
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Facilitating the creation of parallel programs has been a concerted research effort for many years. Writing efficient and scalable algorithms usually requires programmers to be aware of the underlying parallelism details and data-distribution. There have been many efforts in the past to address this issue by providing higher-level data structures [6, 29], higher-level parallel algorithms [8, 19, 21], higher-level abstract languages [5, 19, 27], and graphical parallel programming languages [25]. However, most of these studies focus on a single paradigm and are limited to specific programming models.

Algorithmic skeletons [9], on the other hand, address the issue of parallel programming in a portable and implementation-independent way. Skeletons are defined as polymorphic higher-order functions, that can be composed using function composition and serve as the building blocks of parallel programs. The higher-level representation of skeletons provides opportunities for formal analysis and transformations [26] while hiding underlying implementation details from end users. The implementation of each skeleton in a parallel system is left to skeleton library developers, separating algorithm specification from execution. A very well-known example of skeletons used in distributed programming is the map-reduce skeleton, used for generating and processing large data sets [10].

There are many frameworks and libraries based on the idea of algorithmic skeletons [14]. The most recent ones include Müesli [23], FastFlow [2], SkeTo [20], and the Paraphrase Project [15] that provide implementations for several skeletons listed in [26], such as map, zip, reduce, scan, farm. However, there are two major issues with existing methods that prevent them from scaling on large systems. First, most existing libraries provide skeleton implementations only for shared-memory systems. Porting such codes to distributed memory systems usually requires a reimplementation of each skeleton. Therefore, the work in this area, such as [1], is still very preliminary. Second, in these libraries, composition of skeletons is not projected into the implementation level, requiring skeleton library developers to provide either new implementations for composed skeletons [23] or insert global synchronizations between skeleton invocations resulting in a Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) model, as in [20] which generally cannot achieve optimal performance.

In this work, we introduce the stapl Skeleton Framework, a framework that enables algorithmic skeletons to scale on distributed memory systems. Skeletons in this framework are represented as parametric data flow graphs that allow parallelism to be expressed explicitly. Therefore, skeletons specified this way are inherently ready for parallel execution regardless of the underlying runtime execution model. These parametric data flow graphs are expanded over the input data and are executed in the stapl data flow engine known as the PARAGRAPH. We show that parallel programs written this way can scale on more than 100,000 cores.

Our contributions in this paper are as follows:

  • \(\square \) a skeleton framework based on parametric data flow graphs that can easily be used in both shared and distributed memory systems.

  • \(\square \) a direct mapping of skeleton composition as the composition of parametric data flow graphs, allowing skeletons to scale on large supercomputers without the need for global synchronizations.

  • \(\square \) an extensible framework to which new skeletons can be easily added through composition of existing skeletons or adding new ones.

  • \(\square \) a portable framework that can be used with data flow engines other than the stapl PARAGRAPH by implementing an execution environment interface.

This paper is organized as follows: In Sect. 2, we present the related work in the area of algorithmic skeletons. In Sect. 3, we provide an overview of the stapl Skeleton framework where we show how to break the task of writing parallel programs into algorithm specification and execution. In Sect. 4, we show a transformation that allows fine-grain skeletons to execute and perform well in a parallel environment. In Sect. 5, we present a case study showing expressivity and composability using the NAS EP and IS benchmarks. We evaluate our framework using experiments over a wide set of skeletons in Sect. 6. Conclusions and future work are presented in Sect. 7.

2 Related Work

Since the first appearance of skeleton-based programming in [9], several skeleton libraries have been introduced. The most recent efforts related to our approach are Müesli [23], FastFlow [2], Quaff [11], and SkeTo [20].

The Münster skeleton library (Müesli) is a C++ library that supports polymorphic task parallel skeletons such as pipeline, farm, and data parallel skeletons such as map, zip, reduce, and scan on array and matrix containers. Müesli can work both in shared and distributed memory systems on top of OpenMP and MPI, respectively. Skeleton composition in Müesli is limited in the sense that composed skeletons require redefinitions and cannot be defined directly as a composition of elementary skeletons.

FastFlow is a C++ skeleton framework targeting cache-coherent shared-memory multi-cores [2]. FastFlow is based on efficient Single-Producer-Single-Consumer (SPSC) and Multiple-Producer-Multiple-Consumer (MPMC) FIFO queues which are both lock-free and wait-free. In [1] the design and the implementation of the extension of FastFlow to distributed systems has been proposed and evaluated. However, the extension is evaluated on only limited core counts (a \(2\times 16\) core cluster). In addition, the composition is limited to task parallel skeletons with intermediate buffers, which limits their scalability.

