
1 Introduction

The importance of cooperative path planning for vehicle fleets has been demonstrated by various applications such as logistics and delivery services [19, 26], ride-sharing services [13, 25], and mission planning for autonomous/unmanned vehicles [4, 28]. In general, a multi-agent planner is required for cooperative path planning of vehicle fleets. This planning problem can be defined as finding a set of paths that allows a fleet of agents to reach a specified number of targets in the minimum amount of time. This problem is similar to the classical Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problem (MTSP) [1], and its variants such as the Multi-Agent Path Planning (MAPP) problem [16]. The classical MTSP is generally defined as follows. Given n cities (targets) and m salesmen (agents), the aim is to find m tours (closed paths) starting and ending at a depot (initial position of the agents) such that each target is visited only once and the total cost of visiting all targets is minimized. The cost metric can be expressed in terms of distance, time, etc., [1]. The MAPP problem is similar to the classical MTSP with two differences:

  • Subtours (open paths) are considered in the MAPP problem, so each agent starts and ends its path at two distinct points.

  • Agents can have different initial positions.

More practical situations can be modeled by applying additional restrictions to these combinatorial optimization problems. These restrictions affect the agents mostly by restricting their path length, workload, or operational range [13, 19, 25, 26]. As a novelty, in this study the cooperative path planning for vehicle fleets is modeled as a so-called Constrained Multi-Agent Path Planning (CMAPP) problem. This problem is formed by applying two additional constraints to the MAPP problem: the maximum number of targets each agent is allowed to visit, and the maximum range for each agent. This paper presents a two-step solution method composed of an initial solution and a complex solution for this problem. The initial solution benefits from a new targets assignment algorithm. The complex solution uses a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to improve the result of the initial solution. The additional constraints are applied in both initial and complex solutions. The aim of this study is to show the applicability of the developed method.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews solution methods for similar problems. The CMAPP problem is described in detail in Sect. 3. The methodology of the proposed solution is described in Sect. 4; then results are presented and discussed in Sect. 5. Finally, conclusions are drawn in Sect. 6.

2 Review of Solution Methods

Solving the MTSP and the MAPP problem is difficult because of their complex combinatorial character (NP-hardness). In general, two types of approaches are used to tackle the MTSP [12]: exact and heuristic-based approaches.

The exact approaches are based on either the transformation of the MTSP to an equivalent Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), or relaxing some constraints of the problem [1, 12]. The problem is solved by applying exact methods such as Branch-and-Bound [6], Cutting Planes [20], and Integer Linear Programming Formulations [17]. The exact approaches are restricted to the MTSPs with reasonable sizes (Euclidean and Non-Euclidean problems up to 100 and 500 cities (targets), respectively [6]) because their performance is highly dependent on the size of the problem. Accordingly, the solution runtime encounters an exponential rise with increasing the problem size [1, 12]. Additionally, transforming the MTSP to an equivalent TSP might result in an even more difficult problem to solve, especially using the exact approaches [6, 20].

Table 1. Literature instances on the MTSP having similarities to the CMAPP problem considered in our study

The heuristic-based approaches solve the problem by applying approximate heuristic methods such as Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) [8, 12, 15], Genetic Algorithm (GA) [12, 15, 29, 30], Simulated Annealing [24], Neural Networks [23], and Tabu Search [22]. The heuristic-based approaches can achieve near-optimal solutions in a reasonable amount of time even for larger problems [12].

The problems tackled in several previous papers on the MTSP have some similarities to the CMAPP problem considered in our study (see Table 1). These similarities include considering multiple depots for the MTSP, minimizing the length (cost) of the longest tour (Min-Max MTSP), and applying additional constraints.

There are only a few studies on the variants of the MAPP problem. In [9], a GA was introduced to solve a so-called Subtour problem which is similar to the MAPP problem with one difference: there is only one agent. This method was developed for solving the MAPP problem in [10], and a similar method was proposed in [16] to address the MAPP problem. In [27], a heuristic approach based on a graph simplification method was presented to solve a multi-depot open tours MTSP which is basically the MAPP problem with Min-Sum optimization objective.

