
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Oblivious Transfer (OT) is a cryptographic primitive defined as follows: in its simplest flavour, 1-out-of-2 OT, a sender has two input messages \(M_0\) and \(M_1\) and a receiver has a choice bit c. At the end of the protocol the receiver is supposed to learn the message \(M_c\) and nothing else, while the sender is supposed to learn nothing. Perhaps surprisingly, this extremely simple primitive is sufficient to implement any cryptographic task [Kil88]. OT can also be used to implement most advanced cryptographic tasks, such as secure two- and multi-party computation (e.g., the millionaire’s problem) in an efficient way [NNOB12, BLN+15].

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Our protocol in a nutshell

Given the importance of OT, and the fact that most OT applications require a very large number of OTs, it is crucial to construct OT protocols which are at the same time efficient and secure against realistic adversaries.

A Novel OT Protocol. In this paper we present a novel and extremely simple, efficient and secure OT protocol. The protocol is a simple tweak of the celebrated Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange protocol. Given a group \(\mathbb {G}\) and a generator g, the DH protocol allows two players Alice and Bob to agree on a key as follows: Alice samples a random a, computes \(A=g^a\) and sends A to Bob. Symmetrically Bob samples a random b, computes \(B=g^b\) and sends B to Alice. Now both parties can compute \(g^{ab}=A^b=B^a\) from which they can derive a key k. The key observation is now that Alice can also derive a different key from the value \((B/A)^a=g^{ab-a^2}\), and that Bob cannot compute this group element (assuming that the computational DH problem is hard).

We can now turn this into an OT protocol by letting Alice play the role of the sender and Bob the role of the receiver (with choice bit c) as shown in Fig. 1. The first message (from Alice to Bob) is left unchanged (and can be reused over multiple instances of the protocol) but now Bob computes B as a function of his choice bit c: if \(c=0\) Bob computes \(B=g^{b}\) and if \(c=1\) Bob computes \(B=Ag^{b}\). At this point Alice derives two keys \(k_0,k_1\) from \((B)^a\) and \((B/A)^a\) respectively. It is easy to check that Bob can derive the key \(k_c\) corresponding to his choice bit from \(A^b\), but cannot compute the other one. This can be seen as a random OT i.e., an OT where the sender has no input but instead receives two random messages from the protocol, which can be used later to encrypt his inputs.

We show that combining the above random OT protocol with the right symmetric encryption scheme (e.g., a robust encryption scheme [ABN10, FLPQ13]) achieves security in a strong, simulation based sense and in particular we prove UC-security against active and adaptive corruptions in the random oracle model.

A Secure and Efficient Implementation. We report on an efficient and secure implementation of the 1-out-of-2 random OT protocol: Our choice for the group is a twisted Edwards curve that has been used by Bernstein, Duif, Lange, Schwabe and Yang for building the Ed25519 signature scheme [BDL+11]. The security of the curve comes from the fact that it is birationally equivalent to Bernstein’s Montgomery curve Curve25519 [Ber06] where ECDLP is believed to be hard: Bernstein and Lange’s SafeCurves website [BL14] reports cost of \(2^{125.8}\) for solving ECDLP on Curve25519 using the rho method. The speed comes from the complete formulas for twisted Edwards curves proposed by Hisil, Wong, Carter, and Dawson in [HWCD08].

We first modify the code in [BDL+11] and build a fast implementation for a single OT. Later we build a vectorized implementation that runs OTs in batches. A comparison with the state of the art shows that our vectorized implementation is at least an order of magnitude faster than previous work (we compare in particular with the implementation reported by Asharov, Lindell, Schneider and Zohner in [ALSZ13]) on recent Intel microarchitectures. Furthermore, we take great care to make sure that our implementation is secure against both passive attacks (our software is immune to timing attacks, since the implementation is constant-time) and active attacks (by designing an appropriate encoding of group elements, which can be efficiently verified and computed on). Our code can be downloaded from

Related Work. OT owes its name to Rabin [Rab81] (a similar concept was introduced earlier by Wiesner [Wie83] under the name of “conjugate coding”). There are different flavours of OT, and in this paper we focus on the most common and useful flavour, namely \({n \atopwithdelims ()1}\)-OT, which was first introduced in [EGL85]. Many efficient protocols for OT have been proposed over the years. Some of the protocols which are most similar to ours are those of Bellare-Micali [BM89] and Naor-Pinkas [NP01]: those protocols are (slightly) less efficient than ours and, most importantly, are not known to achieve full simulation based security. More recent OT protocols such as [HL10, DNO08, PVW08] focus on achieving a strong level of security in concurrent settingsFootnote 1 without relying on the random oracle model. Unfortunately this makes these protocols more cumbersome for practical applications: even the most efficient of these protocols i.e., the protocol of Peikert, Vaikuntanathan, and Waters [PVW08] requires 11 exponentiations for a single \({2 \atopwithdelims ()1}\)-OT and a common random string (which must be generated by some trusted source of randomness at the beginning of the protocol). In comparison our protocol uses fewer exponentiations (e.g., 5 for \({2 \atopwithdelims ()1}\)-OT), generalizes to \({n \atopwithdelims ()1}\)-OT and does not require any (hard to implement in practice) setup assumptions.

OT Extension. While OT provably requires “public-key” type of assumptions [IR89] (such as factoring, discrete log, etc.), OT can be “extended” [Bea96] in the sense that it is enough to generate few “seed” OTs based on public-key cryptography which can then be extended to any number of OTs using symmetric-key primitives only (PRG, hash functions, etc.). This can be seen as the OT equivalent of hybrid encryption (where one encrypts a large amount of data using symmetric-key cryptography, and then encapsulates the symmetric-key using a public-key cryptosystem). OT extension can be performed very efficiently both against passive [IKNP03, ALSZ13] and active  [Nie07, NNOB12, Lar14, ALSZ15, KOS15] adversaries. Still, to bootstrap OT extension we need a secure and efficient OT protocol for the seed OTs (as much as we need secure and efficient public-key encryption schemes to bootstrap hybrid encryption): The OT extension of [ALSZ15] reports that it takes time \((7\cdot 10^5+1.3m)\mu s\) to perform m OTs, where the fixed term comes from running 190 base OTs. Using our protocol as the base OT in [ALSZ15] would reduce the initial cost to approximately \(190 \cdot 114 \approx ~ 2 \cdot 10^4 \mu s\) [Sch15], which leads to a significant overall improvement (e.g., a factor 10 for up to \(4\cdot 10^4\) OTs and a factor 2 for up to \(5\cdot 10^5\) OTs).

