaction of client applications with cloud services via a REST API is not based on the call of API-specific operations but rather on the direct manipulation of exposed resource representations or the creation of new resource representations. A manipulation of the state representation implies that the represented resource is manipulated accordingly. For such manipulations, REST offers only a constrained set of operations that can be applied to a resource. These operations are shared by all interfaces following REST principles, which increases interoperability and understandability of the interfaces. Nevertheless, not all resources must necessarily allow the application of all possible methods.

Some of the methods can carry input data as a payload, which describes the intended new state of the addressed resource.Footnote 13 On the web, the allowed operations are the HTTP methods (cf. Table 5.4) and the identifier of a resource is an HTTP URI, which makes the web the underlying platform for the API. For example, S-LastFM uses the following methods:

  • GET. Almost all resources of S-LastFM allow for the application of GET to retrieve information. A GET on one of the collection resources gives an overview of the known instances of concerts and artists. The retrieval of the information of a specific ticket order however is only allowed with the correct credentials. Only a user who created the ordering can look it up again. The retrieval of the collection resource for all orderings is generally not permitted.

  • POST. The collection resource for ticket orderings allows POST to enable users to add a new ticket order for a specific concert.

  • PUT. S-LastFM allows PUT only to overwrite existing ticket orders, to enable users to update an order.

  • DELETE. Ticket orders can also be canceled with DELETE up to a predefined time before the concert takes place.

Table 5.4 Overview of HTTP methods (excerpt)

Two types of methods exist: safe and unsafe. Safe methods guarantee not to affect the current states of resources, while unsafe methods change the state of the resources. Furthermore, most of the methods are idempotent. The repeated application of an idempotent method on a resource does not change the state of the resource beyond the first application of the method. For example, if a client application deletes a resource, deleting it again has no effect.

Hypermedia Controls

A REST API fosters loose coupling between clients and services on the premise that client applications do not need to know about all resources in advance. The retrievable representations of some known resources contain links to other resources that the client can discover during runtime. Applications can use such discovered resources to perform further interaction steps. Collection resources specifically contain links to all the resources in the collection. This architectural design allows client applications to be robust toward changes in the API, because the application has to react to whatever it finds when it interacts with the API [24,25].

For example, at the behest of an end user a client application can interact with the resources of S-LastFM in the following way:

  1. 1.

    Retrieve the information (i.e., representation) of a specific artist, which contains links to upcoming concerts (method GET).

  2. 2.

    Retrieve the information of one of the concerts, which contains a link to the collection of ticket orderings (method GET).

  3. 3.

    Create in this collection a new resource representing a new ticket order (method PUT).

Note that only the identifier of the resource representing the artist needs to be known in advance (i.e., before the interaction can start). This could be further refined by providing a search interface over the available artists as contained in the artist collection resource.

In a REST architecture, no constraints are given on how the status of a resource has to be represented. There is no defined standard regarding data model or serialization format of the data that detail the current state of a resource or the input and output data of a method. Client application and API are, however, supposed to agree on the format of the exchanged data and implicitly on how the data is supposed to be interpreted. The process of establishing this agreement is calledcontent negotiation. For different application scenarios such an agreement requires vendor specific content types (i.e., content types defined by the service provider) for the individual services to convey the meaning of the communicated data. The idea behind vendor specific content types is that service providers can reuse content types and application developers can make use of specific content type processors in their applications to work with the data. In practice, however, most Web API providers simply make use of standard non-specific content types, e.g.,text/xml orapplication/json [26]. Developers therefore have to write applications that are individually adapted for the API they make use of. Section 5.3.3 details another solution to this problem based on Linked Data resource representations.

5.3 Linked USDL

The need for descriptions at the business and operational levels redirected efforts to the development of new languages to capture these perspectives beside the technical one. USDL [27], the Unified Service Description Language, is probably the most comprehensive attempt. It provides a shared semantic vocabularyFootnote 14 to describe services.

Definition (USDL and Linked USDL)

The Universal Service Description Language (USDL) is a platform-neutral language for describing services. Linked USDL is a remodeled version of USDL build upon the Linked Data principles.

The initial USDL development started in 2008 to describe business, software, and real world services using a computer-understandable specification to make them available on the web. The Internet of Services (see Chap. 2) requires services to be traded and, thus, places emphasis on the description of business characteristics such as pricing, legal aspects, and service level agreements. This was the main motivation to create USDL. In 2012, a new version named Linked USDL [28] was developed based on Linked Data principles and represented with RDFS. This is the version which will be explored in this chapter.

