
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

The methods described in this book are useful in any regression model that involves a linear combination of regression parameters. The software that is described below is useful in the same situations. Functions in R 520 allow interaction spline functions as well as a wide variety of predictor parameterizations for any regression function, and facilitate model validation by resampling.

R is the most comprehensive tool for general regression models for the following reasons.

  1. 1.

    It is very easy to write R functions for new models, so R has implemented a wide variety of modern regression models.

  2. 2.

    Designs can be generated for any model. There is no need to find out whether the particular modeling function handles what SAS calls “class” variables—dummy variables are generated automatically when an R category, factor, ordered, or character variable is analyzed.

  3. 3.

    A single R object can contain all information needed to test hypotheses and to obtain predicted values for new data.

  4. 4.

    R has superior graphics.

  5. 5.

    Classes in R make possible the use of generic function names (e.g., predict , summary , anova ) to examine fits from a large set of specific model–fitting functions.

R 44, 601, 635 is a high-level object-oriented language for statistical analysis with over six thousand packages and tens of thousands of functions available. The R system 318, 520 is the basis for R software used in this text, centered around the Regression Modeling Strategies (rms) package 261. See the Appendix and the Web site for more information about software implementations.

6.1 The R Modeling Language

R has a battery of functions that make up a statistical modeling language. 96 At the heart of the modeling functions is an R formula of the form

The terms represent additive components of a general linear model. Although variables and functions of variables make up the terms, the formula refers to additive combinations; for example, when terms is age + blood.pressure, it refers to \(\beta _{1}\ \times \mathtt{age} +\beta _{2}\ \times \mathtt{blood.pressure}\). Some examples of formulas are below.

The formula for a regression model is given to a modeling function; for example,

is read “use a logistic regression model to model y as a function of x, representing x by a restricted cubic spline with four default knots.”Footnote 1 You can use the R function update to refit a model with changes to the model terms or the data used to fit it:

6.2 User-Contributed Functions

In addition to the many functions that are packaged with R, a wide variety of user-contributed functions is available on the Internet (see the Appendix or Web site for addresses). Two packages of functions used extensively in this text are Hmisc 20 and rms written by the author. The Hmisc package contains miscellaneous functions such as varclus , spearman2 , transcan , hoeffd , rcspline.eval , impute , cut2 , describe , sas.get , latex , and several power and sample size calculation functions. The varclus function uses the R hclust hierarchical clustering function to do variable clustering, and the R plclust function to draw dendrograms depicting the clusters. varclus offers a choice of three similarity measures (Pearson r 2, Spearman ρ 2, and Hoeffding D) and uses pairwise deletion of missing values. varclus automatically generates a series of dummy variables for categorical factors. The Hmisc hoeffd function computes a matrix of Hoeffding Ds for a series of variables. The spearman2 function will do Wilcoxon, Spearman, and Kruskal–Wallis tests and generalizes Spearman’s ρ to detect non-monotonic relationships.

Hmisc’s transcan function (see Section 4.7) performs a similar function to PROC PRINQUAL in SAS—it uses restricted splines, dummy variables, and canonical variates to transform each of a series of variables while imputing missing values. An option to shrink regression coefficients for the imputation models avoids overfitting for small samples or a large number of predictors. transcan can also do multiple imputation and adjust variance–covariance matrices for imputation. See Chapter 8 for an example of using these functions for data reduction.

See the Web site for a list of R functions for correspondence analysis, principal component analysis, and missing data imputation available from other users. Venables and Ripley [635, Chapter 11] provide a nice description of the multivariate methods that are available in R, and they provide several new multivariate analysis functions.

A basic function in Hmisc is the rcspline.eval function, which creates a design matrix for a restricted (natural) cubic spline using the truncated power basis. Knot locations are optionally estimated using methods described in Section 2.4.6, and two types of normalizations to reduce numerical problems are supported. You can optionally obtain the design matrix for the anti-derivative of the spline function. The rcspline.restate function computes the coefficients (after un-normalizing if needed) that translate the restricted cubic spline function to unrestricted form (Equation 2.27). rcspline.restate also outputs LaTeX and R representations of spline functions in simplified form.

