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Preconception Care: In the Continuum of Women’s Healthcare

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Handbook of Gynecology


The goals of preconception care are (1) to identify potential risks to the mother, fetus, and pregnancy, (2) to educate the women about these risks and provide options for intervention and management, and (3) to initiate interventions to provide optimal maternal, fetal, and pregnancy outcomes. Preconception counseling involves interventions that include health education and counseling related to reproductive risks and optimizing the control of medical disorders. If pregnancy is not desired, then contraceptive options should be discussed as preconception care begins with family planning to optimize the timing and intention of pregnancy. As such, all reproductive-age women should develop a reproductive health plan. Evidence supports an association between preconception counseling and positive changes in maternal behavior before and during pregnancy.

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Afshar, Y., Han, C.S. (2016). Preconception Care: In the Continuum of Women’s Healthcare. In: Shoupe, D. (eds) Handbook of Gynecology. Springer, Cham.

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