
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

The Mizar [21, 38] project is a long-term effort originally aimed at developing a computer environment to support mathematicians in preparing papers. Around 1973, Andrzej Trybulec, the leader of the project, has designed a language for writing formal mathematics. The implemented processor was intended to check written texts for logical consistency and correctness. For fifteen years numerous implementations of the system were developed in order to choose suitable underlying logic and expressive power of the language (PC – propositional calculus, MSE – multi-sorted with equality, QC – quantifier calculus, etc.). An important issue was also to find the proper technology of automated cross-referencing between papers. The history of the first 30 years of Mizar development has been described in [32]. All these experiments resulted in choosing the principles of the current Mizar. The logical structure of the language is based on a variant of the classical first-order logic natural deduction system proposed by Jaśkowski [27]. The texts written in the language (called Mizar articles) are organized into a data base – the Mizar Mathematical Library, MML. The Tarski-Grothendieck set theory, which is basically ZFC set theory with the axiom of infinity replaced by Tarski’s axiom of existence of arbitrarily large, strongly inaccessible cardinals forms the basis of doing mathematics in contemporary Mizar.

Today there are a number of other projects committed to address problems related to computerized theorem proving developed at various research centers around the world. Most significantly: the HOL Light theorem proverFootnote 1, IsabelleFootnote 2, the Coq Proof AssistantFootnote 3, MetamathFootnote 4, ProofPowerFootnote 5, Nqthm/ACL2Footnote 6, the PVS Specification and Verification SystemFootnote 7, and the Nuprl/PRL ProjectFootnote 8. Each project is characterized by its own specifics implied by an assumed theoretical basis (e.g., type theory or set theory, classical logic versus intuitionistic logic or higher order logic) and main goals, towards which the project is geared (extracting programs from proofs, program verification, formalization of mathematics, automated theorem proving) [59]. Thanks to the discussions and research collaboration stemming from the QED [7] initiative, there has been a significant interplay between the projects. To name the most important cases of Mizar’s influence on other systems we can mention the Declare system developed by D. Syme [42], the Mizar  mode for HOL by J. Harrison [25], the Isar language for Isabelle by M. Wenzel [56], Mizar-light for HOL Light by F. Wiedijk [57], the declarative proof language (DPL) for Coq by P. Corbineau [16] and finally the miz3 proof interface for HOL Light [61] that combines both the procedural and declarative style of writing proofs. The Mizar  way of writing proofs was also the model for the notion of ’formal proof sketches’ developed by F. Wiedijk [58].

However, the information about the fundamental aspects of the Mizar  system as a whole has not been readily available. To have a better understanding of Mizar, the developers of other systems have had to collect the information scattered in scarce user reference materials or various Mizar  research papers describing particular newly implemented Mizar  aspects. With this paper we intend to give a concise survey of the most important Mizar  features that distinguish it from other popular proof checkers and show its current lines of development. Hopefully, this will become beneficial for further collaboration with other similar projects. The work is organized as follows. In Sect. 2 we present the basics of the Mizar  language, in Sect. 3 we describe the main software components of the system. Section 4 presents the organization of MML. Next, we present the current Mizar  development in Sect. 5 and conclude with a vision of the project for the near future in Sect. 6.

2 Language

The Mizar  language encompasses both the grammar constructions that make use of a standardized list of reserved words and also the notation introduced by the authors of formalizations to encode concepts and notions.

