

  • SBRT has been employed in recurrent, oligometastatic, and up-front settings for gynecologic tumors, alone or with EBRT.

  • There are no randomized trials to evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of SBRT in these settings.

  • Local control rate for SBRT re-irradiation of lymph node or distant metastatic sites is ≥65%.

  • Local control of small tumors approaches 100% (Choi et al. 2015; Deodato et al. 2009; Guckenberger et al. 2010).

  • Local control appears dose dependent with doses BED10 > 70 for ovarian cancer and possibly higher for other cancers (Macchia et al. 2020; Seo et al. 2015).

  • Local control rate for SBRT re-irradiation/pelvic sidewall failures is ~40–50% (Dewas et al. 2011; Park et al. 2015).

  • Distant metastasis is the most common failure pattern after SBRT for recurrent tumors with 45–70% 2–4 year distant failure rate.

Treatment Indications

  • For gynecologic malignancies, SBRT may be indicated to treat isolated lateral pelvic or nodal recurrences or oligometastatic disease (Table 9.1).

  • While early studies have explored SBRT techniques to administer a boost dose in definitive radiotherapy for gynecologic malignancies, brachytherapy remains the gold standard for this purpose.

  • SBRT should be cautiously utilized for salvage of central recurrences within the high-dose region of the prior treatment field in patients who have undergone definitive radiation owing to its high potential toxicity.

Table 9.1 SBRT Treatment Indications

Workup and Recommended Imaging

  • H&P, including prior radiotherapy, detailed gynecologic history, performance status, pelvic examination.

  • Review of systems:

    • Vaginal bleeding.

    • Pelvic or back pain.

    • Neuropathy associated with sidewall recurrences leading to leg pain or weakness.

    • Bowel or bladder symptoms.

  • Labs:

    • CBC, metabolic panel, liver function tests.

  • Imaging:

    • MRI within 2 weeks of SBRT.

    • PET/CT or CT with contrast as alternatives for recurrent disease.

  • Pathology:

    • FNA or CT-guided biopsy of accessible lesions.

Radiosurgical Technique

Simulation and Treatment Planning

  • Supine position, arms on chest or overhead.

  • Immobilization with body frame and/or fiducial monitoring or bone/body tracking.

  • Consider bladder empty or empty and full scan to reproducibly optimize dosimetry to adjacent organs at risk (OARs).

  • Thin-cut CT (≤2.5 mm thickness) recommended.

  • IV and oral contrast to delineate bowel and vessels.

  • GTV is contoured using fusion of the MRI or PET/CT scan merged into the area of interest on simulation CT scan.

  • PTV = GTV + 3–8 mm (dependent upon site-specific motion considerations).

  • Lower OAR doses can be achieved using a large number of beam angles/arcs and smaller margins.

  • Phantom-based QA on all treatment plans prior to delivery of first fraction.

Dose Prescription

  • Doses are divided into 1–5 fractions usually over 1–2 weeks.

  • SBRT alone in previously unirradiated sites:

    • 6 Gy × 5 fractions (Deodato et al. 2009; Higginson et al. 2011)

    • 11–15 Gy × 3 fractions (Park et al. 2015)

  • SBRT alone in previously irradiated fields:

    • 8 Gy × 3 fractions (Kunos et al. 2012)

    • 6 Gy × 5–6 fractions (Deodato et al. 2009; Dewas et al. 2011)

    • 4–5 Gy × 5 fractions (UCSF unpublished)

  • SBRT with EBRT 45 Gy for PALN recurrences:

    • 5 Gy × 4–5 fractions (Higginson et al. 2011)

  • In series where SBRT has substituted for brachytherapy boost during initial treatment of the primary tumor, dose prescriptions mimic commonly accepted brachytherapy schedules:

    • 7 Gy × 4 fractions (Albuquerque et al. 2020)

  • Dose prescribed to 70–80% IDL.

Dose Limitations

  • Dose limitations to OAR should meet accepted brachytherapy standards or those as outlined in TG 101 (see Appendix).