2 The Protocol

Notation. If S is a set \(s\leftarrow S\) is a random element sampled from S. We work over an additive group \((\mathbb {G},B,p,+)\) of prime order p (with \(\log (p)>\kappa \)) generated by B (the base point), and we use the additive notation for the group since we later implement our protocol using elliptic curves. Given the representation of some group element P we assume it is possible to efficiently verify if \(P\in \mathbb {G}\). We use [n] as a shortcut for \(\{0,1,\ldots ,n-1\}\).

Building Blocks. We use a hash-function \(H : (\mathbb {G}\times \mathbb {G}) \times \mathbb {G}\rightarrow \{0,1\}^{\kappa }\) as a key-derivation function to extract a \(\kappa \) bit key from a group element, and the first two inputs are used to seed the function.Footnote 2 We model H as a random oracle when arguing about the security of our protocol.

The Ideal Functionality. We want to implement m \({n \atopwithdelims ()1}\)-OT ’s for \(\ell \)-bit messages with \(\kappa \)-bit security between a sender \(\mathcal {S}\) and a receiver \(\mathcal {R}\). We define a functionality \(\mathcal {F}^{-}_{OT}(n,m,\ell )\) as follows:

  • Honest Use: the functionality receives a vector of indices \((c^1,\ldots ,c^m)\in [n]^m\) from the receiver \(\mathcal {R}\) and m vectors of message \(\{(M^i_0,\ldots ,M^i_{n-1})\}_{i\in [m]}\) from the sender \(\mathcal {S}\) where for all \(i,j : M^j_i \in \{0,1\}^\ell \). The functionality outputs a vector of \(\ell \)-bit strings \((z^1,\ldots ,z^n)\) to the receiver \(\mathcal {R}\), such that for all \(i\in [m]\), \(z^i=M^i_{c^i}\).

  • Dishonest Use: We weaken the functionality (hence the minus in the name) in the following way: a corrupted receiver \(\mathcal {R}^*\) can input the choice values in an adaptive fashion i.e., the ideal adversary can input the choice indices \(c^i\) one by one and learn the message \(z^i\) before choosing the next index.

Note that when \(m=1\) the weakening has no effect. We choose to describe the protocol for m OTs in parallel since we can do this more efficiently than simply repeating m times the protocol for a single OT.

2.1 Random OT

We split the presentation in two parts: first, we describe and analyze a protocol for random OT where the sender outputs n random keys and the receiver only learns one of them; then, we describe how to combine this protocol with an appropriate encryption scheme to complete the OT. We are now ready to describe our novel random OT protocol:

  • Setup: (only once, independent of m):

    1. 1.

      \(\mathcal {S}\) samples \(y\leftarrow \mathbb {Z}_{p}\) and computes \(S=yB \text{ and } T=yS \);

    2. 2.

      \(\mathcal {S}\) sends S to \(\mathcal {R}\), who aborts if \(S\not \in \mathbb {G}\);

  • Choose: (in parallel for all \(i\in [ m]\))

    1. 1.

      \(\mathcal {R}\) (with input \(c^i\in [n]\)) samples \(x^i \leftarrow \mathbb {Z}_{p}\) and computes

      $$R^i = c^iS+x^iB$$
    2. 2.

      \(\mathcal {R}\) sends \(R^i\) to \(\mathcal {S}\), who aborts if \(R^i\not \in \mathbb {G}\);

  • Key Derivation: (in parallel for all \(i\in [m]\))

    1. 1.

      For all \(j\in [n]\), \(\mathcal {S}\) computes

      $$ k_j^i=H_{(S,R^i)}(yR^i-jT)$$
    2. 2.

      \(\mathcal {R}\) computes

      $$ k_R^i=H_{(S,R^i)}(x^iS) $$

Basic Properties. The key \(k^i_j\) is computed by hashing \(x^iyB + (c^i-j)T\) and therefore at the end of the protocol \(k_R^i=k^i_{c^i}\) if both parties are honest. It is also easy to see that:

Lemma 1

No (computationally unbounded) \(\mathcal {S}^*\) on input \(R^i\) can guess \(c^i\) with probability greater than 1/n.


Since B generates \(\mathbb {G}\), fixed any \(P=x_0 B\) the probability that \(R^i=P\) when \(c^i=j\) is the probability that \(x^i= (x_0 - c^iy)\), therefore \(\forall S,P\in \mathbb {G},j\in [n]\), \(\Pr [R^i=P|c^i=j]=1/p\), which is independent of j.

Lemma 2

No (computationally bounded) \(\mathcal {R}^*\) can output any two keys \(k^i_{j_0}\) and \(k^i_{j_1}\) with \(j_0\ne j_1 \in [n]\) if the computational Diffie-Hellman problem is hard in \(\mathbb {G}\).


In the random oracle model \(\mathcal {R}^*\) can only (except with negligible probability) compute \(k^i_{j_0},k^i_{j_1}\) by querying the oracle on points of the form \(U_0^i=(yR^i-j_0T)\) and \(U_1^i=(yR^i-j_1T)\). Assume for the sake of contradiction that there exist a PPT \(\mathcal {R}^*\) who outputs \((R,j_0,j_1,U_0,U_1)\leftarrow \mathcal {R}^*(B,S)\) such that \((j_1-j_0)^{-1}(U_0-U_1)=T= \log _B(S)^2B\) with probability at least \(\epsilon \). We show an algorithm \(\mathcal {A} \) which on input \((B,X=xB,Y=yB)\) outputs \(Z=xyB\) with probability greater than \(\epsilon ^3\). Run \((R^X,U^X_0,U^X_1)\leftarrow \mathcal {R}^*(B,X)\), \((R^Y,U^Y_0,U^Y_1)\leftarrow \mathcal {R}^*(B,Y)\), then run \((R^+,U^+_0,U^+_1)\leftarrow \mathcal {R}^*(B,X+Y)\) and finally output

$$Z = \frac{(p+1)}{2}\left( (U^+_0+U^+_1)-(U^X_0+U^X_1)-(U^Y_0+U^Y_1)\right) $$

Now \(Z=xyB\) with probability at least \(\epsilon ^3\), since when all three executions of \(\mathcal {R}^*\) are successful, then \(U^X_0+U^X_1=(x^2)B\), \(U^Y_0+U^Y_1=(y^2)B\) and \(U^+_0,U^+_1=(x+y)^2B\) and therefore \(Z=\frac{p+1}{2}2xyB=xyB\).    \(\square \)

Note that the above proof loses a cubic factor. A better proof for this lemma, which only loses a quadratic factor, can be found in [BCP04].

