
Anticoagulation Therapy

As outlined in the atrial fibrillation section (Chap. 9), one of the core goals in management is to prevent or reduce the risk of stroke and systemic embolism. The preferred strategy to decrease risk is systemic anticoagulation. The Atrial Arrhythmia chapter will provide the recommendations of when and to whom anticoagulation therapy should be prescribed. However, as with the antiarrhythmic agents, it is important to select the agent that optimizes efficacy and reduces risk of bleeding. Decisions should be made based on patient factors including renal function, liver function, weight, age, ability to adhere to regimen, cost, and other factors. In addition, the patient should have education provided about their anticoagulation at each encounter including benefits and risks (Tables 7.1 and 7.2).

Table 7.1 Antiarrhythmic agents
Table 7.2 Oral anticoagulants used in stroke prevention for AF