
1 Introduction

The conscious activity of the human being is product of the work of several brain structures, being the frontal lobe one of the most important parts for human beings to regulate our impulses, behavior, desires and everything we are able to produce [1, 2].

Several researches have described that human beings who have an adequate development of the central nervous system can act with awareness of the consequences of their actions, while people who have some kind of frontal damage (Fig. 1), act irresponsibly, without having objectives or a clear planning of what they want to achieve in life [3, 4].

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Graphic location of the frontal lobe in the human brain.

The mental functions that allow this conscious work in the human being are the executive functions [5, 6]. These cognitive abilities are defined as high-level mental skills that allow human beings to have a creative and effective behavior within the respect of social parameters [7].

There are several proposals of executive functions, for example, inhibition, working memory, planning, monitoring, emotional regulation, organization of materials, initiative, verification, internal language regulating behavior, metacognition, behavioral regulation, and cognitive flexibility; among others [8]. At present there is no absolute consensus on the number of executive functions that should exist, but there is agreement that we are referring to mental abilities that allow the conscious regulation of behavior [9].

Regarding the rehabilitation processes of executive functions, there is currently no complete development of this process, since the rehabilitation proposals are from recent years and are based on traditional pencil and paper processes [10, 11]. In this sense, it is of great importance to identify what technological developments have been proposed to rehabilitate executive functions for human beings suffering frontal damage [12].

Therefore, a contribution to the current state of the art of neuropsychology research is to identify the new proposals that are being developed for the rehabilitation of executive functions. In this sense, a systematic review of recent technological developments for the rehabilitation of executive functions is presented below.

2 Method

The present investigation was carried out by means of a systematic review methodology of the collection of 13 academic articles [13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25]. The present study was carried out through two processes: (a) first, the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the articles to be included in this review were determined; (b) then, a protocol was elaborated to analyze the information of the selected articles to achieve the objective of identifying the devices developed to stimulate and rehabilitate executive functions.

2.1 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

Inclusion: The article develops or analyzes a technological device to stimulate or rehabilitate the executive function. It is an article with the participation of human beings and measurement of the developed device.

Exclusion: The article analyzes a paper and pencil or traditional procedure, without technological elements, to stimulate or rehabilitate executive functions. The article develops another procedure which are not stimulate or rehabilitate, such as, assessment executive functions.

In order to carry out this systematic review, it was necessary to complete 5 stages (see Fig. 2):

  1. A.

    Identification stage: a search for academic articles was carried out in the Scopus metabase and main journals in the context of psychology. Scopus was used, due to its importance in the Latin American context, in addition to the fact that it is a meta-base that offers greater precision when considering time ranges and provides a large number of articles of great scientific prestige. The temporal range was papers published between 2015 and 2023, using keywords in the English and Spanish languages “executive functions, technology, rehabilitation, stimulation, psychology, frontal lobe”.

  2. B.

    Duplicate stage: duplicate articles were deleted.

  3. C.

    Eligibility stage: inclusion and exclusion criteria were determined to obtain relevant data that contribute to the research objective.

  4. D.

    Selection stage: the articles were downloaded to be read completely and by applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the articles linked to the study were selected.

  5. E.

    Bias stage: the whole process was supervised by an expert in systematic review processes in executive functions, and constant revisions were made to identify the adequate fulfillment of the inclusion and exclusion criteria in the analysis of the articles worked on in the research.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Systematic review followed in this research.

3 Results

Statistical analyses were performed with the 13 studies that met the criteria for inclusion in the study [13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25]. All the data analyzed for the 13 scientific articles statistically analyzed are shown in appendix 1. In reference to the average number of participants found in the studies, a mean sample size M = 65.77 (SD = 61.95) was identified. In most of the studies a frequency between 0 and 50 participants was found. The data can be seen in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Study sample size ranges.

In relation to the countries that have developed technological developments that help stimulate and rehabilitate executive functions, it was found that Italy is the country with the most developments in this regard. Figure 4 shows the results.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Countries that have generated technology to stimulate or rehabilitate executive functions.

When observing the educational level of the participants, it was found that most of the studies did not specify this criterion in their articles. Figure 5 shows the different educational levels of the participants in the different studies.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Educational level of participants.

