
1 Introduction

A topological space (TS) is a fairly broad concept. More specificity is frequently desirable. Some studies in TS and their extensions in nonclassical TS are shown by many mathematicians [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13]. One method is to define topological spaces with more constrained attributes using the separation axioms. In general, it is not true that a sequence in a topological space has only one limit. However, using the separation axioms, a type of space may be established in which the limit, if it exists at all, is unique. In 2015, Na- open sets were initially examined by N.A Dawood and N.M Ali, see [14]; by using these sets, we study some classes of Nα- separation axioms and Nα- Ti separation for each i = 0, 1, 2, and look into some of their characteristics. Separation axioms have also been generalized to other generic topological spaces such as ordered topological spaces [15]. Ibrahim [16] presented and explored the features of a strong variant of α-open sets termed αγ-open via operation in 2013. Khalaf and Ibrahim [17] extended their investigation of the features of operations defined on the collection of α-open sets introduced by Ibrahim [16], defining and discussing numerous properties of αγ-regular, α-β-compact, and αγ-connected spaces, as well as α-(γ, β)-continuous functions.

In this chapter, we use Nα- open sets in topological spaces to create new types of Nα-separation axioms and study some of their properties. There are also some definitions and theorems offered. Here in this work, all spaces X and Y are topological spaces, also the closure (interior resp.) of a subset A of X is denoted by cl (A) (int (A) resp.)

2 Fundamental Concepts

We will cover some fundamental principles that will be useful in our work.

Definition 1 [15]

Assume that X is a topological space (TS), a set A is named Na- open set (Nα − OS) if for some α-open set B ≠ ∅ satisfies cl (B) ⊆ A. Also, its complement is named a Na- closed set (Nα − CS). The collection of all Nα- open sets is referred as NαO(X), and its complement by NαC(X).

Remark 1 [15]

A set A is a (Nα − CS) if for some α-closed set ∅ ≠ B ≠ X satisfies ⊆ int (B).

Remark 2 [15]

  1. (i)

    X and ∅ are Nα- open sets (Nα − OS s) in any (TS) X.

  2. (ii)

    Any clopen set is (Nα − OS).

  3. (iii)

    Any set in discrete space is (Nα − OS).

Theorem 1 [15]

Let X1, X2 be topological spaces (TSs). Then A1 and A2 are (Nα − OS s) in X1, X2 resp., if and only if A1 × A2 is (Nα − OS) in X1 × X2.

Proposition 1 [15]

Let X be (TS). Then:

  1. (i)

    Finite union of (Nα − OS s) is (Nα − OS) also.

  2. (ii)

    Finite intersection of (Nα − CS s) is (Nα − CS) also.

Definition 2 [15]

The union of all Na- open set of X contained in A is named Na- interior of A and is denoted Nαint(A), and the intersection of all (Nα − CS) containing A is called Nα- closure of A, refereed by Nαcl(A).

Definition 3 [18]

We say A is generalized Nα – closed set (gNα − CS) of a space X, if Nαcl(A) ⊆ B whenever A ⊆ B and B is (Nα − OS).

The complement of (gNα − CS) is generalized Nα- open set (gNα − OS) in X.

Theorem 2 [18]

  1. (i)

    If A is (Nα − CS) in X, then it is (gNα − CS).

  2. (ii)

    If A is (Nα − OS) in X, then it is (gNα − OS).

Proposition 2 [15]

Suppose that (Y, ty) is a subspace of a (TS) X with A ⊆ Y ⊆ X. Then:

  1. (i)

    If A ∈ NaO(X), then A ∈ NαO(Y).

  2. (ii)

    If A ∈ NaO(Y), then A ∈ NαO(X), where Y is clopen set in X

Definition 4 [19]

Let X1, X2 be (TSs) where, f : X1 → X2 is a mapping, then f is named:

  1. (i)

    Nα(Nα∗- continues) resp. if f−1 (A) is (Nα − OS) in X1 for each A open set ((Nα − OS))in X2 resp.

  2. (ii)

    Nα(Nα∗- open) mapping if f(A) is (Nα − OS) in X2 for each open set ((Nα − OS)) A in X1 resp.

  3. (iii)

    gNα-continuous (gNα∗ -continuous) resp. mapping if for each open set ((gNα − OS)) set A in Y respectively then f−1(A) is (gNα − OS) in X.