6.3 The rms Package

A package of R functions called rms contains several functions that extend R to make the analyses described in this book easy to do. A central function in rms is datadist , which computes statistical summaries of predictors to automate estimation and plotting of effects. datadist exists as a separate function so that the candidate predictors may be summarized once, thus saving time when fitting several models using subsets or different transformations of predictors. If datadist is called before model fitting, the distributional summaries are stored with the fit so that the fit is self-contained with respect to later estimation. Alternatively, datadist may be called after the fit to create temporary summaries to use as plot ranges and effect intervals, or these ranges may be specified explicitly to Predict and summary (see below), without ever calling datadist . The input to datadist may be a data frame, a list of individual predictors, or a combination of the two.

The characteristics saved by datadist include the overall range and certain quantiles for continuous variables, and the distinct values for discrete variables (i.e., R factor variables or variables with 10 or fewer unique values). The quantiles and set of distinct values facilitate estimation and plotting, as described later. When a function of a predictor is used (e.g., pol(pmin(x,50),2)), the limits saved apply to the innermost variable (here, x). When a plot is requested for how x relates to the response, the plot will have x on the x-axis, not pmin(x,50). The way that defaults are computed can be controlled by the q.effect and q.display parameters to datadist . By default, continuous variables are plotted with ranges determined by the tenth smallest and tenth largest values occurring in the data (if n < 200, the 0.05 and 0.95 quantiles are used). The default range for estimating effects such as odds and hazard ratios is the lower and upper quartiles. When a predictor is adjusted to a constant so that the effects of changes in other predictors can be studied, the default constant used is the median for continuous predictors and the most frequent category for factor variables. The R system option datadist is used to point to the result returned by the datadist function. See the help files for datadist for more information.

rms fitting functions save detailed information for later prediction, plotting, and testing. rms also allows for special restricted interactions and sets the default method of generating contrasts for categorical variables to "contr.treatment", the traditional dummy-variable approach.

rms has a special operator %ia% in the terms of a formula that allows for restricted interactions. For example, one may specify a model that contains sex and a five-knot linear spline for age, but restrict the age × sex interaction to be linear in age. To be able to connect this incomplete interaction with the main effects for later hypothesis testing and estimation, the following formula would be given:

The following expression would restrict the age × cholesterol interaction to be of the form A F(B) + B G(A) by removing doubly nonlinear terms.

rms has special fitting functions that facilitate many of the procedures described in this book, shown in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1 rms Fitting Functions

Glm is a slight modification of the built-in R glm function so that rms methods can be run on the resulting fit object. glm fits general linear models under a wide variety of distributions of Y. Gls is a modification of the gls function from the nlme package of Pinheiro and Bates 509, for repeated measures (longitudinal) and spatially correlated data. The Rq function is a modification of the quantreg package’s rq function 356, 357. Functions related to survival analysis make heavy use of Therneau’s survival package 482.

You may want to specify to the fitting functions an option for how missing values (NAs) are handled. The method for handling missing data in R is to specify an na.action function. Some possible na.actions are given in Table 6.2. The default na.action is na.delete when you use rms’s fitting functions. An easy way to specify a new default na.action is, for example,

Table 6.2 Some na.actions Used in rms

before using a fitting function. If you use na.delete you can also use the system option na.detail.response that makes model fits store information about Y stratified by whether each X is missing. The default descriptive statistics for Y are the sample size and mean. For a survival time response object the sample size and proportion of events are used. Other summary functions can be specified using the option.

When R deletes missing values during the model–fitting procedure, residuals, fitted values, and other quantities stored with the fit will not correspond row-for-row with observations in the original data frame (which retained NAs). This is problematic when, for example, age in the dataset is plotted against the residual from the fitted model. Fortunately, for many na.actions including na.delete and a modified version of na.omit , a class of R functions called naresid written by Therneau works behind the scenes to put NAs back into residuals, predicted values, and other quantities when the predict or residuals functions (see below) are used. Thus for some of the na.actions, predicted values and residuals will automatically be arranged to match the original data.

Any R function can be used in the terms for formulas given to the fitting function, but if the function represents a transformation that has data-dependent parameters (such as the standard R functions poly or ns ), R will not in general be able to compute predicted values correctly for new observations. For example, the function ns that automatically selects knots for a B-spline fit will not be conducive to obtaining predicted values if the knots are kept “secret.” For this reason, a set of functions that keep track of transformation parameters, exists in rms for use with the functions highlighted in this book. These are shown in Table 6.3. Of these functions, asis , catg , scored , and matrx are almost always called implicitly and are not mentioned by the user. catg is usually called explicitly when the variable is a numeric variable to be used as a polytomous factor, and it has not been converted to an R categorical variable using the factor function.