Quaff is a skeleton library based on C++ template meta-programming techniques. Quaff reduces the runtime overhead of programs by applying transformations on skeletons at compile time. The skeletons provided in this library are seq, pipe, farm, scm (split-compute-merge), and pardo. Programs can be written as composition of the above patterns. However, Quaff only supports task parallel skeletons and is limited to shared-memory systems.

SkeTo is another C++ skeleton library built on top of MPI that provides parallel data structures:list, matrix, and trees, and a set of skeletons map, reduce, scan, zip. SkeTo allows new skeletons to be defined in terms of successive invocations of the existing skeletons. Therefore, the approach is based on a Bulk Synchronous Parallel model and requires global synchronization in between skeleton invocations in a skeleton composition. In our framework, we avoid global synchronizations by describing skeleton compositions as point-to-point dependencies between their data flow graph representations.

3 stapl Skeleton Framework

The stapl Skeleton Framework is built on top of the Standard Template Adaptive Parallel Library (stapl) [6, 7, 16, 29] and is an interface for algorithm developers as depicted in Fig. 7. stapl is a framework for parallel C++ code development with interfaces similar to the (sequential) ISO C++ standard library (stl) [24]. stapl hides the notion of processing elements and allows asynchronous communication through remote method invocations (RMIs) on shared objects. In addition, stapl provides a data flow engine called the PARAGRAPH, which allows parallelism to be expressed explicitly using data flow graphs (a.k.a. task graphs). The runtime system of stapl is the only platform specific component of stapl, making stapl programs portable to different platforms and architectures without modification Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The stapl library component diagram.

Using the stapl Skeleton Framework, algorithm developers only focus on defining their computation in terms of skeletons. As we will see in this section, each skeleton is translated to a parametric data flow graph and is expanded upon the presence of input data. The data flow representation of skeletons allows programs to run on distributed and shared memory systems. In addition, this representation formulates skeleton composition as point-to-point dependencies between parametric data flow graphs, allowing programs to execute without the need for global synchronization.

3.1 Algorithm Specification

Parametric Dependencies. In our framework, skeletons are defined in terms of parametric data flow graphs. We name the finest-grain node in a parametric data flow graph a parametric dependency (pd). A parametric dependency defines the relation between the input and output elements of a skeleton as a parametric coordinate mapping and an operation.

The simplest parametric dependency is defined for the map skeleton:

$$\begin{aligned}&map(\oplus ) [a_1 \dots a_n] = [\oplus (a_1) \dots \oplus (a_n)]\nonumber \\&map\text {-}pd(\oplus ) \equiv \{<i> \mapsto <i>, \oplus \} \end{aligned}$$

In other words, the element at index \(i\) of the output is computed by applying \(\oplus \) on the element at index \(i\) of the input. This representation carries spatial information about the input element. As we will see later, it is used to build data flow graphs from parametric dependencies.

The \(zip_k\) skeleton is a generalization of the \(map\) skeleton over \(k\) lists:

$$\begin{aligned}&zip_k(\oslash )[a^{1}_{1}, \dots , a^{1}_{n}]\dots [a^{k}_{1}, \dots , a^{k}_{n}] = [\oslash (a^{1}_{1},\dots ,a^{k}_{1}),\dots , \oslash (a^{1}_{n},\dots , a^{k}_{n})]\nonumber \\&zip\text {-}pd_k(\oslash ) \equiv \{<\underbrace{i, \dots , i}_\text {k}> \mapsto <i>, \oslash ) \} \end{aligned}$$

Elem Operator. Parametric dependencies are expanded over the input size with the data parallel elem compositional operator. An elem operator receives a parametric dependency (of type \(\delta \)) and expands it over the given input, with the help of span (of type \(\psi \)), to form a list of nodes in a data flow graph:

$$\begin{aligned}&elem \;\text {::}\; \psi \rightarrow \delta \rightarrow [\delta ] \nonumber \\&elem_{span}(parametric\text {-}dependency) \end{aligned}$$

For ease of readability in Eq. 3, we show span as a subscript and the parametric dependency in parenthesis.

