

Instructional design courses and technology provide learners with various opportunities to practice the use of technologies. Yet, traditional instructional design contexts are often limited in promoting and translating innovative products and processes to classroom environments (Karagiorgi & Symeou, 2005). Many instructional designers and educators face difficulties when applying practice-based tasks and using a variety of technology tools due to the lack of such learning experiences (Pellas et al., 2020). To address some of these concerns, there has been a growing interest in the use of virtual reality (VR) and related technologies such as three dimensional collaborative virtual learning environments (3D CVLE). 3D CVLE are three dimensional, digital spaces designed to support collaborative, user-centric learning activities (Churchill & Snowdon, 1998). The affordances of these technologies for teaching and learning have long been established (Dalgarno & Lee, 2010; Shin, 2017). However, even though VR equipment has become commercially available and more affordable, there are challenges with this approach as few university students have access to VR headsets (Eriksson, 2021). In an attempt to maintain many of the same affordances of traditional, immersive VR technologies while reducing the barriers to adoption, many are turning to web-based VR.

In this study, a 3D CVLE called the Museum of Instructional Design (MID) was developed as a free web-based VR platform for a doctoral-level instructional design and technology (IDT) course focusing on trends and issues of current and historical significance to the field. In this paper, we describe how a team of instructional designers used learner experience design (LXD) methodologies to formatively design, develop, and evaluate the Museum of Instructional Design (MID) to support the learning needs of instructional design and technology (IDT) doctoral students.

Project Description

The MID was developed to provide online learners with a collaborative space that would also provide opportunities to engage in critical discourse and to gain essential applied design skills within 3D spaces. Students of this course were enrolled in an online doctoral IDT program at an R1 institution. The majority of students in this program worked full-time and attended night classes. The MID was designed to emulate the experience of an in-person museum with various gallery spaces for students to meet, engage in conversation, and share their own exhibits to represent the IDT field. The instructor and students created the exhibits with the intention of developing a museum gallery that would evolve over the course of the semester.

Software Used to Design the MID

The MID was designed and developed in Mozilla Spoke and Mozilla Hubs. Mozilla Spoke is a free web-based 3D worlds editor that does not require external software or 3D modeling experience. Mozilla Spoke provides access to an open-source repository of images, videos, 3D models, and other tools (e.g., frames in which multimedia can be placed). Virtual environments created in Mozilla Spoke can be seamlessly integrated and accessed within Mozilla Hubs, the end-user interface. The lead author on this paper developed the architecture and underlying 3D CVLE infrastructure within a Mozilla Spoke project (see Fig. 5.1).

Fig. 5.1
A screenshot. It presents a 3 D rendering of a large space resembling a empty classroom or a conference room. A long white board runs across the length of a wall on the left and a small white board hangs on the wall adjacent. 3 arrows depict the 3 axis planes of the room.

A screenshot from the backend Mozilla spoke project

The Mozilla Spoke project was then published to a private Mozilla Hubs space. Mozilla Hubs is a web-based 3D meeting platform that can be used with VR headsets, desktops, and mobile devices and is compatible with different technology tools (e.g., Discord; Le et al., 2020). In this private Mozilla Hubs environment, students of the class assumed the role of a virtual avatar of their choice controlled through input device configurations (e.g., keyboard and mouse). Students co-created the museum exhibits as they engaged in curriculum activities within this Hubs space (see Fig. 5.2).

Fig. 5.2
A screenshot. It presents a 3 D rendering of a large room. 6 vertical screens appear against the back wall with several objects assembled in the front. They include a pitcher plant and several types of robots.

A screenshot from the museum of instructional design of students debating learning analytics around an exhibit they co-created


This study describes the learning experience design (Schmidt et al., 2020), development, and evaluation of the MID. LXD uses iterative processes and is “a human-centric, theoretically-grounded, and socio-culturally sensitive approach to learning design, intended to propel learners towards identified learning goals, and informed by user experience design methods” (Schmidt & Huang, 2022, p. 151). The MID was developed in three phases which included: (1) front-end analysis, (2) design and development, and (3) evaluation. The front-end analysis consisted of empathy interviews, empathy mapping, and persona development. The iterative design and development process made use of rapid prototyping (Desrosier, 2011; Tripp & Bichelmeyer, 1990; Wilson et al., 1993) to revise the MID between versions. An evaluation was conducted through usability and learner experience design methods. Research activities were considered exempt by the PI’s Institutional Review Board. The research focused on the following design questions (DQ):

  • DQ1: How can the user experience design methods (empathy mapping and persona development) inform design principles for a 3D CVLE?