2.2 How to Use the Protocol and UC Security

We now show how to combine our random OT protocol with an appropriate encryption scheme to achieve UC security.

Motivation. Lemmas 1 and 2 only state that some form of “privacy” holds for both the sender and the receiver. However, since OT is mostly used as a building block into more complex protocols, it is important to understand to which extent our protocol offers security when composed arbitrarily with itself or other protocols: Simulation based security is the minimal requirement which enables to argue that a given protocol is secure when composed with other protocols. Without simulation based security, it is not even possible to argue that a protocol is secure if it is executed twice in a sequential way! (See e.g., [DNO08] for a concrete counterexample for OT). The UC theorem [Can01] allows us to say that if a protocol satisfies the UC definition of security, then that protocol will be secure even when arbitrarily composed with other protocols. Among other things, to show that a protocol is UC secure one needs to show that a simulator can extract the input of a corrupted party: intuitively, this is a guarantee that the party knows its input, and its not reusing/modifying messages received in other protocols (aka malleability attack).

From Random OT to standard OT. We start by adding a transfer phase to the protocol, where the sender sends the encryption of his messages to the receiver:

  • Transfer: (in parallel for all \(i\in [m]\))

    1. 1.

      For all \(j\in [n]\), \(\mathcal {S}\) computes \( e^i_j\leftarrow E(k_j^i,M^i_j)\)

    2. 2.

      \(\mathcal {S}\) sends \((e^i_0,\ldots ,e^i_{n-1})\) to \(\mathcal {R}\);

  • Retrieve: (in parallel for all \(i\in [m]\))

    1. 1.

      \(\mathcal {R}\) computes and outputs \( z^i= D(k^i,e^i_{c^i}) \).

The Encryption Scheme. The protocol uses a symmetric encryption scheme (ED). We call \(\mathcal {K},\mathcal {M},\mathcal {C}\) the key space, message space and ciphertext space respectively and \(\kappa \) the security parameter. We allow the decryption algorithm to output a special symbol \(\bot \) to indicate an invalid ciphertext. We need the encryption scheme to satisfy the following properties:

Definition 1

We say a symmetric encryption scheme (ED) is non-committing if there exist PPT algorithms \(\mathcal {S} _1,\mathcal {S} _2\) such that \(\forall M \in \mathcal {M}\) \((e',k')\) and (ek) are computationally indistinguishable where \(e'\leftarrow \mathcal {S} _1(1^\kappa )\), \(k'\leftarrow \mathcal {S} _2(e',M)\), \(k\leftarrow \mathcal {K}\) and \(e\leftarrow E(k,M)\) (\(\mathcal {S} _1,\mathcal {S} _2\) are allowed to share a state).

The definition says that it is possible for a simulator to come up with a ciphertext e which can later be “explained” as an encryption of any message, in such a way that the joint distribution of the ciphertext and the key in this simulated experiment is indistinguishable from the normal use of the encryption scheme, where a key is first sampled and then an encryption of M is generated.

Definition 2

Let S be a set of random keys from \(\mathcal {K}\) and \(V_{S,e}\subseteq S\) the subset of valid keys for a given ciphertext e i.e., the keys in S such that \(D(k,e)\ne \bot \).

We say (ED) satisfies robustness if for all ciphertexts \(e\leftarrow \mathcal {A} (1^\kappa ,S)\) adversarially generated by a PPT \(\mathcal {A} \), \(|V_{S,e}|\le 1\) except with negligible probability.

The definition says that it should be hard for an adversary to generate a ciphertext which can be decrypted to more than one valid ciphertext using any polynomial number of randomly generated keys (even for adversaries who see those keys before generating the ciphertext).

A Concrete Example. We give a concrete example of a very simple scheme which satisfies Definitions 1 and 2: let \(\mathcal {M}=\{0,1\}^\ell \) and \(\mathcal {K}=\mathcal {C}=\{0,1\}^{\ell +\kappa }\). The encryption algorithm E(km) parses k as \((\alpha ,\beta )\) and \(e=(m \oplus \alpha ,\beta )\). The decryption algorithm D(ke) parses \(k=(\alpha ,\beta )\) and \(e=(e_1,e_2)\) and outputs \(\bot \) if \(e_2 \ne \beta \) or outputs \(m=e_1 \oplus \alpha \) otherwise. It can be shown that:

Lemma 3

The scheme (ED) defined above satisfies Definitions 1 and 2.


We show that the scheme satisfies Definitions 1 and 2 in a strong, information theoretic sense. For Definition 1: \(\mathcal {S} _1\) outputs a random \(e \leftarrow \{0,1\}^{\ell +\kappa }\); \(\mathcal {S} _2(e,M)\) parses \(e=(e_1,e_2)\) and outputs \(k=(e_1\oplus M,e_2)\). The simulated distribution is trivially identical to the real one. For Definition 2: given any ciphertext \(e=(e_1,e_2)\), \(D((\alpha ,\beta ),e)\ne \bot \) implies that \(\beta =e_2\). Thus even an unbounded adversary can break robustness of the scheme only if there are two keys \(k_i,k_j\in S\) such that \(\beta _i=\beta _j\) which only happens with probability negligible in \(\kappa \).