5.3.1 Linked USDL Family

Linked USDL is segmented into modules. The objective of this division is to reduce the overall complexity of service descriptions by enabling providers to only use the modules needed. Currently, five modules exist:

usdl-core :

The core module covers concepts central to a service description. It includes operational aspects such as interaction points between the provider and consumer that occur during provisioning and the description of the business entities involved.

usdl-price :

The pricing module provides a range of concepts which are needed to adequately describe price structures in the service industry.

usdl-agreement :

The service level agreement module gathers functional and non-functional information on the quality of the service provided, e.g., availability, reliability, and response time.

usdl-sec :

This module aims to describe the main security properties of a service. Service providers can use this specification to describe the security goals, profiles, and mechanisms.

usdl-ipr :

This module captures the usage rights of a service. Rights are often associated with the concept of copyright which implicitly exists with the creation of an artifact (i.e., a service) and does not need to be registered with an office in order to be granted.

For example, customers and providers can useusdl-agreement [29] to create service level agreements to monitor whether the actual service delivery complies with the agreed service level. In case of violations, penalties or compensations can be directly derived. The moduleusdl-ipr is fundamental for business environments to define rights and obligations when consuming a service. The official Linked USDL website is available and the current Linked USDL modules, use cases, and documentation are available at GitHub –

5.3.2 The Core Module

The Linked USDL Core can be regarded as the center of the Linked USDL family since it ties together all aspects of service description distributed across the USDL modules. Figure 5.7 shows the conceptual diagram on the core module. Classes are represented with an oval, while properties with an edge. Linked USDL Core has 12 classes (e.g., Service, ServiceOffering, InteractionPoint, and Role) and 13 properties (e.g., receives, hasInteractionPoint, withBusinessRole, and hasInteractionType).

Fig. 5.7
figure 7

The linked USDL core schema [28]

To explain how a service can be described with Linked USDL, S-LastFM will be used as an example. Most of the information used for the modeling was retrieved from the LastFM web site and shown in Fig. 5.3. The description was written using the Turtle language.

Before starting with the formal representation of the S-LastFM service, a set of prefixes needs to be defined to ease the modeling with Turtle. Listing 5.9 shows the prefixes that refer to the Linked USDL modules which will be used in this running example (lines 1–5). Other prefixes required, but not shown, refer to vocabularies such as Dublin CoreFootnote 15 (shown in the example with:dcterms) and GoodRelationsFootnote 16 (:gr). The extract also shows the standard heading statements required to create a service instance (lines 7–13).

Listing 5.9 Prefixes and standard statements for the S-LastFM service description

1 @prefix usdl: <\url{}> .

2 @prefix usdl-br: <\url{}> .

3 @prefix usdl-it: <\url{}> .

4 @prefix usdl-ir: <\url{}> .

5 @prefix usdl-pr: <\url{}> .

6 ...

7 <> a owl:Ontology ;

8   rdfs:label "S-LastFM service description" ;

9   dcterms:title "S-LastFM service description" ;

10   dcterms:description "Enhanced description of, a popular music recommendation service." ;

11   dcterms:created "2014-01-17"^^xsd:date ;

12   dcterms:modified "2014-01-18"^^xsd:date ;

13   owl:versionInfo "001" .

The Service

The next step is to specify the actual service to be described. The classusdl:Service provides the entry point for the description. As shown in Listing 5.10, the new service was namedservice_SLastFM. The specification also includes:

Listing 5.10 The S-LastFM service class

1 :service_SLastFM a usdl:Service ;

2   gr:description "A semantic recommendation service for music." ;

4   usdl:hasServiceModel :model_SLastFM ;

5   usdl:hasEntityInvolvement [

6     a usdl:EntityInvolvement ;

7     usdl:ofBusinessEntity :be_SLastFM_Ltd ;

8     usdl:withBusinessRole usdl-br:provider

9   ] ;

10   usdl:hasInteractionPoint :ip_Advertise ;

11   usdl:hasInteractionPoint :ip_TicketOrder .

  • Associating a service model with the service.

  • Specifying the business entities participating during service provisioning.

  • Enumerating the interaction points provided by the service.

The classusdl:ServiceModel is used to create groupings of services that share a number of characteristics. For example, a service model for S-LastFM can group services characterized by supplying online music. In the same line of thought, the service “Vodafone unlimited internet service” may belong to the grouping “Internet provisioning service”. The example from Listing 5.10 associates the serviceservice_SLastFM with the service modelmodel_SLastFM Footnote 17 using the propertyusdl:hasServiceModel (line 4).