A span is defined as a subdomain of the input. Intuitively, the default span is defined over the full domain of the input and is omitted for brevity in the default cases. As we will see later in this section, there are other spans, such as tree-span and rev-tree-span, used to define skeletons with tree-based data flow graphs.

With the help of the elem operator, map and zip skeletons are defined as:

$$\begin{aligned}&map(\oplus ) = elem(map\text {-}pd(\oplus )) \nonumber \\&zip_{k}(\oslash ) = elem(zip\text {-}pd_{k}(\oslash )) \end{aligned}$$

Given an input, these parametric definitions are instantiated as task graphs in the stapl Skeleton Framework.

Repeat Operator. Many skeletons can be defined as tree-based or multilevel data flow graphs. Our repeat operator allows such skeletons to be expressed simply as such. The repeat operator is a function receiving a skeleton and applying it to a given input successively for a given number of times specified by a unary operator of type \(\beta \rightarrow \beta \) called \(\xi \):

$$\begin{aligned}&repeat \;\text {::}\; [\alpha ]\rightarrow [\alpha ]\rightarrow (\beta \rightarrow \beta )\rightarrow [\alpha ]\rightarrow [\alpha ] \nonumber \\&repeat(S, \xi ) [a_1, \dots , a_n] = (\underbrace{S \dots (S (S}_{\xi (n)\ times} [a_1, \dots , a_n]))) \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 2.
figure 2

The process of creating the tree-based representation of the reduce skeleton.

An example of the repeat operator is a tree-based data flow graph definition of the reduce skeleton (Fig. 2). In a tree-based reduce, each element at level \(j\) depends on two elements at level \(j-1\). Therefore, the parametric dependency for each level of this skeleton can be specified as:

$$\begin{aligned} reduce\text {-}pd(\otimes ) \equiv \{(<2i, j-1>, <2i+1, j-1>) \mapsto <i,j>, \otimes \} \end{aligned}$$

Each level of this tree representation is then expanded using the elem operator. However, the expansion is done in a different way than the default case used in Eqs. 1 and 2. In a tree, the span of the elem operator at each level is half of its previous level, starting from the span over the domain of the input at level \(0\). We name this span a tree-span and we use it to define a tree-based reduce:

$$\begin{aligned} reduce(\otimes ) = repeat(elem_{tree\text {-}span}(reduce\text {-}pd(\otimes )), log_2(n)) \end{aligned}$$

Similarly, other skeletons can be defined using the elem and repeat operators such as scan, butterfly, reverse-butterfly, and broadcast as shown in Fig. 4. For brevity, we show only the simultaneous binomial tree implementation of the scan skeleton in Figs. 3(a) and 4. However, we support two other scan implementations in our framework, namely the exclusive scan implementation introduced in [4] and the binomial tree scan [28], which are expressed in a similar way.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Data flow representation of the binomial scan and butterfly skeletons.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

A list of skeletons compositions

Compose Operator. In addition to the data flow graph composition operators presented above, we provide a skeleton composition operator called compose. The compose operator, in its simplest form, serves as the functional composition used in the literature for skeleton composition and is defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} compose (S_1, S_2, \dots , S_n)\;x\; = S_n \circ ... \circ S_2 \circ S_1 x\;=\;S_n (\dots (S_1 x))) \end{aligned}$$

The map-reduce and the allreduce skeleton are skeletons which can be built from the existing skeletons (Fig. 4) using the compose operator.

Do-While Operator. The compositional operators we mentioned so far cover skeletons that are static by definition. A do-while skeleton is intended to be used in dynamic computations which are bounded by a predicate \(p\) as in [17]. The do-while skeleton applies the same skeleton \(S\) to a given input until the predicate is satisfied. It is defined as shown in Fig. 4.

The execution of the do-while skeleton requires its corresponding data flow graph to be dynamic, as the number of iterations are not known a priori. This functionality is allowed in our framework with the help of the memento design pattern [12], as we will see later in Sect. 3.2.

Flows. So far, we have only showed the skeletons that are composed using repeat and compose using simple functional composition. In these compositions, a skeleton’s output is passed as the input to the subsequent skeleton. Similar to the let construct in functional programming languages, input/output dependencies between skeletons can be defined arbitrarily as well (e.g., Fig. 5). To represent such compositions in our internal representation of skeletons, we define one input and one output port (depicted as red filled circles in Figs. 2 and 5) for each skeleton. We formulate the skeleton composition as the connections between these ports and refer to them as flows. Flows are similar to the notion of flows in flow-based programming [22].