In total, the current version of the language comprises 112 reserved words and 29 special symbols. However, the language is open in the sense that authors are allowed to extend it by introducing their own new symbols for the notions they define. Currently there are 8239 symbols used in the Mizar  Mathematical Library, including 722 predicate symbols, 1771 attribute symbols, 854 mode symbols, 4501 functor symbols, 36 left and right bracket symbols, 159 selector symbols, and 160 structure symbolsFootnote 9. In the Mizar  terminology, predicates are constructors of formulas, attributes are constructors of adjectives, modes are constructors of types, functors are constructors of terms. Selector and structure symbols are used to declare structural types and their fields. Symbol overloading is highly used in Mizar  to enable re-use of the symbols to denote different notions in much the same way it is done in pen-and-paper mathematics. For example the symbols * and + are used to denote 193 and 143 different operations in various fields of mathematics, respectively. The grammar of the Mizar  languageFootnote 10 provides means to formulate mathematical statements in a way that resembles a formal exposition in the natural language. There are constructs to represent various kinds of formulas (quantifiers, standard logical connectives), reasoning methods (straightforward and diffused reasoning, proof by exhaustion) and all sorts of natural deduction proof steps (assumptions, conclusions, references, etc.).

However, there are numerous examples of constructs that mathematicians employ in their works to make the text more concise and less explicit in the number of trivial details. The so-called de Bruijn factor of the present formalizations, that measures the ratio between the length of the formal text and its informal counterpart, is still too high (it has been calculated as around 4 for typical examples and higher in the case of more complicated texts) [33]. Still, making the formal text as short as possible is not the ultimate goal, the readability of the formalization is equally important. Notable examples of informal constructs that are responsible for the discrepancy between informal and formal mathematics are the use of analogy, references to the reader’s intuition, or various forms of ellipses. We will be seeking for new useful constructions extending the formal language that would help to represent such linguistic structures. At this stage of the project, different sorts of ellipses, particularly those related to indexed variables, appear to be of high importance. Another open problem is how to introduce a convenient syntax for binding operators like integrals, sums, etc. The open, author-defined part of the Mizar  language poses a number of separate research questions. Although the authors are allowed to use different constructs supported by the language to express the same notions, the choice they make can be crucial. This concerns in particular the use of predicates, attributes, and modes that is most natural and closest to mathematical tradition. To some extent, they can be used interchangeably, and using each of them might present specific benefit. For example, the use of attributes offers a lot of simplification in reasoning. Modes allow to express predicative statements about objects that can be categorized in a natural way. On the other hand, predicates are most primitive and generic, and can be used to expand any notion of the three kinds. The current Mizar  language permits also the use of adjectives with visible arguments, e.g. n-dimensional (for an n-dimensional space), X-defined (for a function defined on some set X), x-convergent (for a sequence convergent to x) etc. In connection with the attribute clusters rounding-up automation [34], this enables a powerful Prolog-like computation mechanism.

3 Software

The heart of the Mizar  system is its proof checker, but it is rarely used today as a standalone program. Over the years, Mizar  has evolved into a complex proof assistant system [21] composed of many components that are used together to assist the user in various tasks related to formalizing mathematics. Apart from the core verification software, dedicated utilities support building the library and importing data from it for formalizations based on top of previous developments. A number of utilities distributed in the system’s package help the users improve the quality of their formalizations by eliminating unnecessary or redundant parts. Several web-based services that allow to browse the available library as a semantically linked knowledge base, search its content with a dedicated query language, gather proof advice from automated theorem provers, or display the effects of the formalization in an automatically generated journal-style natural language representation. And although Mizar  texts can in principle be prepared with the aid of any ASCII text editor, several dedicated editors have been independently implemented, with Mizar  mode for Emacs being the most widely used and best integrated with the system’s other elements [47]. Below we summarize the basic information about all these interlinked proof assistant components.

The Mizar  verifier consists of several modules responsible for checking various aspects of the correctness of Mizar  articles in a compiler-like manner. They are: Scanner, Parser, Analyzer, Reasoner, Checker, Schematizer.

Scanner reads the source file and slices it into tokens. Parser checks the syntactic correctness with respect to the grammar of the stream of tokens given by Scanner and produces the abstract representation of the article in the form of stacked blocks and items, to be used by Analyzer which identifies constructors and notations used on the basis of the type information imported from the environment. Reasoner is responsible for checking if a proof tactic used by the author corresponds to the formula being proved. The checking is based on the internal representation of formulas in a simplified “canonical” form – their semantic correlates. Checker works as a classical disprover, additionally taking into account the type information associated with all terms, the properties of the employed constructors, equality calculus, etc. Checker also uses special built-in automation procedures for processing selected objects like e.g. complex numbers (direct computation) or boolean operations on sets. Schematizer processes schemes – statements that go beyond first-order logic, using free second-order variables to form infinite families of theorems, e.g. the scheme of mathematical induction.

