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Neonatal Skin Disorders

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Skin is a dynamic complex organ, which accomplishes versatile functions and thus plays a key role in the maintenance of the homeostasis of the organism. At birth, the development of the skin is not fully complete. The beginning of the postnatal life is a period for active adaptation and maturation of the cutaneous structure and functions. The environment around the skin changes drastically after birth: a newborn infant goes from the warm, wet, sterile, and safe womb to a cooler, dry, bacteria-laden nursery; concurrently the baby begins the journey to self-sufficiency by breathing air, taking nutrition, and maintaining body temperature. Newborn skin is critical to this transition and performs many functions (barrier to water loss, light, and irritants; infection control and immunosurveillance; resilience to mechanical trauma; sensation and tactile discrimination; thermal regulation; and acid mantle formation).

A variety of normal and abnormal lesions may be present on newborn skin surface (including adnexa, oral mucosa, and genito-anal area). Although these findings are often benign, it is important to distinguish them and to be aware about the nature of the disease, to manage them properly.

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Fimiani, M. et al. (2016). Neonatal Skin Disorders. In: Buonocore, G., Bracci, R., Weindling, M. (eds) Neonatology. Springer, Cham.

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