Concluding the literature review, the MTSP is a well-studied problem, while there are only a few studies on the MAPP problem. Furthermore, previous studies have not solved the MAPP problem with our additional constraints.

3 Constrained Multi-agent Path Planning Problem: General Terms and Notation

In this section, the required foundation from Graph theory, and the notations of the classical MTSP and the MAPP problem are presented. In addition, our additional constraints for the MAPP problem are defined.

According to Graph theory, a graph is an ordered pair \(G=(V,E)\) consisting of: \(V=\{v_1,...,v_m\}\), a set of m vertices (nodes), and \(E=\{(v_i,v_j)\;|\;v_i,v_j\in V,\;i\ne j\}\), a set of edges (links) connecting vertices \(v_i\) and \(v_j\). This type of graph may be precisely referred to as simple graph which means multiple edges connecting the same two vertices are not allowed. In the context of the classical MTSP and the MAPP problem, the targets and the points where the agents begin their journey, are considered as vertices. In this study, only undirected graphs are taken into consideration. In an undirected graph, edges are comprised of unordered pairs of vertices where \((v_i,v_j)=(v_j,v_i)\). Moreover, if in a graph all vertices of V are connected to each other, the graph is a complete graph and it is designated by \(K_m(V)\) where m is the number of vertices constituting the vertex set V.

A path/cycle is a sequence of edges connecting a sequence of vertices. If the sequence of vertices is composed of distinct vertices, a simple path/cycle is given with the exception that for simple cycle the starting and ending vertices are repeated. Here we only consider simple paths/cycles, so henceforth paths/cycles simply refer to simple paths/cycles. \(P=(V_1,E_1)\) is a path in \(G=(V,E)\) if: \(V_1 = \{v_1,...,v_k\}\subset V\), and \(E_1 = \{(v_1,v_2),(v_2,v_3),...,(v_{k-1},v_k)\}\subset E\). This means a path consisting of k vertices is a sequence of \(k-1\) edges connecting these vertices in which each two consecutive edges share a vertex in common. Likewise, \(C=(V_2,E_2)\) is a cycle in \(G=(V,E)\) if: \(V_2 = \{v_1,...,v_k\}\subset V\), and \(E_2 = \{(v_1,v_2),...,(v_{k-1},v_k),(v_k,v_1)\}\subset E\). In other words, a cycle comprising k vertices is a sequence of k edges connecting these vertices in which each two consecutive edges as well as the first and the last edge share a vertex in common. Hence, a cycle starts and ends at the same vertex (tour), while a path starts and ends at different vertices (subtour).

The number of edges in a path or cycle is called the length of that path or cycle. For \(G=(V,E)\), the set of all paths and cycles with length k are designated by \(\mathbb P_k(G)\) and \(\mathbb C_k(G)\), respectively. A weight (cost) \(w(v_i,v_j)\) can be assigned to an edge. If every edge of a graph has a weight, the graph is called a weighted graph. In a weighted graph if \(w(v_i,v_j)=w(v_j,v_i)\) is valid for every edge, the weighted graph is called symmetric. In this study, for simplicity, the Euclidean distance between two vertices of each edge is assigned as the weight of that edge \(w(v_i,v_j)=w(v_j,v_i)=|\vec {r}(v_i)-\vec {r}(v_j)|\); note that the problems discussed here are not restricted to Euclidean distance, so any desired measure (e.g., rectilinear distance, actual driving distance) can be assigned as the weight of edges. For a path \(P\in \mathbb P_k(G)\), the sum of its edges’ weights is called the total cost of the path:

$$\begin{aligned} c(P) = \sum _{i=1}^{k} w(v_i,v_{i+1}) \end{aligned}$$

Similarly, the total cost of a cycle \(C\in \mathbb C_k(G)\) is:

$$\begin{aligned} c(C) = \sum _{i=1}^{k-1} w(v_i,v_{i+1})\,+\,w(v_k,v_1) \end{aligned}$$

If there is no associated weight to each edge, the total cost of a path or cycle is simply equal to the length of the path or cycle.