Before Checker can start its work the text should be run through Accommodator which imports knowledge either from the MML or a locally created data base. After the verification, the contents of an article can be extracted by Exporter and possibly incorporated into the MML.

3.1 XML Layer

MML is one of the largest corpora of nontrivial computer-understandable mathematics. This makes it into a unique resource for all sorts of semantic experiments and assistance tools that go beyond shallow natural-language treatment of mathematical texts. Such tools include database-like semantic search as done by MMLQuery [12], full automated theorem proving (ATP) over MML as done by the MPTP export [45, 49] and the Miz\(\mathbb {AR}\) system based on it [28, 52], or subsumption search based on ATP indexing data structures as used in MoMM [48] and in MathWebSearch [26]. Semantic parsing is also very useful for various functions provided by the Emacs authoring environment for Mizar  (MizarMode) [47], and e.g. its linking with MML Query [13].

Since parsing the advanced human-like Mizar  language is notoriously hard [15], a natural solution taken in 2004 was to make a complete and well-described separation between the parsing and semantic analysis stages (Parser and Analyzer) on the one hand, and proof checking and all kinds of other (possibly external) utilities and tools on the other hand. This resulted in a large reimplementation of Mizar  described in [46]. Mizar started to use XML natively as its internal format produced by the early parsing and analysis processing stages. This format has been gradually extended, and now it contains a very complete semantically disambiguated form of a Mizar article, as well as a description of the presentation-level syntax that allows various HTML-based presentations combining semantic information and tools with deeply hyperlinked Mizar texts. The whole Mizar internal library (items reusable in other articles) is now distributed in this format, and complete articles are translated to the format just by running the Mizar verifier. An additional suite of open-source XSL-based translators from the native Mizar XML format to richer or more targeted formats such as MPTP and HTML is developed and maintained by the XSL4Mizar project.Footnote 11

3.2 MPTP and Miz\(\mathbb {AR}\)

There are several goals of the MPTP – Mizar Problems for Theorem Proving – project [45, 49], translating the MML to ATP formats. In short, the cooperation of modern ATP systems with large libraries of formalized mathematics is good both for the formalization efforts, providing strong proof assistance, cross-verification, automated theory refactorings, etc., and also for the ATP research, providing a large number of testing problems, allowing research of automated optimization on various mathematical domains and dealing with large knowledge bases, etc. Such cooperation is also the best candidate for merging the deductive (e.g., ATP) and inductive (e.g., machine learning) methods of Artificial Intelligence, because mathematics is (by definition) the most deductively developed science, and once we have a sufficient amount of such data, inductive methods can be applied too and combined with the deductive methods in novel ways [29, 50, 54, 55].

The MPTP translation starts with the native Mizar XML layer, which is first by XSL programs transformed to the extended TPTP (MPTP) Prolog-like format, which adds to TPTP Mizar-like dependent types with attributes and subtyping, second-order constructs such as Fraenkel terms, and supposition-style proofs [44] based on Jaśkowski’s natural deduction. The Prolog utilities then process this format, producing TPTP problems and proofs in various ways, typically either for large-scale ATP experiments over the whole translated MML, or in a fast interactive way used by the Miz\(\mathbb {AR}\) (Automated Reasoning for Mizar) system.