Table 6.3 rms Transformation Functions

These functions can be used with any function of a predictor. For example, to obtain a four-knot cubic spline expansion of the cube root of x, specify rcs(x (1/3),4).

When the transformation functions are called, they are usually given one or two arguments, such as rcs(x,5). The first argument is the predictor variable or some function of it. The second argument is an optional vector of parameters describing a transformation, for example location or number of knots. Other arguments may be provided.

The Hmisc package’s cut2 function is sometimes used to create a categorical variable from a continuous variable x. You can specify the actual interval endpoints (cuts), the number of observations to have in each interval on the average (m), or the number of quantile groups (g). Use, for example, cuts=c(0,1,2) to cut into the intervals [0, 1), [1, 2].

A key concept in fitting models in R is that the fitting function returns an object that is an R list. This object contains basic information about the fit (e.g., regression coefficient estimates and covariance matrix, model χ 2) as well as information about how each parameter of the model relates to each factor in the model. Components of the fit object are addressed by, for example, fit$coef, fit$var, fit$loglik. rms causes the following information to also be retained in the fit object: the limits for plotting and estimating effects for each factor (if options(datadist="name") was in effect), the label for each factor, and a vector of values indicating which parameters associated with a factor are nonlinear (if any). Thus the “fit object” contains all the information needed to get predicted values, plots, odds or hazard ratios, and hypothesis tests, and to do “smart” variable selection that keeps parameters together when they are all associated with the same predictor.

R uses the notion of the class of an object. The object-oriented class idea allows one to write a few generic functions that decide which specific functions to call based on the class of the object passed to the generic function. An example is the function for printing the main results of a logistic model. The lrm function returns a fit object of class "lrm". If you specify the R command print(fit) (or just fit if using R interactively—this invokes print), the print function invokes the print.lrm function to do the actual printing specific to logistic models. To find out which particular methods are implemented for a given generic function, type methods(

Generic functions that are used in this book include those in Table 6.4.

Table 6.4 rms Package and R Generic Functions

The first argument of the majority of functions is the object returned from the model fitting function. When used with ols , lrm , orm , psm , cph , Glm , Gls , Rq , bj , these functions do the following. specs prints the design specifications, for example, number of parameters for each factor, levels of categorical factors, knot locations in splines, and so on. vcov returns the variance-covariance matrix for the model. logLik retrieves the maximized log-likelihood, whereas AIC computes the Akaike Information Criterion for the model on the minus twice log-likelihood scale (with an option to compute it on the χ 2 scale if you specify type=’chisq’). lrtest , when given two fit objects from nested models, computes the likelihood ratio test for the extra variables. univarLR computes all univariable likelihood ratio χ 2 statistics, one predictor at a time.

The robcov function computes the Huber robust covariance matrix estimate. bootcov uses the bootstrap to estimate the covariance matrix of parameter estimates. Both robcov and bootcov assume that the design matrix and response variable were stored with the fit. They have options to adjust for cluster sampling . Both replace the original variance–covariance matrix with robust estimates and return a new fit object that can be passed to any of the other functions. In that way, robust Wald tests, variable selection, confidence limits, and many other quantities may be computed automatically. The functions do save the old covariance estimates in component orig.var of the new fit object. bootcov also optionally returns the matrix of parameter estimates over the bootstrap simulations. These estimates can be used to derive bootstrap confidence intervals that don’t assume normality or symmetry. Associated with bootcov are plotting functions for drawing histogram and smooth density estimates for bootstrap distributions. bootcov also has a feature for deriving approximate nonparametric simultaneous confidence sets. For example, the function can get a simultaneous 0.90 confidence region for the regression effect of age over its entire range.