The classical MTSP and the MAPP problem can be formulated on the basis of the foundation from Graph theory described above. Consider \(A=\{a_1,...,a_m\}\) and \(T=\{t_1,...,t_n\}\) as the set of m agents and n targets, respectively. The agents and targets are located in Euclidean space. The location of the ith agent and the jth target is therefore determined by \(\vec {r}(a_i)\) and \(\vec {r}(t_j)\), respectively. The classical MTSP is formulated as follows. Consider a as the depot for all agents, so \(\forall \,a_i=a\) and \(\forall \,\vec {r}(a_i)=\vec {r}(a)\). The configuration space of the problem is the complete graph \(K_{n+1}(V)\) with the vertex set \(V=T\cup a\). Consider \(C_i\) as a cycle with length \(k_i\) that starts and ends at vertex a (the depot). Let \(\mathbb C=\{C_1,...,C_m\}\) be the set of m cycles \(C_i\) with length \(k_i\). The aim is to determine \(\mathbb C\) such that each target is visited only once (visitation only by one agent), and the total cost of \(\mathbb C\) (Eq. (3)) is minimized (Min-Sum problem).

$$\begin{aligned} c(\mathbb C) = \sum _{i=1}^{m} c(C_i) \end{aligned}$$

The total cost of \(\mathbb C\) is the sum of the lengths (costs) of all m cycles \(C_i\) constituting \(\mathbb C\) (see Eq. (3)).

Likewise, the MAPP problem is formulated as follows. For each agent, the configuration space of the problem is the complete graph \(K_{n+1}(V_i)\) with the vertex set \(V_i=T\cup a_i\). The Euclidean distance between two vertices of each edge (e.g., \(v_x\) and \(v_y\)) is assigned as the weight of that edge; \(w(v_x,v_y)=w(v_y,v_x)=|\vec {r}(v_x)-\vec {r}(v_y)|\) where \(v_x,v_y\in V_i\). As a result, \(K_{n+1}(V_i)\) is a symmetric weighted graph. Consider \(P_i\) as a path with length \(k_i\) starting at vertex \(a_i\). Let \(\mathbb P=\{P_1,...,P_m\}\) be the set of m paths \(P_i\) with length \(k_i\) that each pair of them do not have any vertex in common (except possible same position for starting points). The aim is to determine \(\mathbb P\) such that each target is visited only once (visitation only by one agent), and the cost of the path with the largest cost in \(\mathbb P\) (Eq. (4)) is minimized.

$$\begin{aligned} c_m(\mathbb P) = \max _{i=1}^{m} \,c(P_i) \end{aligned}$$

Therefore, the MAPP problem is a Min-Max problem in which a team of m agents must visit n targets in the minimum amount of time. The whole team of agents should be used, so each agent must visit at least one target (\(k_i\ge 1\)). However, the number of targets visited by each agent can be different.

In this study, our additional constraints for the MAPP problem are applied independently of each other. These constraints are defined as follows. In the MAPP problem, if the maximum number of targets that can be assigned to each agent is limited, the solution would be affected since the maximum length of each agent’s path is restricted. Accordingly, we introduced the maximum number of targets each agent is allowed to visit as the first additional constraint. Let \(Q=\{q_1,...,q_m\}\) be the set of the maximum number of targets for each agent, so the maximum number of targets that can be assigned to the ith agent is \(q_i\). As a result, the length of each agent’s path is limited to: \(1 \le k_i \le q_i\). In the case of applying this additional constraint, if the sum of all elements of Q is less than the number of targets (\(\sum _{i=1}^{m} q_i < n\)), then the fleet of m agents cannot visit all n targets. Hereafter, this situation is referred to as the lack-of-capacity issue. Additionally, if the maximum number of targets for each agent is the same for all agents (\(\forall \,q_i=q\)), the fleet of agents is called a homogeneous capacity fleet. In this study, for solving the problem with the first additional constraint, a homogeneous capacity fleet was assumed.

