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Surgical Complications of Pancreas Transplant

Contemporary Pancreas Transplantation

Part of the book series: Organ and Tissue Transplantation ((OTT))

  • 100 Accesses


Pancreas transplantation provides diabetic patients a means of achieving normoglycemia, improving their quality of life and preventing secondary complications of diabetes mellitus. Pancreas transplant is considered a quality of life improving procedure. Compared to liver, heart, and lung transplants which are life-saving procedures, an improved quality of life comes with the cost of potential morbidity related to the operation and the requirement of life-long immunosuppression.

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Special thanks to Jaclyn McKeen, Pharm.D., BCPS; Richard Ruiz, M.D., FACS; Marlon Levy, M.D., FACS; and Goran Klintmalm, M.D., Ph.D., FACS in preparation of this book chapter.

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Saeed, I. (2015). Surgical Complications of Pancreas Transplant. In: Lim, J. (eds) Contemporary Pancreas Transplantation. Organ and Tissue Transplantation. Springer, Cham.

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    Surgical Complications of Pancreas Transplant
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    Surgical Complications of Pancreas Transplant
    16 March 2016