The classusdl:EntityInvolvement captures thegr:BusinessEntity involved in the service delivery and theusdl:Role they play (lines 5–9). Entity involvement is a fundamental construct introduced in Linked USDL to enable capturing service networks [30]. This enables specifying, for instance, that a given music service is provided by a certain company or that a third party is involved in the service delivery chain. The propertiesusdl:ofBusinessEntity andusdl:withBusinessRole enable to specify the business entities involved during the provisioning of a service and also the role that each one takes. In Listing 5.10, the business entity is defined with the classbe_SLastFM_Ltd and its role is defined asusdl-br:provider. Linked USDL provides a default taxonomy of basic business roles that cover the most typical ones encountered during service modeling such as regulator, intermediary, producer, and consumer. The prefixusdl-br identifies the taxonomyusdl-business-roles Footnote 18 which defines the default roles available.

Listing 5.11 Description of the business entity providing the S-LastFM service

1 :be_SLastFM_Ltd a gr:BusinessEntity ;

2   foaf:homepage <\url{}> ;

3   foaf:logo <\url{}> ;

5   gr:hasISICv4 "5920"^^xsd:string ;

6   gr:hasNAICS "512220"^^xsd:string ;

7   gr:legalName " Ltd."^^xsd:string ;

8   gr:taxID "830 2738 46"^^xsd:string ;

10   vcard:hasAddress

11     [ a vcard:Work ;

12       vcard:country-name "UK"@en ] .

Listing 5.11 illustrates the description of the company providing the S-LastFM service with the classbe_SLastFM_Ltd. The description includes the ISIC (International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities) code for S-LastFM: 5920 – sound recording and music publishing activities. It also specifies the NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) code, legal name, tax ID number, and country where the company is located (lines 5–8).

The North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) and the International Standard of Industrial Classification (ISIC) codes are six digit numbers used to describe the primary economic activity of businesses. They classification codes can be used for looking up reports on specific industries or to find companies within a certain industry.

Interaction Points

The extract from Listing 5.10 also defines two interaction points,ip_Advertise andip_TicketOrder, for the serviceservice_SLastFM. An interaction point (usdl:InteractionPoint) represents an actual step in performing the operations made available by a service. On a personal level, an interaction point can model that consumer and provider need to meet in person to exchange service parameters or resources during service delivery (e.g., documents that are processed by the provider). On a technical level, this can translate into calling a web service operation (most cloud services are accessed and invoked via web services). An interaction point can be initiated by the consumer or the provider. Since interaction points may be long running and have an ordering with respect to other interaction points, they are subclasses ofTimeSpanningEntity. It is, therefore, possible to express temporal relationships between interaction points such as “before” or “after”. For richer expressions, the time ontology constructs can be used.

Listing 5.12 shows the interaction pointip_Advertise which enables customers to book advertising campaigns and inquire about rates and specs. Interaction points define four main pieces of information:

Listing 5.12 An interaction point involving human interaction

1 :ip_Advertise a usdl:InteractionPoint ;

2  dcterms:title "S-LastFM Advertisement"@en ;

3  dcterms:description "If you are interested in booking a campaign, seeing our full rates and specs, please send us the details of your campaign and we will get in touch."@en ;

5  usdl:hasCommunicationChannel [

6    a usdl:CommunicationChannel ;

7       vcard:country-name "UK";

8       vcard:locality "London";

9       vcard:postal-code "SE1 0NZ";

10       vcard:street-address " Ltd., 5-11 Lavington Street" ;

11       usdl:hasInteractionType usdl-it:manual ;

12       usdl:hasInteractionType usdl-it:remote

13  ];


15  usdl:hasCommunicationChannel [

16    a usdl:CommunicationChannel ;

17       vcard:hasEmail <\url{}> ;

18       usdl:hasInteractionType usdl-it:manual ;

19       usdl:hasInteractionType usdl-it:remote

20  ];


22  usdl:hasEntityInteraction [

23    a usdl:EntityInteraction ;

24    usdl:withBusinessRole usdl-br:provider ;

25    usdl:withInteractionRole usdl-ir:participant

26  ];


28  usdl:hasEntityInteraction [

29    a usdl:EntityInteraction ;

30    usdl:withBusinessRole usdl-br:customer ;

31    usdl:withInteractionRole usdl-ir:participant

32  ];


34  usdl:receives dbpedia:Advertising ;

35  usdl:yields dbpedia:Contract .

  • The communication channels that customers or applications can use to interact with a service.

  • The entities that are involved during the realization of the interaction point.

  • The resources that are needed for an interaction point to execute properly.

  • The resources that are generated from the execution of an interaction point.

The example identifies two types of communication channels (lines 5–20):

  • vcard:Address

  • vcard:Email

These classes are not shown in the example since they are all grouped by the classusdl:CommunicationChannel.