With the help of ports and flows, skeleton composition is directly mapped to point-to-point dependencies in data flow graphs, avoiding unnecessary global synchronizations commonly used in BSP models. As a concrete example, Fig. 5 shows a customized flow used for NAS IS skeleton-based representation.

3.2 Algorithm Execution

In the previous section we looked at algorithm specification. In this section, we explain how an input-size independent algorithm specification is converted to a data flow graph through the spawning process.

Skeleton Manager. The Skeleton Manager orchestrates the spawning process in which a skeleton composition is traversed in a pre-order depth-first-traversal, in order to generate its corresponding data flow graph. The nodes of this data flow graph correspond to the parametric dependency instances in a composition. If a PARAGRAPH environment is used, these data flow graphs will represent a taskgraph and will be executed by the data flow engine of stapl called the PARAGRAPH. The creation and execution of taskgraphs in a stapl PARAGRAPH can progress at the same time, allowing overlap of computation and communication.

Environments. An environment defines the meaning of data flow graph nodes generated during the spawning process. As we saw earlier, in a PARAGRAPH environment each data flow graph node represents a task in a taskgraph. Similarly, other environments can be defined for execution or additional purposes, making our skeleton framework portable to other libraries and parallel frameworks.

For example, we used other environments in addition to the PARAGRAPH environment for debugging purposes such as (1) a GraphViz environment which allows the data flow graphs to be stored as GraphViz dot files [13], (2) a debug environment which prints out the data flow graph specifications on screen, and (3) a graph environment which allows the data flow graphs to be stored in a stapl parallel graph container [16]. Other environments can also be easily defined by implementing the environment interface.

Memento Queue. The Skeleton Manager uses the memento design pattern [12] to record, pause, and resume the spawning process allowing the incremental creation of task graphs, and execution of dynamic skeletons. For example, the continuation and the next iteration of a do-while skeleton are stored in the back and the front of the memento queue, respectively, in order to allow input-dependent execution.

4 Skeleton Transformations

As mentioned earlier, various algorithms can be specified as compositions of skeletons. Since skeletons are specified using high-level abstractions, algorithms written using skeletons can be simply analyzed and transformed for various purposes, including performance improvement.

In this section, we define the coarsening transformation operator \(\mathcal {C}\) which enables efficient execution of skeletons using hybrid (a.k.a. macro) data flow graphs [18] instead of fine-grained data flow graphs.

4.1 Definitions

Before explaining the coarsening transformation, we need to explain a few terms that are used later in this section.

Dist and Flatten Skeletons. A dist skeleton [17] partitions the input data and a flatten (projection) skeleton unpartitions the input data. They are defined as:

$$\begin{aligned}&dist\;[a_1, \dots ,a_n]\;=\;[[a_1,\dots ,a_k],\dots ,[a_j,\dots ,a_n]]\nonumber \\&flatten\;[[a_1,\dots ,a_k],\dots ,[a_j,\dots ,a_n]]\;=\;[a_1, \dots ,a_n] \end{aligned}$$

Homomorphism. A function \({\fancyscript{F}}\) on a list is a homomorphism with respect to a binary operator \(\oplus \) iff on lists \(x\) and \(y\) we have [26]:

$$\begin{aligned} f (x+\!\!\!+y) = f(x) \oplus f(y) \end{aligned}$$

in which \(+\!\!\!+\) is the list concatenation operator.

The skeletons that are list homomorphisms can be defined as a composition of the map and the reduce skeletons, making them suitable for execution in parallel systems. However, as mentioned in [26], finding the correct operators for the map and reduce can be difficult even for very simple computations. Therefore, in our transformations of skeletons which are list homomorphisms, we use their map-reduce representation only when the operators can be devised simply, and in other cases we define a new transformation.

4.2 Coarsening Transformations (\(\mathcal {C}\))

As we saw earlier, skeletons are defined in terms of parametric data flow graphs. Although fine-grained data flow graphs expose maximum parallelism, research has shown [18] that running fined-grained data flow graphs can have significant overhead on program execution on Von Neumann machines. This is due to the lack of spatial and temporal locality and the overhead of task creation, execution, and pre/post-processing. In fact, the optimum granularity of data flow graphs depends on many factors, one of the most important being hardware characteristics. Therefore, we define the coarsening transformation in this section as a transformation which is parametric on the input size where granularity can be tuned per application and machine.