Miz\(\mathbb {AR}\) is an online “cloud-based” remote-solving system which integrates several automated reasoning, artificial intelligence, and presentation tools with Mizar and its authoring environment. The service provides ATP assistance to Mizar authors in finding and explaining proofs, and offers generation of Mizar problems as challenges to ATP systems. The system can be used on Mizar goals directly from MizarMode just by typing by; after a goal that needs to be solved. This triggers the fast MPTP processing on the server and its parallellized solving using a combination of AI and ATP systems that give the author a 40 % chance of proving a top-level Mizar theorem without any interactive assistance [28]. Another common way how to work with the system is via its web interfaceFootnote 12, where articles can be uploaded, remotely verified, hyperlinked, explored and interactively used for ATP experiments. Such remote-processing functionality is already close to the ideas of formal wikis for Mizar [4, 51], whose proper merging with Miz\(\mathbb {AR}\) is one of our next goals.

3.3 MML Query

MML Query is based on semantic on-line tool for searching, browsing and presentation of the evolving MML content [10]. The tool offers functionality that outranks commonly used grep-based utilities that often fail because of homonyms and overloading of symbols (and formats) heavily used in the MML. MML Query can also be used to build monographs – the uniform ordered semantic presentation of a specified piece of a theory which may be spread over the MML. The MML Query system also provides a text transformation processor MMLQT (MML Query Templates or MML Query Transformation) which is able to interpret the MML Query language to create ordered queries, version queries, and metadata queries, and to make searching with MML Query somewhat easier (non-expert searching, rough queries).

3.4 Formalized Mathematics Preview

Automatically generated natural language renderings of Mizar articles can be previewed using a dedicated on-line serviceFootnote 13, which is also used for proof-reading papers in the Formalized Mathematics journal, see Sect. 4.3. The translation process [9] might be considered as a rewriting system, where the original Mizar text is first reduced into an abstract form, which is later augmented with the information coming from the semantic analysis, and then the pattern translation of formulas and formats follows. The translation works on the basis of general and specific patterns. Several alternative patterns might be used for a given translation object. The current implementation of the translation system supports theorems, definitions, schemes, reservations and skeletal proof steps with references to selected most important facts. Finally, some metadata (a user provided summary in English and division into named sections) are incorporated to produce a form that resembles a standard journal paper.

Although the process of generating the journal papers is mechanized, the final result depends on the author or editor. The authors are encouraged to use the previewing facility and suggest any changes to the way their new notions are automatically translated using default patterns.

4 Mizar Mathematical Library

MML is a repository of articles covering various branches of mathematics and computer science. As of now, it contains over 1200 articles, over 10 thousand definitions, and approximately 50 thousand theorems. This collection has been written by over 250 authors. The acquired repository of formalized mathematics is considered one of the largest databases of this type [60]. All articles have been verified by the Mizar checker and contain mathematical notions systematically defined on top of common axiomatics based on the Tarski-Grothendieck set theory. TG is a non-conservative extension of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory and is distinguished from other axiomatic set theories by the inclusion of Tarski’s axiom which states that for each set there is a Grothendieck universe it belongs to. Tarski’s axiom implies the existence of strongly inaccessible cardinals, providing a richer ontology than that of conventional set theories such as ZFC.

4.1 Notable Formalizations

Through the years, when the Mizar project evolved, the development of the repository of Mizar texts (including the Mizar language itself) was stimulated by large formalization projects. Among them, the most notable one was the formalization of Compendium of Continuous Lattices by Gierz et al. (mentioned in the second edition of the book issued under the title Continuous Lattices and Domains) in the years 1995–2003. This collective work of over a dozen of Mizar authors resulted in 36 articles from the WAYBEL series reflecting faithfully the content of the book and 22 articles in the YELLOW series bridging the gap between the existing and desired state of the MML [11].

Another example of long-lasting cooperative work of a bigger group of authors was the formalization of the proof of the Jordan Curve Theorem continued from the very beginnings of MML until its successful finale – Artur Korniłowicz’s “Jordan Curve Theorem” [30]. This may be considered as a part of a more general project: a formal encoding of general topology – also influential throughout the years. Among recently growing parts of mathematics represented in the MML we can list also functional analysis, lattice theory, and group theory.