  • DQ2: How can the identified design principles be incorporated into the design framework of a 3D CVLE?

  • DQ3: How is the usability of the MID perceived by classroom and expert evaluator participants, and what features promoted or hindered usability?

Successive Approximation Model

To analyze, design, and develop the MID, we used a modified approach to Allen’s Successive Approximation Model version 2 (Allen, 2012). SAM was used because it is an agile approach to design and development that is more flexible than traditional ID models. Furthermore, SAM was selected as it is a common rapid prototyping framework that is used in instructional design contexts (see Schmidt et al., 2020 for a detailed use case of an instructional designer using SAM). As seen in Fig. 5.3, SAM supported the highly iterative process that we used to design the MID. Given the problems with trying to create instructional systems based on the assumptions of students (Schmidt et al., 2020), this three-phase approach was couched in learning experience design (LXD) - with a particular focus on gathering the requirements of end-users to assess their needs (Sleezer et al., 2014). The three phases (see Fig. 5.3) of this approach includes preparation (Phase 1), iterative design (Phase 2), and iterative development (Phase 3).

Fig. 5.3
An illustration of learner experience design framework has 3 phases. Preparation, iterative design, and iterative development. They include literature review, technological considerations, and evaluation cycle that result in elements including curriculum maps, personas and expert review, in order.

Learner experience design framework of the museum of instructional design based on SAM2

During Phase 1, empathy and persona development methods were used (Cooper, 2004). Empathy interviews were conducted at the beginning of the project to assist the designer with developing empathy with the targeted end-students. Empathy maps were created based on an analysis of empathy interviews to identify a user’s behaviors and attitudes. They focused on detailing and articulating what the end-users might say, think, do, and feel (Siricharoen, 2020). Themes from these empathy maps were then used to create “personas” or fictional models of expected students of the learning space (Mashapa et al., 2013; McGinn & Kotamraju, 2008; Miaskiewicz & Kozar, 2011). In Phase 2, we used rapid prototyping to incorporate social, technological, and pedagogical considerations that were revealed from the efforts of Phase 1. This led to a design proof consisting of an initial prototype and underlying system architecture. This initial design proof would be the system used during the first week of class. In Phase 3, the MID was iteratively evaluated and developed. Throughout Phase 3, data were collected during the regularly scheduled classroom activities using a variety of quantitative and qualitative data sources to help inform the design of the MID. An expert evaluation was also conducted to further elicit feedback on the MID.

Data Sources

A variety of quantitative and qualitative data sources were used throughout the study (see Table 5.1).

Table 5.1 List of data sources and descriptions

Study Procedures

Learner Evaluations

In Phase 3, ongoing evaluations were conducted with 15 students (n = 15; male = 6, female = 9) in a 15 week doctoral level IDT course. All participation in research activities was voluntary and anonymous. Research activities took place during regularly scheduled class activities and were typically presented as exit tickets or surveys at the end of class. All survey and exit ticket data were collected through an anonymous Google Form. Classroom observations were also documented by the instructor of the class. These data were used to iteratively design and develop the MID throughout the semester.

During Week 1, students of the class were introduced to Mozilla Hubs through a training environment designed to familiarize new students with the features and interface of the platform (Advanced Learning Technologies Studio, 2022). Pilot data were collected at the end of the class period using the CSUQ (Lewis, 2018) from students in the class (n = 12). This survey was administered at the end of the class session to measure the evaluation of the system from the students’ perspective. During Week 2, students (n = 11) provided their insights through an informal exit ticket that asked them to rate their confidence level with the technology: “On a scale from 1-5 (strongly disagree to strongly agree). I am feeling confident using Mozilla Hubs.” During Week 4, students provided their insights through another informal exit ticket. They addressed the following questions: What was the most challenging part of designing multimedia for 3D spaces? What did you learn about designing in 3D spaces? What resources, tools, etc., helped you as you designed your ID leaders exhibit? During Week 7, the System Usability Scale was administered to the students (n = 11). During Week 8, students completed the Adjectival Ease of Use, a single-item questionnaire that measures user friendliness (Bangor et al., 2008). The item states, “Overall, I would rate the user-friendliness of this product as: Worst Imaginable, Awful, Poor, Ok, Good, Excellent, Best Imaginable.” In addition, students completed an exit ticket about features and changes that hindered or promoted usability.