The coarsening transformations, listed in Eq. 11, use dist skeleton to make coarser chunks of data (similar to the approach used in [17]). Then they apply an operation on each chunk of data (e.g., \(map(map(\oplus ))\) in \(\mathcal {C}(map(\oplus ))\)). Subsequently, they might apply a different skeleton on the result of the previous phase to combine the intermediate results (e.g., \(reduce(\otimes )\) in \(\mathcal {C}(reduce(\otimes ))\)). Finally, they might apply a \(flatten\) skeleton to put the result in its original fine-grain format:

$$\begin{aligned}&\mathcal {C}(map(\oplus ))\;=\;flatten\;\circ \;map(map(\oplus ))\;\circ \;dist \nonumber \\&\mathcal {C}(zip(\oslash ))\;=\;flatten\;\circ \;zip(zip(\oslash ))\;\circ \;dist \nonumber \\&\mathcal {C}(reduce(\otimes ))\;=\;reduce(\otimes )\;\circ \;map(reduce(\otimes ))\;\circ \;dist \\&\mathcal {C}(butterfly(\otimes )) = flatten \; \circ \; map(butterfly(\otimes )) \; \circ \; butterfly(zip(\otimes )) \; \circ \; dist \nonumber \\&\mathcal {C}(rev\text {-}butterfly(\otimes )) = flatten \; \circ \; butterfly(zip(\otimes )) \; \circ \; map(rev\text {-}butterfly(\otimes )) \; \circ \; dist \nonumber \end{aligned}$$

The coarsening transformation of the map-reduce can be defined in two ways:

$$\begin{aligned}&\mathcal {C}(map\text {-}reduce(\oplus , \otimes )) = \mathcal {C} (reduce(\otimes ) \circ map(\oplus )) = \mathcal {C} (reduce(\otimes )) \circ \mathcal {C}(map(\oplus ))\nonumber \\&\mathcal {C}(map\text {-}reduce(\oplus , \otimes )) = reduce(\otimes ) \; \circ \; map(map\text {-}reduce(\oplus , \otimes )) \; \circ \; dist \end{aligned}$$

For performance reasons, it is desirable to choose the second method in Eq. 12 as the first one might require intermediate storage for the result of \(\mathcal {C}(map(\oplus ))\).

Similarly, the coarsening transformation for scan can be defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {C}(scan(\oplus )) = let&r_1 \leftarrow scan(\oplus )\;\circ \;map(reduce(\oplus ))\;\circ \;dist \nonumber \\&r_2 \leftarrow scan_{exclusive}\;\circ \;map(last)\;r_1 \nonumber \\ in&\!flatten\;\circ \;zip(\varPsi (\oplus ))\;r_1\;r_2 \end{aligned}$$

In Eq. 13 \(\varPsi \) is a function of type \(\alpha \rightarrow [\alpha ] \rightarrow [\alpha ]\) and is defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} \varPsi (\oplus )\;c\;[a_1,\dots ,a_n] = [a_1\oplus c,\dots ,a_n\oplus c] \end{aligned}$$

The coarsening transformation in Eq. 13 is more desirable than the map-reduce transformation listed in [26]. The reason is that the reduce operation used in [26] is defined in an inherently sequential form while in Eq. 13 we define the transformation in terms of other parallel skeletons.

Limitation. Similar to the approach in [26], our coarsening transformation is currently limited to input-independent skeletons which are list homomorphisms.

5 Composition Examples

The goal in this section is to show the expressivity and ease of programmability of our skeleton framework. As a case study we show the implementation of two NAS benchmarks [3] (Embarrassingly Parallel (EP) and Integer Sort (IS)) in terms of skeletons.

5.1 NAS Embarrassingly Parallel (EP) Benchmark

This benchmark is designed to evaluate an application with nearly no interprocessor communication. The only communication is used in the pseudo-random number generation in the beginning and the collection of results in the end. This benchmark provides an upper bound for machine floating point performance. The goal is to tabulate a set of Gaussian random deviates in successive square annuli.