The challenge which is stimulating not only for the Mizar system, but also for other proof-assistants is the “Top 100 mathematical theorems” – the collection of important or interesting facts proposed at the edge of centuries by Paul and Jack Abad as “The Hundred Greatest Theorems”. On the page maintained by Freek Wiedijk one can find systems of computer formalization of mathematics ordered by the number of the items from that list which have been proven in these systems’ libraries, covering 91 % of items altogether. Currently, among nine systems listed on the Wiedijk’s page, the Mizar system comes in second place with the total number of 62 items formalized.

4.2 MML Structure

The articles composing the library can be roughly divided into five parts. Although the parts are not formally separate, each of them requires slightly different management procedures:

  • the axiomatics – currently containing three files with MML identifiers HIDDEN (introducing primitive notions: the root type object, membership relation in), TARSKI_0 and TARSKI_A – basically axioms of Tarski-Grothendieck set theory (actually Tarski’s axiom A is the only exportable item in TARSKI_A);

  • classical part, currently 323 items, not using the notion of a structure – pure set-theoretic part;

  • structural part – all the other articles; this part deals with the notion of a structure, e.g. algebraic structures such as groups, fields, vector spaces, lattices, etc.;

  • Encyclopedia of Mathematics in Mizar (EMM) – currently 14 files with MML identifiers starting with X; a collection of monographs;

  • the formal model of random access Turing machines, started by Andrzej Trybulec and Yatsuka Nakamura in 1992.

The division into MML’s classical and structural parts is an ongoing process as some “classical” items are still being formalized. The process of such changes of the library, called library revisions [23], is coordinated by the Library Committee of the Association of Mizar Users [5].

4.3 Formalized Mathematics

Although the Mizar language is developed to be as close as possible to the language used in mathematical papers [22], it is still an artificial language, limited in scope by a preset list of reserved words and allowed grammar constructions. For a more complete popularization of formalized results, it is beneficial to make the content of the repository accessible also in the form of conversational (colloquial or erudite) English, which would enable access to the base by persons not familiar with the Mizar language. An example of such accessibility is generating articles for the journal Formalized Mathematics (ISSN 1426–2630, established in 1990) from the formalized articles contained in the MML [9]. Every submission to MML is first reviewed in a standard journal manner by at least two (usually three) independent specialists; the reviews are on the double-blind basis. Mizar articles accepted to the Mizar library are then automatically translated into more human-readable

figure a

format and published in Formalized Mathematics. The journal is published quarterly – with thirty as the approximate number of Mizar articles per volume.

5 Current Developments

All of the project’s components undergo implementation and design changes directed towards creating a better proof assistant environment. Most importantly, the verification system is being made stronger, the language more user-friendly, the library better-organized and presentation methods more semantically oriented.

5.1 Stronger Checker

The principal method of verification of informal mathematical papers is peer review. The reviewers, who work in the same field, are capable of understanding the mathematical text even if parts, deemed by the author obvious, are omitted, or the author refers to an analogy to other examples of reasoning. The reviewers are also willing to accept minor errors (e.g., typographical) or imprecisions stemming from the impossibility of attaining a coherent presentation of many notions and facts scattered throughout the vast literature. Nevertheless, from a computer system perspective, whose task is to semantically represent a given mathematical text, the above mentioned imprecisions are not acceptable.

In Mizar automation is used to fill the gaps in the user provided declarative proofs, and its main role is to justify proof steps considered trivial by the human being. The current version of the checker provides several mechanisms that increase automation: reductions that reduce terms to their proper sub-terms [31]; identifications that identify notions defined within different theories; properties of functors that generate particular equalities representing chosen properties of terms (e.g. involutiveness, projectivity, commutativity, idempotence); properties of predicates that generate particular formulas representing chosen properties of relations (e.g. reflexivity, irreflexivity, symmetry, asymmetry, connectedness) [37]; and definitional and functional expansions. Moreover, there are attempts interfacing external dedicated computational systems (computer algebra systems, solvers, automated theorem provers) to strengthen the Mizar notion of obviousness [2, 35, 36].