Expert Evaluations

As suggested in Tessmer’s (1993) work on formative evaluation in instructional design, an expert review was also conducted (Phase 3). Three (n = 3) expert reviewers were recruited to provide an evaluation of the MID (see Table 5.2). These participants were purposively recruited based on their background and expertise. Participants were required to have a background relevant to the design and development of digital worlds and/or background with deploying educational technologies. They were also required to be at least 18 years of age. Informed consent was obtained by all expert reviewers prior to their participation in the study.

Table 5.2 Demographics and details of expert reviewers

Expert reviewers were tasked with completing a series of activities structured to mirror those that students enrolled in the class would go through during any given week. Expert evaluators began the session by completing the same training activity that students in the class completed in the first week of class. They then explored the MID to complete tasks that included engaging in a lecture, providing responses to prompts, creating museum exhibits, and placing their artifacts within the environment. Expert review participants were asked to think aloud (Nielsen, 1993) while completing these tasks. These sessions were also screened and audio recorded for later analysis. A trained researcher took field notes during these evaluations. Upon the completion of the activities within the MID, expert reviewers were asked to complete the CSUQ.


Empathy Maps

Empathy maps were created using information from empathy interviews conducted during Phase 1. These focused on four areas: say, think, do, feel. From the six empathy maps, four user personas were developed.

Quantitative Analysis

Quantitative usability data were calculated using methods provided by individual instruments. SUS results were calculated using methods outlined by Brooke (1996). Scores for each question of the SUS are converted to a new number, added together and then multiplied by 2.5 to convert the original scores to a value between 0–100. Though these scores are between 0–100, they are not meant to be interpreted as percentages and instead should be considered only in terms of their percentile ranking (Brooke, 1996). Scores of 68 are considered to represent above average usability. CSUQ scores were obtained by using a formula outlined by Lewis (2018) which converts the results to a 100-point scale to match the SUS. Data from the Adjectival Ease of Use Scale and exit tickets were input into a spreadsheet to calculate descriptive statistics.

Qualitative Analysis

Qualitative analysis focused on identifying characteristics of the 3D CVLE that promoted or hindered the MID’s ease-of-use. A deductive approach to qualitative analysis was conducted using usability heuristics and guidelines established in the field (Nielsen, 1994) that have also been adapted and applied to 3D environments (Joyce, 2021).


This study formatively evaluated a 3D CVLE called the MID. The following results articulate how learner experience design methods might inform design principles; how design principles might be incorporated into an operable design framework; how participants perceived usability; and what might be improved. The following sections will detail the results from Phase 1 (Preparation), Phase 2 (Iterative Design), and Phase 3 (Iterative Development).

Results of Phase 1: Preparation (RQ1)

Empathy Maps

We created six empathy maps based on the empathy interviews that were conducted in Phase 1. These empathy maps were then iteratively refined. Each empathy map includes say, think, do, and feel statements as well as a list of potential pains and gains (see examples in Fig. 5.4). The empathy maps we present below represent a stark contrast between student backgrounds, desires, and feelings as they entered into the MID. One student type has little interest in learning a new technology so late in their doctorate program and sees their comprehensive examination as the only thing that matters. The other example represents a student type who is vastly interested in using the MID and further exploring Mozilla Hubs. This student is able to learn the system quickly and frequently asks for more features and wants to push the limits of the system.

Fig. 5.4
2 illustrations of empathy maps. They have a photo of a woman and a man seated in front of an open laptop. 4 elements, says, does, thinks, and feels, appear clockwise with varying sub-elements under each. The respective pains and gains are listed in 2 columns below.

Examples of empathy maps used to inform the design of the MID


Four data-driven user personas were created (see example in Fig. 5.5). We constantly referenced these personas during the design and development phases to articulate and refine the social, technological, and pedagogical considerations (see Table 5.3).

Fig. 5.5
A screenshot of a personality chart. A photo of a woman seated in front of a laptop has a quote below. Goals and frustrations appear in listicles while bio appears in a short paragraph. 5 factors of motivation and 3 pairs of adjectives are given in horizontal bar scales with their respective values.