Communication Channels

Communication channels are additionally characterized by their interaction type. Linked USDL provides two default taxonomies covering the main modes (i.e., automated, semi-automated, or manual) and the interaction space (i.e., on-site or remote). The example describes how customers can ask for information to advertise a campaign with S-LastFM. This can be done by using “snail” mail or email. All the communication channels of the example require a manual (usdl-it:manual) and remote (usdl-it:remote) interaction. This means that humans, not software applications, will be involved in the interaction with S-LastFM.

The example also indicates the role of the two entities that will interact (lines 22–32): both the provider and customer are participants. This information is represented using the class usdl:EntityInteraction which links interaction points to business entity types (e.g., provider, intermediary, and customer) using the property usdl:withBusinessRole and the role they play within the interaction (e.g., initiator, mediator, and receiver) using the property usdl:withInteractionRole.

Receives and Yields

Listing 5.12 shows that the interaction point receives (usdl:receives) and yields (usdl:yields) resources (lines 41–42). Receives is the input required and yields corresponds to the outcome produced by an interaction point. The example shows that the interaction point ip_Advertise receives a resource identified by the concept dbpedia:Advertising and yields a resource identified by the concept dbpedia:Contract. Since dbpedia is the computer-understandable formal mirror of wikipedia, the use of these two properties reach twofold objectives:

  • Provide a natural language description which is suitable to be interpreted by humans.

  • Provide a formal description which is suitable to be processed by software applications.

Naturally, other computer-processable data sources such can also be used.

Automated Communication Channels

While the previous example of an interaction point involved only human participants, the example from Listing 5.13 illustrates a fully automated interaction which

Listing 5.13 An interaction point for an application-driven interaction

1 :ip_TicketOrder a usdl:InteractionPoint ;

2  dcterms:title "Ticket Orders"@en ;

3  dcterms:description "Collection of all ticket orders; allows to submit new ticket orders"@en ;

5  usdl:hasCommunicationChannel [

6    a sfm:TicketOrder ;

7       usdl:hasInteractionType usdl-it:automated ;

8       usdl:hasInteractionType usdl-it:remote ;

9  ] ;


11  usdl:hasEntityInteraction [

12    a usdl:EntityInteraction ;

13    usdl:withBusinessRole usdl-br:provider ;

14    usdl:withInteractionRole usdl-ir:participant ;

15  ] ;


17  usdl:hasEntityInteraction [

18    a usdl:EntityInteraction ;

19    usdl:withBusinessRole usdl-br:consumer ;

20    usdl:withInteractionRole usdl-ir:initiator ;

21    usdl:withInteractionRole usdl-ir:receiver ;

22  ] ;


24  usdl:receives sfm:Concert ;

25  usdl:yields sfm:TicketOrder .

does not require human intervention (lines 5–9). This means that on both sides of the communication channel, applications will be involved during service provisioning by exchanging data. This requires a well-defined API which must be understood by applications.

The most well-known approaches to describe services semantically are OWL-S, WSMO, SAWSDL, and WSMO-Lite when it comes to SOAP Web services, and MicroWSMO and SA-REST for REST Web services [28]. In order to cater for interoperability, Linked USDL Core uses what can essentially be considered the maximum common denominator between these formalisms: the minimal service model.Footnote 19 The MSM is a simple RDFS vocabulary to capture the semantics of SOAP and REST Web services in a common model.

The resources exposed in a REST architecture can be seen as communication channels of the service. However, the hypermedia constrains (cf. Sect. 5.2.2) of REST imply that clients are supposed to discover many of the resources by following links. Therefore, not all the exposed resources need to be described and covered by a Linked USDL description: only the resources a client is expected to start its interactions with need to be included as interaction points in a Linked USDL description. Additional resources will be discovered. In the case of S-LastFM, the resource sfm:TicketOrder can be considered an entry point for an interaction. In contrast, the individual resources representing the artists or concerts are not necessary to include in the Linked USDL description, since clients do not start their interactions with these resources directly.Footnote 20

Listing 5.14 shows how the operationsfm:TicketOrder can be semantically described. In this example, the class msm:Operation is extended with the property gdp:graphPattern to provide a link to graph pattern-based descriptions (explained in Sect. 5.3.3) that detail the exchanged data when ordering a concert ticket by interacting via the communication channel. This new property is attached to the only given part of the message content of input and output respectively.

Service Offering

Ausdl:ServiceOffering is an offer made by agr:BusinessEntity of one or more instances of usdl:Service to customers. An offering usually associates a price, legal terms of use, and service level agreement with a service. In other words, it makes a service a tradable entity. Listing 5.15 illustrates an offering named offering_SLastFM for the service service_SLastFM (lines 1 and 11). Such a service offering may have limited validity over geographical regions or time, the offering adds various pieces of information such as temporal validity, eligible regions, and accepted payment methods (lines 2–10).