  • In the setting of re-irradiation, composite planning should be employed, with appropriate BED conversion for dose summation.

Dose Delivery

  • Initial verification by kV X-ray or CBCT to visualize the tumor or surrogate markers for positioning.

  • Verification imaging should be repeated at least every 5 min for longer treatments.

Toxicities and Management

  • Grade 3 or higher acute toxicity or severe late toxicity is rare.

  • Common acute toxicities:

    • Fatigue:

      • Usually self-limiting but may last for several weeks to months.

    • Urethritis/cystitis:

      • Treatment with phenazopyridine or topical analgesics at the urethral meatus.

    • Dermatitis:

      • Skin erythema, hyperpigmentation, dry desquamation.

      • Limited by increased number of beam angles to reduce entrance and exit doses.

      • Treated with supportive care, including moisturizers, low-dose steroid creams, topical analgesics, and antimicrobial salves.

    • Diarrhea/proctitis:

      • Managed with low-residue diet and antidiarrheals.

    • Nausea:

      • More common with treatment of retroperitoneal nodes leading to bowel dose.

      • Pretreatment with antiemetic 1 h prior to each fraction can limit acute episodes of nausea after treatment.

  • Moderate or severe late toxicities:

    • Vaginal stenosis:

      • Managed with vaginal dilator every other day.

    • Ureteral stricture:

      • Expectant management or dilatation procedure.

    • Vesicovaginal or rectovaginal fistula:

      • Surgical management.

    • Intestinal obstruction:

      • Managed with bowel rest or surgical management.

    • Soft-tissue necrosis has been observed particularly in the re-treatment setting. If symptomatic, this may be treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Recommended Follow-Up

  • Pelvic exam every 3 months for 2 years, then every 6 months for 3 years, then annually.

  • For cervical cancers, Pap smear every 6 months for 5 years and then annually. Pap smear surveillance should start 6 months after treatment due to postradiation changes.

  • PET/CT or CT A/P with contrast 3 months after completion of therapy.


SBRT for Oligometastases or as Re-irradiation for Recurrent Tumors

  • Kunos et al. (2012): Prospective phase II study, 50 patients with primary gynecologic site, recurrence in ≤4 metastases. Treatment sites were PALN (38%), pelvis (28%), and other distant sites including abdomen, liver, lung, and bone (34%). Dose was 8 Gy × 3 fractions to 70% IDL with Cyberknife. CTV = PET-avid lesions. PTV = CTV + 3 mm. Thirty-two percent had treatment in previously irradiated field. Median follow-up for surviving patients 15 months. No SBRT-treated lesion progressed. Sixty-four percent recurred elsewhere. Three patients (6%) had grade 3–4 toxicity (one grade 3 diarrhea, one enterovaginal fistula, one grade 4 hyperbilirubinemia) (Kunos et al. 2012).

  • Dewas et al. (2011): Retrospective study of 16 previously irradiated patients (45 Gy median dose) with pelvic sidewall recurrences. Primary tumors were cervix (n = 4), endometrial (n = 1), bladder (n = 1), anal (n = 6), and rectal (n = 4). Treatment was 36 Gy to 80% IDL in 6 fractions over 3 weeks with Cyberknife. Median maximum tumor diameter 3.5 cm. 10.6-month median follow-up. One-year actuarial LC 51%. Median DFS 8.3 months. Four of eight patients with sciatic pain had reduction in pain by the end of treatment, but none were able to discontinue opiates. No grade 3 or higher toxicity (Dewas et al. 2011).

  • Choi et al. (2009): Retrospective study of 28 cervical cancer patients with isolated PALN metastases. Twenty-four had SBRT 33–45 Gy in 3 fractions; 4 had EBRT followed by SBRT boost. PTV = GTV + 2 mm. Rx to 73–87% IDL. Twenty-five patients received cisplatin-based chemotherapy before (n = 2), during (n = 9), or after (n = 14) SBRT. Four-year LC was 68% overall, and 100% if PTV volume ≤17 mL (Choi et al. 2009).