Furthermore, we defined the maximum range of the ith agent as the maximum Euclidean distance from the position of \(a_i\) that can be accessed by the ith agent. This range is unlimited without applying any constraint on it, so each agent can access all targets regardless of their Euclidean distance from its position. However, if this range is limited, the only accessible targets for each agent are located within its maximum range. This not only impacts the assignment of targets to agents, but also can influence the total cost of each agent’s path. Accordingly, we introduced the maximum range for each agent as the second additional constraint. Let \(R=\{r_1,...,r_m\}\) be the set of the maximum range for each agent, so the maximum range of the ith agent is \(r_i\). Consequently, the jth target can be accessible for the ith agent only if: \(|\vec {r}(a_i) - \vec {r}(t_j)| \le r_i\). In the case of applying this additional constraint, if there would be at least one target that is not in the maximum range of any agent (\(|\forall \,\vec {r}(a_i) - \vec {r}(t_j)| > r_i\)), then the fleet of m agents cannot visit all n targets. Henceforth, this situation is referred to as the out-of-range issue. Moreover, if the maximum range for each agent is the same for all agents (\(\forall \,r_i=r\)), the fleet of agents is called a homogeneous range fleet. In this study, for solving the problem with the second additional constraint, a homogeneous range fleet was assumed.

4 Methodology of the Approximate Solution

In this study, a two-step solution based on the method developed in [16] is presented for the CMAPP problem. The solution method is composed of an initial solution and a complex solution. The complex solution improves the result of the initial solution using a GA that applies genetic-like operators and a heuristic method. A solution is a set of paths that is called Plan (\(\mathbb P\)) in this context. The Plan is optimal if the longest path in the Plan is the shortest possible (Min-Max problem). Thus, the solution algorithm is as follows:

  • Step 1: a Plan \(\mathbb P\) is generated by the initial solution.

  • Step 2: the complex solution is applied to the Plan \(\mathbb P\) to minimize the cost \(c_m(\mathbb P)\) (see Eq. (4)) and eventually obtain the near-optimal Plan.

4.1 Initial Solution

The initial solution generates the Initial Plan (a starting set of paths). Consider \(A=\{a_1,...,a_m\}\) and \(T=\{t_1,...,t_n\}\) as the set of m agents and n targets, respectively. A Plan is viable if each pair of paths do not have any vertex in common (except possible same starting points). For the order of planning, we assume that the targets are assigned to the agents in the following order: \(a_1 \rightarrow a_2 \rightarrow \cdots \rightarrow a_m\). The targets assignment algorithm is as follows:

  • Step 1: a target \(t_{i_1} \in T_1=T\) is selected and assigned to the first agent.

  • Step 2: a target \(t_{i_2} \in T_2=T_1 - t_{i_1}\) is selected and assigned to the second agent.

    \(\vdots \)

  • Step m: a target \(t_{i_m} \in T_m=T_{m-1} - t_{i_{m-1}}\) is selected and assigned to the mth agent.

A viable Plan \(\mathbb P=\{P_1,...,P_m\}\) is generated by iterating this algorithm until all targets would be assigned to the agents.

However, a target selection approach is also required for selecting a target in every step of the targets assignment algorithm. Therefore, different initialization methods can be employed by adopting various target selection approaches. In this study, two initialization methods were employed:

  1. 1.

    Greedy initialization method:

    It selects targets on the basis of the nearest neighbor heuristic and assigns them to the agents. For each agent, the nearest unassigned target to the previously assigned target to that agent is selected in every iteration of the targets assignment algorithm. In order to select the first target for each agent, the nearest unassigned target to the position of that agent (\(a_i\)) is selected.

  2. 2.

    Random initialization method:

    It selects targets randomly and assigns them to the agents. For each agent, a random unassigned target is selected in every iteration of the targets assignment algorithm.

The solution for the non-constrained MAPP problem was also considered in order to enable us to evaluate the effect of applying our two additional constraints that were applied independently of each other. Hence, six different solution modes were analyzed in this study (see Table 2).

