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Our simulation considers magnetized turbulent gas in a periodic box, and follows the chemical, thermal and dynamical evolution [1, 2]. It is characterized by a mean number density of 100 cm−3, solar metallicity, volume (20 pc)3, and a turbulent RMS velocity of 5 km/s. We present results after three turbulent crossing times, when the turbulence has reached a statistical steady state. We use the Monte Carlo radiative transfer code RADMC-3DFootnote 1 to calculate the emergent CO line intensity [3]. Our aim here is to quantify the range of temperatures and densities where CO could be a good tracer of the physical conditions of the cloud.

Figure 1b shows the 2D Probability Density Function (PDF) of the excitation temperature (T ex) calculated from the12CO(1–0) population levels. We see that the excitation temperature increases with increasing column density. On the other hand, the mean kinetic temperature at the CO (\(\langle T_{K}\rangle\)) starts with a high value but then decreases with increasing column density. The two values approach each other only at high column densities, N ≳ 1022 cm−2.

Fig. 1
figure 1

(a) True H2 column density. (b) 2D PDF of the projected T ex vs. N, with reference to A V . Cyan line: average of the T ex, white line: CO mass weighted average along the LoS of T K . (c) 2D PDF of the H2 column density estimated from W CO vs. the true H2 column density. Yellow line: one-to-one relation. Red line: best fit to the low density gas. (d) Cumulative mass of H2 – normalized by the total mass of H2. Dotted line: inferred from W CO. Solid line: true H2 mass fraction

In Fig. 1c, we show the 2D PDF of the H2 column density (\(N_{\mathrm{H2,est}}\)), estimated from the integrated emission map (W CO), with a fixed CO–H2 conversion factor \(X_{\mathrm{CO}} = 2 \times 1{0}^{20}\) cm−2 K−1 km−1 s, and the true N H2 (Fig. 1a). The values agree only at high densities, where the gas is optically thick. At low densities, the relationship lies far from the one-to-one relation. The cumulative mass of H2 – normalized by the total mass of H2 – as a function of N is shown in Fig. 1d. We compare the mass estimated from the emission map with true mass. The H2 mass derived from W CO is an underestimate at all densities. In total, the H2 mass estimated from the W CO map, and considering a fixed CO–H2 conversion factor is only ∼ 60 % of the true value.

These results suggest that CO observations alone give a misleading view of the physical properties of molecular clouds. Complementary observations of the lower density gas using tracers such as C or C+, are required.