
1 Introduction

Single Image Super Resolution, also known as SISR, is a technique that is focused on enhancing the clarity of a poor quality image. In general, the expression super-resolution refers to extracting knowledge from an existing low-resolution signal and use it to reach a high-resolution signal. Depending on the application, the relationship between the high-resolution HR image and the low-resolution LR version may differ. This paper presents addresses case that the LR image is a bicubic downscaled counterpart of the corresponding HR image is adopted. The method used to extract and use the data from the LR image influences how well the image is recreated. Due to the fact that a large number of HR photos can be downscaled into a single LR image, single image super resolution continues to be an unsolved and demanding challenge in the field of computer vision.

Super-resolution is involved in many applications. First, it can be used in surveillance systems for a better face recognition in the images obtained from surveillance cameras [4]. Second, it is beneficial for diagnostic imaging, particularly for magnetic resonance imaging MRI [11]. By reducing cost of scan time, spatial coverage, and signal-to-noise ratio, it becomes more convenient to use SR techniques to output super-resolved MRI scans by processing their corresponding low-resolution ones. Third, data transmission and storage can be a relevant application [9], as one may send a low-resolution signal, and upscale it on the fly, rather than sending the high-resolution one, reducing cost. Finally, using super-resolution satellite imagery can help in finding and determining the number of elephants in African environments [3].

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Mean Opinion Scores MOS for Set14 [16] using bicubic interpolation, SRResNet, SRGAN36 (VGG loss taken before \(36^{th}\) layer) and SRGAN35 (VGG loss taken before \(35^{th}\) layer) in comparison to the ground-truth HR image [\(\times 4\) upscaling].

1.1 Related Work

A very early solution was to interpolate the values of the missing pixels. This typically results in solutions with excessively smooth textures. Dong et al. [2] proposed the first preprocessing interpolation method that consisted of three layers: feature extraction layer, then feature mapping to high-dimensional feature vectors by using \(1 \times 1\) convolutional filters that add some non-linearity, then a final reconstruction layer that constructs the final target high-resolution images. However, because this super-resolution convolutional network SRCNN is shallow and convolution kernels are small, image fine details are not obtained and the network is limited to a single scale. An improvement over the SRCNN was utilizing the very-deep-super-resolution VDSR [6]. It used a much deeper network in which a reduced size of convolutional kernels, higher learning rate and gradient clipping were used. This speeded up convergence and improved training stability. Nevertheless, both SRCNN [2] and VDSR [6] were pre-upsampling techniques that accomplished feature extraction in the high-resolution space. FSRCNN, on the other hand, does not use an interpolation method at the beginning but does feature extraction in the low-resolution space [11]. It uses multiple convolutional layers with reduced kernel size which in turn reduces the count of learnable weights. Deconvolutional filtering is used in the final step of upsampling.

Sub-pixel convolution, rather than a deconvolutional layer for upsampling, was first suggested by another proposed technology, the efficient sub-pixel convolutional neural network, or ESPCN [12]. Recursively connected units are used by the deeply-recursive convolutional network DRCN [7] to make the convolutional layer much deeper and enhance the fine details of the recounstructed image. The training difficulty of the deep network’s parameters can be mitigated through weight sharing while also improving the model’s capacity for generalization.

The main objective of SR optimization techniques is to reduce the mean squared error MSE between retrieved HR images and dataset original images. This is beneficial because it optimizes the peak signal-to-noise ratio, or PSNR, a typical measure for assessing SR approaches. There are severe limitations on PSNR’s capacity to detect perceptual dissimilarity because this metric is calculated depending on pixel-level numeric differences. The lowest PSNR may not always indicate a perceptually enhanced super-resolved image outcome [8].

Generative Adversarial Networks. As described by Goodfellow et al. who were the first to propose the concept of GAN [5], the final aim of GAN is to produce data that has the same distribution as an input dataset. The idea of GAN is based on a rivalry between these generator and discriminator networks which play an adversarial game to beat each other. In this case, the generator’s target is to produce fake output that looks very similar to the original dataset examples, trying to fool the discriminator and make it unable to recognize the difference between the real and generated data. On the other side, the discriminator is to be trained to become a reliable judge that can accurately detect the fake output from the generator and tell them apart from the real data. This adversarial game will improve both the generator and the discriminator, resulting in the final goal which is to make the generator a well-founded one that can generate accurate images or any kind of data. The target function of GAN is:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{gathered} V(\theta ^{(D)}, \theta ^{(G)}) = E_{x \sim p_{data}(x)}\log (D(x)) + E_{z \sim p_{z}(z)}\log (1-D(G(z)) \\ \end{gathered} \end{aligned}$$

in which the probability that an input example, x, is real or not is represented by (D(x)), while the generated samples are represented by (G(z)). [5].