2.3 Simulation Based Security (UC)

We can finally argue UC security of our protocol.Footnote 3 The main ideas behind the proof are: it is possible to extract the choice value by checking whether a corrupted receiver queries the random oracle on points of the form \(yR^i-cT\) for some c, since no adversary can query on points of this form for more than one c (without breaking the CDH assumption) and the non-committing property of (ED) allows us to complete a successful simulation even if the corrupted receiver queries the oracle after he receives the ciphertexts; it is also possible to extract the sender messages by decrypting the ciphertexts with every key which the receiver got from the random oracle and Definition 2) allows us to conclude that except with negligible probability D returns \(\bot \) for all keys different from the correct one.

Theorem 1

The above protocol securely implements the functionality \(\mathcal {F}^{-}_{OT}(n,m,\ell )\) under the following conditions:

  • Corruption Model: any active, adaptive corruption;

  • Hybrid Functionalities: we model H as a random oracle and we assume an authenticated channel (but not confidential) between the parties;

  • Computational Assumptions: we assume that the symmetric encryption scheme (ED) satisfies Definitions 1 and 2 and the computational Diffie-Hellman problem is hard in \(\mathbb {G}\).


We prove our theorem in steps: first, we show that the protocol is secure if the adversary corrupts the sender or the receiver at the beginning of the protocol (i..e, static corruptions). Then we show that the protocol is secure if the adversary corrupts both parties at the end of the protocol (post-execution corruption).

(Corrupted Sender) First we argue that our protocol securely implements the functionality against a corrupted sender in the random oracle model (we will in particular use the property that the simulator can learn on which points the oracle was queried on), by constructing a simulator for a corrupted \(\mathcal {S}^*\) in the following way:Footnote 4 (1) in the first phase, the simulator answers random oracle queries \(H_{(\cdot ,\cdot )}(\cdot )\) at random; (2) at some point \(\mathcal {S}^*\) outputs S and the simulator checks that \(S\in \mathbb {G}\) or aborts otherwise; (3) the simulator now chooses a random \(x^i\) for all \(i\in [m]\) and sends \(R^i=x^iB\) to \(\mathcal {S}^*\). Note that since \(x^i\) is chosen at random the probability that \(\mathcal {S}^*\) had queried any oracle \(H_{(S,R^i)}(\cdot )\) before is negligible. At this point, any time \(\mathcal {S}^*\) makes a query of the form \(H_{(S,R^i)}(P^q)\), the simulator stores its random answers in \(k^{i,q}\); (4) Now \(\mathcal {S}^{*}\) outputs \((e^i_0,\ldots ,e^i_{n-1})\) and the simulator computes for all ij the value \(M^i_j\) in the following way: for all q compute \(D(k^{i,q},e^i_j)\) and set \(M^i_j\) to be the first such value which is \(\ne \bot \) (if any), or \(\bot \) otherwise; (5) finally it inputs all the vectors \((M^i_0,\ldots , M^i_{n-1})\) to the ideal functionality. We now argue that no distinguisher can tell a real-world view apart from a simulated view. This follows from Lemma 1 (the distribution of \(R^i\) does not depend on \(c^i\)), and that the output of the honest receiver can only be different if there exists a pair (ij) such that the adversary queried the random oracle on a point \(P'\ne yR^i-jT\) and \(M'=D(k',e^j_i)\ne \bot \), where \(k'=H_{(S,R^i)}(P')\). In this case the simulator will input \(M^i_{j}=M'\) to the ideal functionality which could cause the honest receiver in the ideal world to output a different value than it would in the real world (if \(c^i=j\)). But this happens only with negligible probability thanks to the property of the encryption scheme (Definition 2).

(Corrupted Receiver) We now construct a simulator for a corrupted receiverFootnote 5: (1) In the first phase, the simulator answers random oracle queries \(H_{(\cdot ,\cdot )}(\cdot )\) truly at random; (2) at some point the simulator samples a random y and outputs \(S=yB\). Afterwards it keeps answering oracle queries at random, but for each query of the form \(k^q=H_{(S,P^q)}(Q^q)\) it saves the triple \((k^q,P^q,Q^q)\) (since y is random the probability that any query of the form \(H_{(S,\cdot )}(\cdot )\) was performed before is negligible); (3) at some point the simulator receives a vector of elements \(R^i\) and aborts if \(\exists i : R^i\not \in \mathbb {G}\); (4) the simulator now initializes all \(c^i=\bot \); for each tuple q in memory such that for some i it holds that \(P^q=R^i\) the simulator checks if \(Q^q = y(R^i -dS)\) for some \(d\in [n]\). Now the simulator saves this value d in \(c^i\) if \(c^i\) had not been defined before or aborts otherwise. In other words, when the simulator finds a candidate choice value d for some i it checks if it had already found a choice value for that i (i.e., \(c^i\ne \bot \)) and if so it aborts and outputs fail, otherwise if it had not found a candidate choice bit for i before (i.e., \(c^i=\bot \)) it sets \(c^i=d\); (5) When the adversary is done querying the random oracle, the simulator has to send all ciphertexts vectors \(\{(e^i_0,\ldots ,e^i_{n-1})\}_{i\in [m]}\): \(\forall i\in [m],j\in [n]\) the simulator sets a) if \(c^i=\bot : e^i_j=\mathcal {S} _1(1^\kappa )\) b) if \(j\ne c^i : e^j_i=\mathcal {S} _1(1^\kappa )\) and c) if \(j=c^i : e^i_j=E(k^i_{c^i},z^i)\); (6) at this point the protocol is almost over but the simulator can still receive random oracle queries. As before, the simulator answers them at random except if the adversary queries on some point \(H_{(S,R^i)}(Q^q)\) with \(Q^q = y(R^i -dS)\). If this happens for any i such that \(c^i\ne \bot \) the simulator aborts and outputs fail. Otherwise the simulator sets \(c^i=d\), inputs \(c^i\) to the ideal functionality, receives \(z^i\) and programs the random oracle to output \(k'\leftarrow \mathcal {S} _2(e^i_{c^i},z^i)\).