In relation to the type of population that participated in the studies with technological developments for the stimulation and rehabilitation of executive functions, it indicates that in most of the investigations adults with some disorder were chosen. Figure 6 shows the different types of populations with which the studies worked.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Characteristics of the participants.

The following technological developments were found in the 13 studies [13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25]: (a) Bee-Bot Robot, which is a bee-shaped device that is used in an ER-Lab, where children must complete goals programmed by the Bee- Bot Robot [13]; (b) CortexVR, is an application with different virtual reality games to stimulate executive functions that must be complemented with the CoachApp for training [14]; (c) Computer-based training, composed of working memory and mathematical tasks, for this training 3 stages need to be fulfilled in order to measure the stimulation performed [15]; (d) Computer Aided Technology (CAT), which is a specialized training program for each patient performed by doctors specialized in rehabilitation [16]; (e) Smartwatch Executive Function Supports, is an application for the Smartwatch that allows patients with ID and ASD to schedule appointments and stimulate or rehabilitate their planning [17]; (f) Brain-Computer Interface + Exoskeleton Technology in Complex Multimodal Stimulation (BCNI), 3 mental commands are given on the computer screen and with the help of exoskeleton technology the patient is rehabilitated; (g) LEGO Mindstorms EV3, is a programmable robotic kit in which children must assemble and program the robot to do certain activities that increase in difficulty [19]; (h) Ozobot, is a small educational robot, which is coded to follow colors on a linear surface, then children must use the colors to solve what they are asked [20]; (i) CityQuest, is a virtual reality game of a city, where patients must navigate avoiding obstacles [21]; (j) The use of a wearable camera to record significant events over 6 weeks to help Alzheimer’s patients [22]; (k) Eye-tracking technology, is a computerized version of the Tower of Hanoi, where they have a limited number of movements to solve the instructions [23]; (l) A set of 3 robots and a sensor-based device, which focused on interactive games with force support assisted by the 3 robots [24]; (m) Bimodal VR-Stroop, which is a virtual reality game that has two scenarios that has visual and auditory distractors, where the person must read the color that is written on the screen, not with the color with which it is written.

Based on the limitations of the studies analyzed, it was found that most of them are superficial investigations or they do not present limitations in the published article. Figure 7 shows the results of this analysis.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Limitations of the studies analyzed

In the research analyzed, it was found that they focus on rehabilitating various executive functions, among which working memory and problem-solving skills stand out. Figure 8 shows the executive functions worked on in each study.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Executive functions stimulated in the technological developments reviewed

In relation to the time required for rehabilitation with the different technological devices, it was found that the most predominant time to stimulate or rehabilitate the patients was from 1 to 5 weeks. Figure 9 shows the ranges of time required to rehabilitate patients.

Fig. 9.
figure 9

The ranges of time required to rehabilitate or stimulate patients.

4 Conclusions

In this article we have reported an investigation that conducted a systematic review of the technological developments that exist to rehabilitate executive functions. The essential contribution of this study to the line of research on executive functions has to do with the identification of technological resources for the neuropsychological treatment of these mental abilities, which is a topic that is still under construction.

In the extraction of results from the analyzed studies, the following technological tools were found to stimulate and rehabilitate executive functions: Bee-Bot Robot, CortexVR, Computer Based Training, Computer Aided Technology, Smartwatch Executive Function Supports, Brain-Computer Interface + Exoskeleton Technology in Complex Multimodal Stimulation, LEGO Mindstorms EV3, Ozobot, CityQuest, use of a wearable camera to record more significant events, Eye Tracking Technology and Bimodal VR-Stroop.

The main benefit of having technological tools to stimulate and rehabilitate executive functions is based on the fact that the patient who needs this type of attention can feel that he/she is carrying out activities that are consistent with the technological world in which we live today [26]. The implementation of technology in the rehabilitation or stimulation of executive functions can be very useful for patients, because nowadays technology is part of everyday life and in the case of children or younger patients this alternative optimizes the intervention. On the other hand, the use of technological devices can be a challenge with older adults, which is why it is necessary in some cases to make a digital literacy and pre-training [27].

In a future research project, we plan to create a technological application that allows us to rehabilitate the executive functions of children, adolescents and adults who present deficiencies in these mental abilities. In addition, it is of interest to conduct experimental studies in which, through pre- and post-test analysis, we can determine the effectiveness of the technological devices analyzed in this article.