The skeleton-based representation of this benchmark is specified with the help of the map-reduce skeleton. The map operator in this case generates \(n\) pairs of uniform pseudo-random deviates \((x_j,y_j)\) in the range of \((0, 1)\), then checks if \({x_j}^2+{y_j}^2 \le 1\). If the check passes, the two numbers \(X_k=x_j\sqrt{(-2log\ t_j)/t_j}\) \(Y_k=y_j\sqrt{(-2log\ t_j)/t_j}\) are used in the sums \(S_1 = \sum \limits _{k}{X_k}\) and \(S_2 = \sum \limits _{k}{Y_k}\). The reduce operator computes the total sum for \(S_1\) and \(S_2\) and also accumulates the ten counts of deviates in square annuli.

5.2 NAS Integer Sort (IS) Benchmark

In this benchmark \(N\) keys are sorted. The keys are uniformly distributed in memory and are generated using a predefined sequential key generator. This benchmark tests both computation speed and communication performance.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

The NAS Integer Sort Benchmark

The IS benchmark is easily described in terms of skeletons as shown in Fig. 5. Similar to other skeleton compositions presented so far, the IS skeleton composition does not require any global synchronizations between the skeleton invocations and can overlap computation and communication easily. As we show later in the experimental results, avoiding global synchronizations results in better performance on higher core counts.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Experimental results for elementary skeletons and the NAS EP benchmarks.

The IS benchmark skeleton composition as presented in Fig. 5 is based on the well-known counting sort. First, the range of possible input values are put into buckets. Each partition then starts counting the number of values in each bucket (map(Bucket-Cardinality)). In the second phase, using an allreduce skeleton (defined in Fig. 4), the total number of elements in each bucket is computed and is globally known to all partitions. With the knowledge of the key distribution, a partitioning of buckets is devised (map(Bucket-Redistr)) and keys are prepared for a global exchange (zip(Prepare-for-allToall)). Then with the help of the alltoall skeleton (Figs. 4 and 7) the keys are redistributed to partitions. Finally, each partition sorts the keys received from any other partition (zip(Final-Sort)).

6 Performance Evaluation

We have evaluated our framework on two massively parallel systems: a 153,216 core Cray XE6 (Hopper) and a 24,576 node BG/Q system (Vulcan). Each node contains a 16-core IBM PowerPC A2, for a total of 393,216 cores. Our results in Fig. 6 show excellent scalability for the map, reduce, and scan skeletons and also the NAS EP benchmark on up to 128k  cores. These results show that the ease of programmability in the stapl Skeleton Framework does not result in performance degradation and our skeleton-based implementation can perform as well as the hand-optimized implementations.

To show a more involved example, we present the result for the NAS IS benchmark. The IS benchmark is a communication intensive application and is composed out of many elementary skeletons such as map, zip, and alltoall. It is therefore a good example for the evaluation of composability in our framework. We compare our implementation of the IS benchmark to the reference implementation in Fig. 8(b).

Fig. 7.
figure 7

The three versions of the alltoall representations used in the NAS IS benchmark.

Having an efficient alltoall skeleton is the key to success in the implementation of the IS benchmark. We have implemented alltoall in three ways (Fig. 7). Our first implementation uses the butterfly skeleton. The second is a flat alltoall in which all communication happen at the same level. The third method is a hybrid of butterfly and flat alltoalls. In both the flat and hybrid implementations, we use a permutation on the dependencies to avoid a node suffering from network congestion.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

The NAS IS benchmarks strong scaling results.

Our experiments show that the best performance for our skeleton-based implementation of the IS benchmark is achieved using the hybrid version in both C and D classes of the benchmark. Our implementation of the IS benchmark using the hybrid alltoall shows comparable performance to the hand-optimized reference implementation (Fig. 8(b)). We have an overhead on lower core counts which is due to the copy-semantics of the stapl runtime system. The stapl runtime system at this moment requires one copy between the user-level to the MPI level on both sender and receiver side. These extra copies result in a 30–40 % overhead on lower core counts. However, this overhead is overlapped with computation on higher core counts. In fact, in the class D of the problem, our implementation is faster than the reference implementation. This improvement is made possible by avoiding global synchronizations and describing skeleton composition as point-to-point dependencies.

7 Conclusions

In this paper, we introduced the stapl Skeleton Framework, a framework which simplifies parallel programming by allowing programs to be written in terms of algorithmic skeletons and their composition. We showed the coarsening transformation on such skeletons, which enables applications to run efficiently on both shared and distributed memory systems. We showed that the direct mapping of skeletons to data flow graphs and formulating skeleton composition as data flow graph composition can remove the need for global synchronization. Our experimental results demonstrated the performance and scalability of our skeleton framework beyond 100,000 cores.