Finally, the last part of the example indicates that the classeslegal_SLastFM andprice_SLastFM describe the legal aspects and the price of the S-LastFM service, respectively (lines 12–13).Footnote 21

Listing 5.14 Example of a communication channel of typemsm:Operation from Listing 5.13

1 sfm:TicketOrder a msm:Operation ;

2  msm:hasInput _:input ;

3  msm:hasOutput _:output ;

4  hrest:hasMethod "POST"^^xsd:string .

6 _:input a msm:MessageContent ;

7  msm:hasPart _:in1 .

8 _:in1 gpd:graphPattern <\url{}> .

10 _:output a msm:MessageContent ;

11  msm:hasPart _:out1 .

12 _:out gpd:graphPattern <\url{}> .

Listing 5.15 A concrete offering of a service

1 :offering_SLastFM a usdl:ServiceOffering ;

2    gr:validFrom "2014-01-24T00:00:00+01:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;

3    gr:validThrough "2015-12-24T00:00:00+01:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;

4    gr:eligibleRegions "DE"^^xsd:string, "US-CA"^^xsd:string ;

5    gr:acceptedPaymentMethods gr:VISA, gr:ByBankTransferInAdvance ;

6    gr:eligibleDuration [

7       a gr:QuantitativeValue ;

8       gr:hasValueInteger "1"^^xsd:int ;

9       gr:hasUnitOfMeasurement "MON"^^xsd:string

10    ] ;

11    usdl:includes :service_SLastFM ;


13    usdl:legal :legal_SLastFM ;

14    usdl:price :price_SLastFM .

5.3.3 Technical API Descriptions

A Linked USDL description of an application web service with a remote and automated communication channel also entails a description on the technical level, besides the business and operation levels. Such technical information can be used by clients for the invocation of the service or the automation of high level tasks (see Sect. 5.4). This section explains how technical information can be provided for REST architectures, where resources are represented with Linked Data.

Service Resource States

For resource-driven or REST-based services, the technical description of the API does not have to be focused on the operations. Since REST architectures only use a constrained and shared set of operations, the intuition or meaning of the operations is always inherently clear and well defined. For example, in the case of a REST API based on HTTP, the semantics of the available operationsFootnote 22 (cf., Table 5.4) are defined in an RFC specificationFootnote 23 and therefore do not need to be explicitly described further in the service description.

A REST architecture offers the functionality of a service by allowing the states of resources to be changed. It is these possibilities to manipulate a resource that need to be described. The manipulation of a resource state is the result of an application of an unsafe method at a resource, where the payload (i.e., input data) details the desired state change. The output data that is returned after the application of a method details the new state of the affected resource [31]. Therefore, to describe the manipulation possibilities of a resource, it is sufficient to detail the possible inputs and the resulting outputs for the available operations of the resource. Furthermore, the relation between the input and output (i.e., how the input influences the resulting state) needs to be made explicit.

In a REST architecture, client application and server are supposed to form a contract with content negotiation, not only on the data format but implicitly also on the semantics of the communicated data, i.e., an agreement on how the data has to be interpreted [25]. Since the agreement on the semantics is only implicit, programmers developing client applications have to manually gain a deep understanding of the provided data and the manipulation possibilities, often based on natural text descriptions. However, the reliance on natural language descriptions for the interfaces lead to mashup designs in which programmers are forced to write glue code with little or no automation and to manually consolidate and integrate the exchanged data.

Linked Data (see Sect. 5.2.1 “Linked Data”) unifies a standardized interaction model with the possibility to align vocabularies using RDF, RDFS, and OWL. However, the interactions are currently constrained to simple data retrieval. Following the motivation to look beyond the exposure of fixed data sets, the extension of Linked Data with REST technologies has been explored and many approaches recognize the value of combining REST services and Linked Data [3235]. These approaches propose to use Linked Data to represent the state of a resource, and as a format for input and output data.Footnote 24 The use of unique identifiers as central elements of Linked Data mitigates the problem of the only implicitly negotiated semantics of the communicated data (see Sect. 5.2.2). Furthermore, Linked Data is already focused on the interlinkage of resources, which makes the design of a hypermedia control-driven API architecture straight forward.

Graph Pattern Descriptions

Since Linked Data uses a graph-based data model, many existing approaches [3335] propose graph patterns as a means to describe the input and output data of possible resource manipulations. The use of graph patterns enable to automatically recognize the vocabularies that are understood by an API and detail how the data representing the resource states is structured. In the scenario of ordering a concert ticket via S-LastFM a user has to (mediated by an application) create a new order resource. An example of the state of an order resource (e.g., identified by expressed with Linked Data is shown in Listing 5.16.