Table 2. Analyzed solution modes

4.2 Complex Solution

In order to evolve a Plan \(\mathbb P\) towards a near-optimal Multi-Agent Plan, the complex solution is applied to the paths \(P_i \in \mathbb P\). The complex solution uses a GA applying three genetic-like operators and another operator employing a heuristic method to minimize the cost \(c_m(\mathbb P)\) (see Eq. (4)). This reduces the length of the longest path in the Plan, and eventually the near-optimal Plan is obtained. The algorithm of the complex solution is the same as a classical GA [11] with one exception: there is only one Plan \(\mathbb P\) generated by the initial solution to be evolved (the population size is 1).

In every evolutionary iteration, the developed operators are applied sequentially to a Plan \(\mathbb P\) and generate a new Plan \(\mathbb P^{'}\), then:

  • If \(c_m(\mathbb P^{'}) < c_m(\mathbb P)\), Plan \(\mathbb P^{'}\) is kept for the next evolutionary iteration and Plan \(\mathbb P\) is discarded.

  • If \(c_m(\mathbb P^{'}) > c_m(\mathbb P)\), Plan \(\mathbb P\) is kept for the next evolutionary iteration and Plan \(\mathbb P^{'}\) is discarded.

In every evolutionary iteration, the following operators are applied in the same order:

  1. 1.

    Crossover operator:

    It is stochastically applied with the probability of \(\mathcal P_{crossover}\). It selects two paths stochastically either by the best-worst selection with the probability of \(\mathcal P_{best-worst}\) or by random selection with the probability of \(1- \mathcal P_{best-worst}\), then each of them is randomly cleaved (cleaving position can be different for each of them) into two parts and the parts are swapped.

  2. 2.

    Mutation operator:

    It is stochastically applied with the probability of \(\mathcal P_{mutation}\). It randomly selects two paths and swaps two randomly selected targets between them.

  3. 3.

    Migration operator:

    It is stochastically applied with the probability of \(\mathcal P_{migration}\). It randomly selects two paths \(P_i\) and \(P_j\), then it removes a randomly selected target from \(P_i\) and adds it to \(P_j\). Obviously, in this procedure the length of \(P_i\) reduces, while the length of \(P_j\) enlarges.

  4. 4.

    Boosting operator:

    It is stochastically applied with the probability of \(\mathcal P_{boost}\). It enhances the quality of paths by applying the 2-OPT algorithm [2]. This algorithm examines whether the inequality (5) between each four targets \(v_i\), \(v_{i+1}\), \(v_j\), \(v_{j+1}\) of a path is valid or not. If it is valid, edges \((v_i,v_{i+1})\) and \((v_j,v_{j+1})\) are substituted with edges \((v_i,v_j)\) and \((v_{i+1},v_{j+1})\), respectively. Applying this algorithm generates a shorter path.

$$\begin{aligned} c(v_i,v_{i+1}) + c(v_j,v_{j+1}) > c(v_i,v_j) + c(v_{i+1},v_{j+1}) \end{aligned}$$

5 Results and Discussion

In order to demonstrate the applicability of the developed solution, four random scenarios with 100 test cases for each one were considered (see Table 3). In all test cases, the agents and targets were spread out randomly in a dimensionless domain (domain area = 1 \(\times \) 1). The cost reduction \(\varDelta c_m\) was defined as the cost reduction of the Final Plan compared to the Initial Plan (see Eq. (6)). The following evaluation parameters were considered: \(\overline{\varDelta c_m}\) is the average \(\varDelta c_m\) for 100 test cases; \(\overline{c_m}(\mathbb P_{final})\) is the average final cost for 100 test cases; \(q_i\) is the maximum number of targets for each agent; \(\overline{r_i}\) is the average maximum range for each agent for 100 test cases; and \(\mathcal T_{100}\) is the runtime for 100 test cases.

$$\begin{aligned} \varDelta c_m = \frac{c_m(\mathbb P_{Initial})-c_m(\mathbb P_{Final})}{c_m(\mathbb P_{Initial})} \times 100\% \end{aligned}$$
Table 3. Test scenarios

In terms of the first additional constraint, in each test case the maximum number of targets for each agent was determined by \(q_i = \left\lceil {\frac{n}{m}}\right\rceil \) to ensure that the lack-of-capacity issue would not occur. Regarding the second additional constraint, in each test case the developed solution numerically calculates the minimum value for the maximum range for each agent such that the out-of-range issue would not occur. As a result, here the maximum range for each agent is a case-sensitive variable.