The pentrace function assists in selection of penalty factors for fitting regression models using penalized maximum likelihood estimation (see Section 9.10). Different types of model terms can be penalized by different amounts. For example, one can penalize interaction terms more than main effects. The effective.df function prints details about the effective degrees of freedom devoted to each type of model term in a penalized fit.

summary prints a summary of the effects of each factor. When summary is used to estimate effects (e.g., odds or hazard ratios) for continuous variables, it allows the levels of interacting factors to be easily set, as well as allowing the user to choose the interval for the effect. This method of estimating effects allows for nonlinearity in the predictor. By default, interquartile range effects (differences in \(X\hat{\beta }\), odds ratios, hazards ratios, etc.) are printed for continuous factors, and all comparisons with the reference level are made for categorical factors. See the example at the end of the summary documentation for a method of quickly computing pairwise treatment effects and confidence intervals for a large series of values of factors that interact with the treatment variable. Saying plot(summary(fit)) will depict the effects graphically, with bars for a list of confidence levels.

The anova function automatically tests most meaningful hypotheses in a design. For example, suppose that age and cholesterol are predictors, and that a general interaction is modeled using a restricted spline surface. anova prints Wald statistics for testing linearity of age, linearity of cholesterol, age effect (age + age × cholesterol interaction), cholesterol effect (cholesterol + age × cholesterol interaction), linearity of the age × cholesterol interaction (i.e., adequacy of the simple age × cholesterol 1 d.f. product), linearity of the interaction in age alone, and linearity of the interaction in cholesterol alone. Joint tests of all interaction terms in the model and all nonlinear terms in the model are also performed. The plot.anova function draws a dot chart showing the relative contribution (χ 2, χ 2 minus d.f., AIC, partial R 2, P-value, etc.) of each factor in the model.

The contrast function is used to obtain general contrasts and corresponding confidence limits and test statistics. This is most useful for testing effects in the presence of interactions (e.g., type II and type III contrasts). See the help file for contrast for several examples of how to obtain joint tests of multiple contrasts (see Section 9.3.2) as well as double differences (interaction contrasts).

The predict function is used to obtain a variety of values or predicted values from either the data used to fit the model or a new dataset. The Predict function is easier to use for most purposes, and has a special plot method. The gendata function makes it easy to obtain a data frame containing predictor combinations for obtaining selected predicted values.

The fastbw function performs a slightly inefficient but numerically stable version of fast backward elimination on factors, using a method based on Lawless and Singhal. 385 This method uses the fitted complete model and computes approximate Wald statistics by computing conditional (restricted) maximum likelihood estimates assuming multivariate normality of estimates. It can be used in simulations since it returns indexes of factors retained and dropped:

fastbw deletes factors, not columns of the design matrix. Factors requiring multiple d.f. will be retained or dropped as a group. The function prints the deletion statistics for each variable in turn, and prints approximate parameter estimates for the model after deleting variables. The approximation is better when the number of factors deleted is not large. For ols , the approximation is exact.

The which.influence function creates a list with a component for each factor in the model. The names of the components are the factor names. Each component contains the observation identifiers of all observations that are “overly influential” with respect to that factor, meaning that  | dfbetas |  >  u for at least one β i associated with that factor, for a given u. The default u is.2. You must have specified x=TRUE, y=TRUE in the fitting function to use which.influence . The first argument is the fit object, and the second argument is the cutoff u.

The following R program will print the set of predictor values that were very influential for each factor. It assumes that the data frame containing the data used in the fit is called df.

The latex function is a generic function available in the Hmisc package. It invokes a specific latex function for most of the fit objects created by rms to create a LaTeX algebraic representation of the fitted model for inclusion in a report or viewing on the screen. This representation documents all parameters in the model and the functional form being assumed for Y, and is especially useful for getting a simplified version of restricted cubic spline functions. On the other hand, the print method with optional argument latex=TRUE is used to output LaTeX code representing the model results in tabular form to the console. This is intended for use with knitr 677 or Sweave 399.

The Function function composes an R function that you can use to evaluate \(X\hat{\beta }\) analytically from a fitted regression model. The documentation for Function also shows how to use a subsidiary function sascode that will (almost) translate such an R function into SAS code for evaluating predicted values in new subjects. Neither Function nor latex handles third-order interactions.

The nomogram function draws a partial nomogram for obtaining predictions from the fitted model manually. It constructs different scales when interactions (up to third-order) are present. The constructed nomogram is not complete, in that point scores are obtained for each predictor and the user must add the point scores manually before reading predicted values on the final axis of the nomogram. The constructed nomogram is useful for interpreting the model fit, especially for non-monotonically transformed predictors (their scales wrap around an axis automatically).

The vif function computes variance inflation factors from the covariance matrix of a fitted model, using [147, 654].