5.2 Improving Language Readability

The readability of Mizar proof scripts is considered one of the most important factors of the formalization quality, but in practice enlargement of the database is rather orthogonal to the improvement of the formalization quality. Considering the current size of the library, manual editorial work on improving its legibility becomes infeasible. Therefore several aspects of proof legibility have been identified that can be approached in an automated fashion. Examples of such tasks include finding and removing inessential reasoning fragments or redundant premises in the justification of proof steps, analyzing the order of proof steps and reorganizing proof scripts in the MML according to a consistent style [40], or extracting fragments of reasoning in the form of lemmas or encapsulated nested proofs [24, 39].

5.3 Library Reorganization

Initially, the MML development was mainly geared towards volume parameters. Of prime importance was the mathematical result and the growth of the collection of the formalized theorems and proofs. First of all, attention was paid to the local quality of formalization, not to preserving the integrity of the knowledge in the whole base [41]. This approach permitted the accumulation of knowledge, but it did not guarantee taking full advantage of its amount. Currently, the MML development focuses on deciding the structure of the repository in such a way as to enable natural expansions while continuing easy access to the entire accumulated knowledge. The basic problems encountered while managing the development of this large repository are related to the preservation of the integrity of the information it contains [41]. For example:

  • independently introducing by different authors different (sometimes incompatible) notations to denote the same (semantically equivalent) notions;

  • independently developing the same theory by means of different notion apparatus;

  • thematic dispersion of related knowledge in various sections of the repository.

Methods of finding out this type of situations in the Mizar library are being worked on [39]. Integrity criteria and dedicated algorithms are implemented to assist error detection and the process of refactoring the database [23]. The need for database refactoring complies with the principles of database creation, where duplication and redundancy of information is avoided. At the initial stages of the MML creation, the focus was mainly on collecting as much formalized knowledge as possible to test various aspects of the system. Processing diverse data involved various modules of the system, which was crucial for determining directions of its further development by pointing out its stronger and weaker features. It also allowed to accumulate a considerable amount of formal knowledge. With the present size of the database, managing the library and also its applicability for users, especially new ones, requires developing and adopting a new approach.

In particular, methods to identify notations independently introduced by different authors that denote semantically equivalent notions are investigated. There are known cases of such definitions in the current library. For example, the notion of the exponentiation operation for numbers is denoted in separate formalizations as \(\mathtt {{\text {'}}power(x,n){\text {'}},\,\,\, {\text {'}}x ~to}{\_}\mathtt {power~ n{\text {'}}, {\,\,\,}{\text {'}}x\,\, |\,^{\mathtt {\wedge }}\,\, n{\text {'}}.}\) In principle, the authors should be allowed to use the notation they prefer. However, this is a typical source of confusion, duplication, redundancy and an obstacle to efficient search for applicable facts in the library for other authors. Exploring more such cases requires statistical analysis as well as semantic matching of information. The considerations are based on the analysis of definitions in the simplest cases, but also on the analysis of the usage of selected notions in common contexts.

Mizar developers have also detected cases where the same theories were independently developed by means of a different notion apparatus and have found ways for the best utilization of the independently developed results. For example, in the current library the group is a triple structure with its carrier, a binary operation and a pre-selected element serving as the group’s unity. On the other hand, there is also the corresponding theory based on the ordered pair structure (the carrier and an operation) and the group’s unity definable by means of an attached extra axiom expressed as an adjective (‘unital’). A more complicated case is e.g. the development of lattice theory in terms of ordered sets on the one hand, and as an algebraic theory with two lattice operations on the other hand. For resolving such cases we can consider approaches based on selecting one from the concurrent developments and applying it to eliminate the rest, but also, as in the latter example, with finding ways to provide interoperability of different methods by identifying and encapsulating core components of all developments.