The value function \(V(\theta ^{(D)}, \theta ^{(G)})\) can be viewed as a payoff: the aim is to maximize its value with regard to the discriminator (D), while reducing its value with respect to the generator (G), that is, \(\underset{G}{\min }\ \underset{D}{\max }\ ( V(\theta ^{(D)}, \theta ^{(G)}))\).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

These are the layers of the VGG19 architecture [13]. In [8], they said that taking an MSE loss between the feature maps at \(i=5\) and \(j=4\) after the ReLU activation gives the best results. In [15], however, they took the feature maps before the ReLU activation.

GAN was used to solve the problem of SISR for the first time by Ledig et al. [8] in 2017. Their proposed solution made use of residual blocks to enhance the output. Wang et al. [15] improved the work of [8] by employing the fundamental unit known as the Residual-in-Residual Dense Block. In addition, they removed batch-normalization and altered the content loss by changing the VGG layer from which they compared the outputs.

Another method for SR reconstruction [11] has been presented using self-attention GAN or SRAGAN. To enhance the fine details of the recovered image, the generator network assigns higher weights and makes use of the attention mechanism model to create a more complex architecture. Another recently proposed image reconstruction technique called SwinIR [10] makes use of the well-known Swin Transformer network. Their architecture consists of layers for shallow feature extraction, deep feature extraction, and high-quality image reconstruction.

1.2 Contribution

To not rely on the MSE loss function, GANs for image super-resolution SRGAN [8] have been used in this paper. A perceptual loss function that consists of an adversarial loss and a content loss is used to achieve this. The adversarial loss pushes the output images to look more like the original high-resolution images using a discriminator network. The discriminator has been trained to tell apart between generated super-resolved images and existing ground-truth in the dataset.

As presented in Fig. 2, an enhancement that [15] has done over the original SRGAN paper was changing the VGG layer from which the content loss is taken. Nevertheless, this was one of many changes thay have made over GAN’s implementation [8]. Evaluating the results of changing the content VGG loss alone has not been done. For this reason, this paper’s main contribution is to evaluate the results of taking the content loss of the VGG19 network from different layers. It was discovered that taking the VGG-loss at the \(4^{th}\) convolution (after activation) before the \(5^{th}\) maxpooling layer in the VGG19 network yielded more perceptually fulfilling results compared to taking it before the activation. Figure 1 shows a sample of the MOS test result to show a comparison between taking the VGG loss from different layers. On public benchmarks, Super-Resolution GAN was able to restore fine texture details from \(\times 4\) downscaled images. SRGAN reveals large gains in perceptual quality in a mean opinion score MOS test as shown in Fig. 1.

2 Methods

2.1 Generator and Discriminator Networks

This paper is adopting the same generator and discriminator structures described by Ledig et al. [8], who were the first to employ a perceptual-based objective function for a real-looking SISR output using the notion of GAN.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The architecture of the generator is based on [8], with k denoting the filter size, n denoting representing the count of feature maps, and s denoting the stride for each layer. The generator uses 16 residual blocks, then sub-pixel convolution has been used to increase the image’s resolution.

Generator Structure. As shown in Fig. 3, the generator network G is composed of identically designed N residual blocks. In the experiments of this paper, number of residual blocks \(N=16\) was used. Two layers of convolution are employed with small \(3 \times 3\) filters and a count of 64. Since deep structures like these were found to be challenging to train, batch-normalization is employed to mitigate the internal co-variate shift in order to train these deeper network structures quickly. After that, parametric ReLU is used as the activation function. Finally, the input image’s resolution has been increased using two layers of sub-pixel convolution.

Discriminator Structure. As previously mentioned, the discriminator is used as a judge to tell apart between produced images from high-resolution images in the dataset. LeakyReLU is used as an activation function with \(\alpha = 0.2\) while max-pooling is not utilized. The network architecture is composed of eight convolutional layers of a kernel size \(3 \times 3\). The count of kernels in each layer are (64, 64, 128, 128, 256, 256, 512, 512) respectively. At the final stages, two dense layers and a sigmoid activation functions are employed that output a probability that represents classifying an input image as real or generated. The architecture layers details are depicted in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

The Discriminator network adopted from [8] is composed of eight convolutional filters proceeded by dense layers and a final sigomid activation layer to output probability of input being real.

