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Vitamin D and Photoprotection

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Daily Routine in Cosmetic Dermatology


Vitamin D, which has a well-established key role in bone health, is currently at the forefront of discussions in the dermatology field due to recent evidence of its role in extra-skeletal health. Vitamin D is obtained mainly through sunlight, and many factors can influence the conversion of vitamin D to its active variant in the skin, including environmental factors such as geographic location, seasonality, and atmospheric characteristics and individual factors such as age, skin type, and lifestyle, among others. Debate concerning the effects of solar protection on cutaneous synthesis of vitamin D has emerged in recent years. A recent literature review emphasized that adequate levels of vitamin D are needed to prevent osteoporosis, falls, and fractures in the elderly population. Emerging data also point to its role in cardiovascular diseases, autoimmunity, and some types of cancer. The normal and regular use of sunscreen for adults has not been shown to decrease the cutaneous synthesis of vitamin D. The daily recommendations for vitamin D intake, published in 2010, were based on the skeletal effects of this vitamin. Oral ingestion through fortified food or vitamin D supplementation is recommended for patients who are not usually exposed to the sun in order to maintain adequate serum levels. Patients should not be discouraged from using sunscreen due to its well-established photoprotective and preventive effects. It is important that we know all of the factors involved in the production of vitamin D, so we can analyze each patient individually and clearly determine the ideal conduct for each case, without prejudice or harm.

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Maia, M., Marçon, C. (2016). Vitamin D and Photoprotection. In: Issa, M., Tamura, B. (eds) Daily Routine in Cosmetic Dermatology. Clinical Approaches and Procedures in Cosmetic Dermatology. Springer, Cham.

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