The state representation of the resource details the price of the tickets, the amount, and the estimated time until the tickets are delivered (lines 11–13). Additionally, the resource contains links to the user who ordered the tickets and to the concert (lines 8 and 10). Following the link to the resource representing the user can, e.g., bring results regarding the delivery address or credit card details for payment. Some of the elements in the state representation are different for every individual order resource. These variable elements are either provided by the user that submits the order via the client application or they are set by S-LastFM directly:

Listing 5.16 An example of a state representation of an order resource

1 @prefix rdf: <\url{}> .

2 @prefix sfm: <\url{}> .

3 @prefix sfmorder: <\url{}> .

4 @prefix sfmuser: <\url{}> .

5 @prefix sfmconcert: <\url{}> .

7 sfmorder:567 rdf:type sfm:Ticketorder .

8 sfmorder:567 sfm:user sfm:JohnDoe .

9 sfm:JohnDoe rdf:type sfm:User .

10 sfmorder:567 sfm:event sfmconcert:1234 .

11 sfmorder:567 sfm:price "120 USD"@en .

12 sfmorder:567 sfm:amount "2" .

13 sfmorder:567 sfm:eta "10 days"@en .

14 sfmconcert:1234 rdf:type sfm:Concert .

Listing 5.17 Input data in the form of a graph pattern

1 Method: POST

2 Input:

4 _:order rdf:type sfm:Ticketorder .

5 _:order sfm:user ?u .

6 ?u rdf:type sfm:User .

7 _:order sfm:amount ?a .

8 _:order sfm:event ?c .

9 ?c rdf:type sfm:Concert .

  • Provided by the user. For example, the user name sfm:JohnDoe and the amount of the ordered tickets"2".

  • Provided by S-LastFM. For example, the URI of the newly created order resource sfmorder:567 and the price of the tickets "120 USD".

Input Graph Pattern

To create a new ticket order, a client application has to POST data (see Listing 5.17) detailing the desired new resource to the collection resource of the ticket orders. A graph pattern-based description for the input data of a POST to the ticket order collection resource ((url})) uses variables for the elements that are different for every individual order resource. The client has to use a blank node_:order for the input data, since it is not possible to know in advance what identifier the API will assign to the new resource.

Output Graph Pattern

The returned data after the application ofPOST characterizes the state of the created resource (see Listing 5.18). Therefore, the description of the output data is similar to the input description, but contains, additionally, variables for the information added by the API (e.g., the price of the ordered tickets).

Listing 5.18 Output data in the form of a graph pattern

1 Method: POST

2 Output:

4 ?order rdf:type sfm:Ticketorder .

5 ?order sfm:user ?u .

6 ?u rdf:type sfm:User .

7 ?order sfm:amount ?a .

8 ?order sfm:event ?c .

9 ?c rdf:type sfm:Concert .

10 ?order sfm:price ?p .

11 ?order sfm:eta ?t .

Input and output descriptions share common variables (e.g.,?u, the user that ordered the tickets). The use of the same variable implies that it will be bound by the same value. This establishes a connection between input and output descriptions and allows to describe the relation between both.

Finally, it is important that input as well as output descriptions of resources can be treated as URI-identified resources as well:

  • as URI for the input description

  • as URI for the output description

Since the descriptions are URI-identified resources themselves, it is possible provide links to the descriptions. Such links can be used as a response when theHTTP OPTIONS method is applied to the collection resource of the ticket orders, which allows a client to look up the descriptions. The links are also used to refer to the graph pattern descriptions in the USDL document detailing a communication channel of the service (cf. Sect. 5.3.2).

5.4 Service Search Algorithm

Descriptions for services can be utilized to increase the degree of automation of higher level tasks, such as service search, composition and discovery. This section details how graph pattern-based descriptions, which can be provided as part of a Linked USDL description, can be leveraged for service search [36]. Given a specific functionality that is required to be fulfilled by a service (e.g., the order of tickets for concerts), the process of searching for a service refers to the problems of

  • Matching, i.e., identifying the subset of services that are suitable to provide the functionality out of a potentially large set of services

  • Ranking, i.e., comparing the identified services in terms of their capability to satisfy the given requirements.

However, service descriptions can be leveraged to improve the automation of other tasks such as the invocation of a service or the composition of several services to create a complex service.

5.4.1 Matching

In a scenario where services are described with Linked USDL, which provides links to graph pattern-based input and output descriptions, service search requests can be formulated asservice templates. These templates follow the same syntax as the graph pattern descriptions. Therefore a service template consists of two graph patterns that represent a template of:

  • all possible input RDF graphs a client can provide for the invocation of a service,

  • the output RDF graphs such an agent expects to be delivered by the service.