The development of the MML knowledge base has been incremental in its nature. Over two hundred authors who have contributed to its current content represent different backgrounds and skill levels (from students to university professors). As a result, the library suffers from thematic dispersion of related knowledge in various sections of the repository. For instance, numerous facts concerning simple set theory have been developed while proving some properties of digital circuits in a series of articles loosely connected with basic Boolean properties of sets. Responsible for that is partly the size of the library which makes it difficult for a researcher to grasp it as a whole, but also the authors’ tendency or preference for specific approaches to developing mathematics. We investigate new methods based on knowledge exploration that can alleviate the problems. The research is directed towards more efficient, semantics based methods of searching for the information contained in the knowledge base. The main goal is to find ways how to unify (and generalize if needed) all relevant facts once a case of such dispersed knowledge is found in the library. This can be achieved by creating new specialized articles in selected fields, to enrich the repository and to test new language constructions and system properties, and also to define new directions of the development of the base.

5.4 More Semantic Representations

For the needs of the many forms of presenting the contents of the Mizar library, used to popularize formalized knowledge within the mathematical community and on the Internet [22], translation rules that concern the improvement of the quality of article presentation, are being developed. Current research includes: the development of the system of transformation rules for the translation process using the XML/XSLT technology which will result in the design of a more flexible and easier modifiable software tool chain; forming a richer base of translation patterns including new categories for subjected phrases, patterns of mathematical formulae for new constructions, and variations of translation patterns dependent on the mathematical context; working out methods of presentation that take full advantage of the semantically linked information contained in Mizar articles; an improvement of translation of proofs by extracting the references from proofs and a shallow translation of the proof (with the extraction applied for subproofs); the automatic generation of preliminaries for an article and each of its sections based on statistic analysis of the notation and terminology used and the theorems referred to and the subject classification automatically developed for the MML.

Currently, the Mizar language and logic is mainly oriented at human users. The large number of human-friendly linguistic and logical features makes it unsuitable as a direct input for today’s automated theorem systems, which work in relatively simple formalisms such as untyped first-order logic, and use simple Prolog-style languages such as the TPTP standard. Suitable layers and interfaces for correct bi-directional communication with such automated systems are being worked on, in particular we can mention the work with the TPTP format and its Mizar-oriented MPTP extension [49]. Since 2005 Mizar has been using an XML-based semantic internal layer, and this layer has been gradually enhanced to serve also a number of external applications. Objects on this layer are fully semantically disambiguated, i.e., there is no use of overloading, all term and formula constructors are linked to their definitions, and full types of terms are computed. This layer is already used for exporting the Mizar formulas to ATP systems, but it is machine-oriented and so far cannot be used for importing the ATP proofs and for writing human-readable texts. Another issue is that this layer so far does not contain complete information about how proofs were done in Mizar. This makes it difficult to replay the Mizar proofs in other systems, and also to learn from such proofs. Many Mizar mechanisms, such as the use of registrations, identities, requirements, and sometimes also definitions, are implicit, and they become explicit only during the process of verification.

The Mizar developers have started research focused on producing a version of a “strict” semantic Mizar layer [14], where no variables are reserved, all implicit mechanisms (registrations, identities, definitional expansions, etc.) used in the proofs can be made explicit before each proof (or even formula), and overloaded symbols are replaced by their unique synonyms. Such unique synonyms will be introduced either automatically, analogously to the current semantic names, or by suitable syntactic conventions in the Mizar language.

This should allow at least an initial import of the ATP proofs and their verification in Mizar, which is currently not possible, because such proofs may merge very different parts of the MML. Such different parts of the library are currently only mutually consistent on the semantic level, but it is a very nontrivial task (similar, e.g., to merging the notation of two different mathematical theories) to combine such parts also with respect to the overloaded notational mechanisms. Such a layer should in turn allow to construct a chain of Mizar presentation improving utilities (similar to those that already exist for maintaining the MML) that will work on the verified proofs in this layer, and try to make the proofs more human-readable and mathematical by introducing common (possibly overloaded) notation, common names for variables (using reservations), common type mechanisms (such as registrations) for multiple proofs, etc.