The impute function is another generic function. It does simple imputation by default. It can also work with the transcan function to multiply or singly impute missing values using a flexible additive model.

As an example of using many of the functions, suppose that a categorical variable treat has values "a", "b", and "c", an ordinal variable num.diseases has values 0,1,2,3,4, and that there are two continuous variables, age and cholesterol. age is fitted with a restricted cubic spline, while cholesterol is transformed using the transformation log(cholesterol+10). Cholesterol is missing on three subjects, and we impute these using the overall median cholesterol. We wish to allow for interaction between treat and cholesterol. The following R program will fit a logistic model, test all effects in the design, estimate effects, and plot estimated transformations. The fit for num.diseases really considers the variable to be a five-level categorical variable. The only difference is that a 3 d.f. test of linearity is done to assess whether the variable can be remodeled “asis”. Here we also show statements to attach the rms package and store predictor characteristics from datadist .

To examine interactions in a simpler way, you may want to group age into tertiles:

Example output from these functions is shown in Chapter 10 and later chapters.

Note that type="terms" in predict scores each factor in a model with its fitted transformation. This may be used to compute, for example, rank correlation between the response and each transformed factor, pretending it has 1 d.f.

When regression is done on principal components, one may use an ordinary linear model to decode “internal” regression coefficients for helping to understand the final model. Here is an example.

In addition to many of the add-on functions described above, there are several other R functions that validate models. The first, predab.resample , is a general-purpose function that is used by functions for specific models described later. predab.resample computes estimates of optimism and bias-corrected estimates of a vector of indexes of predictive accuracy, for a model with a specified design matrix, with or without fast backward step-down of predictors. If bw=TRUE, predab.resample prints a matrix of asterisks showing which factors were selected at each repetition, along with a frequency distribution of the number of factors retained across resamples. The function has an optional parameter that may be specified to force the bootstrap algorithm to do sampling with replacement from clusters rather than from original records, which is useful when each subject has multiple records in the dataset. It also has a parameter that can be used to validate predictions in a subset of the records even though models are refit using all records.

The generic function validate invokes predab.resample with model-specific fits and measures of accuracy. The function calibrate invokes predab.resample to estimate bias-corrected model calibration and to plot the calibration curve. Model calibration is estimated at a sequence of predicted values.

6.4 Other Functions

For principal component analysis, R has the princomp and prcomp functions. Canonical correlations and canonical variates can be easily computed using the cancor function. There are many other R functions for examining associations and for fitting models. The supsmu function implements Friedman’s “super smoother.” 207 The lowess function implements Cleveland’s two-dimensional smoother. 111 The glm function will fit general linear models under a wide variety of distributions of Y. There are functions to fit Hastie and Tibshirani’s 275 generalized additive model for a variety of distributions. More is said about parametric and nonparametric additive multiple regression functions in Chapter 16 The loess function fits a multidimensional scatterplot smoother (the local regression model of Cleveland et al. 96). loess provides approximate test statistics for normal or symmetrically distributed Y:

loess has a large number of options allowing various restrictions to be placed on the fitted surface.

Atkinson and Therneau’s rpart recursive partitioning package and related functions implement classification and regression trees 69 algorithms for binary, continuous, and right-censored response variables (assuming an exponential distribution for the latter). rpart deals effectively with missing predictor values using surrogate splits. The rms package has a validate function for rpart objects for obtaining cross-validated mean squared errors and Somers’ D x y rank correlations ( Brier score and ROC areas for probability models).

For displaying which variables tend to be missing on the same subjects, the Hmisc naclus function can be used (e.g., plot(naclus(dataframename)) or naplot(naclus( dataframename))). For characterizing what type of subjects have NA’s on a given predictor (or response) variable, a tree model whose response variable is can be quite useful.

The Hmisc rcorr.cens function can compute Somers’ D x y rank correlation coefficient and its standard error, for binary or continuous (and possibly right-censored) responses. A simple transformation of D x y yields the c index (generalized ROC area). The Hmisc improveProb function is useful for comparing two probability models using the methods of Pencina etal 490, 492, 493 in an external validation setting. See also the rcorrp.cens function in this context.

6.5 Further Reading

Harrell and Goldstein 263 list components of statistical languages or packages and compare several popular packages for survival analysis capabilities.

Imai et al. 319 have further generalized R as a statistical modeling language.