Similar to the graph pattern descriptions a service template details a clients possibilities to provide input for a service operation. Further the template describes the requirements of the client on the output of a service operation, as well as the expected relation between the input and output.

Therefore, the question of whether a given service description matches a service template correlates to the problem of graph pattern containment. The input graph pattern of a service description must be contained in the service template’s pattern. This containment relation implies that every graph that satisfies the template input graph pattern must also satisfy the service description’s input graph pattern. Intuitively, the input a client is able to provide fulfils the requirements of the service to be invoked. Note that this also allows for a client to provide additional data, which it can provide for service invocation even though a matching service does not require them.

A client can for example express in an input template that it can provide information about a location and a music genre. If a service details in an input description that it requires just the information about the location, template and description are matching, since the description is contained in the template. However, if a description details that information about location and an artist is required, template and description are not matching.

Matching the output graph patterns works in an analogous way. The output graph pattern of a service description contains the output graph pattern of a template, which implies that every graph that satisfies the service description output graph pattern also satisfies the template output graph pattern. So the required containment relation of the output patterns is dual to that of the input graph patterns. Intuitively again this means a service output has to provide enough to satisfy the request, but can provide more.

A client can for example express in an output template that it is looking for information from a service about a concert. If a service details in an output description that it provides information about concerts and genre, template and description are matching, since the template is contained in the description. However, if template of the client details it requires information about concerts and ticket prices, template and description are not matching.

Formulas 5.1 and 5.2 summarize the relations between the patterns in a service description and a service template in a search process.

$$\displaystyle\begin{array}{rcl} Service\:Description\:Input\:Pattern \subseteq Template\:Input\:Pattern& &{}\end{array}$$
$$\displaystyle\begin{array}{rcl} Template\:Output\:Pattern \subseteq Service\:Description\:Output\:Pattern& &{}\end{array}$$

5.4.2 Ranking

The matching based on graph pattern containment consists of two binary decisions (one for the input and one for the output), of whether a service description completely matches a service template. However, it is sensible to assume that often services only partly satisfy the requirements of an agent, or that an agent has not all the necessary data for the invocation. Therefore, services should be ordered according to the degree they match to a given request. To allow for such a flexible search approach a ranking of service descriptions against service templates has to be enabled with continuously-valued matching metrics, e.g.:

  • Thepredicate subset ratio (psr) measures to what degree the set of predicates used in one pattern are subsumed within the set used in another.

  • Theresource subset ratio (rsr) measures to what degree the set of named resources, in subject or object position, used in one pattern are subsumed with those of another pattern.

  • Thecontainment ratio (cr) measures to what degree triple patterns in one graph pattern are contained in the other pattern.

The metricspsr andrsr indicate to what degree a service description and a service template are using the same vocabulary. These vocabulary-based metrics allow to test whether a service description and a template use some of the same resources and predicates (and to what degree). Therefore, they provide a mechanism to discover services, which are close to a given template, but are not necessarily completely matching.

Similarly to the pattern containment, metrics for input and output have to be distinguished. A template input graph pattern can offer more data than actually needed by a service without endangering their compatibility. Therefore, the subset ratios for the input patterns have to measure to what degree the resources (respectively predicates) in the service descriptions are used in the service template. For the subset ratios of the output patterns this works the other way around, because a service can offer more output than required by the template. In this case the subset ratios have to measure to what degree the resources (respectively predicates) in the template are used in the service description. The Eqs. (5.3) to (5.6) show how the metrics are calculated.

$$\displaystyle\begin{array}{rcl} psr_{input} = \frac{\vert P_{templ} \cap P_{decsr}\vert } {\vert P_{descr}\vert } & &{}\end{array}$$
$$\displaystyle\begin{array}{rcl} psr_{output} = \frac{\vert P_{templ} \cap P_{decsr}\vert } {\vert P_{templ}\vert } & &{}\end{array}$$
$$\displaystyle\begin{array}{rcl} rsr_{input} = \frac{\vert R_{templ} \cap R_{decsr}\vert } {\vert R_{descr}\vert } & &{}\end{array}$$
$$\displaystyle\begin{array}{rcl} rsr_{output} = \frac{\vert R_{templ} \cap R_{decsr}\vert } {\vert R_{templ}\vert } & &{}\end{array}$$


P templ :

the set of all predicates in the template.

P descr :

the set of all predicates in the service description.

R templ :

the set of all resources in the template.

R descr :

the set of all resources in the service description.