Now to conclude our proof, we must argue that a simulated view is indistinguishable from the view of a corrupted party in an execution of the protocol. When the simulator does not output fail indistinguishability follows immediately from Definition 1. Finally the simulator only outputs fail if \(\mathcal {R}^*\) queries the oracle on two points \(U_0,U_1\) such that \(U_1-U_0\) is a known multiple of \(y^2B\), and as argued in Lemma 2 such an adversary can be used to break the CDH assumption.

(Post-Execution Corruptions) We now construct a simulator for an adversary that corrupts adaptively either/both of the two parties after the protocol is over. This is the hardest case and it is easy to see how our simulator can be adapted for an adversary who corrupts either party during the protocol execution. Since we are not assuming confidential channels the simulator needs to produce a view even while both parties are honest: the simulator (1) samples random \(y,x_0^i\leftarrow \mathbb {Z}_{p}\) and computes \(S=yB\) and \(R^i=x^i_0 B\) for all \(i\in [m]\); computes and stores the values \(x^i_{j}\) for all \(j\in [n]\) as \(x^i_j = x^i_0- j y\) (those are the values which are consistent with the view of the protocol for a receiver with input \(c^i=j\), since \(R^i=x^i_0B=jS+x^i_jB\)); (3) computes and stores the values \(Q^i_j=y(R^i-jS)\) for all \(i\in [m],j\in [n]\); (4) the simulator computes \(e^i_j\leftarrow \mathcal {S} _1(1^\kappa )\) and outputs \(S,R^i,e^i_j\) for all \(i\in [m],j\in [n]\); (5) The simulator starts answering all random oracle queries at random except for queries of the form \(H_{(S,R^i)}(Q^i_j)\), in which case it aborts. When/if the adversary corrupts the sender, the simulator learns \(M^j_i\) for all \(i\in [m],j\in [n]\), runs \(k^i_j\leftarrow \mathcal {S} _2(e^i_{j},M^i_j)\) and programs the random oracle to answer \(k^i_j=H_{(S,R^i)}(Q^i_j)\). When/if the adversary corrupts the receiver, the simulator learns \(c^i,z^i=M^i_{c^i}\) for all \(i\in [m]\), runs \(k^i_{c^i}\leftarrow \mathcal {S} _2(e^i_{c^i},z^i)\) and programs the random oracle to answer \(k^i_{c^i}=H_{(S,R^i)}(Q^i_j)\). If the simulator does not abort the simulated view is indistinguishable from a real view of the protocol, as the distribution of \(S,R^i\) is identical in both cases (see Lemma 1) and thanks to non-committing property of (ED) (Definition 1). Using the same argument as above, we can show that an adversary that makes the simulator abort (i.e., queries the oracle on a point of the form \((S,R^i,Q^i_j)\)) can be used to break the CDH assumption.

Non-Malleability in Practice. Clearly, a proof that \(a\rightarrow b\) only says that b is true when a is true, and since cryptographic security models (a) are not always a good approximation of the real world, we discuss some of these discrepancies here and therefore to which extent our protocol achieves security in practice (b), with particular focus on malleability attacks.

When instantiating our protocol we must replace the random oracle with a hash function: UC proofs crucially rely on the fact that the oracle is local to the protocol i.e., it can be only queried by the protocol participants, and different instances of the protocol run with different random oracles: clearly, there is no such a thing in the real world. To approximate the model, one can “localize” the random oracle by prepending the parties id’s and the session id to the hash function. We argue here that our choice of using the transcript of the protocol \((S,R^i)\) as salt for the hash function helps in making sure that the oracle is local to the protocol, and helps against malleability attacks in cases where the parties’ and session id’s are unavailable. Consider the following man-in-the middle attack, where an adversary \(\mathcal {A} \) plays two copies of the \({n \atopwithdelims ()1}\)-OT, one as the sender with \(\mathcal {R}\) and one as the receiver with \(\mathcal {S}\). Here is how the attack works: (1) \(\mathcal {A} \) receives S from \(\mathcal {S}\) and forwards it to \(\mathcal {R}\); (2) Then the adversary receives R from \(\mathcal {R}\) and sends \(R'=S+R\) to \(\mathcal {S}\); (3) Finally \(\mathcal {A} \) receives the \(\{e_i\}_{i\in [n]}\) from \(\mathcal {S}\) and sets \(e'_i=e_{(i-1 \quad mod \quad n)}\) to \(\mathcal {R}\). It is easy to see that if the same hash function is used to instantiate the random oracle in the two protocols (and if \(c\ne 0\)), then the honest receiver outputs \(z=M_{c+1}\), which is clearly a breach of security (i.e., this attack could not be run if the protocols are replaced with OT functionalities).

The previous can be seen as a malleability attack on the choice bit. An adversary can also try a malleability attack on the sender messages by forwarding \((S',R')=(S,R)\) but then manipulating the \(e_i\)’s into ciphertexts \(e'_i\) which decrypt to related messages. In the \({2 \atopwithdelims ()1}\)-OT, these attacks can be mitigated by using authenticated encryption for (ED) (which also satisfies robustness as in Definition 2). Now an adversary who changes both ciphertext is equivalent to an ideal adversary using input \((\bot ,\bot )\), while an adversary who only changes one ciphertext, say \(e_{c}\), is equivalent to an adversary which uses input bit \(1-c\) on the left and inputs \((m_{1-c},\bot )\) on the right. Unfortunately for \({n \atopwithdelims ()1}\)-OT (with \(n>2\)) this does not work. For instance, an adversary who corrupts only 1 out of m ciphertext cannot be simulated having access to ideal functionalities.

Finally we note that no practical instantiation of the encryption scheme leads to a non-committing encryption scheme (as required in Definition 1), but we conjecture that this an artificial requirement and does not lead to any concrete vulnerabilities.

3 The Random OT Protocol in Practice

This section describes how the random OT protocol can be realized in practice. In particular, this section focuses on describing how group elements are represented as bitstrings, i.e., the encodings. In the abstract description of the random OT protocol, the sender and the receiver transmit and compute on “group elements”, but clearly any implementation of the protocol transmits and computes on bitstrings. We describe how the encodings are designed to achieve efficiency (both for communication and computation) and security (particularly against a malicious party who might try to send malformed encodings).