Example of a Personas

Table 5.3 Social, technological, and pedagogical considerations

Results of Phase 2: Iterative Design (RQ2)

In Phase 2, we made various design decisions based on the results from Phase 1, such as selecting Mozilla Hubs over other web-based VR platforms, including a training environment for students to familiarize themselves with the features and controls, and integrating instructional strategies appropriate to the learner. From these findings, three focus areas for subsequent design emerged: (1) social considerations, (2) pedagogical considerations, and (3) technological considerations (see Table 5.3).

Results of Phase 3: Iterative Development (RQ3)

Quantitative results from student responses to the various usability measures indicate that the MID’s usability was above average. Aggregate SUS (69.1) and CSUQ (69.5) values were rated as being acceptable and the results from the Adjectival Ease of Use Scale were “Good” (5.2). Expert evaluators perceived the MID’s usability as being better (81.3). Qualitative results were used to determine features that promoted or hindered usability. These usability issues were iteratively addressed throughout the course of the semester leading to a refined system (see Table 5.4).

Table 5.4 Description of examples from feedback and changes made to the MID


In this paper, a prototype 3D CVLE called the Museum of Instructional Design was presented. The goal of the MID was to provide doctoral-level students with a flexible 3D space to participate in class activities and to engage in authentic design activities. In the current research, we sought to address three goals. First, we sought to articulate how user experience design methods could inform design principles for a 3D CVLE. Second, we sought to explore how identified design principles could be incorporated into the design framework of a 3D CVLE. Last, we sought to explore how participants rated and perceived the usability of the MID.

By approaching these questions we sought to reveal key design considerations and to provide precedent for how emerging web-based VR can be designed. Much of the existing research in this area focuses on outcomes rather than on documenting design decisions (e.g., Glaser & Schmidt, 2021), which can be critical in how designers go about their design process (Gray & Boling, 2016). VR and related technologies are becoming more prominent in education (Kimmons & Rosenberg, 2022). It is imperative that the field provide design cases to provide precedent (Lawson, 2004, 2019) for addressing the complexities of designing for 3D spaces (Huang & Lee, 2019). Regarding the usability of the MID, findings show that the mean usability scores are above the standard metric for a system to be considered usable (Brooke, 1996, Sauro, 2011). In addition, all students were able to complete the entirety of the semester’s activities within the 3D CVLE. While some students encountered some usability issues, the majority of these issues were remedied through the reflexive iterative design and evaluation process.

Design Implications

There are several implications for using a 3D CVLE. It allows for more feasibility than using traditional VR with a required headset and provides opportunities for students to engage and collaborate. In addition, because using a 3D CVLE does not require software development skills, students and instructors have opportunities to design in a 3D space. However, there are still some challenges with the technology. Constant modifications may be needed to improve the learner experience. There is not a one-size-fits-all template for all instructors to use. In addition, while web-based VR technologies certainly broaden access and potential use cases for instruction and learning, logistical barriers still hinder adoption for some (e.g., rural students with poor Internet connectivity). Given that many students may have little to no experience navigating a 3D environment, instructors may need to provide more guidance and support to students.


The findings presented in this chapter should consider the limitations detailed in the following section.

Nature of UX Research

Due to the nature of user experience design research, findings from this work cannot be generalized beyond the current context. The purpose was to design, develop, evaluate, and refine a feasible and acceptable 3D CVLE for adult students enrolled in a PhD level class.

Therefore, this research used small sample sizes and specifically focused on understanding the nature of students’ experiences as they used the MID. Instead of seeking to create generalizable knowledge, the findings from this work seeks to reveal insights into design decisions that can address the social, technological, and pedagogical needs of students.

Same Participants and Initial Impressions

Quantitative results from the students’ responses to usability measures during Phase 3 (iterative development) indicate that their perceived usability did not change throughout the course of the semester (69.1–69.5). However, this finding might be limited due to the first impression bias phenomena (Fiske & Neuberg, 1990; Lim et al., 2000). In this case, with the students from the class acting as research participants, it is possible that their initial impressions of the system led to a reluctance to change their responses to usability measures throughout the course of the semester. In contrast to these results, qualitative findings indicate that students appreciated the revisions made to the MID and that its usability was improved. Further, expert evaluators, who tested the system closer to the end of the MID’s development (after most of the improvements had been made) rated the system higher.