2.2 Loss Function

Following the loss function that was suggested by Goodfellow et al. [5], to resolve the adversarial optimization problem that was mentioned in Eq. 1, the generator and discriminator networks are alternately optimized. This formulation enables the training of a generator to mislead a discriminator taught to differentiate between generated images and real ones. The final objective function to determine the perceptual quality of generated images is a summation of the content loss and the adversarial loss, each multiplied by some hyperparameter. This objective function can be represented as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{gathered} l^{SR} = l^{SR}_X + 10^{-3}l^{SR}_{Gen} \end{gathered} \end{aligned}$$

where \(l^{SR}_X\) represents the content loss and \(l^{SR}_{Gen}\) represents the adversarial loss and they both add up to the perceptual loss \(l^{SR}\) [8]. For the content loss, the mean-squared-error MSE is the one that is conventionally used. The MSE loss in pixels is calculated as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{gathered} l^{SR}_{MSE} = \dfrac{1}{r^2WH} \sum _{x=1}^{rW} \sum _{y=1}^{rH} (I^{HR}_{x,y} - G(I^{LR}_{x,y}))^2 \end{gathered} \end{aligned}$$

such that r represents the factor with which the image is to be upscaled, W represents the image’s width, H represents the image’s height and (xy) represent the indices of the pixels [8].

Many modern solutions depend on this objective as it is the most often used image SR optimization target. MSE optimization approaches mostly lack the fine details, which leads to perceptually unpleasant solutions, despite the fact that they often produce high PSNR.

The authors of SRGAN [8] use an objective function that is more related to perceptual relevance rather than pixel-wise losses. In their experiments, they use the ReLU activation layers of the pre-trained VGG network to calculate the VGG content loss. The feature map acquired by the \(j^{th}\) convolution prior to the \(i^{th}\) maxpooling layer within the VGG19 network, which is pre-trained, is indicated by \(\phi _{i,j}\) (See Fig. 2). The VGG loss is then specified as the euclidean distance between the feature maps of the super-resolved image by the generator G(LR) and the original HR image:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{gathered} l^{SR}_{VGG/i.j} = \dfrac{1}{W_{i,j}H_{i,j}} \sum _{x=1}^{W_{i,j}} \sum _{y=1}^{H_{i,j}} (\phi _{i,j}(I^{HR})_{x,y} - \phi _{i,j}(G(I^{LR}))_{x,y})^2 \end{gathered} \end{aligned}$$

where \(W_{i,j}\) and \(H_{i,j}\), respectively, describe the widths and heights of different feature maps within the VGG network [8].

In [8], they claim that setting \(i=5\) and \(j=4\) gives the most visually compelling output, that they credit to the capacity of deeper architectures to capture elements of higher abstraction. They take the output after the activation (before layer 36 in the VGG network) in all of their experiments. However, in [15], they state that applying Eq. 4 before the activation (before layer 35 in the VGG network) is one of the steps to enhance the work the authors of [8] have done. One of the contributions of this paper is to compare the results of training the same network using varying layers of the VGG network to better understand the effect of relying on the VGG content loss.

For the adversarial loss, it depends on the output classification the discriminator \(D(G(I^{LR}))\) on the training data, the generative loss \(l_{Gen}^{SR}\) is defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{gathered} l^{SR}_{Gen} = \sum _{n=1}^{N} -\log {D(G(I^{LR}))} \end{gathered} \end{aligned}$$

2.3 Training Details

The two experiments have been conducted on a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 GPU. Before training, the LR images were acquired by downsampling the HR counterparts in a bicubic kernel with a factor \(r=4\). A batch size of 16 images was used, where each high-resolution image is a \(96\times 96\) randomly cropped image from a distinct training image from the dataset. However, It is essential to keep in mind that the generator can accept images of any size since it is based on convolution layers.

Before training, low-resolution images were rescaled to the range \([0,1]\) while the high-resolution images were rescaled to the range \([-1,1]\). The same has been applied in the experiments of this paper. Adam optimizer was used with \(\beta _1 = 0.9\) and \(\beta _2 = 0.99\) in all experiments. The SRResNet model that was trained with the MSE loss was utilised as a start for the generator while training the GAN-based generator to prevent undesirable local optima.

In each update iteration, both the adversarial models were optimized once in an alternative fashion, which means that \(k = 1\) as defined by authors of GAN [5]. The residual blocks in the generator network are all identical, where the generator consists of 16 residual blocks in all the conducted experiments \((B = 16)\). Pytorch was used to construct and train all the models in the experiments. Datasets were organized in a data loader, where each batch (16 examples) contained \(24\times 24\times 3\) LR images and their corresponding \(96\times 96\times 3\) HR images. Outdoor Scenes OST dataset [14] is the main dataset that was used for training in the experiments.