The Group. The group \(\mathbb {G}\) we choose for the protocol is a subset of \(\bar{\mathbb {G}}\); \(\bar{\mathbb {G}}\) is defined by the set of points on the twisted Edwards curve

$$\{(x,y) \in \mathbb {F}_{2^{255}-19} \times \mathbb {F}_{2^{255}-19} : -x^2 + y^2 = 1 + d x^2y^2\}$$

and the twisted Edwards addition law

$$(x_1, y_1) + (x_2, y_2) = \left( \frac{x_1y_2 + x_2y_1}{1 + d x_1x_2y_1y_2}, \frac{y_1y_2 + x_1x_2}{1-dx_1x_2y_1y_2}\right) $$

introduced by Bernstein, Birkner, Joye, Lange, and Peters in [BBJ+08]. The constant d and the generator B can be found in [BDL+11]. The two groups \(\bar{\mathbb {G}}\) and \(\mathbb {G}\) are isomorphic respectively to \(\mathbb {Z}_p \times \mathbb {Z}_8\) and \(\mathbb {Z}_p\) with \(p = 2^{252} +27742317777372353535851937790883648493\).

Encoding of Group Element. An encoding \(\mathcal {E}\) for a group \(\mathbb {G}_0\) is a way of representing group elements as fixed-length bitstrings. We write \(\mathcal {E}({P})\) for a bitstring which represents \(P\in \mathbb {G}_0\). Note that there can be multiple bitstrings that represent P; if there is only one bitstring for each group element, \(\mathcal {E}\) is said to be deterministic (\(\mathcal {E}\) is said to be non-deterministic otherwiseFootnote 6). Also note that some bitstrings (of the fixed length) might not represent any group element; we write \(\mathcal {E}({\mathbb {G}_1})\) for the set of bitstrings which represent some element in \(\mathbb {G}_1 \subseteq \mathbb {G}_0\). \(\mathcal {E}\) is said to be verifiable if there exists an efficient algorithm that, given a bitstring as input, outputs whether it is in \(\mathcal {E}(\mathbb {G}_0)\) or not.

The Encoding \(\mathcal {E}_X\) for Group Operations. The non-deterministic encoding \(\mathcal {E}_X\) for \(\bar{\mathbb {G}}\), which is based on the extended coordinates in [HWCD08], represents each point using the tuple (X : Y : Z : T) with \(XY = ZT\), representing \(x = X/Z\) and \(y = Y/Z\). We use \(\mathcal {E}_X\) whenever we need to perform group operations since given \(\mathcal {E}_X(P), \mathcal {E}_X(Q)\) where \( P, Q \in \bar{\mathbb {G}}\), it is efficient to compute \(\mathcal {E}_X(P+P)\), \(\mathcal {E}_X(P+Q)\), and \(\mathcal {E}_X(P-Q)\). In particular, given an integer scalar \(r \in \mathbb {Z}_p\) it is efficient to compute \(\mathcal {E}_{X}(rB)\), and given r and \(\mathcal {E}_{X}(P)\) it is efficient to compute \(\mathcal {E}_{X}(rP)\).

The Encoding \(\mathcal {E}_0\) and Related Encodings. The deterministic encoding \(\mathcal {E}_0\) for \(\bar{\mathbb {G}}\) represents each group element as a 256-bit bitstring: the natural 255-bit encoding of y followed by a sign bit which depends only on x. The way to recover the full value x is described in  [BDL+11, Sect. 5], and group membership can be verified efficiently by checking whether \(x^2 (y^2 - 1) = dy^2 + 1\) holds; therefore \(\mathcal {E}_0\) is verifiable. See [BDL+11] for more details of \(\mathcal {E}_0\).

For the following discussions, we define deterministic encodings \(\mathcal {E}_1\) and \(\mathcal {E}_2\) for \(\mathbb {G}\) as

$$ \mathcal {E}_1(P) = \mathcal {E}_0(8P), \mathcal {E}_2(P) = \mathcal {E}_0(64P), P \in \mathbb {G}. $$

We also define non-deterministic encodings \(\mathcal {E}^{(0)}\) and \(\mathcal {E}^{(1)}\) for \(\mathbb {G}\) as

$$ \mathcal {E}^{(0)}(P) = \mathcal {E}_0(P + t), \mathcal {E}^{(1)}(P) = \mathcal {E}_0(8P + t'), P \in \mathbb {G}, $$

where \(t, t'\) can be any 8-torsion point. Note that each element in \(\mathbb {G}\) has exactly 8 representations under \(\mathcal {E}^{(0)}\) and \(\mathcal {E}^{(1)}\).

Point Compression/Decompression. It is efficient to convert from \(\mathcal {E}_{X}(P)\) to \(\mathcal {E}_0(P)\) and back; since \(\mathcal {E}_0\) represents points as much shorter bitstrings, these operations are called point compression and point decompression, respectively. Roughly speaking, point compression outputs \(y=Y/Z\) along with the sign bit of \(x=X/Z\), and point decompression first recovers x and then outputs \(X=x,Y=y,Z=1,T=xy\). We always check for group membership during point decompression.

We use \(\mathcal {E}_0\) for data transmission: the parties send bitstrings in \(\mathcal {E}_0(\bar{\mathbb {G}})\) and expect to receive bitstrings in \(\mathcal {E}_0(\bar{\mathbb {G}})\). This means a computed point encoded by \(\mathcal {E}_X\) has to be compressed before it is sent, and a received bitstring has to be decompressed for subsequent group operations. Sending compressed points helps to reduce the communication complexity: the parties only need to transfer \(32+32m\) bytes in total.