  • Higginson et al. (2011): Retrospective study of 16 patients treated with SBRT (9 recurrences, 5 SBRT boost, 2 oligometastatic). SBRT doses were 12–54 Gy in 3–5 fractions. Eleven patients had additional EBRT 30–54 Gy. Eleven-month median follow-up. LC 79%. Distant failure 43% (Higginson et al. 2011).

  • Guckenberger et al. (2010): Retrospective study of 19 patients with isolated pelvic recurrence after primary surgical treatment (12 cervix, 7 endometrial primaries). Sixteen previously unirradiated cases had 50 Gy EBRT followed by SBRT boost; 3 patients with prior RT had SBRT alone. Patients were selected for SBRT over brachytherapy due to size (>4.5 cm) and/or peripheral location. Dose for SBRT boost was 5 Gy × 3 fractions to median 65% IDL; SBRT only 10 Gy × 3 fractions or 7 Gy × 4 fractions to the 65% IDL. Three-year LC 81%. Median time to systemic progression 16 months. Sixteen percent severe complication rate (2 intestino-vaginal fistulas and one small bowel ileus). Two of the patients with severe complications had prior pelvic RT ± brachytherapy and had bowel maximum point dose of EQD2 >80 Gy (Guckenberger et al. 2010).

  • Deodato et al. (2009): Retrospective study of 11 patients, dose escalation with 5 daily SBRT fractions up to 6 Gy per fraction, in previously irradiated (n = 6) or previously unirradiated (n = 5) patients with recurrent gynecologic tumors. Two-year local PFS 82%. Two-year DMFS 54%. No grade 3–4 toxicity (Deodato et al. 2009).

  • Seo et al. (2015): Retrospective review of 88 patients with para-aortic recurrences treated with SBRT, of which 52 were from primary gynecological sites and 36 were from other sites. BED10 ≥ 95 Gy (p = 0.011) and gross tumor volume (GTV) ≤ 15 cm3 (p = 0.002) were associated with better local control (Seo et al. 2015).

  • Park et al. (2015): Retrospective multi-institutional (KROG 14–11) cohort of 85 patients and 100 lesions treated with SBRT for recurrent or oligometastatic uterine cancer. Predominantly (89%) lymph node metastases, with 59 within the prior radiation field, treated to a median dose of 39 Gy in 3 fractions (BED10 90 Gy). Overall, 2 and 5-year LC rates were 82.5% and 78.8%, with OS at 2 and 5 years of 57.5% and 32.9%, respectively, and only 5 incidence of grade 3+ toxicity. 2-Year local control was worse for lesions within a previously irradiated field (60.2% vs. 92.8%, p < 0.01) and tended to marginally become better for lesions treated with BED10 ≥ 69.3 Gy (87.7% vs. 66.1% p < 0.59) of which previously irradiated tumors had lower marginal doses (Park et al. 2015).

  • Macchia et al. (2020): Retrospective multi-institution (MITO RT-01) study of 261 ovarian cancer patients with metastatic, recurrent, or persistent disease treated with SBRT. Inclusive of any anatomic site, median BED10 of 50.7 Gy (range: 7.5–262.5) with a median of 1 lesion (range: 1–7) treated. At a median follow-up of 22 months, 2-year LC was 81.9%, with 95.1% late toxicity-free survival at 2 years. On MVA, patient age ≤60 years (OR 1.6), PTV volume ≤18 cm3 (OR 1.9), lymph node treatment site (OR 2.9), and BED10 > 70 Gy (OR 2.0) were associated with improved rates of complete response (Macchia et al. 2020).