2.4 Training Experiments

Experiment 1: SRResNet and SRGAN36 training on OST dataset [14]

  • The generator has been trained alone (without training the discriminator) for 440 epochs (270, 000 update iterations) using a learning rate \(\eta = 1 \times 10^{-4}\). The loss that was used is an MSE-based loss between super-resolved images and HR ground truth images. This trained generator phase will be referenced as the SRResNet in the course of this paper.

  • The SRResNet model (trained with MSE loss) was used as a start model for the generator in the next training phase, SRGAN [8]. The generator was trained using \(\eta = 1 \times 10^{-5}\), while the discriminator was trained using a \(\eta = 1 \times 10^{-6}\). Both networks were trained for 165 epochs (100, 000 update iterations). The VGG loss has been taken with \(i=5\) and \(j=4\) after the activation. This takes feature maps of the VGG architecture before the \(36^{th}\) layer. Hence, this phase will be referenced as SRGAN36 in the course of this paper.

  • Finally, the content loss Eq. 4 was multiplied by a factor of 0.006. This is to make the content loss scale comparable to the scale of the adversarial loss.

Experiment 2: SRResNet and SRGAN35 training on OST dataset [14]

  • The generator has been trained alone (without training the discriminator). This trained generator phase is exactly similar to the SRResNet training phase that was mentioned in Experiment 1.

  • The SRResNet model (trained with MSE loss) was used as a start model for the generator in the next training phase, SRGAN [8]. The generator was trained using a \(\eta = 1 \times 10^{-5}\), while the discriminator was trained using a \(\eta = 1 \times 10^{-6}\). Both networks were trained for 165 epochs (100, 000 update iterations). The VGG loss has been taken with \(i=5\) and \(j=4\) before the activation. This takes feature maps of the VGG architecture before the \(35^{th}\) layer. Hence, this phase will be referenced as SRGAN35 in the course of this paper.

2.5 Testing Details

Set5 [1] and Set14 [16], the testing sets, are two commonly used benchmark datasets on which tests were conducted. As shown in Fig. 5, between low- and high-resolution images, a scaling factor of 4 is used in all tests. This translates to a \(\times 16\)-pixel reduction in image size. Generated images from other SR techniques, including nearest neighbor interpolation, bicubic interpolation, SRCNN [2] were obtained from online supplementary materials to do a comparison with the generated SRGAN36 and SRGAN35 images.Footnote 1. The following are all the 6 methods on which the tests have been done:

  1. 1.

    Nearest Neighbor Interpolation

  2. 2.

    Bicubic Interpolation

  3. 3.

    Super Resolution Using Deep Convolutional Networks or SRCNN [2]

  4. 4.

    Super Resolution Residual Network or SRResNet that was trained as initialization for experiments 1 and 2

  5. 5.

    Super Resolution GAN or SRGAN36 of experiment 1

  6. 6.

    Super Resolution GAN or SRGAN35 of experiment 2

Fig. 5.
figure 5

The left image is the low-resolution bicubic downsampled version that is input to the generator. The right image is the high-resolution real image with a scaling factor \(\times 4\). Both images are sample from the Set14 dataset [16].

The following has been done to test the above different super-resolution algorithms:

  • For all the 6 methods, PSNR [dB] was calculated for all Set5 [1] and Set14 [16] for fair comparison.

  • For all the 6 methods, SSIM was calculated for all Set5 [1] and Set14 [16] for fair comparison.

  • For all the 6 methods, a Mean Opinion Score (MOS) has been calculated for 3 random images from the Set5 [1] dataset and 6 random images from the Set14 [16] dataset. This has been done by creating a google form. For each question, two images are presented beside each other, the first was a Set14 [16] or Set5 [1] generated output of one of the reference methods or one of the experiments of this paper, and the second was the HR ground-truth image. The quality of the output image has been rated by the participants with a number between 1 (bad quality) and 10 (excellent quality) compared to the HR original image from the dataset. The form consisted of 9 pages (each for a test image). Each page contained 6 comparison questions to compare the 6 corresponding methods to be compared. Consequently, each participant rated 6 versions of 9 images that were presented in a random order, summing up to 54 images to be rated.

3 Results and Analysis

This section will go over the PSNR, SSIM, and MOS numerical results that the trained generators of the two conducted experiments produced, beside showing the results of nearest neighbor interpolation, bicubic interpolation, and SRCNN [2] for comparison.