Such an approach seems useful not just for importing the semantically encoded proofs produced by ATP systems, but also as a method for automatic merging of different parts of the MML. This is a common task that naturally arises when maintaining a large mathematical library like the MML, and which currently requires a lot of human effort, again because of clashing notational conventions. Such merged developments may first be exported into the “strict” semantic layer and verified there for correctness. After that, the presentation-improving utilities can attempt to automatically construct a common human-friendly notational layer for such merged articles.

Apart from importing and merging the semantically encoded mathematical parts produced by ATP systems, another application of such a layer is in splitting articles and producing a small independent article for each Mizar theorem and definition. This is currently difficult to do automatically, due to mechanisms like reservations, etc. Having a small separate article for each Mizar item again means that such small articles can be subjected to the number of existing Mizar utilities, in particular those that detect the minimal set of (both notational and semantic) dependencies of an article [1, 6]. Detecting such a minimal set is useful for various applications, ranging from training of premise-selection tools for large theory ATP systems, to experimental reverse mathematics assisted by ATP systems and automatically producing the strongest possible version of the theorems in the MML.

6 Future Mizar

Based on the successful long-term development of the Mizar project, we are encouraged to believe that the project will eventually evolve into a widely-used computerized environment which could make the accumulated formalized mathematical knowledge accessible to a broad spectrum of users and in the future become a modern encyclopedia of mathematics.

For the realization of this long-term goal, it is imperative that first an effective information system for mathematics is formed, bridging the existing knowledge with computer capabilities of processing and searching for information. The fundamental element of this system is a language to represent mathematics in a computerized form. The specifics of the project is to define this language in such a way as to fulfill the above function. It is essential for this language to allow a uniform style in which mathematics will be done, at the same time not restricting the freedom of terminology usage and diverse methods of formalization. Furthermore, the formalization language should be close to the natural language, which would allow additional control of correctness of formalized texts, in particular the definitions of notions.

The key consideration will be defining criteria of readability of mathematical texts and proofs in a formalized form enabling the development of the base of mathematical knowledge, its accessibility and processing at various levels by a possibly wide group of users. To illustrate the readability of developments carried out with the use of the most popular state-of-the-art systems we can look e.g. at the statement of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra and compare it to its Wikipedia entry: Every non-constant single-variable polynomial with complex coefficients has at least one complex root.

figure b

From the above samples it can be seen that, no matter which system we consider, there is still a significant difference in the readability of the formal and informal (natural language) representation. Improving the readability of formalized texts would allow better communication with the mathematical community and their greater engagement in the project. The participation of active mathematicians is particularly important for validating and standardizing the definitions of notions deposited in the base [43]. Involving more working mathematicians, who would be able to share their firsthand experience with using the language of mathematical publications on a daily basis, would result in the development and accessibility of a better language and system to formalize mathematics, and several forms of access to a wider audience of mathematical knowledge collected in the Mizar Mathematical Library [18, 19, 33]. The accomplishment would be for diverse fields of science and education to benefit from such computer verified knowledge. The pre-processed database will also be used for research aimed at developing automated theorem proving systems (provers).

The ultimate, long-term goal, towards which the work on Mizar is directed, is to construct a modern encyclopedia of mathematics. We believe that the Mizar project is well positioned to start a new generation of encyclopedia. All major scientific encyclopedias are available in an electronic form and many, such as Wikipedia or Scholarpedia, solicit input from independent contributors, but the entered data is not verified. The information contained in the huge Mizar Mathematical Library repository, verified, checked and cross-linked, can be used to build an encyclopedia, which is mathematical at first and later expanded to other sciences, an encyclopedia of entirely different merit, with exclusively formalized and verified data. As a source for citations of mathematical definitions and theorems, an MML based encyclopedia would be invaluable and unique for human users. On the other hand, the rich source of formal mathematical knowledge contained in the MML can be used to develop automated theorem proving methods and systems trained over the mathematics data, and to assist further development of mathematics over such large formal corpora [52, 53]. Such automated methods can help with searching the large library, constructing new proofs automatically [20], finding alternative proofs [3], and help with re-structuring the proofs and theories.