Let the input description pattern use the predicatesrdf:type,sfm:per- former andsfm:location. The input template usesrdf:type,sfm:perf- ormer andsfm:artist. Then\(p_{input} = 2/3\), because only two out of three predicates in the description are used in the template.

The metriccr measures to what degree a graph patternP sub is contained in another patternP super . To realize this, the measurementcr is based on the power set\(\mathcal{P}(P_{sub})\) of triple patterns derived from the graph patternP sub . The largest set of triple patterns\(T_{max} \in \mathcal{P}(P_{sub})\) (i.e., the set with the most triple patterns) in the power set is identified, that is contained inP super :

$$\displaystyle{ T_{max} \subseteq P_{super} }$$

Note thatT max is not necessarily unique in\(\mathcal{P}(P_{sub})\). However, just one of the largest triple pattern sets that are contained inP super needs to be identified for the calculation ofcr. Equation (5.8) shows how the metriccr is calculated. The metric describes the ratio between the number of triple patterns in the identified setT max and the overall number of triple patterns in the original patternP sub , from which the power set is derived.

$$\displaystyle{ cr = \frac{\vert T_{max}\vert } {\vert P_{sub}\vert } }$$

cr measures precisely to what degree a graph pattern is subsumed by another, thus expressing the containment degree of one pattern in relation to another.Footnote 25 Note, that if a graph pattern is completely contained in another one (i.e.,cr = 1.0), the subset ratios must necessarily result in a metric of 1.0.

The vocabulary-based metrics do not regard the structure of the graph patterns to match service descriptions and templates. The metricsrsr andpsr are therefore less precise search metrics compared tocr, i.e., even if all vocabulary-based subset ratios result in a value of 1.0, it is not guaranteed that a service description and a template match in terms of pattern containment. On the other hand, ifcr = 1.0 for the input and output patterns, a complete match is guaranteed. However, the vocabulary-based metrics are computationally less expensive to calculate. To achieve a scalable service search systemrsr andpsr can be used to filter service descriptions for a given template: if eitherpsr orrsr result in a value of 0.0, it can be inferred without additional calculation that the value ofcr has to be 0.0. Furthermore, other low values forrsr andpsr can be used as thresholds. If one of the vocabulary-based metrics falls below the defined threshold, the calculation ofcr can be omitted. The setting of this threshold depends on the required reaction time of the service search system, as well as the desired values for precision and recall.

Figure 5.8 and Table 5.5 illustrate an example of a search process in the S-LastFM scenario. In the example a client is searching for a functionality where the client can interact with a resource to acquire information about upcoming concerts. In the input of the interaction with the resource the client can include information about the artist and the city in which the client is looking for concerts. As output of the interaction the client expects to find a concert and information about the price for tickets. The example assumes two descriptions are available for:

  • ResourceR a to which requests can be submitted with artist and city.R a provides output information about concerts (but no ticket price information).

  • ResourceR b to which requests can be submitted including artist and a geographical point with latitude and longitude.R b provides output information about concerts including ticket price information.

Fig. 5.8
figure 8

An example of the ranking process

In this example the client has enough information to invoke the interaction withR a , but this will not provide all the desired information, since no information about the price of concert tickets are delivered byR a . Interacting withR b would provide all the desired information, but the client does not have enough data to invoke it (the latitude/longitude coordinates of the city are missing). This is also reflected in the containment metrics as detailed in Table 5.5. It can be seen how thepsr andrsr metrics can serve as an estimation for the more precisecr metric.

Table 5.5 An example of the ranking process (cont.)

Therefore in the given example no perfect match for the template can be found. The client has to resolve this problem and decide:

  • Resolution 1: ChooseR a and forgo some of the desired results.

  • Resolution 2: ChooseR b and try to acquire missing information (e.g., with the help of another API).

In terms of rankingR a would be preferred overR b with regard to the input, butR b would be preferred overR a with regard to the output. If a definite order of the resources is required, a weighted average can be calculated from the input and output metrics. The weights reflect which of the resolution strategies is preferred by the client.

5.5 Conclusions

This chapter looked into how rich and comprehensive service descriptions can be constructed to facilitate the search of cloud services. Naturally, rich descriptions improve, not only search, but also other computational tasks such as service selection, discovery, classification, and composition.

The approach followed started by taking a cloud service Web API and used semantic web technologies to enrich and formally describe the Web API structure from a technological perspective as well as from a business perspective. The cloud service selected was LastFM since it is a popular service on the web. The formal description was done by relying on Linked USDL to add semantic knowledge. Linked USDL provides a business and technical envelope to describe services’ general information and their Web API. To exemplify the benefits of using semantic service descriptions, an algorithm for service search was developed to demonstrate how semantics can improve precision and recall.