  • Yegya-Raman et al. (2020): Meta-analysis of 17 studies and 667 patients with 1071 metastatic lesions from gynecologic malignancies. Predominantly ovarian (57.6%), cervical (27.1%), and uterine (11.1%), with most patients having a single metastatic site (65.4%). Response rate ranged from 49 to 97%, with most (7/8 studies) reporting >75% response. Crude local control ranged from 71 to 100% with most (14/16 studies) demonstrating a local control of >80%. Grade ≥3 toxicities were not observed in 10/16 studies. Those studies reporting grade ≥3 toxicity observed this in 2.6–10% of patients. SBRT was well tolerated with high rates of efficacy, with disease progression most commonly being reported at a distant site (79–100%) (Yegya-Raman et al. 2020).

SBRT Boost in Initial Definitive Radiotherapy

  • Kemmerer et al. (2013): Retrospective study of 11 patients with stage I–III endometrial cancer. Definitive EBRT 45 Gy followed by SBRT boost to the high-risk CTV (1 cm around endometrium and any gross disease after EBRT). Dose: 30 Gy/5 fractions in nine patients, 20–24 Gy/4 fractions in two patients, and two fractions/week. IMRT-based treatment with daily kV CBCT. Ten-month median follow-up. One-year FFP of 68% for all patients, 2-year FFP 100% for grade 1 or stage IA tumors. Eighty percent of failures were in endometrium. One grade 3 toxicity (diarrhea) (Kemmerer et al. 2013).

  • Mollà et al. (2005): Retrospective study of 16 patients with endometrial (n = 9) or cervical (n = 7) cancer treated with SBRT boost, 7 Gy × 2 (post-op, n = 12) or 4 Gy × 5 (no surgery, n = 4), two SBRT fractions per week. PTV = CTV + 6–10 mm. Median follow-up 12.6 months. Dynamic arc therapy or IMRT was used. Only 1 failure in a cervix cancer patient. One patient had grade 3 rectal toxicity (persistent rectal bleeding) and was treated previously with pelvic RT with HDR boost (Mollà et al. 2005).

  • Marnitz et al. (2013): Retrospective review of 11 patients with cervical cancer treated with SBRT boost 6 Gy × 5 fractions to 60–70% IDL QOD. PTV coverage was 93–99% to meet constraints. No grade 3 toxicity reported (Marnitz et al. 2013).

  • Mantz et al. (2016): Prospective phase II trial of curative-intent SBRT boost for patients with uterine or cervical cancer unable or unwilling to undergo surgery or brachytherapy boost. Excluded patients with GTV >125 cc. Primary definitive treatment to the pelvis of 45 Gy in 25-fraction EBRT followed by boost to the GTV of 40 Gy in 5-fraction EOD. Target was tumor plus PTV margin, and delineation of the GTV was aided by co-registration of FDG-PET imaging to the CT planning image set. Overall, 40 patients were enrolled with a median follow-up of 51 months, 33/40 (82.5%) had negative post-SBRT biopsy for invasive malignancy, and 2-year post-SBRT FDG-PET showed complete response at the primary site of disease in 77.5% of patients. No reported incidence of grade ≥3 toxicity was noted (Mantz et al. 2015).

  • Albuquerque et al. (2020): Single-arm prospective phase II trial of SBRT boost for FIGO 2009 stage IB2–IVB cervical cancer, medically unfit to undergo brachytherapy boost, treated with SBRT to 28 Gy in 4 fractions >36 h apart. CTV volume was larger than prior reports, including T2-MR gross tumor, cervix, at least 2 cm of the normal uterine canal with PTV margin 0.3 cm axial and 0.5 cm longitudinal. Overall, 15 patients accrued (53% stage III–IV), with a median follow-up of 19 months. Median SBRT boost volume was 139 cc (range: 51–268), 2-year local control 70.1%, PFS 46.7%, and OS 53.3%, all lower than expected. Smaller PTV boost in patients without grade ≥3 (95 cc versus 225 cc). Patients experiencing grade 3 toxicity were 26.7%, and dosimetric analysis demonstrated that the percentage of rectal circumference receiving 15 Gy was associated with V15 Gy (p = 0.04) with volumes >62.7% being the strongest predictor of toxicity (AUC, 0.93; sensitivity, 100%; specificity, 90%) (Albuquerque et al. 2020).