3 Some Characteristics of Nα-Separation Nα- Axioms

In this section, we study NαTi- space X for each i = 0, 1, 2 and we discuss some of these spaces’ characteristics and remarks. We will prove certain theorems in the following cases when X is a finite space.

Definition 5

Assume that X is a (TS). We say X is a NαTO-space if for any x ≠ y in X, there exists (Nα − OS) A containing one of them but not other.

Theorem 3

Let X be a (TS). Then X is NαTo-space if and only if NαCl{x} ≠ NαCl{y}.


Let NαCl{x} ≠ NαCl{y}, ∀x ≠ y in X. This implies NαCl{x}NαCl{y} or NαCl{y}⊈ NαCl{x}. Suppose NαCl{x} ⊈ NαCl{y}, hence X ∉ NαCl{y}, thus x ∈ (NαCl{y})c, which is (Nα − OS) and y ∉ (NαCl{y})c. Thus, X is NαTo-space, assume X is NαTo-space; hence, for each x ≠ y in X, there exists (Nα − OS) G such that x ∈ G, y ∉ G or y ∈ G, x ∉ G. Hence, Gc is (Na − CS). x ∉ Gc, y ∈ Gcy ; hence, x ∉ NαCl{y}, x ∈ NαCl{x} ; this means x ∉ NαCl{y}. Thus, NαCl{x} ≠ Nα{y}.

Definition 6

Let X be a (TS). Then X is named NαT1-space if each pair of distinct points x and y of X, there exist two Nα- open sets A, B containing x and y, respectively, such that y ∉ A, x ∉ B.

Proposition 3

Let X be a (TS). Then X is NαT1 -space if and only if {x} is (Nα − CS) ∀x ∈ X.


Assume that X is NαT1-space, to show that each {x} is (Nα − CS), this means we must show that X/{x} is (Nα − OS) for each singleton set {x} in X.

Let y ∈ X/{x}, then y ≠ x in X, since X is NαT1 space, then there exists (Nα − OS) G with y ∈ G and x ∉ G. This implies that \( y\in G\subseteq \frac{X}{\left\{x\right\}}; \) this implies X/{x} is (Nα − OS). Hence, {x} is (Nα − CS).

Conversely: Let {x} be (Nα − CS), ∀ x ∈ X, to prove X is NαT1 -space. Let x ≠ y in X, hence {x}, {y} are (Nα − CSs) hence {x}c, {y}c are (Nα − OSs) and y ∈ {x}c, x ∉ {x}c, x ∈ {y}c, y ∉ {y}c. Therefore, X is NaT1-space.

Definition 7

Let X be a (TS). Then X is named NαT2-space if for any two distinct points x, y in X there exists two (Nα − OSs) X satisfy x ∈ A1, y ∈ A2 and A1 ∩ A2 = ∅

Proposition 4

If X is NaT2- space, then A = {(x, y) : x = y, x, y ∈ X} is (Na − CS).


Assume that X is NαT2- space, to prove A is (Nα − CS), let (x, y) ∈ Ac ⊆ X × X/A, this mean x and y are two distinct points in X, where X is NαT1-space then for some A1, A2 ∈ NαO(X) satisfy x ∈ A1, y ∈ A2 and A1, A2 are disjoint sets, hence (x, y) ∈ A1 × A2 ⊆ Ac, but A1 × A2 ∈ NαO(X × X) (see Theorem 1), hence Ac is Nα- open set, thus A is (Nα − CS).

Proposition 5

If f, g : x → y are Nα∗- continuous and Y is NαT2 space, then the set A = {x : x ∈ X f(x) = g(x)} is (Nα − CS).


If x ∉ A, then x ∈ Ac this mean that f(x) ≠ g(x) in Y, since Y is NαT2-space, then there exist B1, B2 ∈ NαO(Y) such that f(x) ∈ B1, g(x) ∈ B2 and B1 ∩ B2 = ∅, but f−1(B1), g−1(B2) ∈ NαO(X) since f, g are Nα∗-continuous, hence x ∈ f−1(B1), x ∈ g−1(B2) hence x ∈ f−1(B1) ∩ g−1(B2), let B = f−1(B1) ∩ g−1(B2), where B is (Nα − OS). Now we shall prove B ⊆ Ac, i.e B ∩ A = ∅. Suppose that B ∩ A ≠ ∅ this mean y ∈ B ∩ A; thus, y ∈ A, y ∈ B. Hence, y ∈ f−1(B1), y ∈ g−1(B2), hence f(y) ∈ B1, g(y) ∈ B2, y ∈ A. Thus, f(y) = g(y), since y ∈ A, hence B1 ∩ B2 ≠  ∅ , which is a contradiction, thus B ⊆ Ac, thus Ac ∈ NαO(X),, hence A ∈ NαC(x).