The operators of the complex solution were applied with the probabilities of: \(\mathcal P_{crossover}=0.7\), \(\mathcal P_{best-worst}=0.5\), \(\mathcal P_{mutation}=0.4\), \(\mathcal P_{migration}=0.6\), and \(\mathcal P_{boost}=0.3\). Simulations were run for 150000 evolutionary iterations for each test case by means of MATLAB R2021b. The hardware configuration of the PC used was as follows. CPU: AMD Ryzen™ 5-5500U, RAM: 8 GB.

The computational results are shown in Table 4. Accordingly, if the maximum number of targets for each agent was restricted:

  • in the case of employing Greedy initialization, the average final cost (except in scenario 1) and the runtime decreased, while the average cost reduction (except in scenario 1) increased compared to the non-constrained solution with Greedy initialization.

  • in the case of employing Random initialization, the runtime (except in scenario 1) and the average cost reduction decreased, whereas the average final cost increased compared to the non-constrained solution with Random initialization.

Moreover, if the maximum range for each agent was limited:

  • in the case of employing Greedy initialization, the average cost reduction and the average final cost decreased compared to the non-constrained solution with Greedy initialization. A general trend was not observed regarding the runtime.

  • in the case of employing Random initialization, the average final cost in the scenarios with more targets (200) and the average cost reduction decreased, while the average final cost in the scenarios with fewer targets (100) increased compared to the non-constrained solution with Random initialization. A general trend was not observed regarding the runtime.

Additionally, in the absence of any additional constraints, Random initialization led to a smaller average final cost compared to Greedy initialization in scenarios with fewer targets (100). However, in the presence of additional constraints, Random initialization always led to a larger average final cost compared to Greedy initialization. An interesting result was that \(\overline{r_i}\) was always less than 34% of the domain diameter (\(\sqrt{1+1}\)). Furthermore, if the number of agents and targets increased while \(\frac{n}{m}\) remained constant, the average final cost decreased in the case of applying the additional constraints along with Greedy initialization. For 10 agents, when the number of targets increased by 100%, the average final cost experienced an increase averaging 47.4% and 59.6% across solution modes 1 to 3, and solution modes 4 to 6, respectively. For 100 targets, when the number of agents decreased by 10%, the average final cost underwent an increase averaging 5.4% across all solution modes. For 200 targets, when the number of agents decreased by 50%, the average final cost experienced an increase averaging 61% and 45.2% across solution modes 1 to 3, and solution modes 4 to 6, respectively.

Table 4. Computational results
Fig. 1.
figure 1

Initial Plans (left) vs. Final Plans (right) generated by solution modes 1, 2 and 3; scenario 2; the test case in which the solution achieved the largest \(\varDelta c_m\) in the case of applying Greedy initialization along with the constraint on the maximum number of targets for each agent. (Color figure online)

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Initial Plans (left) vs. Final Plans (right) generated by solution modes 1, 2 and 3; scenario 4; the test case in which the solution achieved the largest \(\varDelta c_m\) in the case of applying Greedy initialization along with the constraint on the maximum range for each agent. (Color figure online)

