
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

a. Urticaria

figure 1


Photograph courtesy of SpringerImages Database, Springer Publishing Company

  • Urticaria

    1. A.

      Lasts less than 24 hours (transient)

    2. B.

      May be idiopathic or triggered by infections, foods, medications

    3. C.

      Wheals: superficial dermal swellings characterized by pruritic edematous pink plaques with central pallor which may be small, large, papular, circinate, polycyclic, or annular

i. Uriticaria – Dermatographism

figure 2

Uriticaria – dermatographism

Photograph courtesy of SpringerImages Database, Springer Publishing Company

  • Dermatographism

    1. A.

      A type of physical urticaria which is triggered by an external physical stimulus

    2. B.

      Wheals are usually located on stimulated skin

    3. C.

      Simple dermatographism—5 % of normal people represents an exaggerated physiological response

    4. D.

      Symptomatic dermatographism—linear wheals at sites of friction or scratching (figures a and b)

ii. Delayed Pressure Urticaria

figure 3

Delayed pressure urticarial

Photograph courtesy of SpringerImages Database, Springer Publishing Company

  • Delayed pressure urticarial

    1. A.

      Type of physical urticaria

    2. B.

      Deep red pruritic painful swellings at sites of sustained pressure after a delay of 30 min to 12 hours and may persist for days

    3. C.

      Common sites include the waistline below tight clothes, below elastic socks, feet in tight shoes, genitalia after intercourse, palms after manual work, soles after walking

iii. Cold Induced Urticaria

figure 4

Cold induced urticaria

Photograph courtesy of SpringerImages Database, Springer Publishing Company

  • Cold induced urticaria

    1. A.

      A type of physical urticaria

    2. B.

      Whealing within minutes of rewarming after cold exposure such as rainy windy cold weather or after ice cube contact

iv. Cholinergic Urticaria

figure 5

Cholinergic urticaria

Photograph courtesy of SpringerImages Database, Springer Publishing Company

  • Cholinergic (heat induced) urticaria

    1. A.

      A type of physical urticaria

    2. B.

      Multiple transient papular monomorphic wheals (2–3 mm in diameter) surrounded by an erythematous flare

    3. C.

      Occur within 15 min of perspiration-inducing stimuli (e.g., physical exertion, hot baths, sudden emotional distress, alcohol, spicy food)

v. Solar Urticaria

figure 6

Solar urticaria

Photograph courtesy of SpringerImages Database, Springer Publishing Company

  • Solar urticaria

    1. A.

      A type of physical urticaria

    2. B.

      Itching and wheals occur within minutes after exposure to ultraviolet light or visible light on exposed areas

b. Angioedema

figure 7


Photograph courtesy of SpringerImages Database, Springer Publishing Company

  • Angioedema

    1. 1.

      Acute transient swellings without erythema deep in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue or submucosal tissue

    2. 2.

      Most commonly on the lips and periorbital area