In the MOS test, 25 raters have participated in grading the SR techniques output images from \(\times 4\) downsampled images with a score between 1 (poor quality) and 10 (great quality). Of these images, 6 images were obtained from the Set14 [16] dataset and 3 images were obtained from the Set5 [1] dataset. The outcomes of the MOS test are presented in Tables 1 and 2.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Results for Set14 [16] using bicubic interpolation, SRResNet, SRGAN36 and SRGAN35 in comparison to the ground-truth HR image [\(\times 4\) upscaling].

Table 1. This table shows comparison of the 6 tested methods on Set14 [16] dataset. Highest measures of average PSNR, SSIM, and Mean Opinion Score MOS are in bold.
Table 2. This table shows comparison of the 6 tested methods on Set5 [1] dataset. Highest measures of PSNR, SSIM, and Mean Opinion Score MOS are in bold.
Fig. 7.
figure 7

Results for Set14 [16] using bicubic interpolation, SRResNet, SRGAN36 and SRGAN35 in comparison to the HR image from the dataset [\(\times 4\) upscaling].

3.1 Investigating the Perceptual Loss

Basically, the goal of training an SRGAN36 model in experiment 1 and an SRGAN35 model in experiment 2, with the same SRResNet initialization, was to compare the effect of taking the VGG-loss before and after the activation. Tables 1 and 2 show the performance of both networks on the PSNR, SSIM and MOS metrics. It can be observed that SRGAN36 outperformed SRGAN35 on all metrics. This might make sense given the notion that taking VGG-loss deeper in the network yields the most convincing results [8]. It is also important to mention that the authors of [15] enhanced on [8] by taking the VGG-loss before the activation and achieved better results. However, this was accompanied by some changes in the structure of the generator itself. For example, they removed all the batch-normalization layers and increased the number of residual connections. These changes, however, were not employed in experiment 2 since the aim was to see the effect of only taking the VGG-loss before the activation but with the same generator structure that was used in the other experiments.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Results for Set5 [1] using bicubic interpolation, SRResNet, SRGAN36 and SRGAN35 in comparison to theHR image from the dataset [\(\times 4\) upscaling].

3.2 Investigating the Performance of Final Networks

SRResNet, SRGAN36 and SRGAN35 are compared to nearest neighbor interpolation, bicubic interpolation, and one of the modern algorithms, SRCNN [2]. Tables 1 and 2 summarize the quantitative results while Fig. 1, 6, 7, 8 summarize the qualitative results. These results show that SRResNet and SRGAN36 establish a new state-of-the-art on Set14 [16] and Set5 [1] datasets. Compared to nearest neighbor interpolation and bicubic interpolation, SRResNet had higher PSNR and SSIM results on mostly all test images. SRGAN36 and SRGAN35, on the other side, could not accomplish superior PSNR and SSIM results. Despite that, participants in the form gave SRGAN36 and SRGAN35 (and SRResNet) much higher scores than nearest neighbor and bicubic interpolations, on average.

Moreover, SRCNN [2] had the best PSNR and SSIM results. However, SRGAN36 was able to do better than it on the average MOS on Set14 [16] as shown in Table 1. This shows the limited potential of metrics like PSNR and SSIM to recover the image’s perceptual quality, taking into account the fine texture details. This might be reasoned by the fact that these metrics are mostly based on pixel-level resemblance between two images. Hence, the weighted average of adversarial loss and content loss produced a new loss that has shown a great performance in capturing the fine details of images. This gave SRGAN [8] the ability to produce images that are relatively of higher quality.

4 Conclusion

After conducting two training experiments, an SRResNet model and two SRGAN models were trained and proven to be competitive with both conventional and cutting-edge super-resolution methods. With MOS testing, SRGAN’s satisfactory perceptual performance was confirmed. Images generated by the trained SRResNet and SRGAN models had the highest MOS scores on two benchmark datasets compared with interpolation techniques and one of the modern techniques, SRCNN. It was also demonstrated that typical performance measures like PSNR and SSIM do not always succeed in effectively judging image quality like how the perception of a human does. Despite the fact that traditional interpolation methods achieved higher PSNR and SSIM than SRGAN methods, SRGAN methods outperformed them in the average mean opinion score. However, It is essential to keep in mind that the MOS is quite subjective and the result can be different depending on the individuals who participated in the evaluation, the conditions in which the images are shown to the evaluators, and even the order of the images were shown. While attempting to output perceptually convincing result to solve the SR problem, the selection of perceptual loss is especially important. Taking the VGG-loss exactly before the 5th max pooling layer and after the activation, as opposed to taking it before the activation, yielded more perceptually appealing results for the participants in the MOS test on the OST dataset.