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Existence of Stationary Weak Solutions for the Isentropic and Isothermal Flows

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Handbook of Mathematical Analysis in Mechanics of Viscous Fluids
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The aim of this chapter is to study the existence of weak solutions to the multidimensional steady isentropic and isothermal compressible Navier-Stokes equations with large external forces. In the past decades, significant progress has been made on the existence of large weak solutions. In this chapter, a brief review of recent existence results on the existence of (renormalized) stationary weak solutions with large external forces will be presented. Different boundary value problems, such as the spatially periodic, slip and Dirichlet boundary value problems, will be investigated, and some related topics such as nonuniqueness, regularity, etc., will also be discussed. The ideas and developed techniques used in analysis will be presented and analyzed, and some open problems will be addressed.

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Jiang, S., Zhou, C. (2017). Existence of Stationary Weak Solutions for the Isentropic and Isothermal Flows. In: Giga, Y., Novotny, A. (eds) Handbook of Mathematical Analysis in Mechanics of Viscous Fluids. Springer, Cham.

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