Secure Data Transmission. At the beginning of the protocol \(\mathcal {S}\) computes and sends \(\mathcal {E}_0(S)\). In the ideal case, \(\mathcal {R}\) should receive a bitstring in \(\mathcal {E}_0(\mathbb {G})\) which he interprets as \(\mathcal {E}_0(S)\). However, an attacker (a corrupted \(\mathcal {S}^{*}\) or a man-in-the-middle) can send \(\mathcal {R}\) 1) a bitstring that is not in \(\mathcal {E}_0(\bar{\mathbb {G}})\) or 2) a bitstring in \(\mathcal {E}_0(\bar{\mathbb {G}} \setminus \mathbb {G})\). In the first case, \(\mathcal {R}\) detects that the received bitstring is not valid during point decompression and ignores it. In the second case, \(\mathcal {R}\) can check group membership by computing the pth multiple of the point, but a more efficient way is to use a new encoding \(\mathcal {E}'\) such that each bitstrings in \(\mathcal {E}_0(\bar{\mathbb {G}})\) represents a point in \(\mathbb {G}\) under \(\mathcal {E}'\). Therefore \(\mathcal {R}\) considers the received bitstring as \(\mathcal {E}^{(0)}(S) = \mathcal {E}_0(S + t)\), where t can be any 8-torsion point.

The encoding \(\mathcal {E}^{(0)}\) (along with point decompression) makes sure that \(\mathcal {R}\) receives bitstrings representing elements in \(\mathbb {G}\). However, an attacker can derive \(c^i\) by exploiting the extra information given by a nonzero t: a naive \(\mathcal {R}\) would compute and send \(\mathcal {E}_0(c^i(S+t)+x^iB)=\mathcal {E}_0(c^it+R^i)\); now by testing whether the result is \(\mathcal {E}_0(\mathbb {G})\) the attacker learns whether \(c^i=0\).

To get rid of the 8-torsion point, \(\mathcal {R}\) can multiply received point by \(8\cdot (8^{-1} \quad mod \quad p)\), but a more efficient way is to just multiply by 8 and then operate on \(\mathcal {E}_X(8S)\) and \(\mathcal {E}_X(8x^iB)\) to obtain and send \(\mathcal {E}_1(R^i)=\mathcal {E}_0(8R^i)\), i.e., the encoding switches to \(\mathcal {E}_1\) for \(R^i\). After this \(\mathcal {S}\) works similarly as \(\mathcal {R}\): to ensure that the received bitstring represents an element in \(\mathbb {G}\), \(\mathcal {S}\) interprets the bitstring as \(\mathcal {E}^{(1)}(R^i) = \mathcal {E}_0(8R^i + t)\); to get rid of the 8-torsion point \(\mathcal {S}\) also multiplies the received point by 8, and then \(\mathcal {S}\) operates on \(\mathcal {E}_X(64 R^i)\) and \(\mathcal {E}_X(64 T)\) to obtain \(\mathcal {E}_X(64(yR^i-jT))\).

Key Derivation. The protocol computes \(H_{S, R^i}(P)\) where P can be \(x^iS, yR^i,\) or \(yR^i-jT\) for \(j\in [n]\). This is implemented by hashing \(\mathcal {E}_1(S) \mathbin {\Vert } \mathcal {E}_2(R^i) \mathbin {\Vert } \mathcal {E}_2(P)\) with Keccak [BDPVA09] with 256-bit output. The choice of encodings is natural: \(\mathcal {S}\) computes \(\mathcal {E}_X(S)\), and \(\mathcal {R}\) computes \(\mathcal {E}_X(8S)\); since multiplication by 8 is much cheaper than multiplication by \((8^{-1} \quad mod \quad p)\), we use \(\mathcal {E}_1(S)= \mathcal {E}_0(8S)\) for hashing. For similar reasons we use \(\mathcal {E}_2\) for \(R^i\) and P.

Table 1. How the parties compute encodings of group elements: each row shows that the “Output” is computed given “Input” using the operations “Operations”. The input might come from the output of a previous row, a received string (e.g., \(\mathcal {E}^{(1)}(R^i)\)), or a random scalar that the party generates (e.g., \(8x^i\)). The upper half of the table are the operations that does not depend on i, which means the operations are performed only once for the whole protocol. \(\mathcal {E}_{X}\) is suppressed: group elements written without encoding are actually encoded by \(\mathcal {E}_{X}\). \(\mathcal {C}\) and \(\mathcal {D}\) stand for point compression and point decompression respectively. Computation of the rth multiple of P is denoted as “\(r \cdot P\)”. In particular, \(8 \cdot P\) can be carried out with only 3 point doublings.

Actual Operations. For completeness, we present in Table 1 a full overview of operations performed during the protocol for the case of 1 out of 2 OT (i.e., \(n=2\)).

4 Field Arithmetic

This section describes our implementation strategy for arithmetic operations in \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{255}-19}\), which serve as low-level building blocks for operations on the curve. Field operations are decomposed into double-precision floating-point operations using our strategy. A straightforward way for implementation is then using double-precision floating-point instructions. However, a better way to utilize the \(64 \times 64 \rightarrow 128\)-bit serial multiplier is to decompose field operations into integer instructions as [BDL+11] does. The real reason we decide to use floating-point operations is that it allows us to use 256-bit vector instructions on the target microarchitectures, which are functionally equivalent to 4 double-precision floating-point instructions. The technique, which is called vectorization, makes our vectorized implementation achieve much higher throughtput than our non-vectorized implementation based on [BDL+11].

Representation of Field Elements. Each field element \(x \in \mathbb {F}_{2^{255}-19}\) is represented as 12 limbs \((x_0, x_1, \dots , x_{11})\) such that \(x = \sum x_i\) and \(x_i / 2^{\lceil 21.25i \rceil } \in \mathbb {Z}\). Each \(x_i\) is stored as a double-precision floating-point number. Field operations are then carried out by limb operations such as floating-point additions and multiplications.

When a field element gets initialized (e.g., when obtained from a table lookup), each \(x_i\) uses no more than 21 bits of the 53-bit mantissa. However, after a series of limb operations, the number of bits \(x_i\) takes can grow. It is thus necessary to reduce the number of bits (in the mantissa) with carries before any precision is lost; see below for more discussions.

Field Arithmetic. Additions and subtractions of field elements are implemented in a straightforward way: simply adding/subtracting the corresponding limbs. This does increase the number of bits in the mantissa, but in our application it suffices to reduce bits only at the end of the multiplication function.