In order to visualize some instances of the evolution accomplished by the approximate solution, Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 illustrate the Initial Plans and the Final Plans generated by three solution modes for two different test cases. In these figures, the yellow star is the initial position of the agent with the longest path; the green squares are the initial positions of other agents; the paths are shown by solid lines and the longest path is highlighted in all illustrated Plans; and dashed-line circles depict the maximum range of the agents. Figure 1 shows the Plans obtained for a test case with 9 agents and 100 targets. In this test case the solution achieved the largest \(\varDelta c_m\) (see Eq. (6)) among 100 test cases of scenario 2 in the case of applying Greedy initialization along with the constraint on the maximum number of targets for each agent. In the absence of any additional constraints, the cost \(c_m(\mathbb P)\) (see Eq. (4)) decreased from 3.16 in the Initial Plan (Fig. 1(a)) to 1.24 in the Final Plan (Fig. 1(b)). If the maximum number of targets for each agent was restricted to \(q_i=12\), the cost \(c_m(\mathbb P)\) reduced from 3.16 in the Initial Plan (Fig. 1(c)) to 1.17 in the Final Plan (Fig. 1(d)). Lastly, if the maximum range for each agent was limited to \(r_i=0.38\), the cost \(c_m(\mathbb P)\) dropped from 1.59 in the Initial Plan (Fig. 1(e)) to 1.17 in the Final Plan (Fig. 1(f)). Furthermore, the Plans generated for a test case with 10 agents and 200 targets are illustrated in Fig. 2. In this test case the solution attained the highest \(\varDelta c_m\) among 100 test cases of scenario 4 if Greedy initialization was applied together with the constraint on the maximum range for each agent. In the absence of any additional constraints, the cost \(c_m(\mathbb P)\) reduced from 2.86 in the Initial Plan (Fig. 2(a)) to 1.74 in the Final Plan (Fig. 2(b)). If the maximum number of targets for each agent was limited to \(q_i=20\), the cost \(c_m(\mathbb P)\) dropped from 2.86 in the Initial Plan (Fig. 2(c)) to 1.95 in the Final Plan (Fig. 2(d)). Finally, if the maximum range for each agent was restricted to \(r_i=0.42\), the cost \(c_m(\mathbb P)\) decreased from 2.60 in the Initial Plan (Fig. 2(e)) to 1.52 in the Final Plan (Fig. 2(f)).

Comparing our developed method with previously proposed methods using a similar GA for the MAPP problem, our method is novel because despite the similarity in utilizing the mutation operator and the 2-OPT algorithm in [10], their initialization phase (initial solution) and crossover operator function differently. Moreover, our additional constraints were not applied in [16] and their initialization phase uses a different targets assignment algorithm. The presented method can be extended by applying other practical constraints realizing time windows and priorities [5, 13, 19, 25], conflict-free paths [3, 7], and multi-modal itinerary planning [21].

6 Conclusions

This paper presents a cooperative path planner based on the Multi-Agent Path Planning (MAPP) problem with additional constraints to model more practical situations. The proposed solution uses a Genetic Algorithm (GA) applying genetic-like operators and a heuristic method. It evolves an Initial Plan towards a near-optimal Multi-Agent Plan by minimizing the length of the longest path.

The applicability of the approximate solution was tested in four random scenarios. The computational results show that restricting the maximum number of targets for each agent can mostly improve the performance of the solution if the Initial Plan is generated by Greedy initialization. Furthermore, on average the cost of the Final Plan can be decreased by limiting the maximum range for each agent if the Initial Plan is generated by Greedy initialization. This trend is observed in the scenarios with more targets (200 in this study) even if the Initial Plan is generated by Random initialization. These results show that using a simple yet efficient initial solution, the developed method can potentially enhance the efficiency of route planning for a fleet of vehicles when the aim is to optimize open paths (subtours) in a cooperative manner, and the vehicles of the fleet have a limited operational range or a balance between their workload is desired. This situation can be observed in a variety of mobility and logistics services such as crowd-sourced delivery (e.g., TOURMIX), group ride-sharing, general home delivery, and airport shuttles.

The ultimate goal of this work is to simulate the challenges observed in cooperative path planning for vehicle fleets. Thus, it can be extended by applying other practical constraints like time windows and priorities. Our future work will focus on developing a Multi-Agent route planner for shared mobility services using the method presented here but by calculating the length of paths based on map data (i.e., actual driving distance).