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Pathology of Pancreas Transplant

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Contemporary Pancreas Transplantation

Part of the book series: Organ and Tissue Transplantation ((OTT))

  • 187 Accesses


Accurate determination of the cause of pancreas allograft dysfunction requires histological evaluation of the transplanted organ. Guidelines are available for systematic morphological evaluation and optimal clinicopathological integrations. Furthermore, morphological characterization of the main histopathological types of acute rejection, T-cell-mediated rejection (TCMR) and antibody mediated allograft rejection (AMR), has allowed for a better differentiation from each other and from other non-rejection-related pathological processes.

Acute TCMR is characterized by active parenchymal cellular infiltrates composed predominantly of T cells and typically involving veins, ducts, acini, and occasionally arterial branches. The main differential diagnosis of TCMR includes infectious processes such as cytomegalovirus infection and EBV-related posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder, both of which also present with inflammatory cellular infiltrates.

Significant parenchymal involvement in acute AMR, on the other hand, is characterized by predominantly macrophagic (± neutrophilic) inflammation and typically C4d-positive microvasculature injury. Patchy or diffuse hemorrhagic necrosis in AMR requires consideration of a different set of differential diagnoses, mainly including ischemic pancreatitis and vascular graft thrombosis due to technical issues.

Accurate diagnosis of TCMR and AMR, as well as mixed forms of rejection, requires (1) systematic analysis of the histological features, (2) evaluation of C4d staining, and (3) determination of the DSA status.

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Drachenberg, C.B., Papadimitriou, J.C. (2016). Pathology of Pancreas Transplant. In: Lim, J. (eds) Contemporary Pancreas Transplantation. Organ and Tissue Transplantation. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-319-20789-6

  • eBook Packages: Springer Reference MedicineReference Module Medicine

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    Pathology of Pancreas Transplant
    28 September 2016


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    Pathology of Pancreas Transplant
    16 March 2016