Proposition 6

If X and Y are NαTi- space, then X × Y is NαTi- space ∀i = 0, 1, 2


Assume that X and Y are NαTi- space. Put i = 0 and take (x1, y1) ≠ (x2, y2) in X × Y, then for any two distinct points x1 and x2 in X, there exists A1 ∈ NαO(X) such that x1 ∈ A1, x2 ∉ A1 or x1 ∉ A1, x2 ∈ A1, also y1 ≠ y2, then there exists A2 ∈ NαO(Y) such that y1 ∈ A2, y2 ∉ A2 or y1 ∉ A2, y2 ∈ A2 then (x1, y1) ∈ A1 × A2 (x2, y2) ∉ A1 × A2 or (x1, y1) ∉ A1 × A2(x2, y2) ∈ A1 × A2 but A1 × A2 is (Nα − OS) in X × Y (see Theorem 1). Hence X × Y NαTi- space. Similarly, we can prove other states for i = 1, 2.

Proposition 7

If X is NαTi, then it is NαTi − 1 –space, where i = 2, 1.


The proof is consider from Definitions 5, 6, and 7.

Theorem 4

The inverse image of NαTi -space under injective Nα∗- continuous mapping is also NαTi space, where i = 0, 1, 2

We shall prove only when i = 2 and the other cases are similarly.


Let f : X → Y be injective, Nα∗- continuous mapping and x1 ≠ x2 in X, since f is injective then y1 = f(x1) ≠ f(x2) = y2 in Y where Y is NαT2 then there exist two disjoint Nα- open set A1, A2 in Y satisfy y1 ∈ A1, y2 ∈ A2, since f is Nα∗- continuous than f−1(A1), f−1(A2) are (Nα − OSs) in X such that x1 ∈ f−1(A1), x2 ∈ f−1(A2) and f−1(A1) ∩ f−1(A2) = ∅. Therefore, X is NαT2-space.

Theorem 5

If f : X → Y is injective Nα- continuous and Y is T2 space, then X is NαT2 – space.


Similar to the proof of Theorem 4.

Definition 8

Let X be a (TS). Then X is called gNαTi-space, where i = 0, 1, 2 if:

  1. (i)

    i = 0 if for any x ≠ y in X, there exists (gNα − OS) A containing one of them but not other.

  2. (ii)

    i = 1 if for any x ≠ y in X, there exist two (gNα − OSs) A, B containing x and y, respectively, satisfy y ∉ A, x ∉ B.

  3. (iii)

    i = 2 if for each pair of distinct point x, y in X there exist disjoint (gNα − OSs) A, B such that x ∈ A, y ∈ B.

Proposition 8

Every NαTi- space is gNαTi space.


The proof is in hand, from Theorem 2 where every Nα- open set is gNα- open set.

By Propositions 7 and 8 we have the following Diagram 1

A mathematical expression reads, N alpha T 2 goes to N alpha T 1 and g N alpha T 2. They further go to N alpha T 0 and g N alpha T 1, respectively, and both end at g N alpha T 0.

Diagram 1 The relationship between NαTi-spaces and gNαTi spaces

Theorem 6

If f : X → Y is injective gNα- continuous and Y is T2 – space than X is gNα − T2 space.


Assume that x ≠ y in X, since f is injective, thus f(x) ≠ f(y) in Y where Y is T2 space, then there exists disjoint open sets A, B satisfy f(x) ∈ A, f(y) ∈ B and A ∩ B = ∅, since f is gNα- continuous, then f−1(A), f−1(Bare (gNα − OSs) in X see (Definition 4(iii)) where x ∈ f−1(A), y ∈ f−1(B) and f−1(A) ∩ f−1(B) =  ∅ . Hence, X is gNα − T2 space.

4 Conclusion and Future Work

We use Nα-open sets in topological spaces to generate new sorts of Nα-separation axioms and investigate some of their features in this research. Some theorems are also provided. In future work, we will discuss in nonclassical (TS) such as neutrosophic/fuzzy/soft topological spaces.