A field multiplication is divided into two steps. The first step is a schoolbook multiplication on the \(2\cdot 12\) input limbs, with reduction modulo \(2^{255}-19\) to bring the result back to 12 limbs. The schoolbook multiplication takes 132 floating-point additions, 144 floating-point multiplications, and a few more multiplications by constants to handle the reduction.

Let \((c_0, c_1, \dots , c_{11})\) be the result after schoolbook multiplication. The second step is to perform carries to reduce number of bits in \(c_i\). Carry from \(c_i\) to \(c_{i+1}\) (indices work modulo 12), which we denote as \(c_i \rightarrow c_{i+1}\), is performed with 4 floating-point operations: \( c \leftarrow c_i + \alpha _i;\) \( c \leftarrow c - \alpha _i;\) \( c_i \leftarrow c_i - c;\) \( c_{i+1} \leftarrow c_{i+1} + c.\) The idea is to use \(\alpha _i = 3 \cdot 2^{k_i}\) where \(k_i\) is big enough so that the less significant part of \(c_i\) are discarded in \(c_i + \alpha _i\), forcing c to contain only the more significant part of \(c_i\). For \(i={11}\), one extra multiplication is required to scale c by \(19 \cdot 2^{-255}\) before it is added to \(c_0\).

A straightforward way to reduce number of bits in all limbs is to use the carry chain \(c_0 \rightarrow c_1 \rightarrow c_2 \rightarrow \cdots \rightarrow c_{11} \rightarrow c_0 \rightarrow c_1.\) The problem with the straightforward carry chain is that there is not enough instruction level parallelism to hide the 3-cycle latencies (see discussion below). To hide the latencies we thus interleave the following 3 carry chains:

$$\begin{aligned}&c_0 \rightarrow c_1 \rightarrow c_2 \rightarrow c_3 \rightarrow c_4 \rightarrow c_5, \\&c_4 \rightarrow c_5 \rightarrow c_6 \rightarrow c_7 \rightarrow c_8 \rightarrow c_9, \\&c_8 \rightarrow c_9 \rightarrow c_{10} \rightarrow c_{11} \rightarrow c_0 \rightarrow c_1. \end{aligned}$$

In total the multiplication function takes 192 floating-point additions/subtractions and 156 floating-point multiplications.

When the input operands are the same, many limb products will repeat in the schoolbook multiplication; a field squaring is therefore cheaper than a field multiplication. In total the squaring function takes 126 floating-point additions/subtractions and 101 floating-point multiplications.

Field inversion is implemented as a fix sequence of field squarings and multiplications.

Table 2. 256-bit vector instructions used in our implementation. Note that vxorpd has throughput of 4 when it has only one source operand.

Vectorization. We decompose field operations into 64-bit floating-point and logical operations. The Intel Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge microarchitectures, as well as many recent microarchitectures, offer instructions that operate on 256-bit registers. Some of these instructions treat the registers as vectors of 4 double-precision floating-point numbers and perform 4 floating-point operations in parallel; there are also 256-bit logical instructions that can be viewed as 4 64-bit logical instructions. We thus use these instructions to run 4 scalar multiplications in parallel. Table 2 shows the instructions we use, along with their latencies and throughputs on the Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge given in Fog’s well-known survey [Fog14].

5 Implementation Results

This section compares the speed of our implementation of \({2 \atopwithdelims ()1}\)-OT (i.e., \(n=2\)) with other similar implementations. We stress that our software is a constant-time one: timing attacks are avoided using the same high-level strategy as [BDL+11].

To show that our speeds for curve operations are competitive, we modify the software to support the function of Diffie-Hellman key exchange and compare the results with existing Curve25519 implementations (our implementation performs scalar multiplications on the twisted Edwards curve, so it is not the same as Curve25519). The experiments are carried out on two machines on the eBACS site for publicly verifiable benchmarks [BL15]: h6sandy (Sandy Bridge) and h9ivy (Ivy Bridge). Since our protocol can serve as the base OTs for an OT extension protocol, we also compare our speed with a base OT implementation presented in [ALSZ13], which is included in the Scapi multi-party computation library; the experiments are made on an Intel Core i7-3537U processor (Ivy Bridge) where each party runs on one core. Note that all experiments are performed with Turbo Boost disabled.

Comparing with Curve25519 Implementations. Table 3 compares our work with existing Curve25519 implementations. “Cycles to generate a public key” indicates the time to generate the public key given a secret key; the Curve25519 implementation is the implementation by Andrew Moon [MF15]. “Cycles to compute a shared secret” indicates the time to generate the shared secret, given a secret key and a public key; the Curve25519 implementation is from [BDL+11]. Note that since our software runs 4 scalar multiplications in parallel, the numbers in the table are the time for generating 4 public keys or 4 shared secrets divided by 4. In other words, our implementation is optimized for througput instead of latency.

Comparing with Scapi. Table 4 shows the timings of our implementation for the random OT protocol, along with the timings of a base-OT implementation presented in [ALSZ13]. The paper presents several base-OT implementations; the one we compare with is Miracl-based with “long-term security” using random oracle (cf. [ALSZ13, Section 6.1]). The implementation uses the NIST K-283 curve and SHA-1 for hashing, and it is not a constant-time implementation. It turns out that our work is an order of magnitude faster for \(m \in \{4,8,\dots ,1024\}\).

Table 3. DH speeds of our work and existing Curve25519 implementations.
Table 4. Timings for per OT in kilocycles. Multiplying the number of kilocycles by 0.5 one can obtain the running time (in \(\mu s\)) on our test architecture.

Memory Consumption. Our code for public-key generation uses a 284-KB table. For shared-secret computation the table size is 12 KB. For OTs, \(\mathcal {S}\) uses a 12-KB table, while \(\mathcal {R}\) is allowed to use a table of size up to 1344 KB which depends on the parameters given. The current code provides 4 copies of the precomputed points, one for each of the 4 scalar multiplcations, so it is possible to reduce the table sizes by a factor of 4 by broadcasting the precomputed points. Another reason that we have large tables is because of the representation for field elements: each limbs takes 8 bytes, so each field element already takes \(12 \cdot 8 = 96\) bytes. The window sizes we use are the same as [BDL+11]. See [BDL+11] for issues related to table sizes.